With Jake the Dog and XIN THE HUMAN?!?!


So my pcs finished a modified shattered star campaign and two of my pc’s cast wish and miracle on the body of xin to restore him to life and redeem him.

I thought it was an interesting idea, as you have the chance to redeem an evil runelord in wrath of the righteous, and xin was not evil per say just went every mad. Also, I could not see Xin not being willing to return as he went through this whole clockwork mess to begin with.

So now they want to hunt for other rune lords, with their old master Xin. I am not sure how to stat Xin, I have never made a wizard before, and many questions keep popping in my head. Should he be mythic? What school would he be of? Would strength be a dump stat if he could hand forge an entire clockwork army? Any Advice would be appreciated

Mythic Universalist Wizard 20 would be a start.

TarkXT wrote:

Mythic Universalist Wizard 20 would be a start.

What tier, do you think? I was thinking lower than 5 higher but 1.

Scarab Sages

He was a 20th level generalist wizard

Imbicatus wrote:
He was a 20th level generalist wizard

Well no mytic then. Thanks for the link. Still just need a gist of feats, stats, traits, and spells.

I think Xin, if he survived, would become Mythic quite quickly, considering his knowledge and the power of the Sihedron at his disposal. Plus, if his city rises, so too does all the glory of old Thassilon with it's magnificent capital Xin. Not too narcissistic, eh?

Anyway, Xin is certainly a candidate for mythic power, perhaps what remains of Lissala's presence in Golarion (as she's never stated as being dead, just having left around earthfall) or perhaps with Xin's return, so too does she come back and make her presence known through her avatar.

Grand Lodge

Pathfinder PF Special Edition, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Xin was quite the paranoid whacko long before he died. Bringing him back to life would not have changed that.

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