I want to play WoTW!


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I've really wanted to play Way of the Wicked for some time now. Are there any GM's willing to run it and any players interested? I think it would be a blast. :)

Well, I'm in one already, but if a player drops out, which is highly unlikely, I'll tell you and Nev.

Pathfinder Adventure Subscriber

I'd love to join a game as a player. I don't have the books to attempt to GM it myself.


Alright awesome. I hope we can find a gm, Whack and I really want to play!

Shadow Lodge

I also would like to join one
I am 0/7
I have tried to get into 7 different campign and failed each time

I'm like Wade I have 13 rejections for that game.

I had to remake the character every time and redo back story every time to match what the GM wanted.

I just gave up completely.

got in as a replacement once but I made like 5 posts before it seemed to die.

(actually I made 5 posts to myself because I was a replacement and nobody even acknowledged my presence in the party.)

And here's Katsune's fiancee chiming in. I've actually been accepted into WotW once. Then it died before the end of the first combat... It's just such an insanely popular campaign. :-(

Shadow Lodge

you know what would be interesting, playing this as a gestalt campaign

Pathfinder Adventure Subscriber

I've not played gestalt at all, though just being able to play in general would be fun. Here's hoping ^^

Shadow Lodge

I'm just saying that gestalt makes for very interesting character combos
for instance I would make wade here an oracle, either metal or bones, either way black blooded

While it would be a long term plan, perhaps if a campaign or two was started of people who commit to running their own way of the wicked after completion as a player. Hopefully such campaigns wouldn't die and would eventually lead to more way of the wicked campaigns

Silver Prince here! I may be up for GM'ing this in a few weeks. I will just have to get the books and have a bit to recover from my recent illness.

Dark Archive

I've little experience in running an online game, but I've run the first adventure of WotW in face to face (& have them all, in PDF). I might be persuaded to run a game, by PBF, I struggle to arrange a consistent timeslot for live webgames.

Things to bear in mind:

-Gestalt will not be an option
-I don't tend to track XP, just issue level ups at appropriate times (saves having to pad out adventures with throw-away encounters.
-I've not run a game on Paizo before, so be patient.
-I'm in the UK, so may well be posting at different times to players.
-I tend to favour more regular characters than special snowflakes, particularly if they fit with the setting (i.e Talingarde has no place for Ninja's, Gunslingers or Catfolk).

If people are still interested I may put up an official recruitment thread this weekend.

Already got 8 users posted on here, I'd not want to run with more than 6, though appears Walter is already in a game, and I'm not sure if Lord Foul II & Browman are expressing interest or just commenting?

If anyone has any good suggestions for mapping encounters, I'd be interested, as it always seems like such hard work for online games.


@spinningdice: I only do PBP. I have such a hectic life I cant plan a time to sit down and play. I tried it before. Others might be able to, but I know I cant.

@TSP: Does that mean you'll do it?! :3

Ah, another candidate. My apologies. I retract my offer for GM'hood in favor of Spinningdice.

Ah, PBF only? I guess I'm still in the running. I retract my retraction!

I was expressing interest, I am willing to eventually run it but would prefer to go through as a player first, thus my suggestion for a group that commits to running their own after completing the campaign.

Shadow Lodge

I am interested in joining
If no gesualt (which I don't expect anyway just that it would be cool to change things up) I plan on being a necromancer, I even already have a completed profile
If yes then a soulknife/magus or maybe a necromancer *shrug*
The character is up top wade willhem is mine

Dark Archive

Is my parlance wrong, PBF=PBP (play by Forum/Play by Post)?

Dark Archive

Also a query, if I allowed the Advanced Class Guide beta document, do Paizo tend to change stuff around quite a lot or are they relatively static and only minor changes?

I'd like to join as well, and I'm fine with playing with either DM.

Oh, from your post it sounded like you were saying play-by-face, Spinningdice! My apologies. If things do not work out or there is a decent number of PCs left, just have one person PM me and I'll see about putting the campaign together, likely a gestalt campaign. Sound cool everyone?

Shadow Lodge

If one option is a gestalt one I'm going that one
No offence to the other, I just love gestalt

I'm good with either gestalt or a regular campaign :) (although I'd need to look at what your gestalt rules are first to understand.)

Shadow Lodge

Kermah Orletithar wrote:
I'm good with either gestalt or a regular campaign :) (although I'd need to look at what your gestalt rules are first to understand.)

Rules for Gestalt.

Here you go :)

Hmm... I love the concept!

Not sure what exactly I'd use, but probably some martial/mage mix. (because that's always one of the best.)

Shadow Lodge

Might I suggest a magus(kensi/blade bonded)/soulknife(gifted blade/shielded blade, possibly also armored blade)
Or a magus/antipaladin
Or barberian/scarred witch dr

Pathfinder Adventure Subscriber

I'm still interested in playing, and Silver, I'm sure there will be plenty for another campaign. I'm alright with either. I'd love to find Jaq a game.

Suggestions for Maps:

Google Drawings

There's a third I've heard mention of, but those might be the most user friendly.

I'm definitely interested in playing. Will decide what to play once I've seen what stats I've rolled.

Shadow Lodge

Ok I believe we have 9 potential players now
2 DMs each with a different style
The 4 or 5 that want to do gesault go to silver prince
The others go to spinningdice
(I beliveve the thing is designed for 4-6 people yes?)

It's designed for 4-5 people using around a 25pt buy. The player's guide recommends the Focus/Foible method (comes out to an average of 25-ish points). That's really all I know, as the campaign I was in didn't even get through the first encounter.

Slightly off-topic, I'm not able to GM this (don't have the books and too much personal stuff going on to commit to anything more than playing), but I'm always available to answer questions about rules and PbP gaming. :-)

I think I'm going Admixture+something else...

Blasting plus some good melee.

EDIT: I'm also good with playing for either GM.

Shadow Lodge

Then I would suggest either monk, rouge/ninja, alchemist(vivisectionist) or soulknife to Gestalt with if you do so, as they synergies well
Monk and soulknives/Agies (Agi? How do you pluralize that) don't require armor that will make your spells fail
And the classes with sneek attack will apply their bonus damage to your "weapon like spells"
You could do both with soul knife with the one archetype that gives sneek attack

If there's still potential room, Jericho here would love to try and play in a non-gestalt version. Thanks.

Shadow Lodge

I belive you would fit either the last or second to last slot, unless one of the dm's want to do non standard party numbers

Pathfinder Adventure Subscriber

I'm up for either version, gestalt or not. Though I'd love to try gestalt ^^

I'll wait on a response from either, but I'm going to start planning out a character for both adventures.

If I GM, pretty much all published (Book or PDF,) Pathfinder materials can be used and some 3.X material, with revisions to the latter of course. Any 3PP material would need to be cleared first, but unless it's completely ridiculous in such a way that it makes Synthesist Summoners look underpowered, I should be fine with it. So yeah, if someone wants to make a very non-typical character, I'm fine with it. The only thing that I will flat out refuse is an Earth-Golarion crossover character, as it would mess with everyone's suspension of belief, unless EVERY PC was doing so, in which case I may consider it.

I usually post once or twice a day but usually miss 1 or 2 days a week due to somewhat unreliable Internet or ridiculous levels of college work. If I am not busy on a given day, my posting rate can explode to 3, 4, or 5 posts. Also in my posts, I am somewhat descriptive when detailing how rolls translate into action and my descriptions of damage rolls can run from relatively tame PG13 to messy R-rated descriptions, depending on what I think is warranted. I do not post monster HP levels, but my descriptions help to illustrate it.

If anyone is looking to be a little bit 'supernatural' during the campaign, post your desire and I will consider allowing it. Stuff I can anticipate allowing are: vampires (Any of the four major breeds,), werewolves, liches, zombie lords, ghouls, mummies (Will use the Ancient Dead template from 3.X Ravenloft, rank one,), and possibly ONE ghost. If you pick any of these, you will gain the respective template along the story, not at the beginning. Oh, and all the 'monster PC races' from Rite Publishing and TPK Games are viable as well, though I will need a reason why you were simply not slain on sight, as opposed to carted off to Branderscar.

So... any questions?

Shadow Lodge

Is Death Mage acceptable?


As I said before, I want The Silver Prince to be my GM. I've always wanted to play in a gestalt... Bard/druid.....

Wade, if you're asking me, then yes. What would your 2nd class be, as per gestalt?

When do you want applications to be finished?

Gestalt would be really fun, but I'll go wherever there's an open slot. If a regular campaign, I'll most likely go negative-channeling Cleric (with aims to become a Lich if allowable). If gestalt, I'll probably go Rogue/some kind of caster with aims at becoming a ray specialist/Arcane Trickster.

I am fine with either, probably a ranger if non-gestalt or Martial/Cleric for gestalt

KatsuneSage, a Bard/Druid? How interesting. Would love to see how you twist that combination to be evil!

Given how most gestalt campaigns are insanely MAD, would everyone thinking of applying in my campaign to pick a Focus, then a Foible, then have a 21 point buy for the remaining scores? I assure you, the enemies will be enhanced to keep everything balanced.

Shadow Lodge

My gesalt will probably be an oracle, with either the bones, metal or fire, mystery. I haven't decided which, either way black blood curse
I have the death Mage half already made, just need to add in the other half
Edit: and the stats, since I can't take my previous rolls... Which means also the skills

As it will likely be about a week before I get the books and it will take 2-3 days to rebalance encounters, my campaign would have submissions due in 13 days, just because I like the number, what with it being my birthday and all! Plus, you're all evil and 13 is rather ominous! >:)

Shadow Lodge

I'll easily have my character done by then :)

Katsune will have her submission up later this evening. Playing Sims 3 at the moment. I'll have my submission up in a bit. :-)

Ok, so far it looks like Wade Willhelm, KatsuneSage, Whack-a-Rogue, Kana, Kermah Orletithar, and Browman are candidates who have spoken up for gestalt. Anyone else? Just feeling out for who's interested. The party will be 5-6 people once I make my selection if more apply.

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