Suggested Mathfinder titles

Gamer Life General Discussion

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Let's help Paizo gauge interest in an edutainment extension to Pathfinder by suggesting Mathfinder titles! Algebraic!

1. Statistics Revisited
2. Inner Sea Mathematics
3. Induction Proofs Unleashed
4. Algebra, Kingdom of Headaches
5. Manual of the Hyperplanes
6. The Epic Logarithmic Level Handbook
7. Ten to the Power of Seventeen Squared Coins for a Kingdom
8. Ultimate Equations
9. Blood of Angles
10. Seekers of Sequences
11. Graphs of Golarion

I contributed 1-3, Matt Thomason 4-7, David Higaki 8-11. This was from the now closed "How are people supposed to 'talk' to Paizo exactly?" thread.

This thread is wrong.

3 people marked this as a favorite.

12. (more of a game accessory) - The Official Pathfinder Protractor and Set Square for use with Map Folios.

Associate Editor

6 people marked this as a favorite.

Mathfinder Campaign Setting: Land of the Linear Kingdoms

Not a title, but please include the compass as a double weapon that deals piercing damage.

Webstore Gninja Minion

5 people marked this as a favorite.

Mathfinder Player Companion: The Elder Sine and Cosmic Tangents?

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Going off at a bit of a tangent (no pun intended!):

The first entry by O'Reilly as a 3PP for Pathfinder, Programming Examples for Pathfinder Optimization in a Nutshell.

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Game Theory Mastery Guide
Advanced Proof Guide
Algebra Survival Guide (an actual book)
Ultimate Formalism
NPC Matricies

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Matt Thomason wrote:

Going off at a bit of a tangent (no pun intended!):

The first entry by O'Reilly as a 3PP for Pathfinder, Programming Examples for Pathfinder Optimization in a Nutshell.

You could package it with Mathfinder Module: We be Globals!

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The Mathfinder Beginner Box: 2 + 3 = Cats

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Fractal Faerie Tales
The 6th Hart

2 people marked this as a favorite.

Rulebook: Advanced Excel Guide
Adventure Path: Rise of the Slide Rules
AP Volume: Bastards of Abacus
Free Module: We Be Base Two

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Wrath of the Pythagoras

2 people marked this as a favorite.

Rise of the asymptotic lords
Council of nerds
Legacy of leibniz
Second derivate

Ultimate Fractals
Probabilities Revisited
Sines of the Inner Sea

2 people marked this as a favorite.

Parallelepipeds of the Inner Sea
Wrath of the Icosahedron
Edge of Aleph
The End of Infinity
The Final Prime
Broken Calculus
Academy of Squares

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Mask of the Linear God

Shadow Lodge

Sacred Geometry

too soon?

Shattered Hodge star operator
Curse of the uncompiling code
Strange topologies

Ultimate Mathemagic

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We were getting ready to start our session yesterday and one guy decides to ask everyone their favorite class as a warm-up to the game, responses were:


Paizo setting book for a land of ancient djinni's and fantastic fables, "Al-Gebra".

Dark Archive

After one more edition plus splats:
Pathfinder 3.14159265359.....

You could at least give us the whole number. #ihateellipses

Silver Crusade

Auxmaulous wrote:

After one more edition plus splats:

Pathfinder 3.14159265359.....

You say that as a joke, but TeX actually does that.

They reached version 3 and from then on always just added the next digit of Pi.
Current version is 3.14159265. The previous version was 3.1415926, the one before that 3.141592 and so on.

Ultimate Integrals
Rise of the Lune Lords
Cryptanalysis of the Everflame

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