Crystal Cat

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Silver Crusade

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Healing Fireball.

that is a selling point.

Healing effing fireball.

Silver Crusade

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Sheahan wrote:

Forget round 2. If you, an evil spawn of an evil outsider, try to take out an Empyreal Lord, Ragathiel is going to waste you.

As for the rest of it; what I'm seeing is one player who wants to play a very different game from the rest of the group. To the point of playing an evil character in the adventure path designed for Paladins. If there's a problem player in this scenario I don't think it's the paladin.

Eh, it sounds like the Paladin should have fallen a long time ago.

It sounds like a poopshow of a game all over. Problematic GM, Problematic players, and the like.

Silver Crusade

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*looks at thread*

*slowly hides Virtuous Bravo Paladin of Arshea with Obediences*

Silver Crusade

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For those who say that for the "evluz" makes a forgettable villian.
Might I point out that the "iconic" antipaladin (Sir Pig Kicker) has quite the fan following and he only has pictures.
There are many ways to have a good villian.
If you have a CE baddy-bad-baddy who is totally in it for the evluz but is LOVING every damn second of it and is well portrayed by the GM I think they would be more memorable than a righteous prick who isn't as well portrayed.

Spoilers for Strange Aeons


I think that the Count will be a great and memorable villian, and not because of his goals or anything but because there was a very good job of making people HATE him.
That and we carry around a bust of him we stole from his home.
Everyone responds with "THAT A*+%@&@!" or something similar.
My character is carrying it so she can cave his face in with his face when we find his sorry ass

Silver Crusade

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It will more likely make things more complex, not less.

Silver Crusade

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Zhayne wrote:
Asmodeus' Advocate wrote:

Speaking of corvids, there's something I've been meaning to try.

Go to a public place and give your best Nazghul scream. Then, feed all the crows in the area. Repeat this in different locations, in a gradually expanding range, at all hours. (You might get complaints. Ignore them.) See if you can't teach all the crows where you live that whenever you unleash a unholy scream, they'll be getting food. The hope is that you can attract all the birds in earshot on command.

In the shadowy ally, the moonlight glints off the heavily built man's knife. The d4 doesn't impress you, but that strength modifier could put you in negatives. He's asking for the money you have on hand. You're scared ... but it's nothing to what he'll feel in a moment. You open your mouth and let it hang open as a spine-chilling sound issues forth. The black birds gather, cawing and jostling each other and finding places to perch.

"Do not linger in the dark places of the world," you whisper, hoarsely. "You are not the darkest monster the stalks the night." With a dry chuckle, you walk away.

And the Poetic Justice Police arrive, as you use crows to prevent a murder.

Use a hat of disguise and harass local corvids while in the form of someone you want to cause trouble. Crows pick up on trouble pretty quickly and they will tell one another.

Do about, maybe a week of this on your chosen target's favourite haunts and they will be scolded and pestered by crows for quite some time to come.

Silver Crusade

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Either an outsider or an outsider willingly bound into a stuffed animal/comfort object whose purpose in life is to protect the child that keeps them around from things like night hags, boogiemen, and other such things. Could also be a construct.
Or maybe a template added to a creature that automatically makes it tiny sized and takes on a plush form of itself. Not quite sure, but a teddy-bear type child-hood guardian is something that might be a fun thing.
Not something to fight, but a fun thing for GMs to add to flesh out a world.

Silver Crusade

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Neriathale wrote:
I am unclear as to why there isn't a supreme cat-deity controlling the entirety of Golarion.

There is, but they're off napping somewhere. Likely taking up some god's throne or tormenting Little Thunder

Silver Crusade

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Dragon78 wrote:

We are getting law and chaos planetouched races in Planar Adventures.

Mamlambo, a brain eating river monster, sounds interesting.

I would love for a lot more creatures(especially non-outsiders) from the positive energy plane.

A paper/origami golem would be nice.

I would love to see a fey creature that likes to make crop mess with UFO conspiracy nuts.

Well, do have the Ganzi. I'd like a Neutral (Psychopomp and Aeon) based 0HD race

Silver Crusade

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So there are some things I've noticed that are missing gods or demi-gods that show interest in them.
Such as there is no god or goddess or anything else of horses. Nor do any of the daemon lords lend themselves to snake oil.
What other gaping holes in areas of interest have you noticed?

Silver Crusade

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Errant Mercenary wrote:
Scarred Witch Doctors (pre errata) must eat at least 2 swines, 3 dodos and half a vegepygmy every day to replenish those CON casted spells.

Well, that tells me how much my telekinetic needs to eat.

And she's a growing teenager. Wow, wonder if she spends more on food than she does on anything else. Also wonder if there is in-universe fast food. I mean the Romans had fast food.

Silver Crusade

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How much food do you think different sorts of casters would have to intake to do magic and such. Kineticists included. Yes, I know that RAW everyone has to eat the same amount and it's based on size category. But this is for funsies. So please don't be wet blankets.

Silver Crusade

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So, OP here.

I was running a Pathfinder game, but the setting was Redwall. Magic was starting to emerge for reasons unknown. And the setting never got resolved because of the impact this death had on all the players. One felt like an idiot, one felt like it was his fault.


I have a friend who has the tendency to, well, overthink things. He's a good fellow indeed. However, this taught me not to let him play high int low wisdom characters.

He was running a high int low wisdom bard. His character got the bright idea of making a parachute. I'm don't remember why the needed one though.
Anyway, there was no silk to be found. So he made it out of flax linen. The prototype (super tiny and using a rock) worked just fine.

So he decided to make a full size one. And I secretly rolled his engineering check. It was a 1. I expected him to do a small-scale test.
Nope. He has the Fruit Bat Alchemist fly him up 200 feet above the pond in Redwall Abbey and let go.
He was level 5.
I rolled max falling damage, and the "parachute" acted more like a millstone because flax linen is not a light material.

Silver Crusade

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Does a Paladin fall for serving someone a stiff drink?
Since booze is techincally poison.

Okay that was so dumb it HURT me to type it

Silver Crusade

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OI you two!
Take the bickering off my thread.
Nosey-mc-rules-lawyer is not my GM. He's just a troublemaker.

*points at the Iconic Kenetisist*
She doesn't look 17 to me.

Lady-J. I was ignoring the person who blathered something that had nothing to do with my question for a reason. It had nothing to do what my question. I completely agree with you, but others don't and are therefore being annoying.

Charisma =/= ego? Really? Charisma is being able to deal with people and move with social grace. It's social knowledge.
Wisdom is common sense.
Int is book learning.

Now that I'm going back to ignoring hot air that has no bearing on this thread but is someone simply being a pedantic pita.

Her mental stats are all quite nice. She is smarter than average, much wiser than average and quite charismatic (same level as her wisdom). She's got a strong will save (I spent a lot of time shoring it up because HORROR game)

As for becoming free

Spoilers for Strange Aeons


She woke up in an asylum after having her memories stolen. She's since regained them and has been carrying around a bust of the jackwollop who bought her so she can invert his face when she meets him. While she was on her power-ramp up she didn't remember being a slave. Now she does and wants to make sure those involved in her enslavement are well and truly dead.

As for the rest of the party? They're just glad I'm picking up the wizard's slack.

Silver Crusade

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Boomerang Nebula wrote:
How would you sell a cursed item like a bag of devouring?

By putting it in a box with a hole on top.

No longer have to worry about where your poop goes

Silver Crusade

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Well if you look at it, other maneuvers rely on pure physical strength one to one.

Grapple, however, there is a little thing called leverage. Joints can be pushed into places that are extremely painful to even move a smidge. It's not about pure strength by this time, it's about knowing where to hold and how to twist and then use the other person's strength against them.

Silver Crusade

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Have him be served by a tribe of kobolds. Who have a mythic tier trap-maker in their tribe. Don't have them ever get to fight the creature directly, as they'll be fleeing into their bolt holes. Then smack them with mythic traps.

Throw the Tortured Soul on top of it.

Oh oh oh oh!

And have the dragon's mate/offspring have BEGGED the party to save said dragon. Because subduing will be harder than just killing it. And it wouldn't be the dragon's fault it got turned into a tortured soul.

Silver Crusade

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Weirdo wrote:

Baleful Polymorph would do, if you want a permanent duration. (Also, I don't believe the size reductions would stack.)

An advanced dire wold polymorphed into a (small) dog ends up with a Str 19, Dex 23, Con 19, and AC 18 (+6 Dex, +1 natural, +1 size). Bite drops to d4+4 and loses the trip property. Unfortunately if the pup fails its Will save it'll also go from Wis 16 Cha 14 to Wis 12 Cha 6.

They're primarily mounts. Though does give men an idea for a homebrew magic item. "collar of pup shape" or something similar. Great for bringing your Large (or bigger) sized Animal Companion into the city without the guards throwing a hissy fit. (because your elephant is now a tiny baby elephant and DAWWWWWWW!!!!)

Silver Crusade

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Wannabe Demon Lord wrote:
Monsters of the Ottoman Turks. Several are new to me.

The Karakoncolos as a CN fey that likes emerging during the winter solstice festivities and acting like a pack of drunken frat-boys? I'm game for that.

Silver Crusade

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So my party found a litter of pups after killing the mamas. (to be fair they didn't know the b~*~!es were nursing). One of the PCs has a rather soft spot for all critters and in his spare time runs what is pretty much a wildlife rehabilitation sanctuary.

The father was a Mythic Worg.

I'm writing them as Advanced Dire Wolves.

One of them (Rumper) I've decided is convinced she is a lapdog, and doesn't realize that she is the size of a large draft horse.

Now, do you think this is a good idea?

Soon the party will be given these pups, once they're full grown, as traveling mounts.

Also, what would it look like a draft horse sized tail-less dire wolf try to climb into someone's lap look? (Aside from adorable/really funny)

Silver Crusade

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quibblemuch wrote:

I had a player once... oh my stars...

So there was this evil book. Really evil. Like, trying to read it prompted a Will save or level drain. And this was back in the 3.0 days, when sufficient level drain was really, really bad. And the player was 3rd level.

"I try to decipher the book."
"Your initial Spellcraft roll suggests it is powerful beyond your ken. Dangerously so."
*if I had bristly eyebrows, they would've bristled out six inches*
"I try to decipher the book anyway."
"Will save."
"Instead of reading the book, inky darkness pours from your eyes, nose, and mouth, filling the pages briefly with eldritch runes that sink into the vellum and vanish. You lose a level."
"I try to decipher the book again."
"Will save."
"Once more, you feel as though your very soul was being ripped out from the base of your spine to the top of your skull and dragged across razors made of despair to feed the dark tome's hunger. Lose a level."
"I try--"
*entire party yells 'DUDE!'*
"I try to decipher the book again."
"You know what I'm going to ask for."
"Alright, the rest of you see him hollow out, as though draining away into some endless cesspool at right angles to all holy creation. He crumbles, like so many brittle burnt pages, and is no more."

The player seriously was upset. He hadn't seen it coming. It was SO telegraphed that there are aliens light years away watching slight wobbles in the Sun's movement indicating our planet who are also saying "Oh dang, that guy's going to try a third save... can you believe it?!"





Silver Crusade

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True Dragons based off of the 5 species of big cat. Not like a Dragone, but real true dragons.

After all, there are 5 different species in the Genus Panthera.

Panthera Dragons would be awesome!

Lion, Tiger, Leopard, Jaguar, and Snow Leopard.

On the topic of Dragones though...

We have pseudodragons, we have pesudosphinxes.
Why not an Improved Familiar size Dragone type critter? Looks like 50% Pesudodragon 50% housecat. 100% adorable.

Silver Crusade

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So, I'm running a game based in Falcon's Hollow, and things went well last night.

Except I forgot to clean up the minis.

I have a cat...

Still searching for the minis.

How many of you have lost beloved dice/minis to felines or had an encounter... "altered" by an over eager waggy dog.

Silver Crusade

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Nature is everywhere. That bleeping raccoon that keeps knocking over your trash and spreading it everywhere. Part of nature.
Those seagulls that crap all over your newly shined transport, nature. The birds in your backyard, nature. Druids cover all sorts of nature. There are those who keep to a single forest and protect it. But there are druids for different sorts of critter. There are druids for different environments. It's like any class, there isn't really a "one size fits all".

My last druid adventured because it was a primitive world and food moves around a lot.

Silver Crusade

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Darkvision, my sense of smell is good enough thank you very much. And I already have enough trouble with smokers, people who think bathing is optional, people who think Axe replaces basic hygene.... And people who do ALL OF THE ABOVE. There are far too many where I live.

Silver Crusade

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So, what is the dumbest PC (or NPC) death you've witnessed?

As in, the character did something extremely stupid and then died.

We had a character antagonize an evil intelligent construct, get blasted and then attempt fisticuffs with a dragon. He would have survived dragon fisticuffs if he hadn't gotten hurt in such a dumb manner. The healer said he wasn't going to waste resources on stupid.

Silver Crusade

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Magical storks with some connection to babies
Naked Mole Rat familiar
Some more good aligned reptiles esp snakes
Something super adorable looking that is pure evil
More shoulder sized dragons, please
Maybe shoulder sized griffins while you're at it? Pesudogryphons.

Silver Crusade

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Am I the only one who read this as Gorilla Suit?

Silver Crusade

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grapple... grapple more grapple, pinning, and yeah...

Grappling rather screws over casters.

Silver Crusade

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Palidian wrote:
Chuck Mount wrote:
Plenty of good advice has been offered, but it seems like you've made up your mind and killed the campaign (yes YOU, not your brother) because one jerk did some stuff you and the others hated.

This. Honestly, we've all had bad players. And we've all had players who derailed plot or screwed with npcs. I myself had a homebrew campaign that began with a party of criminals. Their options were to help resurrect an old god, or face the gallows. One character said he wouldn't do it, and then stated that he'd try to kill anyone who did. LITERALLY five minutes in and my plot's at a standstill.

Bad players happen.

But it really doesn't seem like that's the issue here. It seems like you aren't treating this as a setting. You're treating it as a story that you've already planned out. So when a player does something that messes with your plan, the whole thing is ruined, setting, story, plot and all.

A setting is just that. A setting. It is a big world full of people and places and events that are all there for one reason: for the characters to interact with. If the entire setting is destroyed because of a character's interactions with it, then it wasn't a setting to begin with. It was a story. Someone earlier recommended that you may want to simply write a novel, and that's my advice as well. Pathfinder and D&D are collaborative storytelling. Every person at the table gets to tug the story in a different direction. If you throw out the entire thing because someone went in a direction you don't like, then you really shouldn't be doing collaborative storytelling. You should be writing novels and books where you always get to decide how characters interact with your world.

Your brother did not "destroy" your world. You scrapped it. Your brother did not "forever change the story of the world" you simply had a story in mind, and expected the players to follow it. And honestly? As someone who has spent hundreds of hours building a campaign setting, you didn't build a...

You forget this isn't just a "problem player" this is a sibling. To quote Zazu "There's one in every family". I've got a brother, both my parents have multiple sibs. My hubby has several sibs, and comes from a big family.

This isn't a player thing. This is a SIBLING thing. This isn't a player going off the rails, it's a sibling being a complete and utter shit by taking a baseball bat to a model plane that you worked on, and they likely helped on all summer long when you were ten. Why did he wreck it, because he wanted to and because he wanted to see the pain on their sib's face when they saw it.

Family knows what things drive us mad, and will use it to poke buttons. When a family member is a jackass, things are even worse.

Silver Crusade

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For some other options...

Powerful class, something that could easily wreck the PCs has given birth to the bringer of the end times. However being a mother means mother's instincts. She's going to fight tooth and claw to protect her child from any potential threats, and maybe she sees the PCS as a threat and will do anything and everything to keep her child alive, including some really nasty things to the PCs.

She should be killable of course.

One more thing...

Make it REALLY REALLY REALLY hard for the PCs to find out just what this child is, since the mother destroyed all records of the prophecy. A nice super-long term goal, giving the PCs lots of downtime. Once the PCs have gotten attached to the little tyke, have it kidnapped by the cult who wants to bring about the end times.

Once again the cultists should be easy to deal with, but by the time the PCS get to rescuing the kid they find out that its full potential has been unleashed. However the child is still a child, and the same child they always were (total sweetie preferably). They're just being possessed by the entity, and are scared out of their poor minds and would be crying for their parents while their body is being used to start the end of the world.

This plot won't work with murderhobo PCS

Silver Crusade

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Tiny Coffee Golem wrote:


(chiefly of an animal's limb or tail) capable of grasping.

Sounds like a bird foot would work just fine. Arguably so would a beak, but validate with your DM.

My DM is awesome and allows me to have my fox-shaped kitsune use her mouth. Makes me feel like I'm playing a pokemon instead... in a horror game.

It's brilliant.

Silver Crusade

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Sir Jackass

Silver Crusade

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Dark Midian wrote:

Just saying, not to excuse your brother but if your homebrew world's story is "f@#$ing dead" from three characters dying, it might not be a very good story despite your attachment. It sounds rather like you had one "canon story" set up for your world; real games don't pan out like that.

You're better off writing a novel.

Or his sib went out of his way to sink the canon.

Silver Crusade

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Haven't played a class I didn't love yet.
but I do enjoy my pallies, Oracles, Gunslingers, Kinetics...

Okay umm yeah. single funnest class... impossible task there my friend.

Silver Crusade

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D4s on the ground at 3AM

Silver Crusade

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Get some lawyers (non-asmodean) to come up with some really stifling laws, permits, and permits for the permits. Go full Vogon on them.

Silver Crusade

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Chuck Mount wrote:
36. A wizard's hands over his mouth.

17) The Rogue's hands where you can see them

18) The Bard's Hands over his mouth

Silver Crusade

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35) A tribe of goblins

Silver Crusade

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UnArcaneElection wrote:

Just noticed that Conceal Spell and Improved Conceal Spell explicitly do work on spell-like abilities. But these have Deceitful as a prerequisite -- not exactly the kind of feat a Paladin would normally be investing in (and not just fluff -- as feat-starved as they are, they can ill afford this unless they are building specially to be some kind of spy-Paladin).

Like a Paladin of Tanagaar based off of Batman?

Silver Crusade

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Let's just say that Undead are like lawyers.

99% give the rest a bad name.

Silver Crusade

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I have never had or played a paladin who is disruptive. Neither has my husband.

Pathfinder Paladins are fun, holy warriors of a select (okay any LG, LN, or NG) set of faiths. How they act isn't guided so much by being LG as by who they worship. A paladin of Lymnieris is going to act a lot differently than a paladin of Ragathial, though both worship LG Empyreal Lords. Same with a paladin of Korada vs a paladin of Arshea.

Silver Crusade

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I personally think there is no single "worst archetype" or "worst class" from a player standpoint. Mechanics shouldn't be the king of all, the very idea makes my skin crawl.

For me there are a few things to tell if a class or archetype is good.

1) Are you having /FUN/ playing it.
2) Does it fit in with the group? (It doesn't overshine everyone, but it also isn't dragging everyone down unduly)
3) you can manage it quickly and efficiently in combat
4) It doesn't make the GM rip out their hair

Because of this, there is no one "worst anything" since anything can be worked into a potentially interesting character concept even if it isn't mechanically superior.

Silver Crusade

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So far I've come up with a bag of endless cookies. It makes sweet cookies of all sorts. However, they have all the nutritional value of cookies. Meaning that they might be able to stave off outright starvation but they are not exactly healthy for you.

Another one I came up with was a bag of glitterizing. It's a cursed bag of holding that gets glitter /all/ over everything put in the bag. And no you can't just wipe it off. It also constantly leaks glitter everywhere and you will end up with every item you own with at least a few bit of glitter on it. (and on you). Why can't you just wipe the glitter off? Because it's glitter.

Silver Crusade

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So I've heard plenty of stories (and had players who thought) that "if I see it, therefore, I should be able to kill it" mentality. Sometimes, even in action movies, there is something too big and the characters have to high-tail it. Even in movies, sometimes even in video games, not all encounters are going to to be "level appropriate."

Like in Big Hero six.

Late but relevent:
They run from the big bad once, nearly get killed by him once and are only able to do something on the third try.

Or in Thor Ragnarok

Another Exmaple:
Thor and Loki get their asses handed to them round one,
followed by the massive slaughter at Asgard.

My husband tells a story of describing the local look of the land to his players. Said scenery includes an orc war party off in the far distance. The players decided "because it is present I must be able to kill it" and go off course to pick a fight with the orcs. There was a TPK as a result. And this was designed to be a difficult but winnable fight too. However, they refused to run away when things turned sour and all died.

I have another friend who GMs and had his players with the mentality "if it is there I should be able to kill it" So they attacked a knight of the order of justice. This was after they were told in the setting these knights were pretty much like "ye olde judge Dredd". Then he warned again with a "are you sure?". They did indeed attack and died.

I myself have run into this myself. Had some players see a bunch of baby dragons and decided to kill them. They won against the newly hatched lot of dragons. They were about level 3 at the time. I didn't think they would go out of their way to kill a newly hatched clutch of dragons, but they did. Then mom and dad showed up. The size of the clutch had indicated (and they had made their checks) to be able to tell that these dragons were at least adults and were red dragons. There were indications that they were likely much older than adults. Things went rather poorly for the party.

I've also had smart players who knew to leave shit alone. Like picking a fight with a pair of dire swans when you are at level 1 is not smart.

Silver Crusade

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Azothath wrote:

ahhh, check out the original Deities and Demigods... they had ability scores. Has-xxx-tur's stomp was legendary. {don't say that name!} lol

In the run of Strange Aeon's I'm in we've taken to calling him Assturd, since we can't say his name but we don't want to show him any respect. (like calling Voldie You-Know-Who). So we've taken out the fear of the name without being stupid since Assturd /can/ hear you if you say his name three times. (unless you make up an insulting nickname for him)

Silver Crusade

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I think children is a bit of a stretch. But they are called spawn.

Silver Crusade

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As an autistic person, I find that being a human in day to day life is confusing enough, when I roleplay the last thing I wanna do is play a human. I really enjoy most of the fluffier races as well as Planar based races. Planar based races esp have a draw for me because there is a high feeling of being an outsider in your own culture and that's how I feel all the time. Expressing it in a place where I'm safe is really good for me.

Silver Crusade

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rando1000 wrote:
Well, there are space goblins in the Starfinder: First Contact PDF, so that's one.

now I wonder...

We be (space) goblins?