Young Thief

Shinmizu's page

689 posts (697 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 2 aliases.

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Aenigma wrote:
I have never heard of Ostog before, yet it seems that some people have already known his existence.


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Erik Mona wrote:
We're still numbering APs, but the number only shows up in the last three digits of the "PZO" product code and on the spine.

Oh, come on and have a little faith in yourselves that you'll make it to AP #1000.

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SmiloDan wrote:
Maybe instead of a 2.0, they can come up with some optional systems, like Arcana Unearthed. Or Unearthed Arcana.

Now I'm fully expecting a third-party product called, "Stuff We Dug Up."

6 people marked this as a favorite.
Captain Xenon wrote:
cliff racers are basically small versions of the pterodactyl. and they are everywhere.

Indeed. Cliff racers occupy 02-98 on all encounter tables. Also, you have to roll for the possibility of encountering a cliff racer if you are within 100 miles of a location that contains cliff racers. They'll find you.

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magnuskn wrote:
What's a "normal"?

Vector perpendicular to the tangent plane. Means you're not a fully-upstanding citizen. You're leaning one way or the other. :)

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James Jacobs wrote:
We wanted ghosts to be able to exist on the outer planes.

Oh, hey, Aroden, where ya been? Yes, I know my new armor's all fancy, but can you stop going, "OOOoooOooo" please? It's hurting my head.

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Freehold DM wrote:
That said, voltron and Barbie should totally fight.

I call dibs on the soon-to-be-released Barbie-piloted Voltron mech toys.

*pushes the "Talk" button on Barbie*
"I love shopping!"

"Wanna have a pizza party?"

"And I'll form the head!"

*giggles and pushes again*
"Math class is tough!"

*sighs with disappointment and buys his daughter a Twilight Sparkle Gundam instead*

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My vote's on options #3 or #4. More likely #3 if it's Symantec. Piece of crap can't catch a real virus, but it's really good at false-flagging. It just loves to mark freshly compiled applications at work.

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James Jacobs wrote:

Just because we've got Mythic Adventures out doesn't mean you'll be seeing mythic goblins or mythic goats or mythic toads or mythic commoners popping up in our adventures.

Or, frankly, popping up ever.


I guess it's up to me to stat out a decent level 20 commoner goblin toad.

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Cheapy wrote:
Go ahead and guess what'll be in it.

Champions of Good will contain the Elements of Harmony. It's the long-awaited Pony sourcebook, I'm sure.

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3.5 Loyalist wrote:
Or to put it another way, if a wizard cops a crit, his con will not be buffed by a con boosting item.

Similarly, if a wizard crits a cop, he'll be a con.

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Irontruth wrote:
"when unobserved, teleport to any location in the labyrinth."

Ok, now that right there sounds really sweet joined with the mythological basis of the minotaur.

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Kirth Gersen wrote:
WAR is probably my least-favorite artist on earth.

Someone needs to introduce you to Rob Liefeld.

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"My name is Doug. I have just met you, and I love you... SQUIRREL!"

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*hands Cosmo an internet hamster--better than winning an internet, since they make their own internets!*

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Seeing "Colonoscopy Sci Fi" followed immediately by "Oh God! I can see Forever!" in the list of threads in this forum was just too much.

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Erik Mona wrote:
It's also worth noting that there was a significant managerial switch between the time Monte posted his criticism of the way D&D and its creative staff was being managed and the way it is being managed today.

The people responsible for the sacking were sacked and replaced by alpacas?

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Todd Stewart wrote:
And I can confirm that Rarity is the best pony.

And I can confirm that Todd Stewart can't properly spell "Fluttershy."

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Chadlee Windham wrote:
You two should really talk to the boss about cutting you some slack...

Bruce never cuts anybody some slack.

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Jason Nelson wrote:
That's the beauty of having private ownership. There is no publicly available asset share to buy. Lisa and Vic are the only owners of Paizo, so they are the only ones from which it can be bought. If they don't want to sell it, there is nothing to buy. :)

You are completely underestimating the power of Klondike ice cream bars.

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TriOmegaZero wrote:
You can't go wrong deciding that mine is always the right one to listen to. :)

Except when I asked for directions in Alberquerque. You really dropped the ball on that one.

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Vic Wertz wrote:
The painted minis in this set are three-dimensional plastic.

Thank goodness. I tried out a set that was completely two-dimensional plastic, and I lost so many fingers that day.

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Garydee wrote:
Needless to say the violin/fiddle wasn't even invented at the time.

Nero won the fiddle at the same time he won rulership of Rome from Satan in a harp duel.

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donato wrote:
I believe the plural form is simply samurai.

This also holds for somewhere around 99.99% of Japanese nouns.

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TriOmegaZero wrote:
Well, it IS impolite to not make sure your partner is satisfied before you are. ;)


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Matthew Morris wrote:
** spoiler omitted **

Even with the teeny fonts, that series is still one of my favorite collections in any RPG ever.

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DoveArrow wrote:
147. People decide that they like New Coke.

I have yet to come across such a bizarre reality in all of the universes I've visited... *hops into another Slider portal*

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James Jacobs wrote:
Highways are

four lane roads with no intersections that allow your Sims to travel rapidly from residential zones to their jobs in commercial or industrial zones. They produce large amounts of air pollution, but have relatively little congestion.

A random Sim had this to say about highways: "Mwanna hey boujah nayah!"

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Lilith wrote:

Pathfinder RPG version of the Stronghold Builder's Guide. The super expanded version with city and kingdom building rules too.

We wants it, my precious.

We wants it, too, along with epic construction rules so we can rebuild the bridges of Thassilon and the Arch of Aroden.

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James Jacobs wrote:
One of them, in fact, decided he wanted to train his cat familiar to ride a horse in a previous game.

In Kyoto, I saw a cat riding a human that was riding a bicycle. The cat was perched on the human's shoulder and was wearing a cute little bonnet hat.

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Mauril wrote:
I guess the fantasy world favors entertainment as much as the real world does.

I'm hoping Simon votes off Raistlin. He can't sing for crap.

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Lilith wrote:
As for my favorite game, there is no way I could choose. There are so many!

You should have picked Duke Nukem Forever, since no one else will ever, ever be able to say, "No, I played that, and it wasn't very good." I'm sure even the so-called "development team" isn't able to say that.