Gelmir |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |
...or so I hope.
The plan rests on couple points:
1) 4 levels of Alchemist provide 2 80 minute sessions of Heroism and and 40 minutes of Mutagen per day... much more handy than those 4 levels of fighter.
2) Trip builds are rather sweet for quite some time
3) This build allows the trip build to remain viable when you start running into big baddies through 4 minutes of Enlarge Person (extract).
4) 4 Attacks of opportunities per round
5) High CMD. At level 10, has an effective str of 28 and dex of 16. Also, is using a +2 heavy flail and so can add wep enchantment and wep focus bonuses
At level 10:
DPR (full attack with Mutagen/without mutagen): 68.1/55.4 (as an aside, a Master Chymist does 61 DPR at level 10)
DPR (Single attack with Mutagen/without mutagen):38.6/32.1
Note that with Greater trip and a full attack, DPR gets up to 116.7. Throw in haste, and it can get up to 155.
AC: 25
-Fort: 17 [7(fi) +4(alc) +3(cop) +2(heroism) +1(con)]
-Ref: 18 [7(fi) +3(cop) +4(alc) +2(heroism) +2 (dex)]
-Will: 9 [3(fi) +1(alc) +3(cop) +2(heroism) +1(wis)]
Class: Fighter(8)/Alchemist(4) [Flail]
Race: Human
Str: 18 (10)
Dex: 14 (5)
Con: 12 (2)
Int: 14 (5)
Wis: 12 (2)
Cha: 7 (-4)
Weapon Master/Alchemist
1: Fighter (1)
Feats: Power attack ; Weapon Focus: Great Flail ; Combat Expertise
2: Fighter (2): Improved Trip
3: Fighter (3): Combat Reflexes
4: Fighter (4): Wep Spec: Great Flail
5: Alchemist (1): Step Up
6: Alchemist (2): ---
Discovery: Enhance Potion
7: Alchemist (3): Greater Trip
8: Alchemist (4): ---
Discovery: Extend Potion
Extract: Alchemical Allocation (key for infinite use of the heroism potion)
9: Fighter (5): Improved Criticals
10: Fighter (6): Critical Focus
11: Fighter (7): Weapon focus, Greater
12: Fighter (8): Bleeding Criticals
13: Fighter (9): Tripping Strike
14: Fighter (10): Furious Focus
15: Fighter (11): Lunge
16: Fighter (12): Wep Spec, Greater
17: Fighter (13): Dreadful Carnage
18: Fighter (14): Stunning Criticals
19: Fighter (15): Critical Mastery
20: Alchemist (5): -----
DPR (full round with mutagen/no mutagen): 68.1/61.4
DPR (Single Attack with mutagen/no mutagen): 42/35.5
DPR (Single round with Bombs): 12
-Fort: 16 [7(fi) +4(alc) +2(cop) +2(heroism) +1(con)]
-Ref: 18 [7(fi) +2(cop) +4(alc) +2(heroism) +3 (dex)]
-Will: 8 [3(fi) +1(alc) +2(cop) +2(heroism) +1(wis)]
AC: 26 [10 (plate of speed) + 3 (dex) +2 (natural armor)+1 amulet of natural armor]
Plate of Speed (26.5k)
+2 Heavy Flail (8k)
+4 Belt of Giant Strength (16k)
+2 Belt of Dexterity (4k)
+2 Cloak of resistance (4k)
+1 Amulet of natural armor (2k)
Potion of Heroism (.75k)
Eric Clingenpeel |
Nice! I'll add that one. ALso, the 2 belts thing was an error. I'll figure out a different way to get the +2 dex.
You could get an ioun stone that provides the +2 dex for 8k.
Also, something you might want to be aware of, you don't get only 40 minutes of mutagen a day, you get 40 min/mutagen. You can brew as many times a day as you want, just takes an hour per mutagen, and you can only have one at a time. so if you've got the time, you can use a mutagen, and when you have the time afterwards, brew another, and you're ready to go again.
c873788 |
...or so I hope.
The plan rests on couple points:
1) 4 levels of Alchemist provide 2 80 minute sessions of Heroism and and 40 minutes of Mutagen per day... much more handy than those 4 levels of fighter.
1: Fighter (1)
Feats: Power attack ; Weapon Focus: Great Flail ; Combat Expertise
8: Alchemist (4): ---
Discovery: Extend Potion
Extract: Alchemical Allocation (key for infinite use of the heroism potion)
I don't see how you are getting Heroism. It appears as a 3rd level formulae in the Advanced Player's Guide for Alchemists. Given that it is 3rd level, you might be better getting just 2 levels of Alchemist and getting an extra feat from 2 levels of Fighter. The most important thing you want out of Alchemist is the Enlarge Person formula to combat huge creatures.
I assume you mean heavy flail when you mention "great flail"? Why are you using a heavy flail instead of a Guisarme? Guisarme gives you trip AND reach instead of just reach which means when you are enlarged, anything that comes within 20 feet of you is going to be tripped with your combat reflexes feat. Also, if something gets inside your reach, it's a free action to drop your Guisarme and a move action for you to get out your heavy flail for fighting from adjacent squares without incurring an attack of opportunity against you. I see the heavy flail more as a great backup trip weapon for when creatures get too close. Thoughts on this?
Lastly, I am not that familiar with Alchemists and couldn't find how "Extract: Alchemical Allocation" works (let alone any mention of this) for the infinite uses of the heroism potion you mentioned. Could you please direct me to the reference in the APG and what it specifically does?
Gelmir |
Gelmir wrote:...or so I hope.
The plan rests on couple points:
1) 4 levels of Alchemist provide 2 80 minute sessions of Heroism and and 40 minutes of Mutagen per day... much more handy than those 4 levels of fighter.
1: Fighter (1)
Feats: Power attack ; Weapon Focus: Great Flail ; Combat Expertise
8: Alchemist (4): ---
Discovery: Extend Potion
Extract: Alchemical Allocation (key for infinite use of the heroism potion)
I don't see how you are getting Heroism. It appears as a 3rd level formulae in the Advanced Player's Guide for Alchemists. Given that it is 3rd level, you might be better getting just 2 levels of Alchemist and getting an extra feat from 2 levels of Fighter. The most important thing you want out of Alchemist is the Enlarge Person formula to combat huge creatures.
I assume you mean heavy flail when you mention "great flail"? Why are you using a heavy flail instead of a Guisarme? Guisarme gives you trip AND reach instead of just reach which means when you are enlarged, anything that comes within 20 feet of you is going to be tripped with your combat reflexes feat. Also, if something gets inside your reach, it's a free action to drop your Guisarme and a move action for you to get out your heavy flail for fighting from adjacent squares without incurring an attack of opportunity against you. I see the heavy flail more as a great backup trip weapon for when creatures get too close. Thoughts on this?
Lastly, I am not that familiar with Alchemists and couldn't find how "Extract: Alchemical Allocation" works (let alone any mention of this) for the infinite uses of the heroism potion you mentioned. Could you please direct me to the reference in the APG and what it specifically does?
1) Heroism: I am buying a level 1 potion of it for 750 gp. Then I am using alchemical allocation to allow me to use the potion without expending it. I am also applying Enhance Potion to make the potion operate at my Alchemist level (4) and then I am applying Extend Potion to double the duration.
So 80 minutes of Heroism and I can do this twice a day (18 intel allows me to use 2 level 2 extracts/day)
2)Guisarm: I like that. I like that a lot. Thanks! Question: can I use attacks of opportunity to trip? Sounds like you are saying I can. THAT is a great idea!
ACTUALLY, what I should do is use a fauchard for the 18-20 crit range! Play a half-elf instead! Lose one feat... Probably worth it. By dropping Wep spec, I can add Ancestral Arms (Fauchard) as a half-elf. My crit range at level 10 then moves to 15-20! So my DPR changes to 70/40. Not bad for the reach plan! I really like this uber trip reach program. Combat reflexes are even more key as is high dex.
Also! Dude! Pole arm master gives +1 to hit every 4 levels after 3rd on attacks of opportunity and readied attacks! Sweet! I assume that applies to trip attacks as well (due to fachard having the trip ability)
3) Check out the standard rule book for alchemical allocation. It is an extract. Here is a link:
Soporific Lotus |
This build looks fun and interesting. The ioun stone puts you over on 10th level wealth but if you buy +1 mithril plate and boots of speed instead of plate of speed it saves you 3000 gp. You might consider dropping INT to 12 putting CON to 14 and getting a headband of INT +2. It saves you 4000 gp in the long run over getting an ioun stone of CON. Also, ring of protection is almost always better than amulet of natural armor. You might also want to carry a potion of barkskin for situations where the AC is better than heroism. How are you getting +2 natural AC in addition to the amulet? If you are already factoring in barkskin it does not stack with the amulet. What does cop stand for in your saves? If you are using a reach weapon step up might not be as useful and you could take furious focus sooner.
You can keep your feet if you take heirloom weapon:
You can trip someone as an attack of opportunity. Relevant rules below. Armor spikes are also a way you can attack adjacent squares without dropping your reach weapon.
An attack of opportunity is a single melee attack.
While many combat maneuvers can be performed as part of an attack action, full-attack action, or attack of opportunity (in place of a melee attack), others require a specific action.
You can attempt to trip your opponent in place of a melee attack.
Gelmir |
This build looks fun and interesting. The ioun stone puts you over on 10th level wealth but if you buy +1 mithril plate and boots of speed instead of plate of speed it saves you 3000 gp. You might consider dropping INT to 12 putting CON to 14 and getting a headband of INT +2. It saves you 4000 gp in the long run over getting an ioun stone of CON. Also, ring of protection is almost always better than amulet of natural armor. You might also want to carry a potion of barkskin for situations where the AC is better than heroism. How are you getting +2 natural AC in addition to the amulet? If you are already factoring in barkskin it does not stack with the amulet. What does cop stand for in your saves? If you are using a reach weapon step up might not be as useful and you could take furious focus sooner.
You can keep your feet if you take heirloom weapon: can trip someone as an attack of opportunity. Relevant rules below. Armor spikes are also a way you can attack adjacent squares without dropping your reach weapon.
An attack of opportunity is a single melee attack.
While many combat maneuvers can be performed as part of an attack action, full-attack action, or attack of opportunity (in place of a melee attack), others require a specific action.
You can attempt to trip your opponent in place of a melee attack.
Mutagen adds +2 natural armor.
I appreciate your other advice, although I shy away from heirloom weapons if my build is built around the weapon, as it is here.
I also like having INT at 14 from the get-go.
All that said, I like your wealth management advice and will think about it quite a bit.
So trip can be done as 1 attack in a full round attack or IN PLACE of a full round attack? Clarify?
Soporific Lotus |
Whenever you make a melee attack you can substitute a trip for that attack. If you used a standard action to attack you could make that a trip or if you have multiple attacks from a full round action you could turn any number of them into trips. Each combat maneuver has a specific action that can substituted for the combat maneuver. Trip, and disarm can be substituted in as parts of a full attack. Sunder is worded differently such that it can be combined with vital strike and other abilities. If you can substitute attacks in a full attack with sunders is still hotly debated, Sunder. Here is how to calculate your CMB using multiple attacks. CMB
The vivisectionist alchemist archetype looks pretty good for this build. It swaps out bombs for sneak attack. You can't sneak attack a tripped enemy but you can still flank with reach.
Gelmir |
The vivisectionist alchemist archetype looks pretty good for this build. It swaps out bombs for sneak attack. You can't sneak attack a tripped enemy but you can still flank with reach.
Thanks for the rule clarification. I thought that was how tripped worked. Thanks for confirming.
Vivisectionist? Where is that archetype located? I don't have the rules for any Alchemist archetypes. That looks f'ing sweet.
Gelmir |
I like the Plate of speed due to its dex-friendly nature (allows up to a +3 dex bonus). The Gear now is 63,250 gold pieces... 750 GP over the level 10 target. Dang close.
I am going to play this build up from level 1. I just decided to provide stats at level 10 as a way to measure strength along the lines of the DPR Olympics thread.
Note that with pole-arm master he can fight adjacent enemies with only a -2 penalty at level 10.
Also, at level 10, I should have something like a +28 Trip CMB!
[+9(BAB)+9(Str)+3(Dex)+4(trip feats)+2(trip wep enchant)+1(trip wep focus)]
With enlarge person up, I hit 30!
That means, on average, I should be hitting 38-40 on my trip rolls.
Note that an Ettin (CR 6) only has a CMD of 23.
A Cloud Giant (CR11) only has a CMD of 37. With Enlarge person at level 10, This dude can resonably trip a storm giant! And all of the other giants can be chain tripped forever. Pretty good, eh?
New version of build:
Class: Fighter(8)/Alchemist(4)
Pole-Arm Master/Vivisectionist
Race: Half-elf
Str: 18 (10)
Dex: 14 (5)
Con: 12 (2)
Int: 14 (5)
Wis: 12 (2)
Cha: 7 (-4)
Defender of the society (+1 AC)
Armor Expert
1: Fighter (1)
Feats: Power attack ; Combat Expertise; Ancestral Arms: Fauchard
2: Fighter (2): Improved Trip
3: Fighter (3): Combat Reflexes
4: Fighter (4): Wep focus: Fauchard
5: Alchemist (1): Fury’s Fall
6: Alchemist (2): ---
Discovery: Enhance Potion
7: Alchemist (3): Greater Trip
8: Alchemist (4): ---
Discovery: Extend Potion
9: Fighter (5): Improved Criticals
10: Fighter (6): Critical Focus
11: Fighter (7): Weapon Specialization
12: Fighter (8): Bleeding Criticals
13: Fighter (9): Tripping Strike
14: Fighter (10): Lunge
15: Fighter (11): Weapon Focuse, Greater
16: Fighter (12): Wep Spec, Greater
17: Fighter (13): Dreadful Carnage
18: Fighter (14): Stunning Criticals
19: Fighter (15): Critical Mastery
20: Alchemist (5): -----
DPR (full round with mutagen/no mutagen): 70.6/57.4
when flanking.... 82
DPR (Single Attack with mutagen/no mutagen): 40/33
when flanking... 46
DPR (Single round with Bombs): 12
-Fort: 16 [7(fi) +4(alc) +2(cop) +2(heroism) +1(con)]
-Ref: 17 [7(fi) +2(cop) +4(alc) +2(heroism) +2 (dex)]
-Will: 8 [3(fi) +1(alc) +2(cop) +2(heroism) +1(wis)]
AC: 26 [10 (plate of speed) + 2 (dex)+ 1(dex IOUN stone) +2 (natural armor-Mutagen)+1(Defender of the society trait)
Plate of Speed (26.5k)
+2 Fauchard (8k)
+4 Belt of Giant Strength (16k)
+2 Cloak of resistance (4k)
+2 Ioun Stone of Dexterity (8k)
Potion of Heroism (.75k)
Soporific Lotus |
Plate of speed is +1 mithril full plate with the ability from boots of speed. It has all the same stats. It costs more because you are freeing up the feet slot. If you are not planning on using other magic boots then mithril full plate and boots of speed are exactly the same but it costs 3000 less. The vivisectionist is in the blog preview for Ultimate Magic.
Gelmir |
Plate of speed is +1 mithril full plate with the ability from boots of speed. It has all the same stats. It costs more because you are freeing up the feet slot. If you are not planning on using other magic boots then mithril full plate and boots of speed are exactly the same but it costs 3000 less. The vivisectionist is in the blog preview for Ultimate Magic.
Well now that is dang clever. See my problem is, I don't see the rules for mithril armor anywhere. Where are they? I agree that your plan is much better. I can then add a +1 ring of protection to end up at 27 AC!
Also, I am now within the wealth guidelines.
I will be buying ultimate magic for sure. I like the Magus class. Thanks for the heads-up on vivisectionist.
c873788 |
1) Heroism: I am buying a level 1 potion of it for 750 gp. Then I am using alchemical allocation to allow me to use the potion without expending it. I am also applying Enhance Potion to make the potion operate at my Alchemist level (4) and then I am applying Extend Potion to double the duration.
So 80 minutes of Heroism and I can do this twice a day (18 intel allows me to use 2 level 2 extracts/day)
3) Check out the standard rule book for alchemical allocation. It is an extract. Here is a link:
Thanks for explaining the alchemical allocation for me. That's quite a good build idea to add in the heroism.
I think I have some good news for you. You can't buy the heroism potion as a level 1 potion as you mention above for 750 gold pieces. It's a 3rd level potion created by a minimum level 5 spellcaster of some description for 750gp. I think that means you have at least 50 minutes of heroism to start with before using the Extend Potion ability. Now think about investing in a heroism potion created by an 18th level spellcaster for 2700gp. That would give you 3 hours per use which extended would be 6 hours. So with 2 uses that's 12 hours per day. You can be 'heroic' nearly all day accept when you rest.
0gre |
1) Heroism: I am buying a level 1 potion of it for 750 gp. Then I am using alchemical allocation to allow me to use the potion without expending it. I am also applying Enhance Potion to make the potion operate at my Alchemist level (4) and then I am applying Extend Potion to double the duration.
For what it's worth... Heroism is a 2nd level bard spell or a 3rd level wizard spell so the caster level and duration for the potion by itself is 4th/40 minutes for bardic and 5th/50 minutes for wizard. Using Enhance potion is pretty much a waste on heroism. Extend potion would work though and bump the duration up to 80 minutes or 100 minutes depending on the version you use. If you are only taking 4 levels of alchemist Enhance Potion is kind of a waste, the only potions it's really good for are the 1st level ones and even those it's questionable (and you can likely just make them into an extract).
I would suggest Feral Mutagen or Imbue Extract so you can be a little more party friendly.
Gelmir |
Gelmir wrote:1) Heroism: I am buying a level 1 potion of it for 750 gp. Then I am using alchemical allocation to allow me to use the potion without expending it. I am also applying Enhance Potion to make the potion operate at my Alchemist level (4) and then I am applying Extend Potion to double the duration.For what it's worth... Heroism is a 2nd level bard spell or a 3rd level wizard spell so the caster level and duration for the potion by itself is 4th/40 minutes for bardic and 5th/50 minutes for wizard. Using Enhance potion is pretty much a waste on heroism. Extend potion would work though and bump the duration up to 80 minutes or 100 minutes depending on the version you use. If you are only taking 4 levels of alchemist Enhance Potion is kind of a waste, the only potions it's really good for are the 1st level ones and even those it's questionable (and you can likely just make them into an extract).
I would suggest Feral Mutagen or Imbue Extract so you can be a little more party friendly.
Thanks to you both! I missed that completely! Also, with a level 18 potion giving me 6 hours of +2 to hit and +2 to all saves and skill rolls is worth 2700 GP. What do you guys think?
I would probably go with Concetrate poison as a replacement for enhance potion. I will need my level 1 extracts for myself, most likely.
Gelmir |
If your GM allows it, consider having your fauchard made from Silversheen. 750 gp extra, including masterwork, gives it the silvered feature without the damage penalty, and immune to rusting effects.
Silversheen comes from the Qadira, Gateway to the East sourcebook.
Interesting. So a +2 silver weapon to ensure I can hurt all baddies. Is that the idea?
Callarek |
Callarek wrote:Interesting. So a +2 silver weapon to ensure I can hurt all baddies. Is that the idea?If your GM allows it, consider having your fauchard made from Silversheen. 750 gp extra, including masterwork, gives it the silvered feature without the damage penalty, and immune to rusting effects.
Silversheen comes from the Qadira, Gateway to the East sourcebook.
Well, it helps against lycanthropes, but the main thing is the immune to rusting feature.
Rust monsters, rusting grasp, side effects from ship adventures, etc.
Just not having to worry about losing your primary weapon to a rust monster.....
Add a weapon cord, from the Adventurer's Handbook, so you don't have to worry much about disarming....
Sunder, of course, is a different matter...
c873788 |
...or so I hope.
The plan rests on couple points:
1) 4 levels of Alchemist provide 2 80 minute sessions of Heroism and and 40 minutes of Mutagen per day... much more handy than those 4 levels of fighter.
2) Trip builds are rather sweet for quite some time
3) This build allows the trip build to remain viable when you start running into big baddies through 4 minutes of Enlarge Person (extract).
4) 4 Attacks of opportunities per round
5) High CMB.
I really like this build idea. It might even inspire me to write up a mini guide on optimal trip builds. Ofcourse, Gelmir's Tripping Fighter-Alchemist of Doom would be included with a link to this thread. Other ideas at the back of my mind are the Battle Oracle which makes a surprisingly good tripper; a monk weapon adept using kamas with a splash of arcane to access Enlarge Person; and a fighter build with 4 levels of magus splash using a scorpion whip. The underlying premise of any good build is point 3) made by Gelmir - the build must have ready access to Enlarge Person to enable huge creatures to be tripped.
What other good trip builds (if any) should be considered?
Shadow_of_death |
I really like this build idea. It might even inspire me to write up a mini guide on optimal trip builds. Ofcourse, Gelmir's Tripping Fighter-Alchemist of Doom would be included with a link to this thread. Other ideas at the back of my mind are the Battle Oracle which makes a surprisingly good tripper; a monk weapon adept using kamas with a splash of arcane to access Enlarge Person; and a fighter build with 4 levels of magus splash using a scorpion whip. The underlying premise of any good build is point 3) made by Gelmir - the build must have ready access to Enlarge Person to enable huge creatures to be tripped.
What other good trip builds (if any) should be considered?
wildshaping druid, huge creature with +8 str ftw
Gelmir |
c873788 wrote:wildshaping druid, huge creature with +8 str ftw
I really like this build idea. It might even inspire me to write up a mini guide on optimal trip builds. Ofcourse, Gelmir's Tripping Fighter-Alchemist of Doom would be included with a link to this thread. Other ideas at the back of my mind are the Battle Oracle which makes a surprisingly good tripper; a monk weapon adept using kamas with a splash of arcane to access Enlarge Person; and a fighter build with 4 levels of magus splash using a scorpion whip. The underlying premise of any good build is point 3) made by Gelmir - the build must have ready access to Enlarge Person to enable huge creatures to be tripped.
What other good trip builds (if any) should be considered?
Well in that case, here is the revised build based on everyone's comments above:
Note that "Imbue Extract" will probably be switched out with one of the new discoveries from the Ultimate Magic guide. We want level 4 Alchemist for Alchemical Allocation.
Class: Fighter(8)/Alchemist(4) [Fauchard]
Race: Half-elf
(Assume 20 pt. build)
Str: 18 (10)
Dex: 14 (5)
Con: 12 (2)
Int: 14 (5)
Wis: 12 (2)
Cha: 7 (-4)
Pole-Arm Master/Vivisectionist
Defender of the society (+1 AC)
1: Fighter (1)
Feats: Power attack ; Combat Expertise; Ancestral Arms: Fauchard
2: Fighter (2): Improved Trip
3: Fighter (3): Combat Reflexes
4: Fighter (4): Wep focus: Fauchard
5: Alchemist (1): Fury’s Fall
6: Alchemist (2): ---
Discovery: Extend Potion
7: Alchemist (3): Greater Trip
8: Alchemist (4): ---
Discovery: Imbue Extract
9: Fighter (5): Improved Criticals
10: Fighter (6): Critical Focus
11: Fighter (7): Weapon Specialization
12: Fighter (8): Bleeding Criticals
13: Fighter (9): Tripping Strike
14: Fighter (10): Lunge
15: Fighter (11): Furious Focus
16: Fighter (12): Wep Spec, Greater
17: Fighter (13): Dreadful Carnage
18: Fighter (14): Stunning Criticals
19: Fighter (15): Critical Mastery
20: Alchemist (5): -----
DPR (full round with mutagen/no mutagen): 70.6/57.4
DPR (Single Attack with mutagen/no mutagen): 40/33
Sneak Attack: 2d6 (pretty fun with "Flexible Flanker", but that requires level 9 fighter from Polearm Mastery)
-Fort: 16 [7(fi) +4(alc) +2(cop) +2(heroism) +1(con)]
-Ref: 17 [7(fi) +2(cop) +4(alc) +2(heroism) +2 (dex)]
-Will: 9 [3(fi) +1(alc) +2(cop) +2(heroism) +1(wis)]
AC: 26 [+10 (+1 Mithril Plate) + 2 (dex)+1(dex IOUN stone) +2 (natural armor-Mutagen)+1(Defender of the society)
Gear (@ lvl 10):
+1 Mithril Plate (13.5k)
Boots of Speed (10k)
+2 Fauchard (8k)
+4 Belt of Giant Strength (16k)
+2 Cloak of resistance (4k)
+2 Ioun Stone of Dexterity (8k)
18th level Potion of Heroism (2.75k)