Reach Weapons

Rules Questions

12 people marked this as FAQ candidate. Staff response: no reply required. 1 person marked this as a favorite.

So how do reach weapons work relating to diagonals? Technically the second diagonal is 15 ft away, but the first one is only 5 ft. so where is the 10 ft reach limit drawn?

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

If you are a small or medium creature with a reach weapon, you can attack something two squares away, even diagonally.

This doesn't seem to hold true for larger creatures using reach weapons, however. I guess that's why their are diagrams.

where might the diagrams be?

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
DGRM44 wrote:
where might the diagrams be?

I think developers posted them somewhere on these forums.

Though this is an unofficial fan site, it uses templates that match the official ones I've seen in the past.

I wonder why pathfinder doesn't go to hexagons with the same rules? Seems like it would be easier for the players to handle reach and movement? Spell effects also?

Liberty's Edge

DGRM44 wrote:
So how do reach weapons work relating to diagonals? Technically the second diagonal is 15 ft away, but the first one is only 5 ft. so where is the 10 ft reach limit drawn?

This is currently a gap in the RAW. In D&D 3.5, there was explicit text to indicate that the second diagonal at 15 feet for Medium and Small creature was included in the range of the reach weapon and for Large creatures with 10 foot reach. This text was not in the SRD 3.5, which is the basis for PF. Replacement text was not included in PF.

Because the grid is an aid to play and can be oriented as desired, it is generally understood by many players that the second diagonal is included in PF, as it was in D&D. Not doing so results in a hole that is an exploit of the rules system that doesn't make sense for a role playing game.

A Large creature with a reach weapon has reach that extends out to 20 feet. On the diagonal, this is 3 squares and does not require special treatment and is fine as is. The second square addition for S/M creatures sometimes gets over-generalized in error to suggest that Large creatures with reach should have 4 squares of reach. It isn't needed and introduces reach that is strictly in excess of the stated value for the Large creature's abilities.

Howie23 wrote:

This is currently a gap in the RAW.

Why doesn't Paizo include this on the rules faq page?

Liberty's Edge

DGRM44 wrote:
Howie23 wrote:

This is currently a gap in the RAW.
Why doesn't Paizo include this on the rules faq page?

The amount of time that everyone would like Paizo to devote to the FAQ page is different than the amount of time that qualified Paizo staff are able devote.

DGRM44 wrote:
Howie23 wrote:

This is currently a gap in the RAW.
Why doesn't Paizo include this on the rules faq page?

If you want them to answer this in an official FAQ when they eventually have time, you can flag your post by clicking the FAQ button in the top right. The more people that flag something, the higher it goes on their list for attention.

Hi all

This was brought up at our table on the weekend. Was there ever an official answer about the second diagonal?


Taffy wrote:

Hi all

This was brought up at our table on the weekend. Was there ever an official answer about the second diagonal?


If you look at the top next to the FAQ count you will see they responded there. The answer was "Staff response: no reply required."

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Taffy, yes there was an official response. The answer is no, using Pathfinder rules the second diagonal is 15' away. The problem is that this creates a way where creatures can go from 15' to 5' without ever provoking an attack of opportunity. SKR explained that they would still provoke in this post HERE

However, back in 3.5 there was an exception that specifically allowed a reach weapon to hit the second diagonal. Here is a link to where I took a poll asking people if they still used that exception.
My Poll

The current total is 106 who use that exception to 14 that do not.

Personally, I use the 3.5 exception as I figure that if you can hit half of the square then you can hit the entire square.

- Gauss

Dark Archive

What grinds my gears about this is how often Paizo loves to do maps with diagonal paths.

As to Hexes, they work great for combat in open fields, but not when walls are concerned. You can't draw a straight line when using hexes then you are left with half hexes and issues there.

Sovereign Court

1 person marked this as a favorite.

On Page 128 of the Stragety Guide is a diagram showing how this works.
The 2nd dia. square is partly threatened as moving away is ok but moving in provokes AoO

Beware, for black magic users are among us! This is an old thread.


Cylerist wrote:

On Page 128 of the Stragety Guide is a diagram showing how this works.

The 2nd dia. square is partly threatened as moving away is ok but moving in provokes AoO

As a historical reference, reach and threatening at reach has changed in Pathfinder.

You're responding to a 2yr old thread, when reach worked differently.

The responses thus far were correct, at the time.

Moral of the story: check your dates before you reply to something.

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Not to mention that there's a FAQ for that, which would seem to contradict the text from the strategy guide (I don't own it, can someone copy/paste the relevant snippet of text so we're sure?).

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