Pathfinder Truenamer


RPG Superstar 2012 Top 32

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Here's a bit of a power boost for the Truenamer to bring it in line with the Pathfinder classes. Obviously, we'll also need to invent more Utterances for the Lexicons of the Crafted Tool and Perfected Map. I mean, a truenamer should be able to talk a door open, right?

Pathfinder Truenamer

BAB: +3/4
Good Saves: Will
Hit Dice: 1d8

Class Skills: Craft, Knowledge (all), Linguistics, Perform (oratory), Profession, Spellcraft, Truespeak, Use Magic Device.

Skill Ranks Per Level: 4 + Int modifier.

Truenamers are proficient in all Simple Weapons, and Light Armor.

1. Known Personal Truename, Lexicon of the Evolving Mind
2. Knowledge Focus
3. Concord of Words (Save DC)
4. Lexicon of the Crafted Tool
5. Bonus Recitation Feat
6. Knowledge Focus, Truename Research
7. Speak Unto The Masses (Charisma bonus)
8. Lexicon of the Perfected Map
9. See the Named
10. Knowledge Focus
11. Personal Truename Mastery
12. Sending
13. Improved Speak Unto The Masses (Level)
14. Knowledge Focus
15. Bonus Recitation Feat
16. Speak Unto The Myriad Masses (Multiple Creature Types)
17. Concord of Words (Caster Level)
18. Knowledge Focus
19. Greater Speak Unto The Masses (Unlimited)
20. Say My Name And I Am There

Known Personal Truename. The Truenamer knows his own truename.

Lexicon of the Evolving Mind (Sp). At 1st level, the truenamer learns 2 Utterances from the Lexicon of the Evolving Mind. At 2nd level, and every level thereafter, the truenamer learns an additional Utterance from the Lexicon of the Evolving Mind. Initially, the truenamer can only choose 1st level Utterances. At 4th level, he can begin to choose 2nd level Utterances. At 7th, 3rd level; at 10th, 4th level; at 13th; 5th; and at 16th, 6th level Utterances.

Knowledge Focus. At levels 2, 6, 10, 14, and 18, the truenamer chooses a Knowledge skill and gains a +3 bonus to it. The truenamer may choose a new Knowledge skill or a previously selected Knowledge skill each time he gains this ability.

Concord of Words (Ex). Beginning at 3rd level, truenamers learn to work together and increase the potentcy of their Utterances. Two or more truenamers of 3rd level or higher can choose to target the same opponent with the same Utterance, and use their Concord of Words ability. The opponent makes a single save against the Utterance, using the Save DC of the truenamer with the highest Save DC and increasing it by 1 for each truenamer that is assisting him. A truenamer must succeed on the Truespeech check of the target creature to assist the other truenamers using the Concord of Words ability.

Two or more truenamers of 17th level or higher can choose to target the same opponent with the same Utterance, and use their Concord of Words ability. The opponent makes a single save against the Utterance, using the Save DC of the truenamer with the highest Save DC. Each additional truenamer participating in the Concord of Words increases the caster level of the Utterance by 1 for the purposes of overcoming Spell Resistance.

Lexicon of the Crafted Tool (Sp). At 4th level, the truenamer learns 1 Utterance from the Lexicon of the Crafted Tool. At 5th level, and every level thereafter, the truenamer learns an additional Utterance from the Lexicon of the Crafted Tool. Initially, the truenamer can only choose 1st level Utterances. At 7th level, he can begin to choose 2nd level Utterances. At 10th, 3rd level; at 13th, 4th level; and at 16th, 5th level Utterances.

At 5th and 15th level, the truenamer learns a bonus Recitation feat.

Truename Research. At 6th level, the truenamer gains Truename Research as a bonus feat.

Speak To The Masses. At 7th level, the truenamer can target a number of creatures equal to his Charisma bonus (minimum 2) with the same Utterance. Both creatures must be of the same type (dragon, giant, monstrous humanoid, etc.). The DC of the Truespeak check increases by +2 for each additional target creature.

At 13th level, the truenamer can target a number of creatures equal to his class level. All affected creatures must be of the same type.

At 16th level, the truenamer can target different types of creatures with the same Utterance. The number of different creature types that a truenamer can affect is equal to his Charisma bonus (minimum 2). The DC of Truespeak check increases by 2 for each type of creature to be affected.

At 19th level, the truenamer can target an unlimited number of creatures with the same Utterance.

Lexicon of the Perfected Map (Sp). At 8th level, the truenamer learns 1 Utterance from the Lexicon of the Perfected Map. At 9th level, and every level thereafter, the truenamer learns an additional Utterance from the Lexicon of the Perfected Map. Initially, the truenamer can only choose 1st level Utterances. At 11th level, he can begin to choose 2nd level Utterances. At 14th, 3rd level; at 17th, 4th level Utterances.

See The Named (Sp) A number of times per day equal to his Charisma bonus, the truenamer can view a subject as if using the Scry spell for a number of rounds equal to his Charisma bonus by making a successful Truespeak check with a DC of 15 + (2 x the target's CR).

Personal Truename Mastery (Ex). When attempting to speak his own truename, the truenamer adds his Charisma bonus, if any, to the Truespeak check.

Sending (Sp). A number of times per day equal to his Charisma bonus, the truenamer can use an effect identical to the Sending spell by making a successful Truespeak check with a DC of 15 + (2 x the target's CR).

Say My Name And I Am There (Sp). The truenamer creates a special truename (not his actual truename, but a true nickname) that he can share with others. If they speak it, the truenamer is aware of who said it and where they are and may choose to transport himself there as if using a word of recall spell.

The Exchange


RPG Superstar 2012 Top 32


Now I need to design more Utterances for the Lexicon of the Crafted Tool and Lexicon of the Perfected Map.

For the Lexicon of the Crafted Tool, I want to make them reversable like the Lexicon of the Evolved Mind. I figure the Transmutation school of magic is the best place to get inspiration.



Knock/Arcane Lock (Truespeak check instead of Disable Device check to unlock or Truespeak check as Caster Level Check to Dispel/create lock with Truespeak check = the DC to unlock it or dispel it.

Attune Magic Device (+1 to Use Magic Device roll per 5 points of Truespeak check/require Spellcraft or Use Magic Device check equal to Truespeak check to use magic item)

Enhance Armor (DC 25 Truespeak for +1 AC, +5 to DC for each additional +1/DC 25 Truespeak to reduce AC by 1, +5 to DC for each additional reduction of 1)

The Exchange

Personally I have been working on the Hexblade.

RPG Superstar 2012 Top 32

Crimson Jester wrote:
Personally I have been working on the Hexblade.

Here's what I came up with for the Hexblade.

PFRPG Hexblade

Hexblades are arcane soldiers that have mastery over luck.

Alignment: Non-good
BAB: +1
Good Saves: Will
Hit Dice: 1d10

Class Skills: Appraise, Bluff, Craft, Diplomacy, Handle Animal, Intimidate, Knowledge (arcana), Knowledge (planes), Profession, Ride, Spellcraft, Use Magic Device

Skill Ranks Per Level: 2 + Int modifier.

Hexblades are proficient in all Simple and Martial Weapons, Light Armor, and all Shields (except Tower Shields).

Hexblades use the Paladin spells per day table, and can prepare spells from the Sorcerer/Wizard list of spells from the schools of abjuration, divination, enchantment, illusion, necomancy, and transmutation. They do not suffer arcane spell failure if wearing light armor or no armor. Spells are based on Charisma.

1. Arcane Grace, Cantrips, Hex Pool, Hexblade's Curse (-2)
2. Hex Power
3. Mettle
4. Bonus Feat, Hex Power
5. Arcane Bond
6. Hex Power
7. Improved Hexblade's Curse (-4)
8. Bonus Feat, Hex Power
9. Aura of Unluck (20%)
10. Hex Power
11. Baleful Luck
12. Bonus Feat, Hex Power
13. Greater Hexblade's Curse (-6)
14. Hex Power
15. Quick Curse
16. Bonus Feat, Hex Power
17. Greater Aura of Unluck (50%)
18. Hex Power
19. Dire Hexblade's Curse (-8)
20. Bonus Feat, Hex Power, Reversal of Fortune

Arcane Grace (Su). As long as the Hexblade has at least 1 point in his Hex Pool (see below), he gains a Luck bonus on all Saving Throws against Spells, Spell-like Abilities, and Supernatural Effects.

Cantrips (Sp). A Hexblade with a Charisma of at least 10 learns a number of cantrips equal to his Charisma bonus (minimum 1). These are 0 level spells chosen from the Sorcerer/Wizard list of the abjuration, divination, enchantment, illusion, necromancy, or transmutation schools of magic. He can use them at will as a spell-like ability.

Hex Pool (Su). A Hexblade has a Hex Pool equal to his Charisma bonus (minimum 1) multiplied by his class level. His Hex Pool is replenished each day. The Hexblade spends points from his Hex Pool to power his Hexblade's Curse and Hex Power abilities.

Hexblade's Curse (Su). As a swift action, the Hexblade can target an opponent within 60 feet with his Hexblade's Curse. The Hexblade must spend at least 1 point from his Hex Pool to activate this power; the duration of the Hexblade's Curse is 1 round per point spent from the Hex Pool. The opponent is allowed a Will save with a DC of 10 + 1/2 the Hexblade's class level + his Charisma modifier to avoid the Hexblade's Curse. If the opponent fails the Will Save, the opponent takes a -2 luck penalty to its Ability Checks, AC, Attack Rolls, Damage Rolls, Caster Level Checks, Saving Throws, and Skill Checks for the duration of the Hexblade's Curse.
At 7th level, the luck penalty increases to -4. At 13th level, it increases to -6, and at 19th level, it increases to -8.

Hex Power (Su). The Hexblade is adept at using power of luck to hinder his enemies and aid himself. At 2nd level, and every 2 levels thereafter, the Hexblade selects one of the following abilities. Using a Hex Power is an immediate action unless otherwise stated.

Hexed Ability. The Hexblade can force an opponent to re-roll an ability check by spending 1 point from his Hex Pool, or the Hexblade can re-roll his own ability check by spending 2 points from his Hex Pool.

Hexed Attack. The Hexblade can force an opponent to re-roll an attack roll by spending 2 points from his Hex Pool, or the Hexblade can re-roll his own attack roll by spending 4 points from his Hex Pool.

Hexed Spell Damage. The Hexblade can force an opponent to re-roll a spell's damage roll by spending 3 points from his Hex Pool, or the Hexblade can re-roll his own spell damage roll by spending 6 points from his Hex Pool.

Hexed Weapon Damage. The Hexblade can force an opponent to re-roll a weapon's damage roll by spending 2 points from his Hex Pool, or the Hexblade can re-roll his own weapon damage roll by spending 4 points from his Hex Pool.

Hexed Save. The Hexblade can force an opponent to re-roll a saving throw by spending 2 points from his Hex Pool, or the Hexblade can re-roll his own saving throw by spending 4 points from his Hex Pool.

Hexed Caster. The Hexblade can force an opponent to re-roll a caster level check by spending 3 points from his Hex Pool, or the Hexblade can re-roll his own caster level check by spending 6 points from his Hex Pool.

Hexed Skill. The Hexblade can force an opponent to re-roll a skill check by spending 1 point from his Hex Pool, or the Hexblade can re-roll his own skill check by spending 2 points from his Hex Pool.

Hexed Reaction. The Hexblade can force an opponent to re-roll an initiative check by spending 2 points from his Hex Pool, or the Hexblade can re-roll his own initiative check by spending 4 points from his Hex Pool. This use of Hex Power does not take an action; it occurs prior to actions being taken.

Hexed Prowess. The Hexblade can force an opponent to re-roll a Combat Manuver Check by spending 2 point from his Hex Pool, or the Hexblade can re-roll his own Combat Manuver Check by spending 4 points from his Hex Pool.

Mettle (Ex). If the Hexblade makes a successful Fortitude or Will save that normally results in a partial effect, the Hexblade instead avoids all harmful effects.

Bonus Feat. At levels 4, 8, 12, 16, and 20, the Hexblade gains a bonus feat from the following list. He must meet all requirements of the selected feat.
Arcane Strike, Combat Casting, Eschew Materials, Great Fortitude, Greater Spell Focus, Greater Spell Penetration, Improved Familiar, Spell Focus, Spell Penetration.

Arcane Bond. At level 5, the Hexblade can either choose to have a familiar as a wizard of his class level, or he can gain an ability similar to the divine bond of a paladin's weapon, removing holy and adding anarchic and unholy to the weapon properties that can be selected.

Aura of Unluck (Su). At 9th level, by spending 1 point from his Hex Pool as a swift action, all attack rolls against the Hexblade have a 20% miss chance for 1 round. At 17th level, the miss chance increases to 50%.

Baleful Luck (Su). At 11th level, when using his Hex Power against an opponent, the Hexblade applies a luck penalty equal to his Charisma bonus (if any) to his opponent's reroll. When using his Hex Power to benefit from a re-roll himself, the Hexblade may spend 1 additional point from his Hex Pool to add his Charisma bonus (if any) as a luck bonus to the results of the reroll.

Quick Curse (Su). At 15th level, the Hexblade may spend points from his Hex Pool as a free action instead of a swift action to activate his Hexblade's Curse and Hex Powers.

Reversal of Fortune (Su). At 20th level, by spending 20 points from his Hex Pool as an immediate action, he can treat any failure as a success, or treat a Natural 1 as a Natural 20. Furthermore, by spending 20 points from his Hex Pool as an immediate action, he can also force any opponent he has line of effect to to treat any success as a failure, or a Natural 20 as a Natural 1.

Nice job on coming up with some new ideas for the Truenamer in Pathfinder/Golarion. Do you know if anyone has done anything with the Binder (aside from the guys at or Shadowcaster?

As a feedback suggestion regarding the knowledge focus power. In 3.5 they were basically skill focus, in PF skill focus goes from +3 to +6 at 10 ranks. You could make the namer choose a different knowledge skill each time and treat it as the skill focus feat (allowing them to get the +6 when they invest the requisite skill ranks if they so choose)

While the truenamer looks nice, the fundamental problem with the class still exists, and that problem is that truenamming just doesn't work at mid-levels onwards.

With the typical DC for truespeaking using twice the creature's CR as a base, it becomes far too hard to affect high level creatures with any utterence, and the problem only scales with level.

I'd surgest trying some alternative mechanics for the base DC or finding a way to boost the classe's Truename skill bonus at higher levels to accomadate this.

Also, note that Paizo removed concentration as it was mostly a skill tax for spellcasters - So going by that I'd be tempted to remove the Truespeak skill and replace it with maybe a level check with certain bonuses at certain levels (maybe even providing a large scaling bonus to give the class a much needed boost at higher levels).

I think I recently looked at a bloodline that turns a Sorcerer into a was a new product sneak peek.....I'll see if I can find it.

Nero24200 wrote:

While the truenamer looks nice, the fundamental problem with the class still exists, and that problem is that truenamming just doesn't work at mid-levels onwards.

With the typical DC for truespeaking using twice the creature's CR as a base, it becomes far too hard to affect high level creatures with any utterence, and the problem only scales with level.

Anyone have any luck on this over the past month? Was about to start a thread of my own asking for suggestions as to how to redo this awesome-concept-terrible-execution class to make it actually useable but figured it might be best to see if a thread already existed.

RPG Superstar 2012 Top 32

Would 15 + CR work?

Figure Max ranks, with +3 Int bonus.

Level 1. 15 + 1 = 16 vs 1d20 + 7 (3 + 1 + 3), so about 55% success rate.

By level 10, Stat boosts increase Int bonus to +4

Level 10. 15 + 10 = 25 vs 1d20 + (3 + 10 + 4), so about 60% success rate.

By level 20, Stat boosts increase Int bonus to +5

Level 20. 15 + 20 = 35 vs 1d20 + (3 + 20 + 5), so 65% success rate.

And this doesn't take into account Skill Focus, Enhancement bonuses to Int, Inherent Bonuses to Int, and Aging bonuses to Int.

A tricked out 1st level PC might have Skill Focus, so increase success rate to about 70%.

A tricked out 10th level PC might have Skill Focus and a +4 Int item, so increase success rate to 85%.

A tricked out 20th level PC might have Skill Focus, +6 Int Item, +5 Inherent Bonus, so increase the success rate to 105%.

Of course, success rates decrease by 10% per additional use of an Utterance (+2 DC).

Maybe just introduce a new mechanic for High Level Truename or Truespeak opponents similar to Turn Resistance....maybe Utterance Resistance (UR), that would be something like +2 to +8.

Or maybe make an opponent's Truespeak DC 15 + CR + Cha modifier; the Charisma representing the target's personal power and strength of self and command over their own reality.

SmiloDan that's an excellent work on both classes. One of my former players would have loved your take on the Hexblade who was very underpowered in 3.5 IMHO.

Two suggestions :

1)Make Aura of Unluck a free action. If it's a swift action it prevents the hexblade to use his other neat hex powers during the round. The adding costs to the hex pool is a sufficient limitation to my mind.

2)Remove the familiar and use the Dark Companion variant of DMG II. More hexblade flavour than a mere familiar.

Again, brilliant work


SmiloDan wrote:

Maybe just introduce a new mechanic for High Level Truename or Truespeak opponents similar to Turn Resistance....maybe Utterance Resistance (UR), that would be something like +2 to +8.

Or maybe make an opponent's Truespeak DC 15 + CR + Cha modifier; the Charisma representing the target's personal power and strength of self and command over their own reality.

I like your whole thing but these two I really like, the second more than the first. I'd also be tempted to add a bonus for creatures that themselves have Truespeech capability (like the monsters introduced in that section of the book), representing their familiarity with the power and therefore knowing adequate measures to protect themselves, but I can't see a way to do that without risking also giving those sorts of protections to a player, which might break stuff. Thoughts?

Also basing it off CR will be fine if you're just running critterbeasties out of the books, but might be more problematic for DMs who homebrew their monsters. No real way I know to solve that though.

RPG Superstar 2012 Top 32

Well, even homebrew nasties have CRs....they're "approximate" until thoroughly playtested.

I'm liking the 15 + CR + Cha modifier myself. Some critters are easier and or harder for their CR to affect, just like some critters have lower or higher SR, DR, AC, etc.

I wouldn't give Truespeaking monsters a bonus to UR unless Truenamers get it too. Maybe something minor, like +2 if you have 5 ranks in Truespeech. But there are probably already feats that do that.

SmiloDan wrote:
Well, even homebrew nasties have CRs....they're "approximate" until thoroughly playtested.

Yeah, it's just a bit tricky for DMs when they throw something together. Though if you have a Truenamer in the party you should probably be forewarned anyway.

Maybe something minor, like +2 if you have 5 ranks in Truespeech. But there are probably already feats that do that.

Really? I'll have to look into that.

I'll try this combined with the edited version above and see how it works. I've a friend coming to visit shortly who's really good with number-crunching and we'll knock our heads together for a while over it.

Great job on the Truenamer SmiloDan! I've been toying with a new version for a bit and you've got some great ideas there :)

RPG Superstar 2012 Top 32

Sketchpad wrote:
Great job on the Truenamer SmiloDan! I've been toying with a new version for a bit and you've got some great ideas there :)


I'll have to post my Trueblade soon; it's a truespeaking version of the duskblade. I'm also thinking of making a False-speaker, a rogue-like class that uses truespeech in deceptive ways. Instead of speaking truespeech to re-shape the universe, they lie about the universe to such a great extent it actually alters reality.

RPG Superstar 2012 Top 32


BAB: +1
Good Saves: Fortitude
Hit Dice: 1d10

Class Skills: Craft, Diplomacy, Knowledge (all), Linguistics, Perform-oratory, Profession, Sense Motive, Truespeak, Use Magic Device.

Skill Ranks per Level: 2 + Int modifier

Trueblades are proficient in all Simple and Martial Weapons. They are proficient with Light and Medium armor and all Shields (except tower shields).

Truespeaking (Sp). Trueblades must make a Truespeak skill check with a DC of 20 + the target's CR + the target's Charisma modifier (the trueblade can ignore his own Charisma modifier if he is targeting himself). The Save DC (if any) of any Trueblade effect is 10 + 1/2 his Trueblade level + his Charisma modifier. (My houseruled Truespeak checks normally have a DC of 15 + the target's CR + the target's Charisma modifier instead of the standard DC of 15 + (CR x 2). I think my way scales better.)

1. Known Personal Truename, Whispers.
2. Truename Focus, True Strike 1/day
3. Word of War
4. Word of the Reforged Blade
5. Fast Talk 1/day, True Strike 2/day
6. Word of War
7. Bonus Whisper
8. True Strike 3/day
9. Word of War
10. Fast Talk 2/day
11. True Strike 4/day
12. Word of War
13. Bonus Whisper
14. True Strike 5/day
15. Fast Talk 3/day, Word of War
16. Swift Whispers
17. True Strike 6/day
18. Word of War
19. Bonus Whisper
20. Fast Talk 4/day, True Strike 7/day

Known Personal Truename (Ex). The Trueblade knows his own personal truename.

Whispers (Sp). Whispers are 0 level utterances. The DC to speak a whisper is 10, +2 for each additional time per day the whisper is spoken. The Trueblade learns 3 Whispers at 1st level, and 1 additional whisper at levels 7, 13, and 19.

Truename Focus (Ex). The Trueblade adds 1/2 his class level on Truespeak checks to use utterances to influence himself or a weapon that is under the influence of his Word of the Reforged Blade ability (see below).

True Strike (Sp). Beginning at 2nd level, the Trueblade can use True Strike once per day as a spell-like effect. He gains 1 additional use of this ability at levels 5, 8, 11, 14, 17, and 20.

Word of War (Sp). Beginning at 3rd level, and every 3 levels thereafter, the Trueblade chooses one of the following combat manuvers or actions: Bullrush, Disarm, Grapple, Overrun, Sunder, Trip, or Feint in Combat. When using one of the chosen manuvers, he adds the result of his Truespeak check to his CMB or CMD.

Word of the Reforged Blade (Sp). At 4th level, the Trueblade can make a DC 20 Truespeak check and grant a weapon that he is wielding a +1 enhancement bonus for 1 hour per level. At 8th level, and every 4 levels thereafter, he can increase the enhancement bonus by an additional +1, but the Truespeak DC increases by 5 for each additional plus. Alternatively, the Trueblade can add one or more special abilities to the weapon as long as the cost of the special abilities in "pluses" does not exceed +1 per 4 class levels. The weapon targeted by the Word of the Reforged Blade must be at least +1 before it can be enhanced with any special abilities.

Fast Talk (Su). Beginning at 5th level, once per day the Trueblade can speak an utterance as a swift action without using the Quicken Utterance feat and/or increasing the Truespeak DC. He gains additional daily uses of this ability at levels 10, 15, and 20.

Utterances (Sp). Begining at 1st level, the Trueblade learns one 1st level utterance from the Lexicon of the Evolved Mind. He learns one additional utterance from the Lexicon of the Evolved Mind at levels 2, 3, 5, 6, 8, 9, 10, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 19, and 20. He can learn 2nd level utterances beginning at level 5, 3rd at level 8, 4th at level 12, 5th at level 15, and 6th at level 19.

Beginning at level 4, he also begins learning utterances from the Lexicon of the Crafted Tool. He learns 1 at level 4 and 1 additional one at levels 5, 6, 8, 9, 11, 12, 13, 15, 16, 18, 19, and 20, learning higher level utterances at levels 8, 11, 15, and 18.

Beginning at level 8, he also begins learning utterances from the Lexicon of the Perfected Map. he learns 1 at level 8, and 1 additional one at levels 9, 10, 12, 13, 15, 16, 17, 19, and 20, learning higher level utterances at levels 12, 15, and 19.


I'm also working on some new utterances, mostly for the Lexicon of the Crafted Tool that influence weapons and armor, and some for the Lexicon of the Perfected Map that deal with battlefield control.

Scarab Sages

SmiloDan wrote:

Would 15 + CR work?

This is the same conclusion I came to (as well as other people I've seen). I'm pretty sure we've got a winner.

The "False-Speaker" idea is cute. Why not just call it the "G&~&!~ned Liar" class - or perhaps, "Damngods Liar"?

RPG Superstar 2012 Top 32

I'll have to work on this after I'm done with the SuperStar Stuff. Hopefully it will keep me busy for a long time! :-D

Hey, I did a conversion of some of the shadow parts of the Tome of Magic here

It'd be great if I could get some feedback! And dotting for later. I think Tome of Magic (3.5) had really really cool flavor, but the builds just all felt so weak compared to what I could be playing...

Oh, and in terms of skill checks, have you considered a Perform(Oratory) check opposed by the creature? You could even make it against a CMD based off of their BAB + Charisma + Dexterity or something like that

RPG Superstar 2012 Top 32


I thought of a new Utterance for the Lexicon of the Perfected Map.

Grease, but affecting one 5 foot square per level, reverse would be Glue, immobilizing opponents in place or granting allies bonuses to CMB to grapple and CMD vs. Disarm, and maybe even a bonus to Checks.

Maybe add the Create Pit spells to the Lexicon of the Perfected Map, with their reverses being similar to Wall of Stone or Rampart spells.


One of my players in the Carrion Crown AP is using the Truenamer. We changed the DC for truename to be 15+CR. So far it has given us a nice range. He is powerful and versatile but as he uses his abilities it is much more difficult for him to spam them without considering the need to "reserve" his power.

He is only level 5, however, and I realize that it gets more difficult to hit the DCs at higher levels.

Silver Crusade

I have to say I really dig the Hexblade redesign man. I really liked that class, though I never got to play it all that much. I had a thing about non-good characters for a while. Getting better about it, still not fond of playing evil but I do like the class so, good work man. :)

Have you thought about making the Shadowcaster, you know, feasible? I loved the flavor of the class but the overall mechanics just sucked.

Hmmmm maybe I'll look at that. Might take some work but maybe I can do something with it? Figuring out how to make their shadow spells worthwhile is the challenge.


I think learning your truename should be a personal quest. After all, people are complicated, and those names are a lot harder to learn than the name of a rock or door.

Sorry I'm late.

Scarab Sages

Don't underestimate rocks and doors, man.

All kinds of people walk through doors, and each leaves their mark - and that rock's probably been here since before your earliest ancestors learned to self-replicate their protein structures!

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