Wayfinder #17 (PFRPG) PDF

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Created for Pathfinder fans by Pathfinder fans, this seventeenth issue of the ENnie Award-winning Wayfinder fanzine is a celebration of 10 years of PaizoCon and Pathfinder! In this issue, we focused our theme on the past 5 years of APs, from Skull and Shackles through Strange Aeons. This free fanzine includes dozens of articles, including original fiction, new monsters, NPCs, classes and options, magic items, and even a new game—this is just a small portion of what awaits you!

Contributing Authors: Gabriel Almer, Beth Breitmaier, Dave Breitmaier, Charlie Brooks, Russ Brown, Ben Chason-Sokol, Jeremy Clements, Dixon Cohee, Matt Duval, Robert Feather, Benjamin Fields, Wojciech Gruchała, Garrett Guillotte, Joe Kondrak, John Laffan, Isabelle Lee, Jeff Lee, Crystal Malarsky, Ben Martin, Jacob McKiernan, Jen McTeague, Jacob W. Michaels, Emily Parks, Rep Pickard, Matt Roth, André Roy, Elliot Smith, Joe Smith, ‘Piratey Steve’ Smith, Neil Spicer, Todd Stewart, John Paul Stoddard, Andrew P. Sturtevant, Margherita Tramontano, Nicholas Wasko, Kerney Williams, and Scott Young.

Contributing Artists: Becky Barnes, John Bunger, Darran Caldemeyer, Tyler Clark, Snow Conrad, Jeremy Corff, Liz Courts, Andrew DeFelice, Peter Fairfax, Sergej Felsinger, Lynnette Fetters, Erin Frye, Silvia Gonzalez, Alex Greenwood, Michael Jaecks, Danny Hedager Krog, Clay Lewis, Mike Lowe, Dave Mallon, Stephen McAndrews, Dionisis Milonas, Jesse Mohn, Alex Moore, Adam Munger, Katey Neve, Beatrice Pelagatti, Pfenix Artwork, Basil Arnould Price, Tanyaporn Sangsnit, Kristiina Seppä, Carlos Torreblanca, and Todd Westcot.

Cover Art by Dionisis Milonas
Foreword by Tim Nightengale

Wayfinder #17 is a 76-page full-color PDF suitable for printing or viewing on your computer. It is released under the Paizo Inc Community Use Policy.

This fanzine uses trademarks and/or copyrights owned by Paizo Inc, which are used under Paizo's Community Use Policy. We are expressly prohibited from charging you to use or access this content. This fanzine is not published, endorsed, or specifically approved by Paizo Inc. For more information about Paizo's Community Use Policy, please visit paizo.com/communityuse. For more information about Paizo Publishing and Paizo products, please visit paizo.com.

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4.30/5 (based on 4 ratings)

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Oh god, it's both


a valuable resource they just give away for nothing, and a celebration of creative, constructive, collaborative fan culture! How could I _not_ give it five stars?

(Disclaimer: I'm the handsome one on the cover)

Completely ignored Giantslayer


So I downloaded this thinking I would get some interesting stuff for my Giantslayer campaign. As it turns out Giantslayer is completely ignored. The only article in the magazine has more to do with Thassilon than the actual AP. Despite it saying it focused "on the past 5 years of APs, from Skull and Shackles through Strange Aeons", Giantslayer is the only Adventure Path from the past 5 years not even referenced in the OGL in the back.

Not a fan of the false advertising.

UPDATE: It turns out the creator both PM'd me and called me out in the thread because of this review. Added a star for making me laugh.


RPG Superstar 2015 Top 8

Why am I not seeing any of the other 26 posts to this thread? Clicking on the product gets me "product discussion 0" even though in the thread it's listed as having 26 posts to the product discussion thread (at least one of which is another post of mine).

Silver Crusade

I think it's where they added the Print edition, it's made things wonky.

Sovereign Court Wayfinder, PaizoCon Founder

Yes, I guess we just have to start a whole new discussion!

Man, I hope people will keep talking about it, though. Starfinder has everyone's attention now.

2 people marked this as a favorite.

Well to quote myself in the previous thread:

Andre Roy wrote:

Wow! The Naali Art by Silvia Gonzalez is awesome, it really catches how I'm envisioning them.

And to give credit where it's due, I was inspired by Sarah "Ambrosia Slaad" Counts' Sal`Awaan in Wayfinder #12 for the Naali.

Scarab Sages

Any idea when the contributor print copies will ship?

I'm sure I replied to the request for posting info, as I seem to have deleted it.
If I haven't, let me know.

Sovereign Court Wayfinder, PaizoCon Founder

Snorter wrote:

Any idea when the contributor print copies will ship?

I'm sure I replied to the request for posting info, as I seem to have deleted it.
If I haven't, let me know.

So, yes I have all the info from the Google form. I will be submitting that to Paizo. So, the fault is mine right now for sitting on the list an extra week.

But here's the deal....shipping is not instantaneous. I could send the list immediately to Paizo CS, sure, but there's this new game called Starfinder that they are really busy shipping out. OH, and a little shindig called GenCon that they are gearing up for at the SAME TIME.

I think Paizo CS is a wee bit busy at the moment. I will forward the contributor list out to them AFTER GenCon, so that it doesn't get lost in the fray right now. Contributors should not be expecting their copies until September at the earliest....however, it could be later. But you will get it.

I now realize that I should have been clearer in explaining this all to the contributors in my email beforehand. It seems like I explain this every year, and lots of the contributors are upset that they don't have their copies right away. Sorry for not being clearer. I only ask that you all be patient. Your copy will get there, it just takes a while. Paizo has been extremely generous in helping with this part of the process, and I am always grateful for it.

Scarab Sages

That's fine, I thought the fault was at my end.
I'm way behind with my emails, and I think I missed the call to subscribe to SF, for a Core Book, which made me check if there was anything else I'd forgotten to do.

The end of July is a mad time; half-yearly tax payments due on the same day as Child Tax Credits applications, end of school term, PaizoCon UK, aaaaAAAARGH.

3 people marked this as a favorite.
Adventure Path Charter Subscriber; Pathfinder Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Maps, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

The issue index has now been updated to include all issues 1 thru 17.

Some interesting snippets coming out of the counts...

The following are not a submission count as some articles have multiple submissions, like the Bestiary and Wondrous Item articles.

If we exclude the 17 forewords, there have been 599 articles in Wayfinder so far, which means the first article in Issue 18 (excluding the foreword) with be the 600th article!

We have had 198 articles by RPG Superstar finalists, so in all likelihood, the 200th Superstar article will be in issue 18.

We have now had 397 unique contributors! So issue 18 should see our 400th contributor!

Not long now to submit to issue 18, themed to the Fey and the First World - the call can be found here!

Dark Archive

Pretty cool stats, Wayfinder 18 might be rather momentous!

Being a fan of the Fey and the First World I'm definitely looking forward to #18.

Sovereign Court Wayfinder, PaizoCon Founder

I love me them stats, Anthony! That is VERY cool.

Wayfinder #18 is guaranteed to be special no matter what!

RPG Superstar 2015 Top 8

Thanks for the heads up, Timitius. And I had never contributed anything before, so I appreciate the repetition for the newbies. Not that I was feeling impatient, but it's still good to know when to expect it.

Scarab Sages

Could we have a breakdown of who's who on the cover?

I'm sure there's been a thread about it, when the original preview art was hosted.

I'm certain of about half, and can make guesses about the rest.

I was hoping the back cover would show our fictional characters, braying on the doors to get in.

Sovereign Court Wayfinder, PaizoCon Founder

3 people marked this as a favorite.
Snorter wrote:

Could we have a breakdown of who's who on the cover?

I'm sure there's been a thread about it, when the original preview art was hosted.

I'm certain of about half, and can make guesses about the rest.

I was hoping the back cover would show our fictional characters, braying on the doors to get in.

Clockwise from the bottom left:

Paris Crenshaw, Kalyna Conrad, Garrett Guillotte, Dain Nielsen, Eric Hindley, Liz Courts, Tim Nightengale, and Hugo Solis.

Balcony: James Jacobs, Steve Geddes

Bottom of the Stairs: Thurston Hillman

And your back cover idea is awesome. Made me laugh!

Silver Crusade

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Oh wow!

I hadn't even noticed when I looked through, that's f+~%ing awesome!

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Timitius wrote:
Snorter wrote:

Could we have a breakdown of who's who on the cover?

I'm sure there's been a thread about it, when the original preview art was hosted.

I'm certain of about half, and can make guesses about the rest.

I was hoping the back cover would show our fictional characters, braying on the doors to get in.

Clockwise from the bottom left:

Paris Crenshaw, Kalyna Conrad, Garrett Guillotte, Dain Nielsen, Eric Hindley, Liz Courts, Tim Nightengale, and Hugo Solis.

Balcony: James Jacobs, Steve Geddes

Bottom of the Stairs: Thurston Hillman

And your back cover idea is awesome. Made me laugh!

Remember, the best joke ever played is that Tim and Liz somehow weren’t front and center.

Sovereign Court Wayfinder, PaizoCon Founder

8 people marked this as a favorite.

I wanted to take a moment to respond to the one-star review that OhGodItsBoth gave us for failing to adequately cover their preferred AP, Giantslayer, in this issue....

I would venture to say that you'd never heard of Wayfinder before you downloaded this issue. If that's true, let me explain. As a completely volunteer fan-based effort, we are limited to what fans actually write and submit to the issue. We had no control over the fact that very few people actually wrote a Giantslayer based article. We received a total of 3 submissions that were based on that AP. Out of a total of 61 submissions.

As for the claim of "false advertising"....the statement that we focused our theme on the past 5 years of APs, from Skull and Shackles through Strange Aeons is still true. Nowhere in this issue will you find articles based on APs before Skull and Shackles. And nowhere in that statement is any guarantee that we will equally cover each and every AP in those 5 years. We did our best to spread the coverage out according to the submissions we received, and those we thought were suitable for publication.

I'm sorry it wasn't what you wanted, or what you expected. But, I don't think that your disappointment merits the issue getting a one-star review. Plus, it was, after all, FREE.

Timitius wrote:

I wanted to take a moment to respond to the one-star review that OhGodItsBoth gave us for failing to adequately cover their preferred AP, Giantslayer, in this issue....

I would venture to say that you'd never heard of Wayfinder before you downloaded this issue. If that's true, let me explain. As a completely volunteer fan-based effort, we are limited to what fans actually write and submit to the issue. We had no control over the fact that very few people actually wrote a Giantslayer based article. We received a total of 3 submissions that were based on that AP. Out of a total of 61 submissions.

As for the claim of "false advertising"....the statement that we focused our theme on the past 5 years of APs, from Skull and Shackles through Strange Aeons is still true. Nowhere in this issue will you find articles based on APs before Skull and Shackles. And nowhere in that statement is any guarantee that we will equally cover each and every AP in those 5 years. We did our best to spread the coverage out according to the submissions we received, and those we thought were suitable for publication.

I'm sorry it wasn't what you wanted, or what you expected. But, I don't think that your disappointment merits the issue getting a one-star review. Plus, it was, after all, FREE.


One of my biggest pet peeves is when looking at product reviews, you find one that gives one star; and the comment says the product was great but the shipping screwed up, or they didn't like the price....???

Maybe they were referring to all the printed versions that weren't given out in person at Paizocon? ;)

I was disappointed that an AP I enjoyed and had hoped to have more content to continue with was ignored. But getting both a PM and a callout in the actual thread is pretty funny.

Perhaps you could update the description to inform others that some AP's weren't considered good enough to get material? That way you can avoid more "idiots" like me?

3 people marked this as a favorite.
OhGodItsBoth wrote:

I was disappointed that an AP I enjoyed and had hoped to have more content to continue with was ignored. But getting both a PM and a callout in the actual thread is pretty funny.

Perhaps you could update the description to inform others that some AP's weren't considered good enough to get material? That way you can avoid more "idiots" like me?

Again, WayFinder doesn't commission or request articles. It's based on what people submit to it.

Given that Giantslayer was one of Paizo's worst APs, it's no wonder that it had less interest than, say, RoTRL or CotC.

Dark Archive

2 people marked this as a favorite.

Also not really sure what the point was in waiting over three years to reply.

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