Gargoyle Brute

The Black Goblin's page

Goblin Squad Member. Pathfinder Adventure Subscriber. Organized Play Member. 35 posts (54 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 1 alias.


Pathfinder Adventure Subscriber
Don Juan de Doodlebug wrote:

I think it's been a while since I did one of these.

Heroes of Revolutionary Socialism

Bloody Bogalusa, 1919

The IWW ROCKS!!!!!!!!

Pathfinder Adventure Subscriber
Doodlebug Anklebiter wrote:
Yeah, that's right, Ambrose! Eat it, you spotty ponce, eat it!

Man i got a call around 930pm from the big guy. The meeting is mandatory!!!11:30 am. Things may not be going that great. Call me when you get home.

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Pathfinder Adventure Subscriber
Comrade Anklebiter wrote:
Everyone I know in NH does.

The rest of us sit around drinking and listening to the DEAD! We drink so much because we miss Jerry or maybe thats just me?

Pathfinder Adventure Subscriber
Doodlebug Anklebiter wrote:

I forgot my favorite detail from the Black Goblin's misadventures:

So his character was some magus archetype called the "bladebound" or something. She had an intelligent sword and every time someone said something to her, the Black Goblin would mutter inaudibly and talk to his sword before firing back with an insult! Hee hee!

Anyway, my game is not all about the Black Goblin--poor Dok who had been kissed by a vargouille lost all his hair and now has giant flippity-flop ears; Avianna Silverplume met her long-lost brother, Pennywhistle (and then ignored his plea to come see her dying mother); the party was attacked by eleven (eleven!) werewolves, but nobody contracted lycanthropy. Yet.

We haven't even gotten to the first encounter in Broken Moon, though.

I think ill be rolling up a new character every game now! how do you like that hm? Until the day a new SkullCrusher comes into the world let the rest be meat for the beast

Pathfinder Adventure Subscriber
Darktower Zhaorae wrote:

The cells will do her good, and the community better. Of course, if she likes, there's always the axe instead. I'll do it myself if she'd prefer.

The Ruby Lady disapproves of such reckless misuse of magic, and I trust that similar deities watch over whatever world you hail from. And likely have a less twisted interpretation of Good and Order.

One day she will be free and what good is magic if you cant use it recklessly? Really magic has nothing to do with good or evil or whatever. We dont need no water let the motherf*%#er burn burn burn. Yes there are always people hurt by friendly fire but thats what people are for. Unless your being payed or feeling overly sensitive..

Pathfinder Adventure Subscriber
Doodlebug Anklebiter wrote:
Oh, I forgot: she was allegedly Lawful Good.

No No No NG....No way in hell i could play a LN PC. Hmmmm maybe thats not a bad idea. The fall from grace is that much further.

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The only good boss is one tied to a post with a shot gun in his mouth and eyes full of tears..(no blind fold needed)
Off with their Heads..Long Live My Revolution.

Pathfinder Adventure Subscriber

Doodlebug I sent you Info Check it out

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Just messing around. Total fail

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I got to read the last copy of the Galtic Worker (GW) and I came across an article about counter revolutionaries! Low and behold JMD031 Was on the top of the list...Wierd I know.... Ive seen the name around and thought "why would he be on the list? Then not even a second later I remembered "never question the party" Exterminate Exterminate Exterminate.
Long live the revolution & Off with his head....TRAITOR

Pathfinder Adventure Subscriber

Ha this ass clown is going down and if any freedom loving Goblins stands with him.....They will be considered an enemy of the people, counter revolutionary, White Guard traitor!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Vive le Galt The blade is sharp and his neck is soft and the bucket is empty! Long live the revolution....Off With His Head!!!!!!!

Pathfinder Adventure Subscriber

Pink skin JMD031 will taste good on a spit.. Save the poor feed them JMD031. Rant all you want man....We are watching! we r legion...You r a tool........Long live the revolution Long live the guillotines of freedom and your head in a bucket. I never forget and I never forgive!!!!!!!!!!Vive Li Galt

Pathfinder Adventure Subscriber

The Black Goblin stands with Gark the Goblin....SPORKS are COOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Pathfinder Adventure Subscriber
Doodlebug Anklebiter wrote:

Martin Sheen is not a rakshasa!

Although he did survive a (cocaine-induced?) heart attack on the set of Apoc Now.

Banging 7 gram rocks.......The Black Goblin says HELL YAAAAAAAAAA. Thats a Real Feat MOTHER@*!*@%. BI WINNING BIZNICH!!!!!!!!!!

Pathfinder Adventure Subscriber
Doodlebug Anklebiter wrote:

I'm sorry, guys. I feel like I really dropped the ball by not posting this already.

And, yes, I know Columbus is not Akron, but please, cut me some slack.

NO WAY.........Comrade Columbus is a $#@*ing college town and Akron ( my home town ! ! ! ! ) is A Working Class Community/City/Post Industrial experiment in the works. Ive told you the stories and DON'T EVER CONFUSE THE TWO....

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Pathfinder Adventure Subscriber
Comrade Anklebiter wrote:
And how do you feel about Ron Paul's position on the necessity of national Right-to-Work legislation, Black Goblin?

The Black Goblin and the R.B.G have put out a bounty for the head of Dr.Ron Paul. We the Revolutionary Black Guard find this stance of the Doctors to be counterrevolutionary and contrary to our particular brand of anarchogoblinism. ( we do not exclude non-gobliniod in the movement )

The good Dr. should keep his laws off our bodies and out of religion...The UNION. So !@#!you Dr. Paul
Drink a Bud for freedom.

Pathfinder Adventure Subscriber
Doodlebug Anklebiter wrote:
Me, I hear the beckon and cry of Pigpen.

The Black Goblin says WHO DOESN'T HEAR THAT CRY. Me and the R.B.G hear it every day. OFF WITH THE HEADS of the Dead haters!!!!!!!

Pathfinder Adventure Subscriber

The Black Goblin snff snff (crying a little) only has half a beer left and doesn't know why the R.B.G aren't back from the second raid yet?

Pathfinder Adventure Subscriber

The Black Goblin only likes paizo. Much more after me and the Revolutionary Black Guard have been up raiding the beer store drinking and playing with the Rancor beast (he needs a bath) since 6am.

Pathfinder Adventure Subscriber
Maccabee wrote:

What I got from the entirety of this thread was:

..a Rabbi, a Priest, a post-op Transgender Atheist, and Drizzt Do'urden walk into a bar....

Roll for initiative.....and/or migraine.

The Black Goblin failed his role and got a headache from reading parts of this thread. The Black Goblin liked your joke and now must go get another beer hahahahahahahahah

Pathfinder Adventure Subscriber

Gulp Gulp.....The Black Goblin is not endorsing Domestic violence as a fun past-time or anything. The Black Goblin believes violence is violence and its all the same no matter whos doing it to who. So...Ya LIVE FREE OR DIE!!!!!!!!!!and if someones preventing you from this endeavor than itssss OFF WITH THEIR HEADS

Pathfinder Adventure Subscriber

The Black Goblin Loves the Dead and.....Man I think someone is ? anyway whats with.....I should go...Jerry is calling to me.

Pathfinder Adventure Subscriber
Doodlebug Anklebiter wrote:

Hee hee!

I'm telling you what to do, Black Goblin. Whattaya gonna do boutit?

Hmmph The Black Goblin is going to puff puff and oh no no one to pass to puff puff puff...........gulp gulp gulp anyway the Revolutionary Black Guard will put and end to hmmmm did you hear that...No.......ok then...Im sure I heard something..........TYRANNY

Pathfinder Adventure Subscriber


Pathfinder Adventure Subscriber
Comrade Anklebiter wrote:
Black Goblin, how do you feel about a Ron Paul presidency?

Ron Paul Hmm I thought he dropped out of the race?

Legalize Legalize Legalize Downsize Downsize Downsize Get off my back man OFF WITH THEIR HEADS

Pathfinder Adventure Subscriber
Comrade Anklebiter wrote:
Comrade Anklebiter wrote:

And, hee hee! My hetero life partner has been raving about this stuff for the past six years now! He's always going on about The Book of Enoch, and how Jared Diamond is wrong because he doesn't take into account the fact that Gilgamesh was an alien, etc., etc., ad nauseam.

He tried to make me read some books by Erich von Daniken, but I couldn't take it!

Black Goblin, what do you think about Jesus being an alien?

Hahahahahaaa The Black Goblin now only has 1 beer left. Aliens and Gods and Masters I only have 1 Me The Black Goblin and his many anarchogoblin Brothers and sister shout to the heavens OFF WITH THEIR HEADS and maybe jesus was a alien but so was Jimi Hendrix!!!!!!!!

Its going to be all right

Pathfinder Adventure Subscriber

Ha Ha Ha The Black Goblin says violence is violence and here in the Anachosyndicalist Goblin stronghold of New Hampshire Its OFF WITH THEIR HEADS.

Pathfinder Adventure Subscriber

Look over there... A half full bottle of wine no one seems to be drinking it right now so Ill just gulp gulp gulp. Hmmmm? that wasn't to good. This isn't going to well. The Black Goblin will be back after a trip no a raid of a near by beer/gas /scratch ticket/stuff store.

Pathfinder Adventure Subscriber

The Mighty beast Rancon just threw up Pink skin parts Hahahaha

Pathfinder Adventure Subscriber

OH NOoooooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The Black Goblin finished his second Beer and there are only 2 left!!!!!!!!

Pathfinder Adventure Subscriber
Doodlebug Anklebiter wrote:
The Black Goblin wrote:

Low and behold Comrade Doodlebug is up and at it.

Yes, it's true, I need help.

Anyway, I refuse to have internet conversations with someone I'll be speaking to irl in a few hours!

HA HA HA The Black Goblin was smoking a butt outside and drinking a beer.

Pathfinder Adventure Subscriber
Comrade Anklebiter wrote:

Mama Kelsey, I lied:

If everyone else is going to pontificate on their ridiculous beliefs, I might as well start posting mine.

For the Right of Gay Marriage...and Divorce!

Vive le Galt!

Off with their HEADS!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Pathfinder Adventure Subscriber
Doodlebug Anklebiter wrote:

Welcome to the FAWTL Refugee Thread, Lord Dice. We are small now, but we are growing! Gark is sometimes a little unneccesarily brusque, but just so you know, he is correct; knock WZ and you're goin' DOWN! Not that you were...

Warren Zevon, R.I.P.

Also, Mama Kelsey, congrats on the Gay Marriage thread! It has easily outstripped my fave threads! Unfortunately, I am done with it (at least for now) because 1) I appear to keep attracting the wrath of the moderators; and 2) I am not going to engage bigots in rational discourse.

The Black Goblin and his band of evil mice slaying cats just had eggs for breakfast. Low and behold Comrade Doodlebug is up and at it.

Whats up? Man .... I mean Goblin Brother in arms

Pathfinder Adventure Subscriber

I love the Scarred Lands. That world hooked me. (the only reason I got back into D&D) So I,m always happy when I see people still playing in there. Hahahaha I was the drunken player Doodlebug made mention of. Alas I am not a GM and only a lowly player. But Hell ya rocking in Scarn
Good luck!!!!!!!!!!!!

Pathfinder Adventure Subscriber
Doodlebug Anklebiter wrote:

You Can't Catch Me, I'm the Motherf&~$ing Gingerbread Man!

So, I was under the impression that you could drive an unregistered car around for 10 days past the end of your birth month here in NH, but it turns out that that's not true--you've got 10 days to get it inspected. I found this out from the officer friendly who pulled me over literally 4 minutes from my destination after having driven 45 minutes to get there.

I cast quick sober on myself, but there were marijuana paraphernalia scattered all over my passenger seat. But whatever, I am Doodlebug Anklebiter and I am not frightened by lackeys of the state.

Diplomacy 1d20+6 = 20 + 6 = 26!

A warning and I was on my way! Nyah nyah nyah!

I got home and there were coyotes in my yard!

Coyotes in your yard you say. How many of them? The black goblin could use such beasts to liberate your neighborhood of all the little pink skins. As for officer friendly NO GODS NO MASTERS Should have offered the Man some smoke. No never mind wouldn't want his filthy pig lips all over your big pipe. Hee Hee