Pathfinder Roleplaying Game: Buff Deck

3.60/5 (based on 13 ratings)

Our Price: $10.99


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Track your hero’s most important status effects with the Pathfinder RPG Buff Deck! Speed up play and cut down on rulebook consultation by stacking bonuses one on top of another, displaying the effects for each with this easy-to-add format. From spells like bless, haste, and prayer to class features like inspire courage, the 54-card Buff Deck puts all the details at your fingertips, leaving you to concentrate on smiting your enemies!

ISBN-13: 978-1-60125-428-3

Buff Deck Card List
Barbarian's Rage
Greater Rage
Mighty Rage
Inspire Courage
Inspiring Word
Resistant Touch
Aura of Protection
Fight Defensively
Total Defense
Bear's Endurance
Bull's Strength
Cat's Grace
Divine Favor
Divine Power
Eagle's Splendor
Enlarge Person
Fox's Cunning
Heroes' Feast
Heroism, Greater
Holy Aura
Mage Armor
Magic Fang
Magic Fang, Greater
Magic Vestment
Magic Weapon
Magic Weapon, Greater
Owl's Wisdom
Protection from Evil
Reduce Person
Righteous Might
Shield of Faith
Shield Other
Unholy Aura
Lion's Call
Blank Cards (5)

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3.60/5 (based on 13 ratings)

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Great resource for CRB and APG buffs


I really like this deck, it helps when I'm GMing for new players at cons, but also to remind my veteran players in home games (and to remind me what certain NPCs are able to do).

It would be great to see more in this vein, perhaps covering spells/new class abilities from the ACG, and Ultimate Combat/Magic?

Make Those Buffs Count


The Buff Deck for Pathfinder is a cheap but extremely handy way to remember all of those temporary little bonuses that are otherwise easy to forget about during an encounter. The deck consists of 54 cards, 49 of which each contain the effects of a spell, ability, or action that gives a character a benefit to attacks, AC, or saves. All of the usual buffs from the Core Rulebook are represented (like haste, bless, inspire courage, total defense, barbarian rage, etc.) but there are also several buffs from the Advanced Player's Guide (like alchemist's mutagen, cavalier's banner, etc.). The face of each card is divided into six sections: the title of the buff, its duration, its source (including book and page number), a list of effects, a table showing the type and extent of bonus to attacks and AC, and a table showing the type and extent of bonus to saves. It was an excellent choice by the designers to include the type of bonus (e.g., morale, deflection, enhancement, etc.) so that it's easy to see which buffs do and do not stack with each other. The presentation is attractive and easy to read even across the table. In addition to the 49 pre-made cards, there are 5 cards with the same formatting but no content so that a GM or Player can add a buff commonly used that isn't in the deck--for example, I added a card about the effects of a ranger's favored terrain when I regularly had a ranger PC at the table. This might seem like a little thing, but it adds to the deck's longevity given the vast number of spells and abilities that come out every year for Pathfinder.

As for downsides, I don't have much. Each card has the same artwork on the back, and it's kinda cartoony. Some of the buff cards aren't precisely accurate: the card for protection from evil doesn't mention the added defence against mind-control effects or versus summoned creatures, the prayer card leaves out the fact that it imposes a penalty on enemies (which is technically a debuff, I guess), the invisibility card doesn't mention the 50% miss chance or +2 bonus on attacks, etc. Still, the vast majority of cards accurately summarize the effects of a given buff.

I've used the Buff Deck for several years now, propping up a card in effect so that everyone at the table can see it. Although not foolproof (even the cards can be forgotten when encounters get harry), they are quite useful and speed up game play. What more could you want?

A Handy Game Aid


I saw these in play at Who's Yer Con 2015 this weekend, and I realized immediately I wanted to add this game aid to my arsenal. One quick trip to the vendor hall, and I was sporting my own buff deck.

First Revsion needs redone


This has good potential. As a first go at this these cards are alright. Paizo should learn from all the other comments made about this deck and try again. I'll not reiterate the other complaints.

If the cards were not limited to single side only maybe some more information about buffs could be added. For example "Enlarge Person" doesn't mention CMB or CMB modifications, skill adjustments. Fighting Defensively or Total Defense makes no mention of a bonus if you have 3 ranks of Acrobatics. etc.

Another option for the flip side of cards could be De-Buff effects like Bane (printed opposite of Bless).

A good start


First, I got these cards 1/2 off, so no complaints here. If I were to criticize anything, it would be that there should be additional Buff decks. This first deck is good for low levels, but it won't get much use at higher levels I'm afraid.

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Announced! Box image is a mock-up.

4 people marked this as a favorite.

My words per session are going to drop considerably if I just have to point at a card instead of reminding people every. damn. attack. that they get +5 to hit.

Silver Crusade


1 person marked this as a favorite.
Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber

I won't cancel my subscription over this!

Silver Crusade

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber


Scarab Sages

Brilliant, elegant simplicity! A great idea to make every game session just a little bit better.

OK, time for someone at HQ to 'fess up - who's home game was it when somebody uttered the line "You know - wouldn't it be neat if......."?

Shadow Lodge

Love it! I will haz it.


3 people marked this as a favorite.
CheshireElf wrote:

OK, time for someone at HQ to 'fess up - who's home game was it when somebody uttered the line "You know - wouldn't it be neat if......."?

Turns out, when somebody asks that question here, it sometimes ends up on the product schedule. :D

1 person marked this as a favorite.

+1 to SOLD!

I hope at least SOME goblins makes it to the artwork, so they won't just be the negative status effect models for all time...

Grand Lodge

Love it! This has been a long time coming.

Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Lost Omens Subscriber

I love the condition deck, we use it all the time in my game. This will quickly be adopted as well.

Shadow Lodge

YES! I was excited when we first discussed it on these boards, now I'm ecstatic! Pre-ordered, and hopefully it will come in time for my birthday in May! :D Paizo, YOU ROCK!

Want please.

Sold! *drools*

Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Charter Superscriber; Starfinder Charter Superscriber

Yes! Sold!

Grand Lodge

Hazaa! Added to want list.

RPG Superstar 2012 Top 4

The really good news is that I can take 'Create buff cards' off my to do list.

Sovereign Court

Pathfinder Maps, Rulebook, Starfinder Maps, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

I'll have to add it to my to get list.

I love this idea a lot, it would be cool if the card where clear plastic card, with the buffs that don't stack covering each other so you could just look at the top and see all the buffs you have, probably to expensive and a little late.

Looking forward to using them

Shadow Lodge

I'm wondering how they're going to incorporate increasing bonuses, such as a Bard's Inspire Courage.

I'm really hoping they might have some blank cards too so that custom spells or newer spells can have their own cards.

Silver Crusade


Can't wait for May!!!!!!!!!! Too long!!!!!!!!

Fromper wrote:


Can't wait for May!!!!!!!!!! Too long!!!!!!!!

I'm feeling your pain Fromper.

1 person marked this as a favorite.


Ahem, ah, yes, I think I might be interested in this product

Will a single card cover one specific source of a buff (like Inspire Courage or Haste), or will they be organized by bonus types (like Enhancement or Luck)?

I imagine one specific source.

Silver Crusade

Zen79 wrote:
Will a single card cover one specific source of a buff (like Inspire Courage or Haste), or will they be organized by bonus types (like Enhancement or Luck)?

I was thinking the same thing. Given the sheer quantity of buff spells, abilities, magic items, etc, I'd think they'd pretty much have to do it by type of bonus and quantity of bonus. Otherwise, the deck would have a thousand cards.

If it is supposed to be any good, it would almost have to be by source, not bonus type. They could save space by making them double-sided (like the condition cards), and put buffs that give the same bonus type on opposite sides. I was about to give an example with Bless and Inspire Courage being on the same card since they don't stack, but then I checked again and saw that the Pathfinder version of Inspire Courage gives a Competence bonus to attack/damage, not a Morale bonus.

Also, were I making the cards I'd definitely focus on short-term buffs that come and go in a matter of rounds. Haste would definitely be in, as would Inspire Courage. Mage Armor would definitely be out.

RPG Superstar 2013 Top 32

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Staffan Johansson wrote:
Also, were I making the cards I'd definitely focus on short-term buffs that come and go in a matter of rounds. Haste would definitely be in, as would Inspire Courage. Mage Armor would definitely be out.

I'd also focus on stuff that gives multiple bonuses/effects. So Haste over magic vestment. Since it's easier to remember single effects compared to multiple.

Some random +1 X bonus cards would be useful for those times you need to give out temp bonuses for stuff.

Dark Archive

Wow just saw that, and shinny! Would have made a great stocking stuffer though. Just saying.

Owner - House of Books and Games LLC

Now this is something I need two copies of. Doesn't happen often enough for me to double-up the cards subscription, but I've pre-ordered a second one of these.

Shadow Lodge

A couple of queries

1. Will the buffs included simply be core rules or will it cover a wider range of buffs? ie. from Advance Players, Ultimate Magic, Ultimate combat.

2. Will there be a means of tracking the buff type? ie. Luck, Morale, Size, enhancement, alchemical, insight, inherent etc...

RPG Superstar 2010 Top 16, 2011 Top 32, 2012 Top 4

Nice! Our group uses the Crit deck, Fumble deck, and the Condition cards. The Buffs deck will be a welcome addition to our gaming table.

Are these cards all unique, or are there repeats (a la the condition deck)?

Paizo Employee Chief Technical Officer

Steve Geddes wrote:
Are these cards all unique, or are there repeats (a la the condition deck)?

Each card is unique, except for three "blank" cards you can customize.


It's my understanding that they are mostly unique.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

So there's no duplicates of cards, like there were in the Conditions deck?

That seems like it could get a little ... grabby at my gaming table.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Patiently waiting. Any chane there could be duplicates like the condition cards? Lots of my players use the mass buff spells.

Vic Wertz wrote:
Steve Geddes wrote:
Are these cards all unique, or are there repeats (a la the condition deck)?
Each card is unique, except for three "blank" cards you can customize.

Cheers. I'll make sure I order enough then. :)

Silver Crusade

Golden-Esque wrote:

So there's no duplicates of cards, like there were in the Conditions deck?

That seems like it could get a little ... grabby at my gaming table.

I can understand why there's too many different buffs for them to have duplicate cards. It just means you'll have to buy multiple decks to have several copies of the same one. And anything that affects the whole party will have to have the card thrown in the middle of the table, instead of being handed to the one person it affects.

Will most likely be picking these up, but I'm gunna wait for the previews before I make up my mind. If they're half as useful and amusing as the Condition cards however then I'm definitely picking up a pack :D

Sovereign Court

Pathfinder Maps, Rulebook, Starfinder Maps, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber


Paizo Employee Chief Technical Officer

Fromper wrote:
I can understand why there's too many different buffs for them to have duplicate cards.

Yep... there are 49 different buffs, plus the three blanks.

Silver Crusade

Vic Wertz wrote:
Fromper wrote:
I can understand why there's too many different buffs for them to have duplicate cards.
Yep... there are 49 different buffs, plus the three blanks.

I'm actually surprised it's that few. Combing through the spell lists from every book, along with various class skills (bardic performances, etc), I would have expected 100 or more. Now you've got me curious as to what's on your list.

Silver Crusade

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

Paizo card packs are standardized at 52 cards, so something's gotta give.

It's a shame they're not double sided, presuming some have been left out. I guess knowing which to pair would be a complicated issue.

Yea, the condition cards were double-sided since the effects were generally related.

But to be honest, I'm not sure what is needed other than 26 cards of Inspire Courage and 26 cards of Haste.

Maybe one of Transformation.

Paizo Employee Director of Games

I will be happy to go into the methodology on these once we are a bit closer, but to put it simply, when you comb though all the effects, there are some that simply do not warrant a card, due to a very short duration or due to effects that that just would not make sense for this sort of tool.

More to come soon.

Jason Bulmahn
Lead Designer
Paizo Publishing

Scarab Sages

Pathfinder Maps Subscriber

I do not know how I missed this but I am glad I did because now I only have to wait about two months instead of four. Maybe I should just stay off the boards and be surprised when my shipment shows up every month.

LOVE ... IT ...

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Maps, Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

I think I need to get these. I know at our tables, we've had a devil of a time remembering all the different buffs that we get added in. Having a card handy, even at the center of the table for everyone to reference, would be a huge plus versus each of us lugging out Core books and continually flipping between the buffs we have and the other rules we need to find.

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