
Tailchaser's page

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the toe jam container. Bring me a

Here is the rough party so far. Based in the Forgotten Realms out of Starmantle

Zakonian- CN male 1/2 Drow Gestalt (Ftr/Rog,) going for Duelist and Tempest classes later. Follows Ellistrae and the Promenade. Cannot stand Morty, but was commanded to work with him.

"Morty the Loon" AKA Morticia- N male Strongheart Hafling Gestalt (Rog/Sor), Arcane Trickster and Archmage later. Cross dresser with a psychotic dual personality due to the Sel'kiira attached to his forehead. Thinks he is Zak's older cousin (CE female Drow Cleric of Lloth) who was the last person to use the Sel'kiira. Lot's of comedic value with this one. Imagine a hairy hafling wearing a spiderweb corset. Yes, this one is mine. Will be more of a triple class with multiple mood swings. Lloth thinks he will sow great chaos upon the world and thus grants him divine spells.

Tongue Eater- CE male Gnoll Gestalt (Brb/Rng), unknown what he is going for at this time. Follows Talos the Stormlord. A petty thug and bandit mostly.

Grungwill Stabunoworlatrr- NE male Fiendish Duegar (Gray Dwarf) Gestalt (Clr/Rog), Assassin or Soul Knife for sure and maybe Blackgaurd later. Follows Abbathor.

This will be a weird group to run. Now we just have to find the time to play.

Vigil wrote:

We just started last night, created characters, and broke for next week just under Parrot Island. The party's current composition:

female human duskblade 2

female human swashbuckler 2

male human favored soul of Bahamut 2

male human gun mage 2 (Iron Kingdoms adapted material)

So, two fighter/arcane caster hybrids, a cleric type, and a fighter variant. Hopefully there'll be some... interesting traps in the coming installment (Mwa ha ha!)

Bahamut doesn't allow favored souls.

Ashenvale wrote:
Sweet! I'm naming my next rogue Mulan.

Already beat you to it

A scorpio and a pig! Ladies beware.

If it can go into an omelet, I'll eat it.

Fireballs are great for taking out rigging and sails. No maneuverability means a sitting duck. It is less effective against the ship itself.

Suggestive in a good way, but not pornographic. I've seen worse from some of the 12 year olds at the mall, mom and dad in tow. One is even a preacher's daughter. If you do not like the cover, then rip it off so you do not have to look at it.

I've always had my hands on a book or up a skirt. Tail or tail, works both ways.

and aqua velva for that extra spice.


Aberzombie wrote:
I think I'm over the age limit for that thing.

There is no age limit

Sounds like a variant revenant undead or "Revenancer" spell from City of the Spider Queen. I think that was the adventure it came from. Forgotten Realms

Add an invisibility potion to beef up the initial sneak attack. Make it a +2 unholy adamantine greatsword to help with sundering

LOOK!!! A flock of turtles.

Or a TPK! Kill em all!!! HAHAHAHAHA Arghhhhh

Par-a-dox wrote:
Shroomy wrote:
The PCs will have to wait for the earth elemental to make it up there (it can only move 20 feet per round), so I why don't you have the undead attack as they wait, perhaps driving them deeper into the tunnels. You can ratchet up the tension by adding some strange shrieking or moaning sounds a round before they attack; it may even provoke the druid into recalling his companion if that companion is part of the his melee repetoire.
Excellent suggestion Shroomy, that will definatly add tension to this beautifly written encounter... The druid has in fact been using the elemental as a melee combatant. Hmmmmm... I like it! I think I will combine all of the suggestions. Vanthus uses chains and locks... puts thugs on guard, and the zombies attack as soon as the PC's are dropped into the hole. That should keep them immersed and sufficiently off-balance.

And possibly a TPK if you are lucky! Hehe!

gundark wrote:
I would place the city as Westgate in the moonsea. The region is quite known for pirates I believe. Westgate is kind of a "scum and villiany" kind of place.

Westgate is on the Dragon Coast and not the Moonsea. Several hundred miles away from each other.

With an island that size, I'm sure that there is more than one ruin availible. Or it could be overgrown with vegetation and only that part of the ruin is accessible.

I would make it a martial weapon at the very least, and that's if the firearms were more availible to the populace at large. I would make a single firearm type (musket) a martial weapon and the weapon group firearms an exotic. Any monkey can swing a club (simple), but you need training to load and reload a semi-primitive firearm. No training means more misfires and explosions. Modern fireams make it so that a monkey can load and fire a Sig P2340 or a Beretta 92R. I've seen it done before. My brother's spider monkey is a very good shot with a BB pistol.

I'm still waiting on mine to show up, AGAIN. I'm getting tired of seeing it on the newstands brfore I get mine.

Still waiting for it over here in West By God Virginia. I should go get drunk and slap my sister mom around to feel better about it.

Since gestalt classes are considered to be a +1 to their CR/ECL anyway, I've always added a +1 or +2 CR per two pc/npc. Since the class creates a stronger character overall, it's only fair that you adjust the challenge accordingly. But always adjust the treasure also because the character will cry about it. I always take it back from them later anyway.

If you can accept the +1 ecl/cr try for a draconic template from Races of the Dragon. +2 str/con/cha

A favorite CN dwarven fighter/barbarian to a horde of orcs intent on being killed by him; "Yur muthers were elves and I'm yur daddy! come get some kiddies!"
A pacifist halfling rogue to an ogre that is trying to squish him; "Look! A flock of turtles!"

Try www.barroks-tower.net for that online experience

where do i send any critical threats to?

Put Blackwall keep in the Gulthmere and link the lizardmen to Cedarspoke. You can run them as a counter to the worms.

There is always the Gestalt class from Unearthed Arcana. Be a 10th level gestalt (clr/wiz or rng/drd). I always add a -10% bonus for experience and bump the CR +1 for encounters, or higher if the whole party is gestalts.

Make mine a Heinekin please!!!

ME!!!!! An evil minded DM with a sadistic streak.

Erik, I would love to hear your ideas about Starmantle from the Realms. My campaign is based from there but i need some help fleshing it out. City maps and background would be awesome. kellador71@yahoo.com

I think it was b4 the Complete series came out. Im thinking Forgotten Realms Core book, but could be wrong.

How about starting out as a gestalt (Clr/Wiz or Sor) character from Unearthed Arcana. It starts you out basically as a mystic theurge at 1st lvl and walk you right into the True Necromancer class even sooner.

It has already been done as a prestige class. I think it was called a Spelldancer. But I cant remember what book it was in.

scents of flowers

thongs with flavorful

dunkey likes lavendar

But the mad

Spears or other thrown weapons would be more feasible than bows. The beholder eyestalks are a good idea.

Sorry it was from the Unearthed Arcana not the DMG2.

Tailchaser wrote:
try a gestalt cleric/wizard character from dmg2 instead of a mystic theurge. more kick for the punch with alot more advantages.
Sean Mahoney wrote:

I would be similar to flushmaster with my leaning toward the arcane, but with out accepting the dilution of that power (sorry, no rogue mix for me!)

Incantatrix (Player's Guide the Faerun)
Mystic Theurge (alright... so even this one is tough in that it lowers the upper levels of power for the mage, but the breadth of spells that affords makes it a very good choice)

Sean Mahoney

I am currently playing a Forgottem Realms gestalt FtrRog10/Swb3/Master Thower3/Asn1 that is one step away from becoming a shade. The invisible Blade and spymaster could be next.

try a gestalt cleric/wizard character from dmg2 instead of a mystic theurge. more kick for the punch with alot more advantages.

Sean Mahoney wrote:

I would be similar to flushmaster with my leaning toward the arcane, but with out accepting the dilution of that power (sorry, no rogue mix for me!)

Incantatrix (Player's Guide the Faerun)
Mystic Theurge (alright... so even this one is tough in that it lowers the upper levels of power for the mage, but the breadth of spells that affords makes it a very good choice)

Sean Mahoney

since i am an avid warhammer/40 k fan, i've used alot of my scenery that i have scratched built for both games. but at times it can be a pain in the rear trying to transport any of it if i am playing at a friends house.

pork patties from the old mre's have been gone for years. but they were not THAT bad to eat. i've made many a delicacy from those patties. well as long as i had some other things to go with it. ahhhhhhh the joys of cooking with explosive mre heaters.

ASEO wrote:
farewell2kings wrote:


Did you ever use the Pork Patties from MRE's as "brown mold"?

MREs have gotten pretty good over the years...Although after the second month living on the 24 different meals you get pretty board with them.

The old dehydrated pork, beef and potato patties are long gone. We used to chew on them like cheap jerky. Some of the new ones now have the snack "Combos" in them...of course they are labeled as:
Crackers, Cylindrical, Cheese Product Filled, 25-30ea. Fortified.

We did get one box of Breakfast MREs...Stay away from the Ham and Cheese Omelet ::shudder::

The best thing I ended up with over there was a care package sent from some kind American citizen: 5 lbs of dark chocolate covered Espresso beans...Talk about hog heaven... Packed amongst packages of Wet Wipes and extra socks, they weren’t even melted into a huge blob despite temperatures of over 140. Thank you who ever you were...

ASEO out

then how about dire texans?

Richard Pett wrote:
Gavgoyle wrote:
Koldoon wrote:

I can see your point. How about Dire Coyotes?

Better, although you may be better off still going with a troop of trained Dire Armadillos... they can jump at his car and possibly blow out the tires with their bony protuberences.
If they were celestial dire armadillos they could split into two groups and then some could keep his ropers at bay with smite evil, whilst the rest could sort out his car.

the improved version should be the flying monkeys from wizard of oz. those would be scary!

Looking for gamers in the eatern panhandle of West Virginia (Martinsburg). Forgotten Realms is my specialty and your death trap. Kellador71@yahoo.com

Looking for some willing gamers to be horribly killed in the Forgotten Realms