Large Whip Reach

Rules Questions

Dark Archive

13 people marked this as FAQ candidate.
Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber

What is the reach of a large character wielding a whip? There seem to have been several posts about this topic. There is also a post on this topic where the FAQ was marked as not requiring a response despite no clarification on the issue elsewhere. The threads that did reach a conclusion agree that there is conflicting evidence and it comes down to table variation. There are two main pieces of evidence: the large balor uses a whip with a 20 foot reach and James Jacob says they should have 30 foot reach. I have a maneuver build in PFS that uses a whip as it can do almost every maneuver with some investment, and I often need to enlarge to even use maneuvers on some creatures. Unless this issue has been solved elsewhere and I am just missing something, could we get a clarification on how to calculate the reach of a whip?

I don't believe that this has ever been resolved. FAQd.

weapon range doesn't seem to change with size, why would the whip?

Dark Archive

Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber
vhok wrote:
weapon range doesn't seem to change with size, why would the whip?

It is not the size of the whip itself but the reach of the wielder. A large humanoid creature has a reach of 10 feet normally which goes to 10 feet to 20 feet when a that creature uses a reach weapon. Larger sizes get larger reaches but the only statement for the whip's reach is that it is 15 feet (presumably for a medium creature). It gives no rules on how that is calculated (triple reach, reach weapon +5, reach +10) so unless you get silly and state the whip always has 15 feet of reach (putting it behind a cestus once you get above huge) you have to house rule it.

vhok wrote:
weapon range doesn't seem to change with size, why would the whip?

Because a whip has reach not range, and reach does change with size.

CRB wrote:
Large or larger creatures using reach weapons can strike up to double their natural reach but can't strike at their natural reach or less.

Seems like the rules on reach weapons are a blanket double natural reach, with no allowance for extended reach weapons like the whip. Strictly speaking the Balor entry appears to be correct.

FAQ'd anyway.

FAQ'd i have rolled up a few whippists before and come to the same conclusion, its either 20' or 30' but there isnt anything out there to clarify which it is. sad face.

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