Ring of Regeneration + Fast Healer

Rules Questions

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Good Evening fellow Gamers,

I have a question for you regarding the interactions of a Ring of Regeneration on a character/monster.

RPD wrote:

Fast Healer

You benefit greatly from your healing, be it from spells or natural healing.

Prerequisites: Con 13, Diehard, Endurance.

Benefit: When you regain hit points by resting or through magical healing, you recover additional hit points equal to half your Constitution modifier (minimum +1).

Say I have an Invulnerable Rager Barbarian with this feat; He has a +6 Con Modifier and he's discovered a ring of regeneration. He gets 1 hp/round because of the ring. Would this be boosted by an additional 3 because of his fast healer feat?

Very Respectfully,

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Yes. A ring of regeneration is definitely magical healing.


What about

PRD wrote:
Regenerative Vigor (Ex): After using her renewed vigor rage power until her current rage ends, the barbarian gains fast healing 1 for every 6 barbarian levels she has (maximum fast healing 3). She regains hit points from fast healing at the start of each of her turns. A barbarian must have the renewed vigor rage power and be at least 6th level before selecting this rage power.

Very Respectfully,


Fast healing is considered a form of natural healing, so yes it would also apply for your rage power as well.

That's what I thought.

(DM ruled that it wouldn't apply because it says 'resting' or 'magical healing')

I wanted to make sure that a ring of Regeneration -would- apply or else I've kind wasted a build...

(In my campaigns they both work, but I wanted a consensus to determine if I was right, or if I should document it as a house rule)

Very Respectfully,

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Better_with_Bacon wrote:


What about

PRD wrote:
Regenerative Vigor (Ex): After using her renewed vigor rage power until her current rage ends, the barbarian gains fast healing 1 for every 6 barbarian levels she has (maximum fast healing 3). She regains hit points from fast healing at the start of each of her turns. A barbarian must have the renewed vigor rage power and be at least 6th level before selecting this rage power.

Very Respectfully,


The Fast Healer feat would not apply here. Although its fluff text states "natural healing", the benefit text is more restrictive: it must be natural healing from resting. The Regenerative Vigor ability is not resting, and as an exceptional ability it is not magical, so it does not fall into either category and cannot benefit from this feat.

While the fluff text can help you determine the RAI where the RAW is unclear, this is not such a case.

It applies to the Ring but not to Renewed Vigor.

This is an issue of RAW vs RAI. Clearly, the intent was to allow this to work, so who cares if every possible means of natural healing isn't listed in the actual description part. An assumption was made when writing it that NORMALLY a person only has one form of natural healing (rest), so instead of writing a longer description, they used a single word. It was not the intent to restrict the ring to only applying to rest. What if I were granted the feat *fast healing* by a spell or SLA? The feat isn't magical, but the way I got it was...the intent is clear, stop being so acemetrical about things, people. 9/10 times, the fluff shows more about the intent than the description anyway.

Most of the time I've seen
It'll only apply to "rest" and then anything supernatural or magical in nature. i.e. no Ex (at least not for my alchemist)

Can't speak as to intent

This is an issue of RAW vs RAI.

If the RAW were unclear here then I'd agree with you, but that isn't the case. Where fluff and crunch text disagree on particulars, the crunch text supersedes it for rules interpretation. As a result, this ability does not benefit non-magical forms of healing other than rest. You're free to rule otherwise in your own game - I do it all the time - but the rules here are crystal clear that it does not.

Without getting the original author to comment on the matter, we cannot know the RAI for sure, and frankly I think you're being highly presumptuous by claiming that the RAI is obvious. We have two different lines of text that say two slightly different things; why should we presume that the fluff text is the author's intent? If anything, we would expect the author would have paid more attention and care to the crunch text, which has the burden of being interpreted in light of other abilities that interact with it. It would have been trivial to right that the ability benefits from "all forms of magical and non-magical healing", but that isn't what got written.

What if I were granted the feat *fast healing* by a spell or SLA? The feat isn't magical, but the way I got it was...the intent is clear

The rules in that case are quite unclear, but that's more the fault of the spell than anything else. Having a spell that grants an exceptional ability is very odd to begin with, and without explicit rules is going to cause problems in any case where exceptional and magical abilities are treated differently. If the Paragon Surge nonsense has taught us anything, it's that spells that grant feats are open to extremely abusive rules interpretation.

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