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Hi - I had a player at a game yesterday and some things came up that I wasn't sure how to deal with.
1. The character's build. Human Separatist Cleric of Pharasma.
Granted powers from the cleric’s second domain function as if the cleric’s level, Wisdom, and Charisma were 2 lower than normal (minimum level 1) in terms of effect, DC, and uses per day. This also means the separatist doesn’t gain the domain’s higher-level ability until 2 levels later than normal. If the second domain grants additional class skills, the separatist gains these as normal.
In all other respects, this ability works like and replaces the standard cleric’s domain ability.
Does this wording "second domain" allow the cleric to choose any domain or *subdomain*?
2. The subdomain's power.
Whimsical Channel
Dice? Does it really add *DICE*? Not just 1d6 more or less or 1d6 + some number base on level more or less? I mean seriously, this is potentially encounter ending/breaking/destroying, especially at low levels (because there is NO scaling). Any encounter in a low tier mod, from the easy first encounter to the difficult boss fight can, on one chance roll, be ended right then and there - period. Also, there is actually no downside at all to a 1st or 2nd level cleric using this (minimum of 1d6 is always channeled). While the expected value of this does not look that impressive, given the extremely large variance and the lower limit of always channeling at least 1d6 ... well it certainly doesn't compare with the other 3 + Wis mod domain powers, that much is clear. If this really is the way that the power works, why is it allowed in PFS? I know that none of you can really tell me the answer to this, and I think it's unlikely that a Paizo rep will weigh in on it, but in case I and my players are all totally misreading this, I thought I'd ask.
BTW - the player whipped this out - brand new 1st level cleric - and rolled a 6 followed by a 6 and then did 7d6 of damage (she's a negative channeler) to all enemies. How many do you think were standing? Guess... I mean, this *is* a 1st level character right?
3. Some of the finer points of selective channeling.
(a) Can a cleric with selective channeling exclude individuals that have 100% concealment, but that she is aware of?
(b) Can a cleric with selective channeling exclude individuals she will affect with her channel but that she is otherwise totally unaware of?

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Regarding Separatist Clerics and Subdomains -- I don't see any reason why they would be unable to take subdomains.
EDIT: But do note there is no consensus. *Points at this monster thread*
Regarding Whimsy Channel -- that sort of question is more suited towards a rules forum. Although holy cow, it does seem pretty potent! My guess is that the ability is just poorly worded, and was intended to add or subtract single 1d6 of channeling from any given channel, not 1d6x d6.
EDIT: Which is how most players use it -- just adding or removing a single d6 from the channel.
a) Selective Channeling requires you to target to exclude. Just like using a Target: creature spell, you must be able to see or touch a creature to affect it (or, in the case of this feat, select it to be unaffected). Pinpointing the square of an invisible creature isn't sufficient—you must be able to see or touch the creature. source.
b) Negative. She must be able to target them.