Crystal Cat

Mystic_Snowfang's page

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Silver Crusade

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Healing Fireball.

that is a selling point.

Healing effing fireball.

Silver Crusade

well, there are some options and it depends just how low the stat is and how high the others are.

In general though without adding traits

Intelligence- Book smarts
Wisdom- Common sense
Charisma- Social Smarts

I like to call a high charisma other two stats dumped a "zoolander" build.

Silver Crusade

Sheahan wrote:
Mystic_Snowfang wrote:
Sheahan wrote:

Forget round 2. If you, an evil spawn of an evil outsider, try to take out an Empyreal Lord, Ragathiel is going to waste you.

As for the rest of it; what I'm seeing is one player who wants to play a very different game from the rest of the group. To the point of playing an evil character in the adventure path designed for Paladins. If there's a problem player in this scenario I don't think it's the paladin.

Eh, it sounds like the Paladin should have fallen a long time ago.

It sounds like a poopshow of a game all over. Problematic GM, Problematic players, and the like.
Oh, it's quite possible the paladin would have fallen in one of my games, although my experience with WotR suggests there's context that's being left out or misconstrued. That doesn't really matter though. If the group wants to play a certain way and one player wants to go a different way and can't fit in, that player is a problem for that group.

True, though the first one seems flat-out evil. Fleeing slaves being murdered? Maybe they're demon slaves.

Either way it sounds like this party thoroughly deserves one another.

Silver Crusade

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Sheahan wrote:

Forget round 2. If you, an evil spawn of an evil outsider, try to take out an Empyreal Lord, Ragathiel is going to waste you.

As for the rest of it; what I'm seeing is one player who wants to play a very different game from the rest of the group. To the point of playing an evil character in the adventure path designed for Paladins. If there's a problem player in this scenario I don't think it's the paladin.

Eh, it sounds like the Paladin should have fallen a long time ago.

It sounds like a poopshow of a game all over. Problematic GM, Problematic players, and the like.

Silver Crusade

You have a problem player, talk to the GM.
That Paladin should have fallen long ago.
Also, why are you still playing with these a!&$$+@s?
You obviously have some GM BS going on, and more BS in general. Really just save your energy to go find a different group that isn't made up of rumpweavils.

Silver Crusade

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*looks at thread*

*slowly hides Virtuous Bravo Paladin of Arshea with Obediences*

Silver Crusade

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For those who say that for the "evluz" makes a forgettable villian.
Might I point out that the "iconic" antipaladin (Sir Pig Kicker) has quite the fan following and he only has pictures.
There are many ways to have a good villian.
If you have a CE baddy-bad-baddy who is totally in it for the evluz but is LOVING every damn second of it and is well portrayed by the GM I think they would be more memorable than a righteous prick who isn't as well portrayed.

Spoilers for Strange Aeons


I think that the Count will be a great and memorable villian, and not because of his goals or anything but because there was a very good job of making people HATE him.
That and we carry around a bust of him we stole from his home.
Everyone responds with "THAT A*~~@%#!" or something similar.
My character is carrying it so she can cave his face in with his face when we find his sorry ass

Silver Crusade

For Pally I now always pick up fearless aura at some point. Super useful in making sure that others Don't flee in terror. Made game I played in much easier.

Silver Crusade

Player here. Having fun but finding that the horror is lacking when it seems that we are the scary things.

Party is a grapple monster, a Saladin that makes us immune to fear (awesome feat that), a rather OP kinetist, an undead slaying slayer and a "utility" wizard.

How are you lot finding the horror.

Also instead of calling Hadtur "the king in yellow" we are calling him "Assturd"

Silver Crusade

So a foo jaguar and foo tiger in my game got busy and the babies are old enough to have start blocks. How should I go about this?
I am thinking advanced jaguar but not 100% sure.

Name advice for the six babies would be cool too.

Mother is called Steadfast and father is Azreal.

Silver Crusade

I have a soft spot for Gathlains.

Though any planar-based race that is small sized (as they all can be) is fun too.

Silver Crusade

Latrans wrote:

Also is anyone the reincarnation of Ithys?

In fact there is. (I did some homebrewing to have Ithys originally be female. Since the opposite of old Mody. Mody lies a lot, and is a bit of a Misogynist, hates chaotic females that stand up to him...

Anyway. Yeah our bard is the reincarnation of Ithys.

Our Kinetsist is the reincarnation of Acavna.

Our Vigilante is the reincarnation of Amaznen.

(Yes, the players are about to get married IRL and in game.)

My hubby, is running a hunter.

And the paladin NPC is Aroden's Reincarnation (and the youngest of the party(at 19), and the only human).

We had a fighter in the group, but he kinda dropped out and isn't the most reliable player. I knew this going in and made him the reincarnation of the Peacock Spirit.

Silver Crusade

If you're going to have fun doing it, then do it!
Not everything has to be completely optimized or even rather optimized.
Take the character idea and just run wild with it.

Silver Crusade

So I'm running a game where all the PCs (and one NPC who helps and points out what's evil) are reincarnated dead gods. The game so far is much more political and intrigue based, with a bit of combat here and there as they regain bits of their divine powers (in the form of mythic trials)

Now being reincarnated gods leads me to a minor problem.

My hubby's character is Curchanus' reincarnation. This means that Lamashtu has a portion of his divine power.

So the party's going to have to gank her at some point to regain their full power. (well this one PC's full power).

Any suggestions on how to go about it. I don't need her statted out, I'm just trying to figure out how to handle this.

I am going to be sending her lesser minions at him, starting with an Incubus with class levels, the Nightripper, her herald, and other demons, demon lords that are loyal to her or want to get in her good books, demon lords who hate her and want to steal the PCs divinty... lots of demons.

But as for the Queen of Demons herself, how should I handle that?
This is WAAAAAY in the future of the game I'm running, but good to start planning now.

Silver Crusade

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It will more likely make things more complex, not less.

Silver Crusade

more different animal breeds.
They've started doing it with horses.
I'd like to see some canines with slightly different stats. Esp in the familiar section.
Heck, just give us a book full of different stat-blocks for domestic breeds of creatures.
Because your Clydesdale is going to have different stats from your Arabian is going to have different stats than a Shetland pony.
Same with a bloodhound vs a Saluki.

Silver Crusade

It is super fun.
Fun beyond measure.
I defeated a big bad thingy (we never got to find out what she was) by throwing her out the window.
Her friend very quickly surrendered after seeing his boss chucked out a 3rd story window.
Gravity did the rest of the work for me.

Silver Crusade

Dave Justus wrote:

If animals you speak to magically only know what an animal would know, then how do you run Stone Tell?

I'm not saying that anything written above is wrong exactly, but magic is magic and really there isn't any reason that magic helping a rabbit 'communicate' would be less effective then magic helping a dolphin or a crow communicate. In either case the difference between what they can do with the help of the magic and what they can do with out it is so great as to make their initial differences in capability pretty much a rounding error.

Stone Tell is a level 6 spell that only Druids get access to.

Speak with animals is a level six spell that bards, druids, ranges, and gnomes (and likely others) have access to. It stands to reason that the higher level, harder to access spell will be the better of the two.

Also from the spell description itself

"Wary and cunning animals are likely to be terse and evasive, while the more stupid ones make inane comments."

Silver Crusade

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Zhayne wrote:
Asmodeus' Advocate wrote:

Speaking of corvids, there's something I've been meaning to try.

Go to a public place and give your best Nazghul scream. Then, feed all the crows in the area. Repeat this in different locations, in a gradually expanding range, at all hours. (You might get complaints. Ignore them.) See if you can't teach all the crows where you live that whenever you unleash a unholy scream, they'll be getting food. The hope is that you can attract all the birds in earshot on command.

In the shadowy ally, the moonlight glints off the heavily built man's knife. The d4 doesn't impress you, but that strength modifier could put you in negatives. He's asking for the money you have on hand. You're scared ... but it's nothing to what he'll feel in a moment. You open your mouth and let it hang open as a spine-chilling sound issues forth. The black birds gather, cawing and jostling each other and finding places to perch.

"Do not linger in the dark places of the world," you whisper, hoarsely. "You are not the darkest monster the stalks the night." With a dry chuckle, you walk away.

And the Poetic Justice Police arrive, as you use crows to prevent a murder.

Use a hat of disguise and harass local corvids while in the form of someone you want to cause trouble. Crows pick up on trouble pretty quickly and they will tell one another.

Do about, maybe a week of this on your chosen target's favourite haunts and they will be scolded and pestered by crows for quite some time to come.

Silver Crusade

Asmodeus' Advocate wrote:

Speaking of corvids, there's something I've been meaning to try.

Go to a public place and give your best Nazghul scream. Then, feed all the crows in the area. Repeat this in different locations, in a gradually expanding range, at all hours. (You might get complaints. Ignore them.) See if you can't teach all the crows where you live that whenever you unleash a unholy scream, they'll be getting food. The hope is that you can attract all the birds in earshot on command.

In the shadowy ally, the moonlight glints off the heavily built man's knife. The d4 doesn't impress you, but that strength modifier could put you in negatives. He's asking for the money you have on hand. You're scared ... but it's nothing to what he'll feel in a moment. You open your mouth and let it hang open as a spine-chilling sound issues forth. The black birds gather, cawing and jostling each other and finding places to perch.

"Do not linger in the dark places of the world," you whisper, hoarsely. "You are not the darkest monster the stalks the night." With a dry chuckle, you walk away.

Now I wanna build a crow based vigilante or maybe animal speaker bard who does this.

Silver Crusade

For me, it really depends on the animal's species/breed.

For example, a Guard dog might not be helpful at all because you're not master and therefore not someone that is to be helped.
But a family's dog might be fawning over the person that they just met but is now their best friend forever. Though not as good as master, but still super great.
A cat might simply ignore someone.
Now corvids, you want a creature that will give accurate information and lots of details. Ask a corvid. Parrots work for this too. Both animals are wicked smart and will have noticed lots of details. Of course, they are likely smart enough to make sure they get something out of it as well. Heck Crows in an area with adventurers might have picked up on this and started approaching druids and gnomes to indicate that they can help, as a way to get food. They are an animal that can be said to have a culture.
Parrots are another example of super smart animals that would go beyond "hulk speak" for sure, and be able to remember complex things. Speak with animals would just help them communicate that.
Dolphins and Great apes would also be on the list of super helpful and coherent towards adventurers. (or just try to get "friendly"). Any other Cetation would also be pretty smart.

Other animals just might not be helpful at all.

On the other end of the spectrum.
Don't bother asking a Koala for help. They sleep most of the day and lack the part of the brain needed for thinking (they have a smooth brain after all).

Silver Crusade

Zhayne wrote:


Typically, well, they're pretty stupid. I usually use 'Hulk Speak' or 'Dinobot Speak' as a way to represent their limited intellects and try to avoid words of more than two syllables.

They also can't count. They know 'none', 'one', and 'more than one'.

I try to remember the animal's senses ... dogs are colorblind, so any questions about color are pointless, and they're more likely to tell you what something smelled like than looked like.

Really, talking to animals is barely useful.

The Pixar movie?

Though in general, you're best asking a corvid, they're wicked smart.

Silver Crusade

So I'm talking about animals int 2 or below and magic is being used to communicate with them. How do you portray their speech?

For domestic dogs, I really do take a page out of UP's book.

Silver Crusade

for my PCs, they have minis.

For my monsters, if they're medium or smaller chocolate kisses with numbers on the bottom. (player gets to eat the mook they murder faced)
If they're big or unique, minis.

Silver Crusade

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Either an outsider or an outsider willingly bound into a stuffed animal/comfort object whose purpose in life is to protect the child that keeps them around from things like night hags, boogiemen, and other such things. Could also be a construct.
Or maybe a template added to a creature that automatically makes it tiny sized and takes on a plush form of itself. Not quite sure, but a teddy-bear type child-hood guardian is something that might be a fun thing.
Not something to fight, but a fun thing for GMs to add to flesh out a world.

Silver Crusade

You could be someone who rejects the more... extreme sides of the god you worship.

Say a Kuthonite who only indulges in consensual torture. To outsiders, it's neither sane nor safe. But to the person, they're being safe and sane. They make sure that they don't pass on infections and nobody dies. Because if someone dies, all the fun ends. And to them, everyone ELSE is insane and should mind their own business really.

(also we need a good-aligned god who's all for kinky stuff)

Silver Crusade

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Neriathale wrote:
I am unclear as to why there isn't a supreme cat-deity controlling the entirety of Golarion.

There is, but they're off napping somewhere. Likely taking up some god's throne or tormenting Little Thunder

Silver Crusade

Play with your friends and people you trust.
Don't assume cheating where mathematical error would make sense.
I've only had to deal with ONE cheat and I called her on her BS very quickly. She stormed off grumbling, since she was USED to being allowed to do whatever she wanted because her partner was the GM and she threatened to exile him to the couch if she didn't get her way.
This quickly ended when other people started GMing and she stopped playing with us.

So yeah
don't play with people you don't know well
If something seems off ask a question
(this happened to me a few games ago when people were surprised at the damage I was putting out and wondered if maybe there was an error in the program I use to calculate everything. Being the sensitive person I am I started trembling and thinking I was in trouble. Turns out that yes I was doing that much damage)
If there is Actual BS call someone on it. Usually, if they are a habitual cheat they will storm off in a huff.

Okay, I'll admit I do cheat sometimes. But not to do better. If I'm in a funk (usually from low blood sugar) I will purposely say I keep rolling 1s or nerf myself horribly. Does that count as cheating?

Silver Crusade

Kitsune with fox-shape and lots of stealth. Work up to fast shift.
Have lots of sneaking and spying abilities as well as bluff. Maybe go with a bard. Pretend to be somebody's familiar most of the time. Play the team's recon master.

Silver Crusade

If you're having trouble, I would advise getting herolab. I know that I couldn't GM without it.

Silver Crusade

So I homebrewed this kinda.
But maybe make him some sort of heavenly variant. A were-hound of sorts.
Another thing is you could try to talk your DM into being a party of good-aligned werebeasties. That might be fun.

Silver Crusade

Use the sword, it won't cause the paladin to fall.

Inaction WOULD be an evil "act" here since the paladin is putting their fear of falling above the life of an innocent.

Then once you're out of there take that sword to someone who can enchant it and make it a redeemed weapon and keep it as a sign that good ALWAYS triumphs in the end.

Silver Crusade

So, I'm really bad at keeping track of what pawn his who is massive fights.

I also really like chocolate and so do my friends.

So last game I decided to use chocolate kisses as pawns.
Since they were wrapped I put numbers on their undersides to keep things clear in my brain.

has anyone else done things like this with pawns?

Silver Crusade

Rysky wrote:
The NPC wrote:
Michael Talley 759 wrote:

There are Male Changelings, but there Monster Stat Block had no PC playability to them. Likely due to them being pretty dumb [Int I think was around a 6] But physically they where pretty powerful.

can't remember which book I saw them in though

I want to say that was the 3.5 FR hagspawn you're thinking of.
Caliban from Tears at Bitter Manor

Sees chaotic evil monster...

First thought is

That poor dear!

Second thought.

It sounds like a lizard-puppy thingy. DAWWWW!

Silver Crusade

Fly and Invisibility and GTFO.

Silver Crusade

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Dragon78 wrote:

We are getting law and chaos planetouched races in Planar Adventures.

Mamlambo, a brain eating river monster, sounds interesting.

I would love for a lot more creatures(especially non-outsiders) from the positive energy plane.

A paper/origami golem would be nice.

I would love to see a fey creature that likes to make crop mess with UFO conspiracy nuts.

Well, do have the Ganzi. I'd like a Neutral (Psychopomp and Aeon) based 0HD race

Silver Crusade

quibblemuch wrote:


Worst. LARP. Ever.

Soft LARP or Hard LARP?

Silver Crusade

Well, it wasn't in Pathfinder, but I did participate in "toss the Gangrel" when it came to a fight with a shadow-beastie.

Silver Crusade

Roivan wrote:
Mystic_Snowfang wrote:

So there are some things I've noticed that are missing gods or demi-gods that show interest in them.

Such as there is no god or goddess or anything else of horses. Nor do any of the daemon lords lend themselves to snake oil.
What other gaping holes in areas of interest have you noticed?

Horses: General Susumu

Snake Oil: You mean liars and con artists in regards to medicine? Yea not seeing anything that's deception/trickery and healing.

Right, non-evil horse-gods...

We need one of those

Silver Crusade

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So there are some things I've noticed that are missing gods or demi-gods that show interest in them.
Such as there is no god or goddess or anything else of horses. Nor do any of the daemon lords lend themselves to snake oil.
What other gaping holes in areas of interest have you noticed?

Silver Crusade

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Errant Mercenary wrote:
Scarred Witch Doctors (pre errata) must eat at least 2 swines, 3 dodos and half a vegepygmy every day to replenish those CON casted spells.

Well, that tells me how much my telekinetic needs to eat.

And she's a growing teenager. Wow, wonder if she spends more on food than she does on anything else. Also wonder if there is in-universe fast food. I mean the Romans had fast food.

Silver Crusade

I know Carnival of Tears came out ages ago. So I don't blame them for the wintery setting. However looking at the area it seems that a southern-France like setting makes more sense. Somewhat like Provance. So not getting all snowy and blowy.
I'm reskinning it as more of a harvest festival but some parts are giving me trouble. Like the ice-carving contest.
Any suggestions.

The fauna and surrounding area in general just seems more like the temperature would be a lot warmer year-round than the still-3.5 Carnival of Tears lets on. Not to mention local fauna, like firefoot fennecs (who have the ears of an animal from a hotter climate), are extremely incongruous with a thick snowy winter that would be better in England or the Prairies.

Silver Crusade

David knott 242 wrote:

Let's see if we can work out the assumptions behind food requirements for spellcasting.

As you may remember, there is a prestige class called the Bloatmage whose members become grossly obese as they advance in it. Do they become obese because they have to (and do) eat more, or because the magic slows down their metabolism so that even a small amount of food gets stored as fat?

In any case, I would guess that divine spellcasters require the least food and that psychic spellcasters require the most, with arcane spellcasters somewhere in between. Within the arcane spellcasters, sorcerers would require more food than wizards. The theory here is that the more of your power comes from within you, the more of your own energy you burn up casting spells.

Guess then that kineticists would have to eat the most, considering they do cast from con. Though the energy would be taken up channeling the power, not creating it.

Silver Crusade

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How much food do you think different sorts of casters would have to intake to do magic and such. Kineticists included. Yes, I know that RAW everyone has to eat the same amount and it's based on size category. But this is for funsies. So please don't be wet blankets.

Silver Crusade

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So, OP here.

I was running a Pathfinder game, but the setting was Redwall. Magic was starting to emerge for reasons unknown. And the setting never got resolved because of the impact this death had on all the players. One felt like an idiot, one felt like it was his fault.


I have a friend who has the tendency to, well, overthink things. He's a good fellow indeed. However, this taught me not to let him play high int low wisdom characters.

He was running a high int low wisdom bard. His character got the bright idea of making a parachute. I'm don't remember why the needed one though.
Anyway, there was no silk to be found. So he made it out of flax linen. The prototype (super tiny and using a rock) worked just fine.

So he decided to make a full size one. And I secretly rolled his engineering check. It was a 1. I expected him to do a small-scale test.
Nope. He has the Fruit Bat Alchemist fly him up 200 feet above the pond in Redwall Abbey and let go.
He was level 5.
I rolled max falling damage, and the "parachute" acted more like a millstone because flax linen is not a light material.

Silver Crusade

Silver Crusade

You know, it is amusing.
Assuming that falling paladin = ahat gm.
Some of these are great fodder for NPC encounters.
Like, say a badass in distress paladin who is being mind controlled by something bigger than them. Some great role play options there and such.Esp if there ends up being a kerfuffle with the Paladin's order later.
Or the paladin is convinced they were at fault and abandons being a paladin altogether.
Or for a great story for a vindictive bastard.

Silver Crusade

EltonJ wrote:
Mystic_Snowfang wrote:

Something super adorable looking that is pure evil
Like the vorpal rabbit?


A demon bunny

Silver Crusade

Dave Justus wrote:

Learning Disability is a broad term that covers a whole lot, and helping people overcome various learning disabilities is a complex skill. I suspect that you would do better researching how to help someone with his own particular difficulties learn anything rather than how to teach pathfinder to any and all learning disabled people.

That said, I applaud you willing to help out others, and I suspect that it will work out as long as you are patient. If you could have another player assigned as a permanent 'helper' rather than you doing it yourself it might make it run smoother, if there is someone appropriate and willing for that role.

You might also want to consider if Pathfinder is the best fitting system. While it isn't the most complex game I've played, it isn't the simplest either, and other choices might work out better.

Pathfinder is the only system I have the ability to run. I rely on Herolab and buying another entire system (that isn't Shadowrun and I think that would be a WORSE idea) is expensive and I like doing things like paying rent and not starving. So I'm broke AF, and working with what I have.

As for what his particular Learning Disability is. I have no idea. We have everyone at the table helping him.

I wonder if there is something tech-based that might help him...

Silver Crusade

So one of my players has a Learning Disability. It's his first game and he's been slowly gaining traction. However, it seems that each time we play he has completely forgotten what AC is, what his bonuses are and such. And despite being fascinated with playing front liners (and I'm not sure that a caster would be something that would be a good idea unless I want to tear all my hair out) he constantly is rather put out if his character takes damage.

Are there any guides out there?

I've made him a basic quick-sheet and it still doesn't seem to help.

So please help me help him?

I mean at least he's starting to understand character-building, so there is that.

He's running a Urban Barbarian, and we're level 5. All his mods are static and he's using a weapon with a very basic (only on a 20) crit range.

Dark Archive

I played an Investigator during Virtual Table Top day... and received a Boon at the end of the game for a +1 or +2 ranged weapon enchantment... and I can purchase +1 enchantment pieces of ammunition in quantities of 10.

2 questions.

1. I'm still learning how to play as a newbie and want to re-roll for a basic class since I'm still level 1. Which class could make best use of the Boon?

2. Why would the Boon say (+1 or +2 Ranged weapon enchantment)? +2 is always better... right?

Dark Archive

Hey.... I got a Roll 20 account... played Pathfinder Society ONCE... would like to learn and play more... but live in the sticks and hard to get a game going.