2015 PFS PaizoCon Bloggery

Pathfinder Society

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Silver Crusade 2/5

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Day 1 recap -

Woke up at an ungodly hour and began the long trek of the day. I started the first day by heading down to the lobby and playing a short session of the Delve wherein we all died at the hands of Rob McCreary. By all, accounts Kyra (played by the wonderful Char Baker) was the first character death of the convention. I've never participated in a Delve before and I enjoyed every death filled minute.

After the Delve I attended my first seminar - Adventure Design 101. The panelists were Crystal Frasier, Rob McCreary, and James Jacobs. The panel was fun and mostly informative. I say mostly because after the various panelists gave their opinions or tips and tricks I usually smacked my head and had an 'er-duh, you knew that' moment. All of the panelists were approachable and energetic which made for an entertaining panel.

Next I met up with some yahoo and played in Rob McCreary's "Assault on Redlake Fort." See some yahoo's above post for some of those details. Overall I had a great time playing in Rob's game (well, both of the really).

After that game it came time for the PFS Special. Wow. So much fun. Andrew Christian was our GM for the game and he did a fantastic job. Before the game, Thursty came by our table and announced to the whole room that we were the luckiest table because Andrew is such a good GM - and Andrew lived up to that. He rolled with the numerous punches that we threw at him, hammed it up fantastically (ask him about the wonderful halfling lass who stood against the town guards), and provided one of the best role-playing experiences that I've ever had.

Char and Dennis Baker just rolled by - Hi gang!

The Verdigris and Æthelwulf have just sat down so...

I'm off to drink my coffee and chat about the upcoming day. More later.

The Exchange 3/5

@GM Lamplighter: Had a great chat with Ryan (Niveus) last night. He's totally Canadian, btw. We talked politics (both US and Canadian) and had a good time while waiting for the Special. Also spoke briefly with a Grapie named Albert. He probably was one of yours. +1 to both of them.

The Exchange 3/5

Ditched first card game slot for sleeping in (until 8am), leisurely morning, big breakfast, and hanging with friends/yahoos. No regrets. Sleep and food are good.

At the 10am slot, I'm back at the ACG card tables, replaying Scenario 1a of the RotW, with GM Euan (aka Evilan), Daniel (a guy who I have been seeing here for at least 3), and Sarah Bull (VL from Idaho with whom I played a lot last year).

+1 for meeting people year after year...and them remembering you *and* wanting to play with you again.

Met Geoff, the VL from San Diego, who is volunteering at the ACG.

In replaying Scenario 1a, we hope to do better than time where we failed badly (see above). Already, we are doing better (just luck? or because we have two more experienced players who know the rules better?) and it's definitely quicker.

Note of Awesome: Longtime board yahoo presence TWILIGHTKNIGHT is in the house. We had a good chat yesterday and he's pretty much running HQ and managing all the Orangies. First of all, it's awesome to see Bob J. Secondly, props to TLK for volunteering for the weekend.

1/5 **

Sweet; keep those updates coming for those of us who are home-bound this year! :)

The Exchange 3/5

Painlord wrote:

Afternoon Slot: Assault on Redlake Fort (with Rob McCreary). Rob worked on Giantslayer, and this encounter is his running of something he wrote from Book 2. I luckily won the lottery to get a seat at this table.

We had the option to bring lvl 6 yahoos, and the entire table brought their own. Mine is my PbP Giantslayer yahoo that is currently 1/2way through book 1 lvl'd to 6 for this event.

Parva - frontliner
Wren - archeryahoo
Orchal - elf wizard
Hank - frontliner half orc
Aiyanda - pacificist
Kethry - human arcany yahoo blaster

More later.

Finally have some free time (and more importantly, the mental energy) to finish this up,

It can be a weird experience playing at a singleton scenario with mostly all new players that have their own characters. For me, I was playing a character that I have in Giantslayer and I had a purpose and a character and a backstory. The others, for logical and reasonable reasons, mostly did not. My character had motivations built on a story that I had been building during my run of the PbP AP (still in book 1).

As a yahoo, I want to RP. At the same time, other players are reasonablly not necessarily expecting to RP or have stories or anything more than enjoy the celebrity GM.

In retrospect, that was a learning experince for me. I had to adjust my character and my expectations to fit in with the group and mostly did so.

Rob McCreary was a good GM with a clean style. And he's also a senior developer so giving him a hard time was a bonus. He came in with his huge map pre-drawn And he had the different levels drawn as overlays if we moved up or down on the map. We asked if he drew the huge map on work time, but no he did it in his free time. Bonus piddlespotting points.

Best moments were killing badguys and entering through the sewers. Also, testing my yahoo at 6th lvl.

Shadow Lodge 2/5

Andi and others about to give their talk... Go online play!! PbP for the Role Play win.

Liberty's Edge

Totally looking forward to a recap of this Andi Et Al Chat!!

Silver Crusade 2/5

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At pbp seminar and saw some familiar screens - some yahoos named Cole, Elythanias, and Jurin. No Jothinra - bummer. No Serra - awesome.

Governayle - finally my revenge for months of Jothindra.

The Exchange 3/5

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Seminar: Running RPGs Online (Sat 12-1)
Panelists: GM Verdigris (5 star PFS GM, Andi) , Jesse Davis (VC for Online Play), John Compton, GM Feral (Nick Louie)

This is the one seminar that I am stoked for. Online play, particularly Play by Post is the best format for Pathfinder. (Yep, a definitive statement that is totally unchallengable and absolute.) I really like that Paizo is acknowledging that our future gaming will be more and more virtual. +1 for the future.

Why Online Play?
Accessability: you can play all the time wherever you are. Geographic or medical or (anti)social reasons.
Scheduling: can be easier to schedule online. Asynchonous play.
Depth of Play Experience: can do more RP and describing detail (like mental ruminations) that harder to do in Face to Face (F2F). Long posts are fine.
Better use of Mechanics: It can be easier to use certain mechanics in online play that might work less well in F2F. In fact, online play is still growing and the some of the best new advances to make online play better have yet to be invented.
Find Compatable Players: With online play, the entire world is your open set of players, rather than just your local city.

Evolution of Online Gaming:
Nick Louie (Feral) had a discussion of online gaming.
He emphasizes the improved immersion he has in PbP play, like using different languages to represent Pathfinder languages.

Feral mentions that Mythweavers is another site for PbP play. They compare Paizo vs. Mythweavers for PbP play.

Verdigris discusses how to use Roll20 to manage maps in conjection with PbP for maps. She talks about the power and the flexibility of using Roll20 maps with the Paizo Forums for PbP. Feral describes googledrive map file as a map solution for PbP.

Jesse talks about the art (roleplaying) and science (maps & crunch) in Play by Post. It's an interesting comparison. He says that things can be simple or complex as the GM and Players want it to be.

Jesse talks about VTT (virtual table tops). D20Pro is an example. Maptools as well. Fantasy Grounds gets good airtime about what it can do.

Online Play: Pitfalls and Perils
John speaks about the transition of playing from F2F to an online format...and how things change in the process. There is a learning process. There are pitfalls:
Disappearing: harder to tell when people have wandered off. Solution: set expectations.
Different timing of discussions: some F2F communications are much quicker than PbP. "Is that a door? It's wood. Is it open? it's closed. Is it locked? Did you try the handle? I try the handle. It's locked." That's much quicker in real life than PbP....unless you use the solution of planning and contingencies.
Recruitment: JC discusses what to do with recruitments.

The panel talks about being a responsible gamer. Threlanndrin (yeah, it's mispelled again), makes the good point about how important it is to react and respond, both in and out of character, when people do stuff or make good posts. Interacting online is different and without reacting or +1ing or liking posts, the game is less vibrant and alive.

Jesse talks about the social contract before the game starts so that players know what they are committing to.

JC talks about macros and copy/pasting characters in PbP to save time, especially doing combats. Verdigris adds a bit about having alternate communication methods (like email or google chat). Jesse talks about using UTC times and reminding players.

How to Get Involved
Paizo Online Gaming Forums
Fantasy Grounds
Pathfinder Society Forums
Myth Weavers

Questions from the Peanut Gallery:

A 'player' asks what Paizo is going to do to support PbP in the future:
JC doesn't have much information yet about possible revisions/additions to the Pathfinder forums. He mentions that they are working on something, but it's not yet known what or when that might happen. The player/GM really wants to do maps.

A player wants to tag recruitment threads as closed.

Feature improvement request: ability to private post to just one player rather than the full show. aka a private message spoiler.

Know Direction podcast recorded the seminar and I hope/expect that it will be available through them in a few weeks/months/years if you wnat to hear the full detail of this seminar rather than my dreadfully inadequate notes.

4/5 *

Painlord wrote:

@GM Lamplighter: Had a great chat with Ryan (Niveus) last night. He's totally Canadian, btw. We talked politics (both US and Canadian) and had a good time while waiting for the Special. Also spoke briefly with a Grapie named Albert. He probably was one of yours. +1 to both of them.

Yeah, Ryan is from Winnipeg, and Albert used to be, until he defected to that western lodge with the Service Award winner as a V-C... Good people, both of 'em.

Liberty's Edge 5/5

Starfinder Superscriber

Sadly, I missed the online talk. I was foolish, though. I thought my afternoon game started at 1, and I knew I wouldn't survive if I didn't take a break for lunch, so I did. But, later, I figured out my afternoon game started at 2, so I could have had lunch at 1, and could have made the online seminar. Argh! Oh well.

Special last night was fun. The players at the table I was running were originally Fighter, Fighter, Fighter, and Bloodrager..... The next to join was a Cleric. (Somehow, we ended up only having 5.) They were all level 4, and the Fighters were all playing the Valeros pregen. (They played them all as brothers.) And, they had fun with the introductory RPing. We got a little locker-room in places.... Some good moments in there.

I do wonder, though, if Jim Groves has stock in the Pathfinder Maps line (including the out-of-print and no longer available ones).

This morning was running a Wounded Wisp game with five players, none of whom had played it before. It's fun to play Wounded Wisp with a bunch of people who've never played it! This was the first time I was in any of Confirmation, MotFF, or Wounded Wisp where there weren't many (or even mostly) people who had already been through it.

Looking forward to the "prequel special" tomorrow night.

Scarab Sages 5/5 5/5 *** Venture-Captain, Washington—Spokane

Paizocon Day 1 Finish, Day 2

Special was chaotic and amazing at the same time. Had a great group at the table, including one past VO. It was a fun yet hectic night. John Compton seemed to have a great time and Thirsty's voice over was awesome.

Day 2.
Instead of scenarios this morning got to run the Demo of for Wrath of the Righteous. Fun morning and afternoon getting those interested in both the set and the Pathfinder Adventure Card Guild. Took a break for lunch and some chill time instead of more card play and waiting for my 4:00 PM slot for ACG. Should be a blast and, hopefully, get a elusive mission success for scenario 1A. Later everyone and looking forward to the second special tomorrow night. Later.

Dark Archive 3/5 **

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-Played Valley of the Veiled Flame. Huge props to Walter Sheppard for stepping up when our GM No Show'd. I had the pleasure of sitting at a table he ran at my first PaizoCon, and as before it was a ton of fun. Plus, any time I get to say "Not ALL Ifrits" repeatedly as a joke is awesome. Solid scenario and great group to play it through with. Props to the Sovereign Court PC who kept the party line in a group of Liberty's Edge and Silver Crusade PCs.

-Was able to make the "Building Strong Characters" panel with Mark Sutter, Wesley Schneider, and Kurtis Weibe. Lots of solid writing advice and good discussion of the way character development plays out different between fiction and RPGs/interactive storytelling. "Son of a F***!" is the best "to" signature for signing a book ever. If you haven't read Rat Queens, you need to ASAP.

-Diversity in Pathfinder was awesome. Jessica Price, Crystal Fraiser, Mark Sutter, and Co. (I apologize, but I can't remember everyone's names and they aren't listed in the event entry :/) had a great discussion with the audience about diversity and inclusion being a continuous process of improvement both in Pathfinder as a game and as a community. I wasn't able to attend this panel in previous years due to scheduling conflicts, but I'm so glad I did this year. I work with a conference that has a lot of these discussions around the Video Game industry with LGBTQ folks; this is exactly the kinds of conversations we aim to foster. It really makes me proud to be a patron of Paizo and PFS knowing this panel is a productive staple of PaizoCon.

-Pathfinder: Siege of Serpents came later. I'll have more detailed feedback as I think over it, but here's the short of it. The Good: Returning to the Lodge for a special was refreshing, there are great plot elements being setup for the season, good rumor/hint dropping in the social portion of what might be going on. The Not So Good: Pacing was rough. I will honestly say that the special did not excite me too terribly much until the end, and even then I wasn't really sure if we were even at the boss fight or not. If there was a climactic battle, we must have never gotten to it. Our GM was tackling the scenario and a 55 page supplement with encounter stat blocks; the cross referencing bogged things down bad. He did own this as a prep issue, but still.

-I had the privilege of getting a seat for "A Song of Silver", where I played a Half-Orc Gladiator Fighter/Pit Fighter. James Jacobs did a masterful job laying out "events thus" far in the AP prior to what we'd be doing and showed us some beautiful art that's been made for the series. The combats were intense and my comrades were on their A-Game despite some lost sleep and the early morning start time. I have not been so excited to buy and run an AP in a long time based on this session. Keep an eye out for my PC as an NPC in the fourth installment. =D

-Spent some time finishing up a Reaper Paint-n-Take Mini. Dual wielding mummified pharaoh? Yes, please.

-PFS Q&A was next. When asked if we'd see a more cohesive and detailed command structure for the Aspis this season (vs. just field commanders and being attached to the Cult of Lissala's leadership), the panel paused to synchronize a collective cackle. Despite this, John Compton denied we'd be seeing Double-Barrel Musket wielding Summoner Aspis Agents.

The rest of my Saturday will be spent catching up with some friends here in Seattle. Have a great banquet everyone!

Grand Lodge 5/5

Con has been fun so far as a wait in line for the banquet. Partial con report

My first season of core didn't go off, so I was able to join the projector table of test f kuata. I had an excellent time playing the sarcastic and somewhat b+$*&y Kess the pregen brawler. Failing monk tests with a pseudo monk is great.

Attended madman at the bridge with a buddy. And have really found a love of the Midgard campaign setting.

While waiting for the special I joined Crystal Frasier, Mark Moreland for a extended delve with the party vs goblins vs galactus vs the empty can of ruby red squirt. Mark offered Kyra up to galactus to be his herald. But no surfboards. Inline scooters are the new transport according to Crystal!

Special was fun! Thanks Ben for the map help!

The morning was PFS gming from under I've with a great group of people including our ex-local friend David Scott.

Went to panels! Bought Midgard Campaign setting. Line for food!

Scarab Sages 4/5 RPG Superstar 2015 Top 16

Here is my PaizoCon recap so far:

Played a pick up game of 6-21 Tapestry's Toil in the afternoon. This was alot of fun and mostly packed with other VOs and forum people.

That evening I went to the meet and eat at AFK with friends and met a lot of nice people.

In the morning I went to some seminars to try and help myself learn more about freelance rpg writing. I went to How to Name Anything, Adventure Design 101, and How to win RPG Superstar. All very informative.

In the afternoon, I had a lottery game of Emerald Spire level 1 which was GMed by Paizo's Mike Kenway. The table had a mix of experienced and relatively new players and Mike was a great GM. I had a lot of fun at this game, although I will say that this adventure is brutal, fans of Bonekeep should play this. I also had a chance to try out a level 1 unchained barbarian and I liked it. This is the first barbarian I have ever played - just never wanted to deal with recalculating the stats for rage.

Friday evening was time for this year's special Siege of Serpents. I got into a tier 10-11 table with my friend Caio, Shanna (Mrs. TOZ), John, Daniel and Holly. Thanks to our GM Justin Riddler who stepped up to run high tier after prepping for tier 1-2. I really liked this scenario, it is packed with storypoints and callbacks to this and previous seasons, plus a lot of interesting combats and RP opportunities.

I will be honest, I stayed up too late after the special last night and ended up sleeping through most of the morning slot.

I went to some more seminars this afternoon. The Writing for Paizo and Writing for Kobold Press seminars were both packed with useful information for anyone interested in freelancing. After that I cruised through the Paizo Store room. I had a chance to meet and chat with Jason Nelson of Legendary Games which was great. I picked up the Metal Heroes book which looks legend....dary. After leaving the store I had a chance to play the Delve which was being run by Mark Seifter. Figthing the Sandpoint Devil and the Goddess Lamashtu at the same time was quite the experience!

So about time for me to head back to the lobby and get ready for the banquet tonight.

Shadow Lodge 4/5


The Exchange 3/5

TOZ wrote:

TOZ, you have 37K+ posts on these boards...and can spare only 3 keystrokes here?

There is more content in goblin poetry.
Ogres offer more and more eloquent words.
I've seen more dedication out of Aspis agents.

/me tosses gauntlet.

* * *
After an afternoon of WotR ACG, currently waiting in line for the banquet. I like being near the front of the line because I enjoy watching my enemies walk by.

Grand Lodge 4/5

Pathfinder Adventure, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
Painlord wrote:
TOZ wrote:
TOZ, you have 37K+ posts on these boards...and can spare only 3 keystrokes here?

am ded. five hour special killeded meh.


What's the next AP?


Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

Yeah, what is the new stuff?

O.O :D

The Exchange 3/5

Steven Schopmeyer wrote:
am ded. five hour special killeded meh.

Oh man, the yahoos that are reading this are going to love to hear this story after your resurrection.

* * *

zergtitan wrote:

Yeah, what is the new stuff?

O.O :D


The Exchange 3/5

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Again, the food at the banquet is good and plentiful: roasted veggies & potatoes, pasta salad & regular salad, 2 meat (chicken, goblin meat, & a beefy dish) and a slew of desserts.

Happily, the Paizo Guest of Honor for my table (every table has a Paizo Guest of Honor) is Cosmo, Sales Manager @ Paizo. He's a damn good host, entertaining and nice to speak with. (Also at the table are Char & Ogre (contributor Dennis Baker)).

Erik Mona kicks off the event, introducing Lisa.

Lisa speaks and thanks everyone of attending. She's very eloquent..but keeps it short and sweet.

Erik again, introducing Paizo staff to rounds of applause. Paizo has some kickass staff who are friendly, nice, and approachable. I have yet to meet one who wasn't interested in either having fun or solving problems or making things awesome.

Jason to the mic soon...I expect good stuff. Saving thread.

1/5 **

Steven Schopmeyer wrote:
am ded. five hour special killeded meh.

Disgraceful. :P

The Exchange 3/5

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Upcoming Key Releases: Jason B speaking.

Two new core rulebook announcements to come.

Jason preview the Occult Adventures book. He starts by highlighting the 6 iconics included.
Kineiticist: master of elements. Blaster class. Things that have changed since playtest(TTHCSP): gave class more skill ranks and doubled talents.
Medium: Binds spirits.
Mesmerist: All about stare and mental tricks. Anti bard? Psychic Spellcaster. Sets up tricks beforehand. TTHCSP: Stare now causes pain.
Occultist: JB did primary design work on. Akin to Hellboy & Dresden. Draws power from objects/implements. TTHCSP: Got rid of degrading power of objects(?).
Psychic: mind speller. Powered by disciplines.
Spiritualist: Bonds with a phantom/spirit. Spirits in head.

Lots of Archetypes. Each class gets 4 new archetypes.

Occultist gets Battle Host: bonds with weapon. Also TomeEater...eats spellbooks and scrolls. Cavalier gets 'type to summon phantom horse.

Many classes get new a'types.

New feats. Stare feats for Mesmerist. Elongated Cranium feat (how?). Tons of Spells. Emotional and mental spell components...caster needs a clear mind to cast spells. Spell that does scanners thing: brain explodes. Telepathy spell. Object possession. Psychic surgery.

Occult Rules: new Occulty uses for skills: like Faith Healing. Psychic duels. Possession rules. Occult rituals (long spells with powerful effects). New and powerful haunts. Occult gear: dowsing rods. Fradulent mediums kit. Monkey's Paw (artifact).

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Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

know direction mentioned a debut of four of the iconic, what's that about?

The Exchange 3/5

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JB: Bestiary 5. 300 or so monsters. No psychic monster yet. Dream dragons. Flying monkeys. (great artwork) Wood colossus (drop a village on someone). Aliens. Piddlespotting aliens. "A metric ton of awesome crammed into Bestiary 5."

Spring 2016: Ultimate Intrigue hardcover. Looking at skill based classes and what they can do. Alchemist, Bard, Druid, Hunter, Inquisition, Investigator...etc.

Verbal dueling. Social combat rules. Feats and spying and ways to hide the truth. Playtest coming of new class: The Vigilante.

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The Exchange 3/5

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John Compton to speak about the Pathfinder Society.

"We continue to grow every year." Since this time last year, they have gained over 120 new VOs and 70K players. Growing PFS support team at Paizo: Linda as assistant to JC.

Things to come:
Archelogical excavations in Mwangi. Returning to some old stories.
New stories, possibly around the Sky Key. At GenCon, the PFS will be turning on the Sky Key.
New enemies too: Occultists coming to play with PFSers. Going to Ketapesh.

This is the Year of the Serpent. More Aspis Consortium. However, they are going to have a makeover, bumping up the power. Their pros are being let loose this year. (Highlights that we will playing as AC agents in the special tomorrow.)

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Scarab Sages 4/5 RPG Superstar 2015 Top 16

Season 7 = Year of the Serpent.

Will meet tougher agents of the consortium.

Ninja'd can't type fast enough on my phone.

5/5 5/55/55/5

Please tell me that wood golem gets bonuses vs witches.

Liberty's Edge

Ultimate Intrigue makes sense, natural progress of the "Ultimate" series.

Scarab Sages 4/5 RPG Superstar 2015 Top 16

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Mummy's Mask is next ACG AP.

Time for tomb raiding
Sell your stuff.
Don't destroy the tombs or bad stuff will happen.
Slyph character.
3 Occult iconics characters and some characters from fiction.
Competitive version of game.

The Exchange 3/5

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Tanis speaks about something I love: the Pathfinder Card Guild.

She speaks about Season 1 of the ACG, featuring the Wrath of the Righteous: Season of the Righteous. "This one is going to 11." (Having played this, I know it to be true. I have nightmares about Bilious Bottle. Then I met the hanging tree barrier. It's worse.)

New class decks to be released: Paladin (July), Monk (Sept releaase), Druid (October).

More decks to come: Alchemist in production. Barbarian in Nov/Dec. Monthly class deck release schedule with monthly subscription option.

* * *
Mike Selinker next.

Introduces Wrath of the Righteous AP. Introduces cohorts. Abyssal locations. Incorporated PFS Season of the Demon scenario links into the path as well.

New character for free RPG Day: Ekkie. (sp?). Goblin.

New mats from UltraPro. Mats and card decks.

3 month break after WotR for more time to plan next AP: Mummy's Mask.

Liz Spain comes to talk about design of Mummy's Mask: Special things different. No longer heroes...we're raiding tombs. Dig thru Osiria and have fun with it. New mechanics...including how to sell your stuff. Use loot to upgrade characters. And might be battling Pharasmans, if you destroy too much?

Characters for the set: Non-major race iconic: Sylph. Elemental tie. 3 occult adventures iconics will be in the set. From the fiction: character

Mike announces that Pathfinder ACG Card guild will be competitive? He talks about how it will debut at GenCon.

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The Exchange 3/5

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Obsidian Entertainment comes to speak about their tablets (Ipad and Android) version of the ACG. Digtial version of ACG, Rise of the Runelords.

Focus on not card to card copy...something different and reactive. Dialog and enhanced artwork. Magnimar visual map, etc. Enhanced effects. No release date or pricing info yet. (I hope to check out the live Demo tomorrow.)

* * *
Erik Mona at the mic.

Hells Rebel AP. Playing good guys against evil. Trying to rebel against the House of Thrune. Includes AP adventure #100. That's big....especially when one considers the origins of Paizo.

Adv#100 will be 120 pages. Erik is writing about Aroden (there will be secrets revealed). Lots of previous authors will return. And updates on the past 16 APs. James Jacobs will write Ad#100, A Song of Silver (Nov release).

Next AP release: Hell's Vengeance. PCs will be working for Asmodeus, as the bad guys. Evil adventure path, full on evil.

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Scarab Sages 4/5 RPG Superstar 2015 Top 16

Erik Mona showing art from Hell's Rebels.

Shenshen on the cover of Pathfinder 100.
Issue will be 120 pages.

Next AP is called Hell's Vengeance! It's an evil AP!

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

O.O What?!

Is Hell's Vengeance like a sequel to Hell's Rebels?

The Exchange 3/5

September 2015: Hardcover release of Inner Sea Races. "Focus is on the role of the raace in the world of Golarion." Lots of cool artwork. Strix, Gorans (sp? plant people?), rat folk.

* * *
Syrinscape: the music you want to create the mood for your gaming. Lots of sound scapes for different games and APs.

Soon to offer subscriptions to Syrinscape audios.

* * *
Battle Foam: Miniature carrying cases (for minis, it's not a small school for kids who don't read so good). Pathfinder branded carrying cases.

* * *
Pathfinder Comics: Volume 3 was recently released hard cover.
Pathfinder Origins comics are on the shelves. Written by the editorial staff at Paizo.

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The Exchange 3/5

zergtitan wrote:

O.O What?!

Is Hell's Vengeance like a sequel to Hell's Rebels?

Yep. Definitely. As evil.

Scarab Sages 4/5 RPG Superstar 2015 Top 16

5 people marked this as a favorite.

Pathfinder Battles minis.
Next set is called The Rusty Dragon Inn.
Townspeople. City Watch.
Monsters too. Bugbears! Ghouls, fully stocked bar (case incentive).

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber
Painlord wrote:
zergtitan wrote:

O.O What?!

Is Hell's Vengeance like a sequel to Hell's Rebels?

Yep. Definitely. As evil.

It's like they're trying to undo an entire AP.......


The Exchange 3/5

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Erik still highting new products....

Pathfinder Battles minis coming soon. WizKids does good work. Next set: The Rusty Dragon Inn. Coming in Fall. Highlit minis: Serving Girl & Merchant & City Watch Commander (Cassidy from Magnimar). Monsters from next set: Bugbear Tyrant, Ghoul Champion.

Case Incentive for the Rusty Dragon Inn: The Bar. An actual fully stocked bar mini.

* * *

Volunteer of the Year Award:

Who will follow Tim, Liz, DougDoug, Mark, Big Kyle, etc...?

Two recipients: Ryan Costello and Perram of the Know Direction podcasts. Well piddlespotting earned. I love the podcasts.

Liberty's Edge

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Painlord wrote:
zergtitan wrote:

O.O What?!

Is Hell's Vengeance like a sequel to Hell's Rebels?

Yep. Definitely. As evil.

Paizo has never done an AP that's a direct sequel to another AP. JR and SS both had assumptions about previous APs but never has the actions of an AP been the basis of a whole another AP.

I imagine a section in the 6th chapter where the book listed a bunch of NPCs for the PCs to fight with a side bar that tells the GM to use the players HR characters instead if the group had played through that AP. The look on the players when they realize they are going to have to fight and kill their former characters would be priceless.

Grand Lodge

Adventure Path Charter Subscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

If you're not a fan of Cheliax, that's a year's worth of AP skipping.


Edit: Please tell me that thing about the Rusty Dragon mini set case incentive is a joke.

The Exchange 3/5

Skeld wrote:
Edit: Please tell me that thing about the Rusty Dragon mini set case incentive is a joke.

Nope. It's true.

The Trivia Contest happens next. I hope others will be able to explain what happens. I play the ACG.

1/5 **

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Skeld wrote:
Edit: Please tell me that thing about the Rusty Dragon mini set case incentive is a joke.

Why? It's pretty awesome.

Painlord wrote:

New mats from UltraPro. Mats and card decks.

Characters for the set: Non-major race iconic: Sylph. Elemental tie. 3 occult adventures iconics will be in the set. From the fiction: character

If possible, can you elaborate on those two things? Any indication of what they mean by card decks? Was it more deck boxes? And what is that about a fiction character in the set?

Thanks for posting this info and letting those of us not there experience the banquet vicariously.

Silver Crusade 5/5

Ditto, as someone who has been following this thread all night, thanks for the updates!

As far as the case incentive bar goes, I'm willing to keep an open mind and see how it looks before I pass judgment.

The Exchange 3/5

Hawkmoon269 wrote:
Painlord wrote:

New mats from UltraPro. Mats and card decks.

Characters for the set: Non-major race iconic: Sylph. Elemental tie. 3 occult adventures iconics will be in the set. From the fiction: character

If possible, can you elaborate on those two things? Any indication of what they mean by card decks? Was it more deck boxes? And what is that about a fiction character in the set?

Thanks for posting this info and letting those of us not there experience the banquet vicariously.

Hi Hawkmoon269! I'm a first time responder (to you), but a long time fan (of your posts and insight into the ACG).

Anyhoot, apologies for the vagueness of the items, the banquet can be loud (beer drunks), confusing (beer), and hard to see (beer goggles). Let me try to 'esplain:

UltraPro is vowing to unleash a few new card mats for ACG play in the future. Secondly, they have some new deck boxes (for holding your ACG decks and whatnot).

Verdigris says the fictional character Varien Jaggiere and bodyguard Radavan. I trust her on such things. Probably for the MMask.

Also, a Slyph will be one of the iconics in the MMask, probably with an Occult class. I hope that clarifies things. Anything else?

1/5 **

Thanks again for everyone who had provided updates.

Not really any surprises here. Occult Adventures looks to be the most interesting (much more so than I expected, at least), followed by Bestiary 5, and then by Ultimate Intrigue (in which I really have no interest). A very...conservative slate, imho. I had hoped -- though not expected -- to see a revised core or something else which would really shake things up. Oh well, maybe next year.

In the meantime, I'm really looking forward to Flip-Mat: Bigger Basic.

Scarab Sages 4/5 RPG Superstar 2015 Top 16

Painlord wrote:
Skeld wrote:
Edit: Please tell me that thing about the Rusty Dragon mini set case incentive is a joke.

Nope. It's true.

The Trivia Contest happens next. I hope others will be able to explain what happens. I play the ACG.

As Painlord said, its no joke. They showed a picture of it and it looked kinda cool. There was a bar and shelves behind it stocked with liquor bottles. I was in the back of the room so I couldn't see if there were barstools or not.

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