Alexander Augunas Contributor |

Thanks Liz, and praise be to Sara Marie, today has finally come!
For those of you who are inevitably wondering, yes. We will be offering a print copy of this product in the near future. How soon, I can't say exactly but I do know that we're planning on offering a print/PDF combo as we did with Pact Magic Unbound, Vol 1.
The main reason we've released the PDF copy before the print copy in contrast to Volume 1 is that we realize that it took us a while for us to publish Volume 2. Its hard for me to believe, but Volume 1 was published over a year ago now! If we waited until the books were printed, the realistic truth is that this product page wouldn't have likely been placed until December, and Dario and I didn't want to make our fans wait any longer.
That said, we know that the aforementioned print/PDF combo was immensely popular and Dario and I are working on a solution while we get the print copies together. We have some ideas, but we're going to need to speak with the fine folks of Paizo before I can say much more. So stay patient, but know that we don't plan on making our print/PDF customers wait until December to get their mitts on this product!
To those of you who may have purchased this already, thank you! We hope you enjoy Pact Magic Unbound, Vol 2; we worked tirelessly to make sure it was filled with the same innovation and respect for the system's source material as the original product was. Pact Magic Unbound has more of everything you've come to love from Radiance House's Pact Magic Unbound series; more archetypes, more feats, more spirits, more spells, more legends, and more things you didn't ever realize that you wanted.
— Alexander "Alex" Augunas

Alexander Augunas Contributor |

Thanks to the GNinja for updating our product page with the ability to preorder the print edition and our popular Print & PDF bundle! I don't have an estimate on when the printed copies will be in stock, but we're working on getting them as fast as possible and I'll be sure to keep everyone updated with the latest information regarding their journey to the Paizo Warehouse.
With this in mind, we do have some time (maybe a week or so) before we're able to start printing for technical reasons. To that end, I challenge our readers to ask as many questions as possible and try to drudge out as many questions as possible from the book before the print copy ships. The sad truth about being a two-man band is that errors happen, and this is a perfect opportunity to point any misspellings or unclear text out so that we can take care of it before the book is actually printed. If you help us out, I'll figure out a way to include you in the shout-out box on Page 2 of the book, both printed and PDF versions. (Right now I believe that the coveted 'Thank You!' spot is held only by Spencer Sheetz, Liz Courts, and John Reyst, so it is quite the prestigious location!)
Of course you don't HAVE to bring errors to our attention. My gamer friends absolutely LOVE when they can use Grammar Nazi Alex's own products to point out his shortcomings. ;-)

Alexander Augunas Contributor |

Also, before the inevitable questions, yes. We adjusted our pricing on the product a little bit. Dario and I try to offer our products at a fair and reasonable price, and with the holidays fast approaching we didn't want our fans to feel discouraged from buying something that they had been waiting a year to purchase from us on account of our timing.
If you're one of the awesome people who purchased our PDF at its original price, I've asked Liz to send you something as our way of saying, "Thanks for being awesome!"

Thaine Hepler |
Hopefully any feedback isn't too late. this is from my first quick read through
Milo of Clyde- his vestigial companion replaces "Pistol proficiency". I assume that should be Lead Slinger.
Al'Kra- Infectious Despair:The callback to the Shatter Defenses Feat seems unnecessarily confusing (at least it was to me). Perhaps just have it make the target flatfooted (either universally, or just to the binder)
The Nieva Nieces- as written you only have a 25% chance of binding the one you "choose", so the better strategy would be to name the one you don't want and just plan on a 22 DC. Perhaps if you make it "Odds/Evens" (50%) or even better yet any number BUT the one you call (75%) you end up with more control (and actually picking the one you want) but a chance of the wrong party slipping in.
Jehotek- Capstone: does the healing occur only if the target is within the Fire from the Heavens area (My guess as to the intent) or can you just wave your hand once a day and heal the appropriate targets as a separate ability (RAW)
Kandisha- Curse of Kandisha. Should their be a limit to how many curses a target is under, or can you layer all of them on a single target with enough time?
Lord Saruga- Saruga's Curse. Is it only a polymorph effect if its temporary? As the first part ("Like a reincarnate spell") is not normally a polymorph i would read it that way, however as part of the second you also include the dispel information which would then imply only the temporary version is dispelable.
Rasputin -Whip Mastery: Should it also grant proficiency with whips (and maybe scorpion whips)?
The Beast that Births- Capstone: As I read it, you can summon one creature from the Summon Natures Ally IX List for four turns, or if you want multiples it functions *as* SNA V- so either 1d3 from SNA IV or 1d4+1 from SNA I-III, and I'm unclear if they last Binder Level turns or 4. And I'm not sure if that is the intent.
The Worglord- Defy Destiny: not italicized

Johncolossus |

I am from UK and tried to order print/pdf bundle and had same problem as Wintergreen.
The issue is that Paizo do not have a shipping cost associated with the print part so order cannot be completed. I do not know where the issue lies with Paizo or Radiance House. I presume it is Paizo who sets the shipping costs. I have sent an email to customer service. I do not know whether Alexander (Augunas) you are able to help with this as us loyal UK customer really want this, and until sorted cannot get the pdf either as whole order not go through.
Thanks in anticipation.

Alexander Augunas Contributor |

Hopefully any feedback isn't too late. this is from my first quick read through
Nope. We haven't printed the book yet. Dario is in charge of printing, and he's away in London this coming week.
Milo of Clyde- his vestigial companion replaces "Pistol proficiency". I assume that should be Lead Slinger.
Al'Kra- Infectious Despair:The callback to the Shatter Defenses Feat seems unnecessarily confusing (at least it was to me). Perhaps just have it make the target flatfooted (either universally, or just to the binder)
Referencing Shatter Defenses allows us to save some space. That's really the only reason that the book does so. I'll see if I can make this fit instead:
Shatter Resolve: Creatures suffering from fear affects caused either by [ABILITY 1] or [ABILITY 2] are flat-footed against your attacks.
Actually, that will probably fit. Is that any clearer for you?
The Nieva Nieces- as written you only have a 25% chance of binding the one you "choose", so the better strategy would be to name the one you don't want and just plan on a 22 DC. Perhaps if you make it "Odds/Evens" (50%) or even better yet any number BUT the one you call (75%) you end up with more control (and actually picking the one you want) but a chance of the wrong party slipping in.
Yup. The nieces are not fair and they're fairly easy to manipulate with reverse psychology. They are a pair of sheltered 15 year old children, after all!
Jehotek- Capstone: does the healing occur only if the target is within the Fire from the Heavens area (My guess as to the intent) or can you just wave your hand once a day and heal the appropriate targets as a separate ability (RAW)
Targets need to be within the affected area of fire from the heavens. I'll see if I can make the wording clearer.
Kandisha- Curse of Kandisha. Should their be a limit to how many curses a target is under, or can you layer all of them on a single target with enough time?
As written, there's no limit. There probably should be, however. As you might have noticed, I don't have my book open in front of me at the moment, but limiting it to a single curse seems fair while possibly reworking the Capstone Empowerment to allow a creature to be affected by a number of different curses equal to your Charisma bonus at once. I'll only change the capstone empowerment if the old one was boring, however.
Lord Saruga- Saruga's Curse. Is it only a polymorph effect if its temporary? As the first part ("Like a reincarnate spell") is not normally a polymorph i would read it that way, however as part of the second you also include the dispel information which would then imply only the temporary version is dispelable.
It is an instantaneous effect (like reincarnation) that has a specific dispel condition (unlike reincarnation).
Rasputin -Whip Mastery: Should it also grant proficiency with whips (and maybe scorpion whips)?
Nope. Rasputin is a performer and he believes that one should never give up all of their tricks to a stranger. He's sort of a dick like that. (See his Legend for more.)
The Beast that Births- Capstone: As I read it, you can summon one creature from the Summon Natures Ally IX List for four turns, or if you want multiples it functions *as* SNA V- so either 1d3 from SNA IV or 1d4+1 from SNA I-III, and I'm unclear if they last Binder Level turns or 4. And I'm not sure if that is the intent.
I'll see if I can make it clearer, but all creatures summoned persist for 4 rounds. You CAN use Summon Nature's Ally IV to replicate lower-level spells as per the spell's usual rules, however, exactly as you noted.
The Worglord- Defy Destiny: not italicized
Some great catches and questions here! Keep'em up! Let's make sure we SWAMP Dario when he returns.

Alexander Augunas Contributor |

I am from UK and tried to order print/pdf bundle and had same problem as Wintergreen.
The issue is that Paizo do not have a shipping cost associated with the print part so order cannot be completed. I do not know where the issue lies with Paizo or Radiance House. I presume it is Paizo who sets the shipping costs. I have sent an email to customer service. I do not know whether Alexander (Augunas) you are able to help with this as us loyal UK customer really want this, and until sorted cannot get the pdf either as whole order not go through.
Thanks in anticipation.
I would imagine that this is a combination issue on both of our parts. Paizo is likely unable to lock in a shipping and handling cost because they don't have our book on-hand and therefore cannot calculate how much it would cost to ship it to you internationally.
Sadly, there isn't much I can do to help you out. My recommendation would be to e-mail Paizo Customer Service and see what they can do to help you out.

Liz Courts Webstore Gninja Minion |

I would imagine that this is a combination issue on both of our parts. Paizo is likely unable to lock in a shipping and handling cost because they don't have our book on-hand and therefore cannot calculate how much it would cost to ship it to you internationally.
Correct. We have a "best guess" when we provide shipping estimates for preorder products, and the weight and dimensions are adjusted accordingly when we receive the book in our warehouse.
Sadly, there isn't much I can do to help you out. My recommendation would be to e-mail Paizo Customer Service and see what they can do to help you out.
Please do this! As I said, there's not much we can do to adjust the shipping rates until we have a firm idea of the product dimension.

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Alexander Augunas wrote:Sadly, there isn't much I can do to help you out. My recommendation would be to e-mail Paizo Customer Service and see what they can do to help you out.Please do this! As I said, there's not much we can do to adjust the shipping rates until we have a firm idea of the product dimension.
Thanks Liz. Will do that.

Alexander Augunas Contributor |

I have emailed customer services about it 3 days ago and had no reply yet. What is the turn around time usually to hear?
If anyone from UK hears any news can they post here?
Remember that CS is bogged down with the Great Golem Sale right now. Liz has some comments above; Dario and I are working to make sure Paizo gets the print copies as soon as possible.

Alexander Augunas Contributor |

But it's okay cause the pdf's gonna need errata anyway so I might as well wait & hope the hard copy gets revised & stuffs before I get it, right?
Since I have to wait for Dario to get back to the states before we can print it anyway, yes. Anything big that's found that needs fixing or clarification, I'll take care of before we print it.

Johncolossus |

Wintergreen - how did you get that through?
I got reply back from them, which said problem with pdf bundle checkout. they said try in few days. still not work. their answer seems different to the shipping cost issue. wintergreen did you get it through via email or phone communication?Also took 11 days to reply which for customer service even with golem sale seems long time.
Any tips greatly appreciated.

Alexander Augunas Contributor |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

What's the final revelation for the Spirit World Mystery?
... crap. That's a pretty darn big catch.
For now, use the Final Revelation from Paizo's Occult mystery, which I've reproduced below:
Upon reaching 20th level, you become one with the spirits. You become immune to death effects, exhaustion, fatigue, nausea effects, negative levels, and sickened effects. You can cast astral projection and true seeing once per day as spell-like abilities without requiring material components. Should you die, you rise again 2d4 days later as a ghost.
This error will be corrected before we print the book. We have a nice little block of space there too, so the real trick will be getting it in there without having to change too much else around on the Oracle page. Right now, I'm thinking of something like this:
Your essence becomes forever intertwined with the spirit realms. You are immune to charm and compulsion effects, death effects, negative levels, and possession (such as magic jar). Once per day as a full-round action, you can deal 4 points of Wisdom drain to yourself in order to add any one spell from the Cleric spell list to your list of spells known. You retain access to this spell until the next time you regain your spell slots.
The real question is whether or not that'll fit in the space we have!

Alexander Augunas Contributor |

Dario is back from his trek across Europe and we're making the changes listed prior in the thread to the book. We'll be uploading the book for printing and (hopefully) it will arrive in Paizo's Warehouses in 10 to 14 days. We are waist-deep in holidays, though, so trying to predict printing and shipping is a murky business.
Not too much longer, folks! Thanks for your patience. Here's a list of the changes that will be in the printed document and the updated PDF. Final wordage might be slightly different (especially for Jehotek and Kandisha, as their changes are somewhat long), but this will give you the spirit of the changes if nothing else.
Spirit Realm Mystery (Chapter 1, Oracle)
Add the following to the end of the Mystery:
Final Revelation: Upon reaching 20th level, the oracle becomes immune to charm and compulsion effects, death effects, negative levels, and possession (such as magic jar). Each day after regaining your spell spells, add one spell on any divine spellcasting class’s spell list to your list of spells known until the next time you regain your spell slots. If the spell has multiple levels, use the highest.
Milo of Clyde (Chapter 3, Spirit)
Milo’s vestigial companion incorrectly states that it replaces a granted ability called “pistol proficiency.” It should replace “lead slinger.”
Al’kra (Chapter 3, Spirit)
Replace “Infectious Fear” with the following:
Infectious Fear: Creatures suffering from fear effects caused by inspire terror or paranoid chill are flat-footed against your attacks.
Jehotek (Chapter 3, Spirit)
Replace Jehotek’s capstone empowerment with the following:
Capstone Empowerment: Your allies are immune to damage caused by fire from the heavens. Once per pact, you can spend a swift action to have fire from the heavens heal any allies within its area for a number of hit points equal to your binder level.
Kandisha (Chapter 3, Spirit)
Replace curse of kandisha with the following:
Kandisha’s Curse: As a standard action, you inflict a dreadful curse onto a humanoid creature within 30 feet, chosen from the list below. A successful Will save prevents the curse. This curse is permanent but a creature may only suffer from one of Kandisha’s curses per binder at once; inflicting a new curse ends any existing ones.
Replace Kandisha’s Capstone Empowerment with the following:
Capstone Empowerment: When using Kandisha’s curse, you may curse a target with a number of separate curses equal to your Charisma bonus (if any).
Beast that Births (Chapter 3, Spirit)
Replace BtB’s Capstone Empowerment with the following:
Capstone Empowerment: When using birth horrors, you can instead summon 1d4 creatures from those listed by summon monster IV or lower, functioning as summon monster V. All creatures summoned persist for 4 rounds and possess the spirit-touched template.
Worglord (Chapter 3, Spirit)
Italicize the following granted abilities: defy destiny (minor) and stuff of legends (major).

Johncolossus |

Hi Alex
Through the help of Paizo services, i got your book. Still absorbing it but really enjoy it.
Just a couple of questions:
1) It maybe just me but i not really understanding the capstone for the Beast that Births......the major ability is a single summon nature ally IX creature with the spirit template but if you capstone you get 1d4 markedly lesser creatures (ie SM iV or V). To me this seems a lessening of the power? I may not be seeing something here.....
2) Did the anima aspects get cut? For Pact magic 3? You did put an alpha of it on your facebook page.

Alexander Augunas Contributor |

1) It maybe just me but i not really understanding the capstone for the Beast that Births......the major ability is a single summon nature ally IX creature with the spirit template but if you capstone you get 1d4 markedly lesser creatures (ie SM iV or V). To me this seems a lessening of the power? I may not be seeing something here.....
That's one of the abilities that'll be fixed in the print copy. (Expect an update from Paizo with a download soon(TM)!) Basically, you get to summon 1d4 creatures from the Summon Monster IV list or lower. All of the monsters you summon have the spirit-touched template and persist for 4 rounds.
Whether or not that is powerful is a matter of personal opinion; I think the ability to pop in 1d4 creatures whenever you want is pretty strong, personally! It might need wordage to bump it up to 1d4+1, however, in order to make sure that you ALWAYS get at least 2 creatures from it. I sounds pretty reasonable; let me see if I can get it in before the final errata is pushed.
2) Did the anima aspects get cut? For Pact magic 3? You did put an alpha of it on your facebook page.
The reason it got cut was that NO ONE liked that Alpha. It got a lot of negative feedback, so I took my anima concept back to the drawing board and hammered out something better. Something much, much better. One might argue that I went overboard because the animal rewrite doubled the section in size, so I had to drop the anima rules for other content. Thus Chapter 6: Esoteria was born! Which is okay, because Chapter 6 is my favorite in the entire book. It is creepy and unsettling; everything a Pact Magic game SHOULD be!
You'll have to wait for Volume 3 for the Anima rules, but rest peacefully knowing that Volume 3 is literally being designed around the Anima System in the same way that Volume 2 was designed around supporting the Advanced Player's Guide and Ultimate Magic/Combat classes.

Johncolossus |

Hi Alex
Many thanks for answering!
The reason I ask about the power level, is that at the stage when you have 9th level bound spirits, 4th level summon monsters even though there maybe 1d4+1 will not be that effective in combat whereas clearly a 9th summon nature ally will be even though single. Obviously for non combat issues having 1d4+1 maybe much more useful.
Obviously a normal summon nature ally 9 can be used to get 1d4+1 7th level creatures. I was wondering why 4th level version was chosen, say rather than 5th or 6th?
Please do not take above as criticism....it is meant to be discussion and debate. Binders were one of my favourite 3.5 classes and I think between the 2 books you and Dario have done a great job getting the binder into pathfinder, and getting all those excellent spirits out there.

Alexander Augunas Contributor |

The reason I ask about the power level, is that at the stage when you have 9th level bound spirits, 4th level summon monsters even though there maybe 1d4+1 will not be that effective in combat whereas clearly a 9th summon nature ally will be even though single. Obviously for non combat issues having 1d4+1 maybe much more useful.
Obviously a normal summon nature ally 9 can be used to get 1d4+1 7th level creatures. I was wondering why 4th level version was chosen, say rather than 5th or 6th?
The reason a significantly lower-level cap was chosen is that birth horrors can be used at will. There's no spell slots to worry about at all, and in some respects, the "only lasts four rounds" thing is a boon because when you summon a new set, they're all back at full health.
That isn't to say your monsters will necessarily last the full 4 rounds in combat, but as far as capstones go, the ability to summon up to five other creatures to fight with you every 4 rounds is something the summoner can't do. And that's what this power is really competing with; the summoner's spell-like ability that does the same thing at roughly the same level. That's the reason this ability can't summon multiple monsters at the full level at will; if it did, it would be strictly better than the summoner's summon monster class feature. And the occultist is designed as a jack-of-all-trades; individual abilities should never clearly outshine another class's features.
Hope that clears this up!

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1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Bundle pre-ordered! Love your work Alex! I'm currently writing a handbook on the Occultist from PMU1 (70+ pages and counting!) and after that is released, I'll be glad to incorporate info from the new spirits/archetypes as well!
Hopefully I can convince more people to check out your awesome work :)
EDIT: I've started going through the PDF and the new spirits are AWESOME!

InfernosReaper |
We probably shouldn't use Summoner as a basis for power comparison. It's like if someone made a wizard that specialized in summoning, gave it a beefed up animal companion, and then downgraded it's spellcasting & tried to supplement it with that summoning class feature that's basically worth a Sorcerer bloodline powerset.
Also, I think we really need some numbers clarification on that Beast that Births capstone. Exactly how many can you actually summon at once? If I'm literally only able to summon multiple things as if using a single casting of Summon Nature's Ally V, then I might as well never do it. The creatures won't be useful in most combats you'll be facing around that character level(unless you like hunting Goblins at lv 17+). You pretty much drop any or all of them with the average damage from a fireball.
So, please tell me it's not just the 1d3 Summon Nature's Ally 4 creatures or 1d4+1 even weaker creatures. The summoner can't do their summoning at will, but it can do better often enough to get him through the day, assuming he doesn't just spend the lower level spells for the same effect. Hell, it could actually summon stuff that might make it to 4 rounds instead of being easily killed in the first round or 2.

Alexander Augunas Contributor |

We probably shouldn't use Summoner as a basis for power comparison. It's like if someone made a wizard that specialized in summoning, gave it a beefed up animal companion, and then downgraded it's spellcasting & tried to supplement it with that summoning class feature that's basically worth a Sorcerer bloodline powerset.
I agree with you that the summoner isn't perfectly tuned balance-wise, which is why I went with the decision to avoid making an ability that was strictly better than something the summoner gets. Even without its capstone, birth horrors is extremely close to being this. If you want to house rule, do so and let me know how it turns out! Could be helpful as I start writing Mythic granted abilities ....
Also, I think we really need some numbers clarification on that Beast that Births capstone. Exactly how many can you actually summon at once? If I'm literally only able to summon multiple things as if using a single casting of Summon Nature's Ally V, then I might as well never do it. The creatures won't be useful in most combats you'll be facing around that character level(unless you like hunting Goblins at lv 17+). You pretty much drop any or all of them with the average damage from a fireball.
It does exactly what it says it does. I see nothing weak about summoning 2 to 5 extra targets for your enemies to waste their actions on; in terms of offensive power, an unmodified summon monster spell is better. In terms of action economy, I'd be inclined to say a capstone empowered birth horrors is better because you can pop out more monsters as many times as you want each day with no penalties on your part. The limitless uses is not something to scoff at; even if one summoned creature dies a round, you can just will them back into existence on the very next round. Even sooner if you have Rapid Recovery. If they all die on round one, then with proper positioning that could end up being a good number of attacks that were allocated towards "phantom resources;" depletable resources that aren't really gone.
So, please tell me it's not just the 1d3 Summon Nature's Ally 4 creatures or 1d4+1 even weaker creatures. The summoner can't do their summoning at will, but it can do better often enough to get him through the day, assuming he doesn't just spend the lower level spells for the same effect. Hell, it could actually summon stuff that might make it to 4 rounds instead of being easily killed in the first round or 2.
See my above note. Also, I wouldn't expect newly birthed horrors to be THAT competent in a fight! Again, if you disagree, feel free to house rule it to whatever you want at your table. I think the capstone is fine (and strong at that) as written.

Alexander Augunas Contributor |

Alright, update time!
Book is being printed now: with the impending holiday, our best estimate is that the Paizo Warehouse will have the physical prints (and lots of them!) in two weeks; probably during the first week of the new year.
If you haven't gotten a notification about our updates to the PDFs, look for them in the next day or two when Dario gets around to it.
Happy Holidays everyone, and thanks for being patient while we sort ourselves out!

Alexander Augunas Contributor |

Is there any plan to allow character generator software like PcGen access to this or older material?
Not currently.
While I understand what people love programs like PCGen, someone has to make the files. Neither Dario nor I have the technical know-how required to make PCGen files, and even if I did, I could write those, or I could write a new product. Its an uneasy choice complicated by the fact that we simply don't have the skill set required to make it happen.
I was able to learn the (most) coding required to get Vol. 1 up on the d20pfsrd.org site, but that isn't difficult stuff. I don't know the first thing about PCGen.
Well it's OGL, so if somebody is interested in making the dataset I'll make sure the publisher is okay with it. :)
hint, hint, nudge, nudge . . .
If someone came to us and asked for our permission to write the files, you can bet we wouldn't say 'no.'
I imagine we'd want to review everything before publishing the files, but I can assure you that we wouldn't turn down anyone who offered to expand our audience.

Nylanfs |

For those that might be interested here's some beginning video's for making pcgen datafiles.
Here's some indepth text based classes.
And here's our discussion group devoted to helping people make their own data files for home games or otherwise.