Think you have enough magical weapons to choose from? Think again! 101 Magical Weapon Properties gives you—yes, you guessed it—101 Magical Weapon Properties that will help you realize the vision you've had for your character's weapon.
From the ability to chose energy types or sworn enemies to properties that have unique critical burst effects, along with new spell effects, and protect your allies, 101 Magical Weapon Properties brings a host of new special abilities to your character's weapon.
Wholly compatible with the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game, 101 Magical Weapon Properties adds new agonizing choices to the creation of your character's weapons and their advancement without breaking the game.
This supplement clocks in at 25 pages, including 20 pages of content. Right at the beginning, we get a big chart of weapon properties for those who like to generate magic items randomly. This chart also functions as a table of contents. Afterwards, we get the full descriptions of all 101 weapon properties.
24 of the weapon properties have fixed cost increases: they increase the weapon cost by a set amount regardless of how many other enchancements it has. On the cheap end, adding only 400 gold pieces to the cost, is the Gripping Weapon, which gives a +2 to CMD against disarming. On the expensive end, at a whopping +42000 gold pieces, is the Revitalizing Weapon. It is…underwhelming. It is a limited use ability which allows you to heal for each successful hit. And not very much, either.
There is also the Friend weapon, a class of weapon restrictions which limit who can use the abilities of a weapon, and reduce its price by either 10% or 30%.
The remaining weapons all have plus-equivalent cost modifiers. At the low end, we have +1 abilities like Hexing, which applies various penalties to those struck by it, and Hindering, which can disable its target’s natural weapons. There’s the Interfering weapon, which forces casters to make concentration checks as if its damage had been continuous.
Most weapon properties are cheaper: there are only six +4 weapon properties and one +5. The +4 properties include the Spellstealing Weapon, which can dispel active buffs on its target and transfer their effects to the wielder.
The single +5 weapon ability is the Perilous weapon. On a critical, it allows the wielder to repeatedly roll to ‘confirm’ the critical until you fail (-5 penalty on each successive roll), with each additional confirmation adding more damage. It isn’t as deadly as the same-price Vorpal, but it can be used on more weapon types, is compatible with weapons with wider critical threat ranges, and can still damage creatures immune to Vorpal’s effect. It’s still underwhelming for a +5, but it’s not bad if damage output is what you want in a magic weapon.
The supplement has full-color illustrations of weapons spread throughout.
Short Term Use: The clean organization and random chart/ToC makes it easy to drop some of these items into your campaign with very little preparation. The editing is unfortunately not up to Rite Publishing’s usual standard. You can mostly still use it without trouble, though, making for a short term rating of 4.5/5.
Long Term Use: The emphasis on low-cost weapon properties makes it easy to combine them in unique combinations. Some of the weapon properties have very interesting effects, but others don’t. It’s a mixed bag, but for such a low price, you’ll probably still find enough to get your money’s worth. 4/5.
This pdf is 25 pages long, 1 page front cover, 1 page editorial, 1 page SRD, 2 pages of advertisements, leaving 20 pages of content.
The pdf begins with an old-school table of the weapon qualities for use with your trusty d%.
After that, we get the qualities:
-Adaptable: Can be used with weapon-specific feats
-Afflicting: Crit = Bestow Affliction, DC scales
-Ambush: Self-explanatory
-Anchoring: Deny Teleport
-Awoved Death: Vow to slay an enemy
-Bane Burst: Even more damage against banes
-Bane, lesser: Minor bonus against bane
-Blastback: Bullrush hit enemies
-Blood bonded: Bound to a bloodline
-Boomeranging: Hit the enemy from behind with your returning weapon
-Breaker: Item-destroyer
-Burst,Chosen: Works like Burst for chosen enrgy type
-Bushwhacking: Attack from hiding
-Ceremonial: 4 abilities in one, choose at the beginning of an encounter
-Clinging: Magical net enchantment
-Contemplative: Add Wis-mod to attack a number of times per day
-Consecrated: Extra-strong on holy ground
-Counteracting: Better CMD
-Counterstrike: Riposte after a missed attack by an opponent
-Crippling: Crits do Str-damage
-Dark: negative energy damage
-Deflecting: CMD to deflect rays
-Dessicated: Kill Oozes, Water, etc., can destroy liquids
-Dislocating: Teleport attack
-Disorienting: Penalize hit enemies
-Disorienting Burst: Burst of above, more penalties
-Dispelling: Guess what?
-Dispelling Burst: Guess what? in Burst form. Jep, I'm Captain Obvious.
-Equalizing: Negative levels for stronger opponents
-Energy, Chosen: Change energy-type via standard action
-Energy Ray: 1/day blast a foe, scales with your level
-Energy, Seething: Upgraded Version of a normal energy weapon.
-Enhancing: enhances the DC of one of your abilities
-Fast Bracing: Set against charge as immediate action
-Fast Returning: Make full-round attacks with your returning weapon
-Featherlight: Weapon can be used as one category lighter
-Fiendfang: Chose energy and ability damage - this weapon does both, plus bonus to deals with evil outsiders
-Force: Adds [Force]-descriptor to attacks, additional damage, hard to break
-Fortunate: Reroll an attack 3/day (typo here)
-Friend: Weapon is better for a specific race, skill-set etc.
-Foesight: Identify most powerful foe in 60 ft.
-Girded: Hard to break
-Gripping: Better against disarm
-Good Fortune: Use stored luck bonuses. Unfortunately doesn't mention how to recharge them
-Guided: negate 20% miss chance
-Hardened: Harder weapon.
-Heartseeking: Iconic e.g. vampire-slaying weapon
-Hexing: Penalize hit enemies
-Hexing Burst: More penalties, Hexburst
-Hindering: Potentially cancel out an ability of an enemy
-Homing: Ignore cover less than total concealment
-Ill Fortune: Stores Ill-luck, can dispense it one enemies
-Infectious: Transmit diseases
-Interfering: Hamper spell-casting
-Ioun: Weapons floats around you like an Ioun stone
-Leviathan's Foe: Extra damage against bigger creatures
-Loyal: Attuned to a specific wielder
-Maiming: Instead of killing your enemy, blind, maim, etc. him/her
-Mage Tuned: Only good for 1/4BAB-chars, for them +4 luck to attacks
-Maneuverable: Second Combat maneuver with half BAB as part of a combat maneuver
-Maneuverable Burst: Bonus to CMB and higher Crit-mod
-Necrofeed: Channel necromancy via weapon
-Paired: Two weapons that help their wielders help their respective comrade
-Parrying: Negate a hit on you or an ally with chance to get hit yourself
-Perilous: Cascading Critical
-Poisonous: Poison spell, scaling DC
-Potent: More damage and higher crit-mods
-Precision: Grants Critical Focus feat
-Preferential: Rangers do more damage against favored enemies
-Preferential Burst: Big brother of the last ability
-Preserving: Do damage to undead or heal allies
-Providence: +1 on saving throws, + 1/day reroll
-Psychic Burst: Dazed on a Crit, scaling DC
-Rapid Reloading: Reload one step faster than normal, Bows and slings get an additional attack at highest BAB 5/day
-Rapid Striking: Additional strike at half BAB
-Retribution: If hit by enemies, the weapon gets better against that foe
-Revitalizing: Use enhancement bonus to heal wounds
-Selective: Choose from two rolls on a critical fumble chart/ card deck if such is used
-Serpent: Transform weapon into snake
-Shatterblast: Ranged sunder with thrown weapon
-Spell Echoing: Duplicate past spells 3/day
-Spellreaving: Unravel spells/spell-like abilities
-Slayer: Attuned to a creature, slays it.
-Smiting: Improves any kind of smite
-Spellbane: Extra damage against spellcasters
-Spellcarrier: Thrown weapon hold touchspell for a time
-Spellstealing: Dispelling weapon that can steal a spell on the enemy.
-Spell Well: Hold touchspell for a time
-Soul Stealing: Can steal the soul of slain enemies, preventing resurrection, clones and the like
-Starshine: Pathfinderized version of one of my favorite weapon qualities. :)
-Summoner's Foe: Dismiss hit summoned creatures
-Sworn: Swear to slay an opponent and gain bonuses
-Tentacle Rope: Use disarm or trip with a net like it was a whip
-Terror: Make enemies shaken, DCs scale
-Toxifying: Improves poisons on the weapon
-Transmutable: Change material of the weapon/damage type
-Twin: When within 10 ft. of another, these weapons improve.
-Voidwrought: Pathfinderized version of another one of my favorite weapon qualities.
-Weaken Resistance: Each successful hit makes SR of the creature deteriorate
-Wrathful: Works when raging, +1d8 damage
-Wrathful Burst: Big brother of the last quality
The pdf closes with 2 new spells, Bestow Affliction(Clr 4) and Teleport Attack (??? 7), the latter of which unfortunately does not say whether it is arcane or divine, though I suspect arcane.
I am dead tired of the commodity-magic-items and weapons that seem to have taken hold of so many games and this is a step in the right direction - these are qualities your PCs won't necessarily expect in a weapon and there, at least in my opinion, should be more books like this out there. The abilities never felt overpowered or useless to me. The artworks of the weapons (this is a full-color pdf, btw.!) are beautiful and while I usually don't like obviously computer-generated art, for this file, they work excellent. However, there are also some downsides to report, namely some editorial glitches, a typo in the "fortunate" weapon description as well as the missing class-descriptor in one of the spells. Additionally, while not required, I would have loved to see some IC-introduction or some more far-out abilities. While some qualities really rocked and I loved seeing an updated version of material from "When the Sky falls", I nevertheless felt that this book could have been even better. My final verdict, for what the book is and due to the fact that it comes with a 22 pages B/w printer-friendly version, will be a solid 4 stars, a good buy if you want to add some options to your magic weapons.
I plan at this point to review everything I buy. I am on a bit of a tight budget. I have limited gaming budget each month. But I will get around to more of your stuff now that I have the two i have.
Next I will likely end up picking up the 101 feats and then maybe the armor and shield one not really sure. But I will take a look at those you "hinted" at soonish.
Yeah orcface999 I agree I wish more companies would add borderless, B&W print versions.
Your quite welcome. As a layout artist I hate doing charts but this one was really needed. I struggled with the random chances a bit but in the end I believe it worked out very well.
I wanted to make sure that I could basically replace normal properties with the new properties from this book on the fly without having to worry too much.
Thanks! While the book is nice, writing the review wasn't. Hard to judge the powers of the qualities and an awful work to write all the qualities and sum them up.
This is a fantastic book. I bought it this morning on a whim and am really loving it. A good half of these were properties I had in my head with no idea how to price or implement them.
I'll probably do a review once I have a bit more time to digest the information, but for now I did have a question about one property, that being "Heartseeking".
Most of it is fairly straight forward, but unless I'm mistaken (which I may be and please correct me if so!) the part about being able to inflict sneak attacks on non-skeletal corporeal undead is pointless isn't it? If I'm not mistaken the only undead that can't be sneak attacked in Pathfinder are incorporeal ones. Was this perhaps a mistake or carry over from a similar earlier version property?
Anyway, really appreciate the work you all do. Keep it up! :)
Regarding the Teleport Attack spell in this product, I see above that it is supposed to be a Sorcerer/Wizard 7 spell. I'm guessing that the components are supposed to be Verbal and Somatic.
I was also wondering if the spell was supposed to be a transmutation school spell and not a conjuration (teleportation) school spell?
One more thing. The spell also has the following text:
If the spell succeeds, the subject suffers 2d6 points of temporary Constitution damage + 1 point of Constitution damage per round until freed and is helpless.
Is the temporary Constitution damage supposed to be normal constitution damage in PFRPG and the non-temporary damage supposed to be Constitution Drain? Or is this damage only supposed to last while the creature/object is imbedded in a surface or object?
Regarding the Teleport Attack spell in this product, I see above that it is supposed to be a Sorcerer/Wizard 7 spell. I'm guessing that the components are supposed to be Verbal and Somatic.
I was also wondering if the spell was supposed to be a transmutation school spell and not a conjuration (teleportation) school spell?
One more thing. The spell also has the following text:
If the spell succeeds, the subject suffers 2d6 points of temporary Constitution damage + 1 point of Constitution damage per round until freed and is helpless.
Is the temporary Constitution damage supposed to be normal constitution damage in PFRPG and the non-temporary damage supposed to be Constitution Drain? Or is this damage only supposed to last while the creature/object is imbedded in a surface or object?
Regarding the Teleport Attack spell in this product, I see above that it is supposed to be a Sorcerer/Wizard 7 spell. I'm guessing that the components are supposed to be Verbal and Somatic.
Caedwyr wrote:
I was also wondering if the spell was supposed to be a transmutation school spell and not a conjuration (teleportation) school spell?
Its supposed to be a conjuration (teleportation) school.
Caedwyr wrote:
One more thing. The spell also has the following text:
If the spell succeeds, the subject suffers 2d6 points of temporary Constitution damage + 1 point of Constitution damage per round until freed and is helpless.
Is the temporary Constitution damage supposed to be normal constitution damage in PFRPG and the non-temporary damage supposed to be Constitution Drain? Or is this damage only supposed to last while the creature/object is imbedded in a surface or object?
take out the word temporary it should not be there.
Thanks for the response. This book does a very good job in adding weapon properties such that you wonder why the various properties weren't always included in the core game. Good job.
Thanks for the response. This book does a very good job in adding weapon properties such that you wonder why the various properties weren't always included in the core game. Good job.
Glad you enjoy it I hope you will check out my attempt to do the same for armor and shield properties as well.
Looking through this, there are a number of weapon properties that list the Energy Substitution Feat in the item construction requirements. In what book can I find this feat, or is this a 3.5ism? If it is a 3.5ism, what do you suggest using as a substitute requirement?
The one big problem I have with this product (which I was planning to buy until a friend let me peruse his) is that in many places, the 'book' uses the term "attack action" when it clearly means 'an attack.'
Initially, I had thought the intention was truly to make the use of these weapon abilities Attack Actions (which makes sense in some contexts) but then I saw the Boomeranging and Maneuverable weapon qualities (both of which require the use of a Full-Attack Action and thus negate the potential of an Attack Action) and now I can't tell which (if any) weapon ability in this book is meant to be an Attack Action, and which ones that say Attack Action but mean 'When making an attack.'
If this has been fixed since my friend downloaded it, (or if you guys plan to make such a fix) please let me know. Aside from that one (pretty significant in my mind) issue, I love what I found inside 101 Magical Weapon Properties.
Yeah this product is three years old so forgive me if this is a little foggy for me.
My intention with attack actions was that they were just attacks (an attack as a standard action, a single attack in a full-attack action, an as an attack of opportunity) it does need an errata version. At the time an attack action was not really clearly defined and it was an error in my mastery of the rules.
I don't know when I will have time to do an errata version (I am slammed right now with weekly, and monthly releases) but one will come eventually.
Yeah this product is three years old so forgive me if this is a little foggy for me.
My intention with attack actions was that they were just attacks (an attack as a standard action, a single attack in a full-attack action, an as an attack of opportunity) it does need an errata version. At the time an attack action was not really clearly defined and it was an error in my mastery of the rules.
I don't know when I will have time to do an errata version (I am slammed right now with weekly, and monthly releases) but one will come eventually.
Are these properties legal for Pathfinder Society play?