The Cinderlander

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Nobody cares! And we care for Nobody!
See you get to be part of this adventure now. Welcome to the asylum.
Welcome to the Nightmare!

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I was in a heated debate with Nobody. He was telling me that I had condemned the world and I was hotly protesting that I had saved the world, I did not condemn it. Well, maybe I condemned it, but by doing so I had actually saved it. He was not buying my argument. I said look we condemn men all the time to save them from either themselves or others and so, in doing this we save them, us.

"You don't save a deer from a bear by killing it first do you?" Nobody retorted. He thought he had me with that but I came back with "But the bear didn't get to kill it and if I would of let the bear kill it, it would of suffered. So isn't it better that I killed it without the suffering?" Nobody sighed, then looked passed me to one of the white coats that had stopped by our room. I joyfully engaged the white coat and asked if it was not better to die quickly rather than to suffer? The nice white coated man looked at Nobody then at me and said "That's not for you to decide, your time will come, soon." Then he walked away.

That was strange I said to Nobody. "Very" said Nobody. I looked out the window to a bright sunny day. No, the sky wasn't sunny. The sky was yellow? As I looked at the sky, it grew darker and more fog like. I felt as if I were moving towards it. I stared at the yellowish mist and wondered how I had gotten out of my room again.

I walked in the now thickening fog looking for Nobody but I was alone, the walls of my room had been replaced by the stone walls of some building. What? I was in an alley now and the fog made it difficult to get my bearings. I shouted for Nobody but there was no sound. Then I saw others moving through the fog. I slowly moved towards a figure closer to me. As I did, it just ran right passed. Kind of a pirate looking fellow. No parrot though. He looked worried, as he ran passed me so I followed him.

What was he up to? I thought. Then I heard heavy foot falls behind me and I felt pursued. Some doom had fallen upon me and it caused me to run faster. After the pirate I ran. Was he running from this doom as well? Nobody was gone and all that remained was pirate and I. He turned left at the alley's intersection with me on his heels. This alley had no windows or doors just walls like that of a maze. I like mazes. Then another man, no two more men were with us but they were not the Doom that still followed. The pirate cursed and jumped about swearing. We had run into a dead end. The ally had ended and there was no place to run. Just then I turned to see the fog give way to a thin tall wraith of a man and for a moment I thought I was in a mountain pass back home but no, still in this alley, this maze, this trap.

The tall thin gaunt man wielded a large straight razor. I did not like the look of him and I froze. One of our men rushed the gaunt figure and the fog engulfed them both. A sickening sound came from the fog and a severed head rolled to my feet and the dead eyes looked up and the disembodied head says "ME". I do not want to be here.

A second man rushes passed me to engage this horror. Again the fog encloses them and the same sickening sounds of a fight. Another severed head and somehow it whispers "UP". There is blood on the alley wall that reads "save" and the third man, my last friend, lunges towards the sinister foe. fog again engulfing them both and another sickening sound and his head at my feet says "Wake".

I feel a slight tug on my throat, warmth runs down my neck. The thin razor's blade coated in my blood flashes passed my sight and I am doomed.

I sit straight up from my bed. My soul on fire and my body dripping in sweat. Only a dream I thought.

My room is dark but there is a candle right over there through the bars. Bars? Where am I? Caged? No, I'm in a cell. The floor of my cell is covered in old moldy hay or straw. A strong urine smell invades my senses. There is a table and one of the white coats walking around it but before I call out to him, her. I notice she's cutting on a man laying on the table, running, what appears to be half of a pruning shear, into and along his thigh. The man is out of breath from just shouting at me to wake up. It dawns on me that he must of been the words from the severed heads in my dream. near the candle I can see items meant for cutting of flesh. Broken glass sharp pieces of metal, all kinds of things used for, I could only guess, torture. As my eyes started to be able to see in the dim light, I saw across from me another cell. and in it were two men from my nightmare. The pirate and another. They had no close other than their small close but I still recognized the pirate.

The man on the table screamed as the nurse cut into his flesh again. "Help me." he cried. I desperately looked for something in the straw to help me unlock the lock on my cell door but there was nothing. The man freed one of his legs and kicked the nurse into the bars of the cell across from me. One of the men, not the pirate, tried to grab her to no avail. She recovered and started to cut but the man kicked her yet again. And again she was up against the other cells bars but this time some keys had been dislodged from her person and came skittering to a halt right in front of my cell just in reach. She again recovered from the assault of the men in the cell and with a vengeance began slamming the shears into the man on the table. The sound was much like the sickening sound from the alley. I quickly unlocked my cell and ran across to the other and gave the keys to those men stuck in the cell.

I ran to the table and picked up a sharp item to defend myself with. The others were freeing themselves. It was then as I was picking up an item that I noticed yet another cell that was next to mine but couldn't see before. In that cell was the fourth man from my dream. The four of us had all been in the dead end alley together. I started to question my sanity. I don't know what is real and what is dream. I looked for Nobody but he wasn't there. Behind me there is a scuffle and someone opens the cell door of the fourth man. Noticing that he is rather large I handed him my would be weapon. After receiving the makeshift weapon the big man and the others started to attack the nurse. Two of the men chased her down a dark hall.

I was thinking "let her go, we're free. But they were full of vengeance and followed her. I heard a door slam shut and decided to get the candle from the table so I could see. One of the men went the opposite way again into the dark. Maybe they can see I thought, but I can't. The man that went to my right was rummaging in the dark so I said let's cut this candle in two so we can find a way out. No sooner had I said that, the man on my right grabbed the candle from me and deftly cut it in twain. I was about to say don't let the flame go out but it was already in two and he handed the unlit half to me so I could expose the wick. I did this with out much to do and we lit the second half. He went back to the right saying that he had found something familiar. Familiar?, I thought what about this place could be familiar?

Having a light source I headed down the hall to where the two had chased the nurse. The door was already open and the two men were fighting something new. A tall pale creature with huge claws for hands and it was getting the better of them. I entered the room and was assaulted by a smell of death and decay, unimaginable rot filled the area. I quickly moved to the left only to be surprised by a chained wild cat of sorts. A young cat but not of the house hold type if you get my meaning. I stayed close to but out of reach (I hoped) of the cat. One of the men went down and I ran to him for an unknown reason and I said a prayer to Desna and healed the man I Healed the other man too as they were not faring well against this foe.

There were bloated dead bodies in a heap and we were walking over them to fight. They oozed and made horrible noises as we did. I could see what appeared to be stairs going up to another level. I thought that's probably where the nurse had gone. There was a hole in the wall behind me that resembled a coal shoot. The third man appeared and the three of them were able to kill the strange being. I healed them as much as I could. While I was doing so they told me that the nurse had changed into the creature and one of our men went up the stairs, only to return saying that the way was blocked by rubble. We needed to find another way out.

During this time we also discovered that one of the men had picked up a sack full of little items, a couple of the items felt familiar to me. There's that "familiar" again. What is going on, I thought. I understood that the holy symbol of Desna would feel familiar to me but why would a set of lock picks also seem to belong to me? None of the other men stopped me from picking them up, so I did. The other man with the candle showed us to the place he had discovered and we all started picking threw a pile of armor and weapons each of us taking what "felt" right for us.

When we got dressed I recognized these men from my nightmare. The Pirate, a wild man (who also claimed the cat as his) and a knight or holy guard no a Paladin of Sarenrae. And me, I looked like a sneak thief. The men all looked "familiar" to me and me to them but we could not fathom why. I never looked at the man on the table, fearing it was Nobody.... and I couldn't bare the thought of losing my only friend. I thought, "No, it's not him."

I was brought out of my deep fear to the group discussing how to exit this place. We decided to look around together. We only had the two candle halves and they weren't going to last long. We found a furnace of burnt bodies with a chimney that might prove a way out or the other option was to try and go up the coal shoot. We decided on the chimney. We rested here for a while so I could pray to Desna for some spells. While at rest the cat had come up to me and mewed, unconsciously I reached to scratch it behind it's ears. It backed away and I felt stupid for trying to touch a wild animal. But again, it felt "familiar". It went back to the wild man. And I continued my prayers. After I received Desna's blessing I was able to heal some of the worse wounds. The paladin and I had to remove our armor to better make the climb. I went first. As we reached the top we found ourselves in a "boiler room". There were lights shining from under a large tank and as soon as we all climbed into the room two huge rats, "HUGE" rats, attacked us, and another creature with lights shining from it's eyes. We killed them pretty quickly. Under one of the tanks we found two sunrods. The wild ma...Druid had his cat fetch them. The cat looked put out at this and the rest of us found it funny. The Paladin fed it some ration meat and it took it without hesitation. The was only one door out of this room and I checked to see if it was locked or trapped. All followers of Desna do this I'm sure. I found nothing suspicious on the door so the Paladin opened it and walked into a lit hall. I could see another door right across from us but the Paladin had stopped and came right back into the room. "There are guards out there" he said and they have crossbows aimed right for this door. "Guards" I thought "Great we're saved." I stepped out into the hall with my arms in the air. I immediately regretted my optimism. The guards didn't want anything to do with us. They asked me who I was and as I was about to tell them, it dawned on me and out loud I said "I don't know." I told them I had just escaped from a prison or torture room. And one of them, an in charge kind of fellow berated me, saying that I could be a doppelganger. Oh, that's what that was. We told him (the Paladin had joined me in the hall by this time. Telling the guard the same thing at the same time) That we were in a dungeon with cells and one of these doppelgangers was there too and the cells were below us. He just said that the only thing through that door is a boiler room. He also told us that they had been repelling any doppelganger that came down this hall. And since they can change into any form he wasn't about to let us pass. I asked where we were and he said that we were in an asylum the Briarstone Asylum, to be exact. "Oh great" I thought "how long have I been in this place."

I recalled the men in white jackets and an horrible nasty elf and my friend Nobody. At that moment my head started to hurt. What had been real and what was dream, I had no way of knowing. Again I was brought back from the brink by the voice of the Paladin agreeing to bring three doppelganger heads as proof we were not one of them. I sat on the ground, legs crossed, I thought, three heads, how are we going to get three heads. The Paladin said that there were a couple of other men with us and he would go and get the head of the dopple...thingy that we had already killed. He'd be right back. "He better be right back" I thought. I sat there for an eternity waiting for the Paladin to return. While sitting there I came up with names for my comrades. The pirate could be Pi, the druid could easily be Drew, his cat, of course, would be Evo and the Paladin could be Pal or Palad, something like that. For the life of me I couldn't think of a name for me.

It didn't matter by then Pal had returned and threw the head of the doppel towards the guards. "Three heads" the guards shouted. (A~@&~$%s) Pal told them we would go hunt for more and would return when we retrieved them. Great, time to get up. We slowly walked down the hall. The guards were nasty but I missed their company when they were no longer in sight. There was a door on our right. Pal opened it and jumped back away from the door shouting "Centipedes!" What a baby I thought to myself as I went into the room to step on these centipedes. Centipedes may butt. These giant three foot long if not bigger centipedes took no time in biting the crap out of me. I was immediately pushed aside by Pi, Drew and Pal, as they killed the "centipedes". It's here that I regretted not saying thanks for their help.

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Baga stepped off the small fishing vessel onto the rickety dock and stretched his aching back. Sitting on the small vessel was bad enough but Peck was right, as always, he should have walked. No storm ever spun up even though the clouds were grey, foreboding and dark. After four hours of sitting on the hard wooden seat Baga suspected the weather here was always this way.

Baga turned and offered a few silver coins to the fisherman for his services but the man refused looking at Peck with a wary eye. Peck had a knack for staring at people for rather long periods of time. For most people, that stare would become unnerving and they would either wander off or just look away wondering if the raven was weighing their soul. In reality, Peck just stared to make people feel uncomfortable. The raven was a bastard at heart.

As the fishing vessel hurriedly pulled away from the dock and headed back out into the lake Peck released several caws that resembled laughter. Baga just shook his head and smiled, offering the fisherman a wave of thanks. It went unreturned. Baga turned to the raven sitting on his shoulder saying, “Its odd day people afraid more of you than me.” Peck responded with more amused laughter.

Baga watched the retreating vessel for a few minutes as it headed further out onto the lake. To Baga, Lake Encarthan looked as big as an ocean. The vastness of it stretching beyond the horizon was something Baga was only used to seeing when he sailed with the Ulfen while raiding the Nidal coast. Kriger, the Ulfen leader, taught Baga a lot about how to treat people you cared for as well as how to treat those you didn’t. Baga found himself missing them from time to time, they were some of the first humans that treated him with respect.

It was almost two years since he had left Magnimar on his first real adventure. Looking back it wasn’t much of an adventure but at the time it felt grand. Working with the local Scarni, Baga was put in charge of a supply run from Magnimar to Sandpoint. During that trip he ran into people he used to play with as kids. During their first night their caravan came under attack by orcs and goblins. Baga and his old friends managed to drive them off and while his friends pursued them deep into the wilds he remained with the wagons.

As a child of the streets Baga was always jealous of the people he knew as a child. Most of them came from wealthy families or just ones rich with life, something he never had. Baga didn’t know his parents and just did what he could to survive. His friends had never flaunted their station and would even help Baga when they could but theirs was a life of privilege he hadn’t understood. Then, during their late teens, an incident at an old temple of Sarenrae by the father of one of his friends led to them all leaving Magnimar. Baga’s only remaining friend Epher became distant and eventually disappeared shortly after leaving him alone for the first time in his life. Baga eventually fell in with the local Scarni and quickly moved up their ranks until he was given the job of protecting the supplies to Sandoint.

A caw from Peck brought Baga out from his reverie.

“Yeah, yeah. We get going. Let me get map,” Baga said to the raven as it looked at the map he was unfolding. Baga had purchased the simple map a few months earlier before heading north from Absalom. The map only showed the northern continent of Avistan and rough lines delineating the boarders between nations. Baga could have purchased a nicer map with more detail since the life of a bounty hunter paid well, but he enjoyed discovering things on his own. Illmarsh, the town north of the dock that the fisherman assured him was there wasn’t listed, only the capital cities of each nation. All Baga knew was that he was now standing in southern Ustalav.

As he folded the map back up he began scouring the shoreline for his story rock. Baga wasn’t sure which rock it would be, only that he would know it once he saw it. After a few minutes Baga found a small rock, roughly the size of an infants fist. It was dark and grey, resembling the clouds that hung low over Baga’s head. Much like the people of Ustalav, the stone was cold, hard and would not break easily.

Before Baga placed the stone in his life story bag, he brushed off the dirt and sand as carefully as if he was handling an egg. Peck had hopped off Baga’s shoulder landing nearby and just watched in bored fascination. Once the stone was cleaned off Baga placed it into his life story bag along with the plethora of other similarly sized stones. Peck skipped over peering inside the bag before eliciting another caw.

“I told you before, these are my life journey rocks. One of the Scarni said I was dumb as bag of rocks and I now prove him wrong.” Baga replied to the raven.

Peck just stared at Baga for a few moments before tilting his head to the side not understanding what Baga meant.

With a heavy sigh Baga placed the life story bag into his backpack before repling, “Every where I go, I find rock that tells me story of my life.”

Peck continued to stare.

“No, the rocks not talk. They make me remember story,” Baga replied as he stared back.

Peck nodded, not really understanding but returned to Baga’s shoulder. “And don’t bite my hat,” Baga told Peck absently as he began the hike north towards Illmarsh. Peck ignored him, as always.

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Wow, who pulled that guy's string? I liked him a lot better when he was asleep. I didn't even notice him before he started talking to himself, or is he talking to Nobody. Yes that's probably it. Nobody's got him all worked up for some reason. If all he wants is out then I could help him. But he will need to chill just a little before I even talk to him.

Ah, Uhm, sir...sir. Are you alright? If you like I can see if I can get you moved to a nicer room. The fellows in the white coats seem to like me and I'm positive they will help you in whatever it is that has upset you. I was a little edgy when I first arrived, or woke, not sure what it was but what I'm telling you is that the white coats are here to help us. They've told me that time and time again.

And it's true they rescued me from an over bearing "mean as a hornet" elf just the other day and brought me here. But I have a feeling that I had left here for some cake and ended up with that elf. I think they were surprised that I had left. But I don't remember why. Anyway they gave me some medicine and it helps keep me calm. Would you like me to call them and get you some "calm me down pills"? No? Okay but I'm telling you they work.

That's fine don't yell at me. I'll help you. I even think I've helped you before but I'm not sure when. I think that quiet sad fellow over there is with us as well. His name is Whakan.

Oh dear, I haven't introduced myself, but you were shouting and carrying on so that I forgot my manners. My name is... Xejen? That's right how did you know? You don't know, you just know? That doesn't make sense. None of this makes any sense. And you are? Richter, Richter Brandt. That does sound familiar but so far away like a memory lost or just out of reach...strange. Perhaps we do know each other. Do you know a loud nonstop talking all kinds of nonsense elf? No? Well that's probably for the better. Let's wake up these two. Two? Who is that? That is Whakan but who is the other guy? I know it's not Nobody, he's completely made up and in my "thread", soooo who is that. (Points to an unconscious, undetermined lump of humanity) :^)

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Oh good, finally someone other than the white coats to converse with. What ever you do don't decide to venture out near the pavilion on the Eastern wing. The inhabitants there are of the "Elven" lineage. Nasty, bitter. "Yes, mean."

We'll met sir. Have we been introduced? Yeah I know what you mean, I can't recall much of recent years or events either.

"Zah-jen's, the name." spelled with an "X". Xejen Ursal, but you can call me "The Jen" or just "Jen" or even Ursal. Just don't call me Sal. I knew a Sal once and she wasn't a happy person. She wasn't a happy anything.

Whakan? Just Whakan. That's easy enough. Where are you from, Whakan? I'm originally from Eran's Rest. A beautiful mountain village, on the eastern side of the Ghorcha Pass overlooking the Adghain Valley. In Ustalav, the Ammans region. Yes, a picturesque village of goat herders and weavers. I think of it as the heart of Ustalav.

Sorry, I ramble sometimes. Tell me more about you, Whakan. Sit, sit and tell me how you got here. Do you know where here is? Me either. Would you mind passing me that piece of bread. Thanks. Now, continue...

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Nobodyshome, glad to see you. Your comments are always welcome. I just wish I could tease that elf a little more. I will miss not playing with Moxie's alter ego this time around. But I do look forward to Thincolors Oflight's posts and story.

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Thincolors oflight, it's group 2, not grope 2. But I saw what you did there. Cute, fairy Elf.

I wish I could stay and chat but as you can see the nice young men in they're clean white coats are coming to take me away...I hope they're not from United.

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Where? Who? Follow? Why? But this is where I belong. It's what I deserve after betraying her like I did. She sent for me? What? I suppose so, do I have time to gather my things? Thanks, they're all I have left after the dark. What is your name? Do you know mine. Do you know me? No, no one knows me not even her.

You say I don't belong here but how do you know if you don't know me? Group 2? What do you mean I'm in group 2. Where am I? Group 1? Well it's not my fault someone put me here maybe they know who I am, no I suppose not. But you're sure I'm in group 2. Well that's just great. Where is group 2? What, they don't exist yet? WTF mate? If they don't exist what about me? Great, just great, I don't!

See you all in Group 2. If you exist at all.

And one more thing, group 1, I hate you, who ever you are. :^)

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We've had our Halloween gaming break and we'll be back in Magnimar on Tuesday night. I hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving. See you Tuesday.

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The guys are making their characters now. One new comer is about to finish seventh grade, so 12 or 13yrs old. My son started playing with the gang at a young age too. He's still enjoying the game at 24. It's only right that we continue passing the torch to our kids. Our group has been together for over 28 years. Hard to believe. A better group of friends I could never hope for. I'm taking five weeks off for radiation and chemo therapy. I look forward to reading and hearing about their adventure. Feel free to post any of your thoughts. I like reading them too. Game on!

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This is a great start. I look forward to reading the journals. Lex

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It has taken a very long time to find my friends. I still have a bargain to uphold but I have found time in-between jobs to search for my former companions. Although finding them has lifted my heart Sam was not with them. I can't speak to them yet and I think some of them spotted me while I daydreamed of a conversation and what it might sound like. How do I explain what I've done? I moved back into the borrowed room and disappear back to my tasks. It was good to see them after all these months. I couldn't help them in their struggle but still.....

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I like the name Fort Donner for the town.

That being said. For the record and for any readers. Only five days have past here at Fort Donner. The troupe walked througha busy town without being spotted by anyone that knew them nor did they talk to anyone . As such they don't know that reinforcements arrived two days after the troupe had left Ft. Donner. The Captain is doing a good job of keeping the "outsiders" from reaching town so far. However he has no idea what happened to his rescuers and sends small search parties out to find clues to their disappearance.

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I have a suspicion about Salacious, but will wait on judgement. He seams harmless enough. His intent really is to help. That's all I will say at this time. I know he's not mine or your's sweetie and I don't think we picked it up along the way. Treyvor swears it's not his doing but can we trust a speed demon coach driver? Sorry about the demon reference. NOT

See you all in a few. Nena

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Sweetie, I think she is Hobart's niece and he's her uncle. Not daughter and father. But we get the picture. And Thanks for the complements.

It also seems the boy of the servant that came with us turned out to be quite the artisan glass worker. I think he'll be returning as soon as he gets his mother's permission. Amieko was very pleased with his ability and offered him a position at the Glass Works.

Hobart assures us that the Kaijitsu manner will still be there when we finish our business up North. It is good to see him feeling better. He is a good man and I told him I couldn't wait to return and have a big party at his place when we get back.

Hearing this he said why wait and he hosted a grand feast for us and all our families the night before our departure. Lugh's family, Birgun's (and there were a lot of them). One of Birgun's cousins made him look small, Kriger is his name. Kiara came with Birgun's family too. A bit bruised but looking very happy, probably still trying to stake a claim on Birgun. She is persistent, I'll give her that. The little time I had to talk with her I found out she had been a bit mad at Birgun but that it all worked out. What worked out? I thought but got caught up in another conversation with Felu.

Macer's family, Atz's, Kelyn's mom and Margrete, Sam and Felu, Vex, Oona and even Treyvor, our ghostly coach spirit, made an appearance that night (how, why) he seemed very solid the entire time he spent at the party. And it was he and Hobart laughing and talking in hushed tones that surprised me. I couldn't help but wonder what they were up to, maybe nothing but they did smile when ever I made eye contact with them. ummmmm

It was good to have this time together. Friends - All was right with the world that night.

I have no idea if Treyvor stayed with us at Deverin's but he was there at breakfast in the morning talking to Birgun. Sure eats a lot if he's a ghost. He did say he missed those kind of parties with us. I have no idea what he means.

It was a good party, reminded me of my childhood and how through those kind of parties a connection with Oona and Felu grew into a life long friendship.

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Lugh MæGethlyn wrote:

I had a divine vision of our group backed by our respective deities standing in our shadows as if to show their support in this undertaking 

Very good and close to the truth. Your respective deities were actually both placing each of you as their proxy and more to the point into another's care. Such alliances are rare and accepted with great honner and with great caution.

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Tonights game was short but got the players out of Magnimar to stage the next adventure for the troupe. I'm using the module "Crown of the Kobold King" as a reference, for a couple of reasons.
One, because of Vex, a kobold himself. he he
Two, it will help the troupe in up coming events. I have highly tweeked the module and am only using it in parts and not as written. This will be a good test for our heroes.

I'll let their journal entries tell of tonight's adventure.

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My friends blog is- - this is a gift from me to those who read our post. You need to read it from the bottom to the top. Thank you for reading, please follow Steve and we will keep the stories and games coming. All my thanks, Lex.

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I must take this time to thank all the players for not only posting but also being so involved with the game. The guys drive the adventure more than they know. It is a pleasure to make a story that has so much input from the players posts and the table talk. I wish I was a better story teller (much like one of our friends, Steve) he has an on going writing blog. I'll post his page after this post. He is my inspiration for so much. My only wish is to have him around for many years to come. Again thanks to my players who make this so much fun. Their posts are great, they get or give a wonderful rendition of what has happened without me having to post myself.

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LOL Very good.

Just one thing, the ghost in the Kaijitsu villa is Ameiko's great grand father not her father. Both are dead. :^)

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I hadn't had the module with me when I've posted before. It's "Dawn of the Scarlet Sun". With just a few revisions and name changes it fits perfectly into my story.

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The troupe finished off the threat in the old temple, there were more threats still in another part of this complex but Lugh and others wanted to return to the ruined inn and then on to Magnimar. We made our way out and healed up using a wand of healing by Atz, then we returned to the inn. It was late afternoon when we arrived. Lugh was quite and somber. The troupe relayed to each other the plans of this temple and another in Magnimar but none of us recognized the names of the gods that were mentioned in the writings. The mention of Lugh's mother possibly being the source of betrayal only made Lugh more melloncally. I fear for his sanity if it is ture. When we talked to Keara she said some of the names we found were of ancient Rune Lords and not gods.

We set off to Magnimar the next morning with a couple wagons in tow. Keara in a gypsy wagon and the inn keeper in the other. The day went uneventful. In the early morning Shelalu came back from scouting and reported that orcs had attacked a caravan just miles ahead of us and returned to check on our safety.

Our final trek to Magnimar brought a wagon headed for us on the road and as Lugh, Birgun and Macer advanced to intercept it I got an odd feeling of a dark presence. I grabbed Sam's shoulder and warned him of something bad was coming. The wagons burst into flames and our three fighters engaged the person on the advancing wagon. I moved closer to the darkness I could feel until I dared not to move any more. I then engaged it as I had with whatever was attacking Sam at the inn. I could feel it's strength but couldn't overcome it's defenses so I reached for the power of the daemon I had absorbed at the inn. I was winning but not by much and this daemon was hungry. It was taking over Lugh and as the troupe was killing it it laughed and reached even harder at Lugh. I shouted that the troupe not hurt it any more, out of fear of what it would do to Lugh. I reached for more power and felt a slimy sickening fealth course through my veins but when I released it I fealt the new daemon scream as I absorbed it into my being. It sits now inside me still wanting more.

I checked my skin and sure enough there are black lines racing up and down my arms. Sam walked over to me and in hushed tones talked calmly to me and as he lowered my sleeves said let's hide those for now. Are you okay? I said yes but I'm not sure of what to do.

Lugh was fine and so was the rest of our troupe but the four horses we had pulling the wagons were dead. We hitched up the horses from the other wagon and used a spell from the dead wizard to summon another for our second wagon.

We made it to Magnimar and went first to the trading company to claim our reward for the goblins we had killed. They wanted us to stay and give them more information but Sam said it could wait until the next day. We then went to Lugh's home but stayed back far enough to watch it. One of his brothers came out and headed towards the market district. Lugh had Kelyn and Nina follow him. They returned shortly saying that his brother had just bought food stuffs. When Lugh brother went into the house is when we all followed Lugh to the front door.

Lugh opened it and stopped just inside for a moment. His whole family was there even his mom and everything was okay. His mom told us of some disturbing news. Followers of Serenrae have been murdered in the early mornings the past few days and also that the old temple has need sat upon by some evil. His dad and brothers have stayed in town watching over the family in fear that Lugh's mother was a target of these foul murders.

We halved learned a little and have talked with Macer's father who is in the city guard. He wants us to meet him this night to discuss what can be done.

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All three of these entries are great. The troupe is moving carefully and gathering a great deal of important information. Some of the troupe heard one of the major players but just missed seeing her. We'll see what happens tomorrow. We are playing tomorrow. I am using a module that has Serenrae's Temple in Magnimar but tweequing it for this story. Many thanks to those that keep the entries coming.

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It has worked a couple of times for Sam. And it's fun when it does work. I think Sam is as surprised. I like his approach... "what the heck, I'll try this. It worked? Cool"

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On the road again but it's an adveture with all my friends. I think it's marvelous that we are all together. Who could have imagined that we would meet up and go off on a real adventure together. Kelyn and I stay alert and watch for trouble. Goblins and orc's are only a part of the problem. We've encountered humans and now what we thought might be Drow (sorry Felu) turned out to be some pale underground humans that explode when they die. How weird is that. I asked Felu about them but she had no answer. She didn't know what they were either.

We've moved on to the halfway inn and decided to rest a couple of days. In the morning I was just getting all snugly with Kelyn when Felu shouted an alarm and BOOM her pistol announced intruders. So much for a nice morning and breakfast. This is actually starting to be fun. Rise and shine, sweetie time to earn our keep. Quickly I kissed Kelyn and jumped out of our nice warm tent.

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I am still awaken by dreams of fire since the goblin attack on the Inn.

That was a bad night. I woke coughing to a gagging smoke. Kelyn refused to even put anything on but his small close, so cute. Really we had no time to get much of anything on. Kelyn was gathering what he could and tossing it out the window. He dipped a rag in a bowl of water and tied it so it covered his mouth. He dipped a second rag and handed it to me, I did the same and then started tossing items out the window again. Then after assuring ourselves that everyone on this floor was at least on their way out, we both deftly made our escape. Windows were the only means of exiting the Inn from the second floor. The fire had spread so rapidly it was imposable for anyone to make it from the second floor to the first or the third. In my mind that made the biggest impression. I was thinking those people already had succumb to the smoke or had jumped to their death to escape the flames but there were also goblins that needed our immediate attention. The thought of those on the third floor had to sit in the back of my mind, and they did. Kelyn and I ran towards the front of the Inn, fighting goblins the whole way. We could tell the Inn was a total loss but the stable and horses looked as if they could yet be saved. The fire hadn’t spread as quickly there, even though there were several horses with goblin fire bombs that had caught them on fire. Birgun shouted to me that someone was getting everyone out of the third floor. I asked how but he was to busy to answer. Good I thought.

That’s a big Orc.

I saw a couple of our troupe putting them out with water. There was also a water brigade that was doing a good job of putting out the fire on the stable especially after we started killing the goblins and keeping them away from the scarni. There were two huge Orcs as well but nothing scared me like that fire.

It’s been just over a day now and we’ve arrived at Sandpoint, a very nice and well kept town, I was surprised at how home like it felt. Not in it reminded me of Magnimar, far from it, it just felt comfortable. And the smell of food when we were unloading at the stable, was overwhelmingly delightful. That’s where we all headed as soon as we were done at the stable. On the other side of the road from us was a clothing boutique, I’ll need to visit there along with Felu and Oona. Others went on into town but the troupe had no intention on missing out on the food. Even the boutique would have to wait.

The Rusty Dragon with its large iron dragon looking down on us from the roof was where all the wonderful smells of food were coming from. We walked in and were greeted by the owner, Ameiko Kaijitsu, a Tean, by the look of her. Birgun, Lugh, Macer and even Atz had smiles on their faces when they saw her. And I’m sure Kelyn and Sam did too, I just didn’t look at them. Men! After welcoming us to her establishment she introduced herself and sat us at a large table. Birgun inquired about her name and said that we had escorted a couple of wagon-loads of goods for the Glass-works. She indicated that indeed that was her business as well but that others actually ran it, she was the last of the family since her father and brother’s deaths, some five years ago.

We ordered drinks and she recommended different selections off the menu for each of us asking us to try a little of everything so we did. Best meal ever!!! We thanked her and acquired rooms for the night. Kelyn and I went up to our room and ordered a bath. After a wonderfully hot bath with perfumed soap, much to Kelyn’s chagrin, We moosed around a bit before going out. To the boutique, just to look I told Kelyn and that’s what we did. He made me look from the board walk through the window, saying that he knew I’d be back with the girls later and we needed to get “regular” gear first. Spoiled sport. He was right though because I saw the prettiest boots as I gazed through the window. And that short dress would just drive Kelyn crazy. Off to see the rest of this absolutely wonderful town.

Up by the Garrison, between it and the Town Hall, was a stone paved courtyard with monument dedicated to the Fallen Hero’s of Sandpoint. There were eight figures - a Dwarf, a Halfling, an Elf, three male Humans a female Tean and even a half Orc. It said they defended the town from Goblins and an attack by giants and a dragon. Wow, I was thinking this was a sleepy little town, I was obviously mistaken.

We continued our walking and went into a very nice three story tavern and inn named The White Deer but unfortunately because of the owner we didn’t stay long. What a sour puss. It was a pity because I would have liked to stay there, very posh. Kelyn doesn’t care for that kind of place but I think it would be nice to stay at a place like that, especially after being on the road for three days, okay maybe a day but still.

We gathered some necessaries and went back to the Rusty Dragon for supper. Yummy.
The troupe was slowly but surely arriving and we sat at the same large table as before. After we had eaten and drinks started flowing the tavern started filling up with patrons. Then this gorgeous little gnome woman came in and the crowd erupted with applause and cheers. I heard the name Moxie shouted several times as the gnome waved to Ameiko, who grabbed a stringed musical instrument of some sort and headed out into the crowd to join the gnome in song. Ameiko played amazingly but the gnome, Moxie was just over the top with her wit and stories. She played the crowd like a professional actress working them into frenzy after frenzy. There was a time when she was telling a story without Ameiko’s accompaniment and Ameiko was standing closer to us laughing and nodding her head to the story that was being told. Then in walked the man from the road by the halfway inn. I looked around at the troupe and even though they saw him everyone was ignoring him. Except Kelyn. He pointed at him and said is that the guy you were talking about.

Lugh almost spit out his drink and burst out of his chair and walking towards the man and bumping into just about everyone, started talking to the guy. The man was asking about Kiara. The woman who had saved the people on the third floor when the inn had burned. She was known to some as an assassin from the Night Scales, an organization from Magnimar. And this Fhalkahn fellow it seemed was too. Anyway Lugh was explaining to Fhalkahn that someone had indeed seen Kiara and was rambling on and on. It was so unlike him to do so. Then Macer started asking all kinds of questions, like who the hell were they all talking about. Kiara who, when did you see her, he asked Lugh. I didn’t said Lugh but others have. The conversation between Macer and Lugh didn’t go long as this Fhalkahn fellow shouted at Lugh and said “Stop! Have you seen her or not?”

I could tell that things were heating up and thought about the crowd but when I looked at them they were unaware of the shouting match that was at our table and instead they were all captivated by the little gnome, laughing at something Moxie was saying. Moxie was keeping the crowd from noticing anything else that was going on in the tavern. Ameiko, on the other hand, was very much listening to what was going on at our table so much so that she was even facing Fhalkahn and had that look about her that she was ready to spring. It was only then that I realized that she had been armed the whole time. Even when we first met but I didn’t ever feel she was a threat. I could feel it now though. All of a sudden my view of her changed, I think she’s a very capable woman and one that was about to defend her patrons.

That’s when Birgun stood up and said, “I have seen the woman you described. Kiara. She saved my life two days ago so I don’t think I’ll be telling you any more about her. I don’t think she would like meeting you anyway so why don’t you just leave, now. I don’t want any trouble in this inn and you wont get any information from me concerning her anyway.” Everyone at the table and even Ameiko was looking at Fhalkahn like they were about to pounce. Fhalkahn nodded his head towards Birgun and slowly backed out of the tavern never taking his eyes off the troupe. When he was gone I felt a weight lift and saw Ameiko give Birgun a nod as well. That’s when we all found out about Kiara and Sam and Felu. That’s not even the best part.

Later that night, I had another dream about the fire, okay nightmare. Anyway I decided to go downstairs and see if I could get something to eat or drink to settle me a bit. I went to the kitchen and there was Ameiko, Felu, Moxie the gnome, a lady I didn’t know named Shalelu and Kiara. All talking in almost hushed tones. They were to excited to be to quite. They startled at first but smiled when they realized it was me. Kiara and Felu were talking about what Felu had done to defeat the demon that was trying to kill Sam the night of the fire. Felu was nervous and embarrassed for not knowing what she had done. Kiara said she could still sense the demons taint in Felu but that it didn’t feel like anything she had ever known. Moxie was offering to have her husband come and try to figure it out. He was evidently a follower of Desna and very good at this kind of thing. Felu agreed and Shalelu headed off to get Moxie’s husband.

Why not just go to the town priest I asked but Moxie said that Xandu, her husband was better for this kind of thing plus he just loves adventures and this is as close to one as I will allow him right now. Then she laughed. Her eyes were bright with mischief. She could barely contain her excitement. It wasn’t long before Shalelu showed back up with this strange looking Varisian half elf with a wide brim hat and brightly colored clothes, definitely a follower of Desna. But what could he do for Felu that a priest couldn’t do. He came in and kissed Moxie first and thanked her for asking him here. He took off his hat and bowed to Ameiko as if she were a queen. “Who is in need of my services? You all look quite capable to handle any demons that might be around.” He looked around the room and I felt a little nervous as his eyes fell on me. I realized I was not properly dressed for a man to be ogling me, not that he was but I do think he enjoyed our “attire” or lack there of, should I say. His gaze didn’t last overly long. I didn’t get “That Feeling” from him. I was just acutely aware of my lack of proper clothing. When he looked at Felu though, there was a definite pause. “Oh“, he said, “I see. You’re the one.” He then took Felu’s hands in his and said this will not hurt and it will take but a minute, relax, you’re fine. He closed his eyes. After what seemed a long time, he opened his eyes and said, “Whatever you did to that demon is just fine. The important part now is what you do with it now that you have it.”

Felu and the rest of us just sat there in silence. “What do you mean, Do with it now that you have it. Have what?” Moxie asked breaking the silence. Xandu replied “You see, sweetie, somehow this young lady has absorbed a demon. She didn’t kill it or destroy it or even send it back from where ever it came from. She kept it and is holding it inside her and can use it to do wondrous things but she still needs to be careful of what she does with it. Smaller task’s will use less of the essence but large task’s will take more of it’s essence and using it all at once would be most disastrous.”

“Like what? What can I do with it and why do I need to be careful.” Felu asked, letting go of his hands. His voice was calm as if he was talking about sunshine. “You could heal someone or hurt someone but the point is the more of the essence or power if you will, you use at one time, it can change you. And not in a better way. If you were to use it for instance to heal a small cut there would be no backlash or if you used it to be get an edge on a dealing with another, like bargaining, again there would be no backlash but if you tried to do something beyond that like healing a dieing person or a giant fireball, those kinds of things “would” result in that demons essence reflecting back to you. You would take on a more demonic tone and or appearance.”

“You mean I would become a demon?” Felu asked. “Yes“, was Xandu’s reply. “But who knows, what ever you did and I would love to know what is was that you did, but whatever it was, you can still do it again. If you needed to. Do not worry for you have been given a wonderful gift use it. Just be careful. Just because it was a demon doesn’t make you any different. You have to believe me on that point. You are still you.” With that he turned to Ameiko.

“You have kept my wife out late again. What ever am I to do with you two.” Again he took his hat in hand and gave Ameiko a sweeping bow. Then with much more grace and flourish so did Moxie. Saying, “Until next time. Thanks for a great evening.”

“No. Thank you for that quick move and keeping the rest from seeing the trouble that about took place. And you two don’t you have some place to be right now, other than in my inn.” She said with a smile to Shalelu and Kiara.

“Wait!” Felu asked “Why is Fhalkahn looking for you, Kiara?”

“Because I quit an organization that doesn’t allow you to just quit. I went rouge on them and they feel the need to “eliminate” any lose ends. Thank that huge friend of yours for standing up for me. That is uncommon but I appreciated it anyway.” Shalelu punched Kiara in the arm. “Hey don’t even think it. I saw him first.”

“ Actually, I saw him first.” Said Kiara.

“Alright. Out with the both of you. Or I’ll go right up to his room and ask him which one of you is to his liking.” Ameiko said as she shoed them from the kitchen. Giggling we all said our good-nights.

I felt better. I was a little worried for Felu but that little Varisian didn’t seem to be to worried and he warned her so maybe it will be fine, I hope so. Now those two with their talk about Birgun. I’m going to have to wake Kelyn. Giggle, he won’t mind.

In the morning the troupe decided that we should get a wand of healing because we were going after the goblins in their lair so yeah there’s that. It didn’t take long because there was a big market thing happening and it was easy to find just about anything that one could need. Now we’re going to fight goblins when there could be bargains galore right here. Are you kidding me, lets shop for a while. All I got were stares from the troupe. Well, Felu and Oona at least smiled.

Oh! We were attacked on the very first night of goblin hunting, thank you very much.

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Some general background information. It's been about four years since Moxie has returned from her great adventure. Along with Xandu, Moxie had the monument of the fallen Heroes built.

They also helped Ameiko get the glass works up and operational. Ameiko wouldn't accept the full amount but enough to get it staffed properly and running. The glassworks is doing well.

The Scarnetti's and their mill are doing well too and they have been a lot nicer and more cooperative these last four years as well. Thanks to some subterfuge from unknown to them, Moxie.

And because it's my story, Moxie and Xandu did get married and live a quiet life in Sand Point. They have a daughter, that's three and the joy of their lives. Moxie and Xandu still enjoy entertaining would be adventures and the locals with music and dance at Ameiko's. When Xandu can't make it to the Rusty Dragon, Ameiko is more than happy to play music for Moxie to dance and sing to.

The scope of their adventure is known to a small few.

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I just reread Vex's post. At the onset of the goblin attack I decided that they had been sitting in wait for some passer-bys for quite a while and one goblin in particular got a nasty leg cramp and was trying to deal with that has the attack began. No one spoke goblin so his screeching went without anyone in the troupe knowing his folly. Poor guy.
Oh, and the troupe leveled. Woot

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Last night the troupe finished the fight at the Inn. Everyone that was staying at the Inn made camp among the wagons and stables. The Inn continued to burn all night. By morning it had died down considerably but still to hot for rummaging around in so every one packed up and headed to Sand Point. Still a day and a half away.

During that first morning a male rider [a man known to Sam by discription as an assassin named Foulkhan(sp)"The goblin killer"] stopped and asked of Kaira(sp). He discibes her to a T, and people responded with sure she was here but left following the goblins. He also asked about a man but nobody responded to his question. He then rode off in the direction the goblins took.

The troupe and all the rest made it to Sand Point the next day around noon. The Inn keeper was off to find builders and supplies to immediately start rebuilding the Inn. The troupe took their horses to the stable and went directly next door to the Rusty Dragon. They acquired rooms and had lunch together.

The troupe split up after lunch and returned in the evening. Foulkhan also made it to Sand Point and started his search for Kaira. The troupe has a good time at the Rusty Dragon, with a minor meeting with Foulkhan. (The dialogue between the troupe and Foulkhan was to die for. I hope someone captures the essence because it was great)

The troupe desides to resupply in the morning and go goblin hunting. They are attacked the first night by a small band of goblins and an Orc.

That's where we called it for the night. Vex has already posted and I hope the rest will soon.

I am trying something new with Felu. I'll let her and Sam try to let you in on her secret.

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It was a bitter sweet feeling as we neared Magnimar's harbour. I wanted to see the city that I had grown up in but wasn't ready to face my parents. I think Kelyn felt the same way. When the ship docked we went straight to Lugh's house and were greeted by his mom who made us stay for breakfast. She was happy to see us and talked about Lugh leaving to study as a follower of Sarenrae. That seemed like the thing Lugh would do. After breakfast we went to see if any of our friends were still around. It was so different and yet the city was so familiar. I held Kelyn's hand and said let's just get a room for tonight. I'm not ready for family just yet. He agreed but wanted to see if anyone was still around so off we went to find our friends.

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Lugh MæGethlyn wrote:

"We were safe, but I felt different, almost like I was electrically charged inside. Kind of like a lightning bug, but one who hasn’t released his luminescence ability, it’s there I can feel it. I just don’t know how to release it or what exactly it will do."


Thats what girls do to me, but...err...! All I can imagine is me sayin something like that to my Pops whose blank vacant stare is savagely interrupted by a swat to my face, followed by, "Ef ya donno know bay now booy, I canno halp ya!"

Atz needs to let it out quick, or else he'll pop lick a tick!

There was no end of abuse directed to Atz's player for that quip.

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captain yesterday wrote:

so is this completely brewed at home or are you using canned ingredients (i.e. published adventures) to supplement it:) just curious, sounds fun so far:)

and you can PM me if you don't want to air such plans on the thread:)

While this has been home brewed so far, I will use parts from other modules. I'm new to Pathfinder and have been reading everything I can, to get an overall feel for this world. There is so many rich ideas and modules ready for adding to this story. The guys have already drifted closely to many modules I've read. It will be easy to bring premade stories into my own story. As you can see from the journals these guys just need a little push here and there and you have a great game that feeds off itself.

This is all "fluff" but is so important. We all have a common background we can build from now.

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Thankfully the guys made the thugs regret attacking us. Oona nervously shouted at the dieing men that her father was a vampire and would kill us all as if they were purposely delaying her/our escape. With that announcement we ran even harder for Sarenrae's temple.

We had to have been a sight to any onlookers but we didn't care. We ran as fast as we could and were out of breath when we arrived. We went in all hurt and bloodied, locked the back door and checked the front to make sure it was locked too. It wasn't long before we noticed the wounds we had taken from the thugs were starting to heal. Unfortunately the excitement started to wain and sleep fell heavy on us, especially the wounded. I noticed Felu resting against Sam and felt my own personal need to be comforted. Without a care as to what anyone thought, I nesseled into Kelyn's arms. If this was my last night I wanted him to know that I cared for him. Not a word was spoken, he just held me tight.

I must have dozed off because I was shaken awake and there was a loud banging on both the front and back doors. Everyone was preparing for the worst when the front doors burst open and Oona's father was standing even larger as he demanded Oona's departure. We were all ready for a fight, then he spoke a few words and we froze. I really don't know what happened after that. He was there then he wasn't. Lugh said that he had left and wouldn't bother any of us for a long time.

Oona wasn't as sure and wanted to be as far as she could from Magnimar as soon as possible. Arrangements were made and Kelyn took me home.

I woke early the next morning and after a brief synopsis to my mother, who thought I'd been drinking and was making up horrible stories. I got very frustrated and upset that she wouldn't believe me so I ran out of the house not knowing where I was going. I ended up at Kelyn's house and was told by Kelyn's mom that he had already left for Taldor. Taldor? But that's a long way away. I'll never see him again. I thought.

It took me over a month before I finally found him at a bizzar in the capitol city but I found him. And he's been teaching me new art's, one might say.

It's been years now and Kelyn and I have decided to go back to Magnimar. We'll face whatever we need to. I hope to see the gang, I have no idea what has happened with any of my old friends.

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You can be whatever you want. I figure that helps you develop, both you as a player and the character too.

I don't care how strong the party is or how many levels they have. I have even run characters from different game systems. We all know what they are capable of, so I don't let the system dectate.

To quote a favorite movie "It's more of a guide line really!"

Heck the guys continue to complain about my bad guys - the Demonic, invisible, ninja, monk, teleporting orangutans. I don't see the problem.

Two of my favorite quotes are
"Life is to important to take seriously!"
"Life's a game, play"

The first one is from Oscar Wilde but my grandfather gave it to me and I always thought he had come up with it. He was a kind and wonderful man.

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For as long as I can remember my life had been planned for me. My childhood was difficult but made easier by my two best girlfriends. We were all three different and not exactly welcome by other little girls or other families for that matter. There was a group of boys that took to us without a word of our differences.

We stayed friends for years. Playing in our neighborhood at first then spreading our wings (that's funny because one of the boys had a dragon with real wings) and for a long time I had a crush on Macer. I think he liked me too. We'd play damsel in distress for hours and he always held me tight when he'd finally slay my captor, the dragon. I laugh now at how perfect it all seemed. Life isn't perfect, I'm not perfect.

As I grew older most of my childhood friends stayed the same and even their parents accepted me for what but mostly who I was. I always felt welcome by Lugh's mom but his dad was guarded, I felt he was tolerant of me. Until a couple days after Oona's "PARTY"!!! Everything changed. Now I was welcome in Lugh's home even by his father, who now touch holds my hand when he greets me. I think that was a big step for him. I did notice Lugh's mom give him an approving look the first time he took my hand. More to the point and I'll get to more detail later, is the opposite way Sam's parents treated me. A lot less welcome.

The strange and yet funny thing that happened that night, the night of Oona's "PARTY", was, well, how do I start?. Things just didn't work out between Macer and I. Not as the couple I had thought we'd become. Don't get me wrong we still got along, there was no breakup of any kind. We just stopped playing house. Smile - We (the girls and I) all talked about our relationships with the guys, our crushes, interests, forays. While Oona liked the guys, she didn't "Like" the guys, Nina and I did. Early on She had a huge crush on Epher but it never went anywhere, he would somehow spoil it with his moody ways.

I think at some point I dated them all, at least I thought I did. Sometimes what I thought was a date turned out to be just hanging out. Oh well, I told the girls it was a date. What was I talking about, oh yeah, I remember. Oona's party.

It's funny because now that I look back on the events leading up to the party I can see more clearly Sam's attentions of me but until that night they had all flown completely over my head.

At some point during the night of the Party, Oona told Nina and I that she was going to run away from her family (Nina and I both understood completely, we actually wondered why it took this long, her parents were creepy. This coming from a Drow and a Tiefling) and she needed our help. Right after she told us that and I mean seconds, Sam grabbed my arm and asked me to dance. He must of known that the minstrels were playing one of my favorite tunes and I couldn't resist. During our dance (silly me how could I have forgotten Oona) I remembered Oona and her escape plan. I asked Sam if we could leave the dance and he looked at me strangely, he had a big grin on his face and said sure let's get out of here and off we went. Sam seemed to be in a hurry as we walked down the grand hall towards the front doors. I stopped him at the foot of the double self supporting stairways leading to the second floor and Oona's room.

We should wait for the others, I said and Sam's face looked sad and he all but pouted. I gave him a sideways glance and he said, "I thought". And I interrruped him and said, "You mean". He said"Yeah". "Oh" I said. My heart warmed and I saw him in a new and completely different way. And it was "good". I reached down and held his hand and he held mine.

He said they're right behind us, we should leave, they'll catch us soon enough. I pulled us so the stairs blocked any view someone my have of us. Kissed him and said we'll see how this works soon enough but tonight we need to help Oona. I left the house all warm and cuddly. Why tonight, Oona you're such a pain. LOL And I love you for it.

We walked at a rapid pace to the Ushers Hall. On the way we caught up to Lugh, Kelyn and Huge. The others were behind us. I could hear Nina and Oona, Vex and Macer, and Atz coming our way.

"Run" Oona shouted. "We need to go to Lugh's temple" Lugh said it's not mine it is dedicated to Sarenrae". "Yeah, we know that now run" Shouted Oona. Off we ran right into a briggin ambush.

They swung wildly shouting at us to give up our money.

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I love home brew. I try to have the group drive the story. We feed off each other. I have an outline in my head and I write it in note form so I don't forget aspects that I feel important. The rest is very fluid. I read the posts and emails, I talk with them to get a feel for what they are motivated by ect... We've said before that if you think you know what is suppose to happen with this group goes a completely different way. LOL

Like herding cats

I mapped Oona's entire house knowing they only needed to use a few rooms. I'm glad I did because it helped me understanding how the house works. The staff and rooms all have a flow. This place was made to entertain and impress and it does that with aces.

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At Nina's request the guys agree to go to the Shadow Clock that afternoon.

Epher gets in trouble because his mom finds out about the Gecko foray by Arryn's big mouth. Epher is sent to his room the rest of the day and his mom takes Arryn to his home in Underbridge and tells his mom to keep her kid away from her's. A real nice lady, NOT.
Mean while, Epher is fuming mad. Not only does Birgun find the cool spider and get's to be the hero, again. But now the gang is going on another adventure without him. He vows to be better than Birgun some day. He never tells the guys the real story of why he didn't show up to the clock tower, he says his mom made him stay home and do chores.

Enough of him back to the story...

Felu is the only one late to the party. While the rest meet up and decide to head off for the tower, Lugh asks if they will stop by the Old Temple of Sarenrae. The group agrees and off they go. There is a meeting of sorts for Lugh and Sarenrae then they leave. That's when Felu catches up to them (unknown to her) with a couple of "Snatchers" in tow. But when she is greeted by the gang of kids near the old temple the Snatchers stop their chase and go looking for either more help or easier prey.

Nina had heard a couple of women talking about the Shadow Clock and only remembered it when the kids were eating ice cream. She had always marveled at the boys ability to come up with adventures and wanted to come up with one herself. So she did and was quite pleased when the boys agreed. this also became a turning point for both her and Felu. again enough of that....

The group arrived at the shadow clock without attracting any attention. Bad Dice rolls. They cautiously approached the doors and moved in. Finding a couple of cool items that could be what the other lady's might be looking for but decided to go to the stairs and search higher up.

Let's just say that Xaneesha was not the first disciple to try and move into Magnamar. Bested by instead of enslaving the Scarecrow made for a vacuum that Xaneesha will fill soon enough. After the fight though the Scarecrow hid in the ocean for a bit but not before cornering a few goblin in his tower. One of which tried to escape and found death. the other two stayed high in the tower afraid to come down and were all but starved when some pink skins (little ones at that) started coming up the stairs. Time to eat!!

The group of kids made their way to the bells before being attacked by the goblins. The goblins tried to keep some distance from the pink skins, all they had were rocks to throw but the kids closed the distance fast. Now the goblins used large rocks not to throw but to beat the kids with. It was fun to watch kids doing sub-dual damage while taking real damage but then some of the kids with weapons, wood maybe but weapons non the less, started doing real damage to the goblins. The kids won and one did magic. oops

The goblins had found a chest on the roof and bashed and smashed it open, only to have it full of useless (to them) coins, not food, and another box that they couldn't get to open. The owner of said box had died recently and she had lost the key on the first level (found by Kelyn) along with her Sihedron necklace (not found) at least not by our little hero's. BWA HA HA

So the hero's got the loot and the precious box along with some other cool items even a silver "Hogs Head" Key. They left a great surprise for the next persons to enter the tower, through the doors that is, and went to the temple again. And again Lugh was able to get something out of it, a connection of sorts.

I also liked what Sam had to say about the power in this temple prompting a power that lies within him. Good job.

The write ups have all been great to get a feel for how each of you see what's going on. Next week the gang is 8-ish years older. They have grown, they have still stayed together some more than others. Felu, Nina and Oona have become close and have had many parties that included the guys (sometimes). Some of the guys they've become more fond of and others they've introduced to their girl friends. Even Epher has been to a few of the parties but not Arryn, Edwan or Baga. They can still be found around town or in Underbridge but they aren't close to anyone any more, well maybe Epher is still their friend.

Felu, Nina and Oona all have parents that would like them to be more Lady like and aloof, not act so "common". Oona in particular has many problems at home and has become very dependent on Felu and Nina for support and very independent of her parents. And being as beautiful as she is gets her into a lot of difficult situations. Many jealousies have spread many rumors that have made it even harder for Oona to cope, or make friends. It's good she has the ones she does.

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It was early morning, I was picking some herbs from the garden for mom. She loves her garden and growing herbs, vegetables and especially spices. While there I overheard a woman talking to another woman, something about the clock tower down in Underbridge. They were talking in hushed tones but sounded excited. For some reason they thought tonight would be the only chance for them to get some item from there. My friends have gone inside before on a bet. But didn't stay long. I wonder what they're after. I hadn't heard my mom calling and jumped when she yelled from the back door. The women were also startled and moved away, still talking in whispers.

Mom asked what I was doing and I said I was looking at all the wonderful spices she had planted. She had a great crop this year. Some I didn't know what they were. We started talking about the spices and herbs and I forgot all about the women.

Later the guys came by the house and I stepped inside to tell mom I'd be back for lunch. She was saying something but I was gone. Mom doesn't like me running around with the neighborhood boys but I love it. They're fun and treat me like a normal kid. Not like mom and her rules.

Felu was with the guys and we were headed to Kelyn's to get him too. I like Kelyn, he has the same problem with is dad that I have with my mom. They don't approve of our independence.

We then went to the Colem Works to meet the rest of the gang. Epher said he knew a way into the Gecko. A column that holds up the giant bridge. It's supposed to be haunted. Sam wasn't sure we should even try but the rest of us were so excited that Sam finally said okay but just to see if we could. We didn't have to go in. After a guard talked to us about being careful we were off. The way was pretty easy for us since we were so small. Only Huge and Bags had any trouble. Kelyn and I helped them down to the carved gecko that lead to the window that would take us inside the column.

Macer and Vex had already jumped in and Macer said something about a rope. Kelyn asked for the rope and he and I made a hand hold of sorts to help the others climb back to the bridge. Kelyn is so thoughtful, I don't think the others realize how he looks after them but I do. He's usually watching from the shadows. I'm right there by him, safe.

We all jumped into the room with the window. Huge had a lit torch and was looking around the room and through a door into another room. We were gathering candles, lighting one to leave here so we could find our way out. There were a lot of locked doors. That frustrated Kelyn to no end. He said all he needed was a kitchen knife and he'd be able to open them but no one had a knife.

This place was very big and dark. Vex was having fun running around in the dark, he can see very good. Huge was checking the doors. There was a debate about leaving but Huge and Epher wanted some kind of proof that they had been here. We moved further down to find the proof they needed. At one point Huge slammed a door and said "SPIDER". Kelyn went to help Huge and they carefully opened the door again. Thinking Huge had seen just a small spider, Lugh pushed Huge into the room and he fell into a giant spider. We all screamed but Huge said the spider was already dead and he wanted a piece of it as his proof. We all took a piece. Kelyn and Huge were checking another door when we all heard a scary voice. Then doors started slamming and we could hear footfalls getting closer.

We ran out the room and up to our escape. We were all giggles and scarred at the same time. Once we were safe and on the bridge again we relaxed. It was time for treats. While we ate a man asked about our spider parts. Kelyn was fast with a response. He knew a shop that sold spider parts and we lead the man to it. We waited outside the shop until the man was gone. Some of the guys sold their parts. I did too, the leg creeped me out. I was much happier with the gold. It was then that I remembered the women talking about the clock tower but I had to go home for lunch. I asked if we could go to the clock tower after lunch and everyone agreed.

After we had lunch we meet back up but some didn't show. First we went to an old temple dedicated to Sarenrae abandoned long ago. Lugh wanted to see something and I guess he saw what he needed because he was very different after, calm. Now it's time to see what we can find in the old clock tower. I wonder what could be there that the women were so interested in. Funny, the door to the tower is ajar.........

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Nothing bad ever happens to kids. They're invincible and have tremendous luck, just ask USEPLANB or should I say Birgun. He rolled the dice like a boss. 17, 18, 19, 20's galore!!! That will all go away when he gets older. Bwa ha ha!!!

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Tonight the kids got word to meet at the Golem Works. Sam and Birgun started gathering the gang. They started with Lugh but he was with is dad and brothers fishing so they told one of his sisters where they'd be if he got back in time. They then found Macer and Vex playing in Macer's yard and gathered them up.Then went to Felu's house and then to Nina's. Both girls could come play but had to be home for lunch. They then went to Atz, again he was busy with cleaning his room, much to his dismay and whining he couldn't go play today. To many chores. They stopped by Oona's house and were told by the servants that they didn't know where she was but would let her know they stopped by. Birgun asked that she relay a message to her that they'd be at or near the Golem Works. The servant said she would if she saw her. They left Oona's and headed to Kelyn's.

Kelyn was eager to go so off they all ran to meet up with Epher, Arryn, Edwan and Baga. When they arrived Epher said that he knew a way to enter the Gecko. The Gecko is one of the big pillars that hold up the giant bridge, one that is known for being haunted. Sam was a little skeptical. Epher said he just wanted to see if it was true or not, they wouldn't have to go in. The kids agreed and off they went.

They were stopped by one of the city guard's and as Sam was explaining that they were just playing Lugh came running up from behind the guard. The guard warned Macer that he better not get into any trouble or his father would find out and deal with him. The kids knew that the guard was just joking but Macer shyly said "Yes sir" as if he was thinking of the whupping he'd get if his dad found out what they were really up to.

They headed to the other side of the bridge as soon as the guard was out of sight. Sneaking along the edge of the bridge Epher spotted a hole in the wall, just big enough for the kids to crawl through. There was enough of a foot path (kids size) to climb down the side of the bridge. As the last one crawled through the hole Oona came running up and spotted them. At first she thought that some one had fallen but soon discovered that all of the kids were walking on a crack of a path down the side of the bridge and fallowed.

Kelyn and Nina found a way for the group to safely get down to a carved statue of a large Gecko near the top of the column (250 feet above ground) The height didn't bother anyone because they had a good path and they were to excited to notice. As it turned out Kelyn and Nina had to position themselves along the path where they had to climb down to the Gecko's tail and over its back up to it's head to reach a hexagon window, high up on the column.

It was here that Lugh saw a light way down and over at the shrine to his mothers God, The Dawnflower. The only shrine here in Magnimar to that God. He made a mental note and continued on.

Macer was the first to reach the window. He could see a pack and a sack on the stone floor but stayed outside. As more of the group climbed over the Gecko it got to crowded on the window's ledge so Macer and his dragon hoped in. It was only 4 feet to the floor from the window and he surveyed the room before he jumped in. The sack had rotten food stuff's so he left it and searched the contents of the pack (dumping the contents onto the floor).

Some more of the group started hopping in as he shouted out the content's of the pack (Rope with a grappling hook, spikes, hammer and couple of torches with flint and steel). Kelyn and Nina asked for the rope and spikes and hammer and made a hand hold back to where it was easy to climb without any help. When all was said and done they still had about thirteen feet of rope in the room and the hook. Birgun checked the only door in the room and found it open. He found that it could be locked with a sliding bar from the other side. In the next room he found a table with a candle stick with three candles a chair and a makeshift bed. And two more doors that had sliding locks from this side as well.

One was locked and even though he didn't hear anything from that door he left it alone and headed for the other door. It was unlocked so he peered into this room. This was an immense round chamber with three more doors positioned left and right and directly across from him, with a stairway going down in the center. While he was diligently checking all the doors (all of which were locked) the rest of the group headed for the stairs. Vex said he could see at least three more levels from here. As kids will do, stuff started being tossed down, spit down and even peed down the opening. KIDS!!!

As Birgun was finishing his search of this floor someone spotted another door in the ceiling but no one could figure a way up and Baga didn't think it a good idea to try and reach it anyway. This brought about a debate about how anyone knew of the way here and what were they supposed to do or what were they all doing there.

In the end it came down to, now that they did make it they could leave. Epher and Birgun weren't ready to go though, now that they made it here they wanted some kind of proof. So off the group went down to the next level.

This level was much like the first but a couple of doors were unlocked. Birgun ends up finding a huge spider in one of the rooms and slams the door. Only to reopen it with some backup. The giant spider turned out to be dead (a burn hole through it's skull). Everyone took a piece as the proof they needed or for just a souvenir. As Birgun listened to another locked door he could make out skittering and foot steps like one of those spiders would make. Then it started talking in some strange language that no one understood. That's when there was a load bang both from above but louder from below.

The sound from below was followed by heavy foot falls. "Run" cried Birgun and up the group ran. Birgun and Baga waited until all were headed up the stairs before following. It was a good thing that Kelyn and Nina had fashioned a hand hold because the group was moving fast when they left the window to reach safety.

Macer waited for Birgun and Baga at the window and allowed them to go on. Birgun stopped and told Macer that waiting for what ever was coming, would be a bad idea. Macer hesitated but then made for the top of the bridge. Bringing up the rear Birgun removed as much of the rope as he could in his hurried state. At the top members of the group were laughing and breathing hard from the climb but they were all there.

So excited to have made it on yet another daring adventure, Arryn and Edwan offered to buy everyone ice-cream at the Sails. While they all enjoyed their treat a man asked where they had gotten the spider parts. Sam said that they had bought them at a shop. The man asked where the shop was and Kelyn said that they could show him the way. When they reached the shop the kids waited outside until the man left and then some went in to sell their parts to the shop owner.

By now Nina and Felu had to be going home for lunch but Nina asked if they could all meet back at the clock tower around 1:30 that afternoon. Everyone agreed and went their separate ways (in at least pairs if not more).

I'll let the journals fill you in on the rest but for now we start next week at the Clock Tower.

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Macer???? Your dragon is better at Journaling than you. LOL

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Six PC's and Five NPC's, posting. We're getting there.

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Every one hates Lugdog. But Lugdog make new friends and uses them to help Lugdog. New friends are mostly pink skins. Lugdog fool pink skins into helping with plan. Great big plan of Lugdog. Must be careful. Must not hurt pink skins, yet. Time plenty for that.

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My name is Baga.
I don't like the rest of this city but down here under the big bridge I like it. One day I will be big and strong and everyone will know who I am.

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Hi, My name is Epher, Epher Ancin. I live in Magnimar, my family is wealthy and we live in a very nice neighborhood. I don't know what my folks do other than go to meetings and social get togethers (party's). When I'm older I'll have to go to the wizards college and learn how to handle magic. My mom thinks I'm special but I don't feel anything that would make me special.

I like playing with my friends. Nina and Felu are from my neighborhood but Arryn, Edwan and Baga are from Underbridge. That's the bad part of Magnimar. Baga is part Orc and people don't much care for his kind. I like him because he's strong and no one messes with us. He has another friend that only I have met. He is a goblin from the sewers. Baga calls him Lugdog Urzgak and he is very sneaky. I don't think he really likes me but Bags says Lugdog won't hurt me or my friends.

More to come.

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The guys said they like the way I look so I should use this avatar. It's older than I am now but I'll get there.

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My parents don't approve of my friends. They want me to be more lady like and stay around the house but I love running around town with my friends. It's exciting, not like all the boring parties my mom puts on.

There are several boys that I like and we all get along for the most part. One of the boys has a pet dragon. He's not really a dragon but I'll never tell. They're fun to play with.

Kelyn is strange. He feels he needs to be a great wizard like the rest of his family, so does Epher but Kelyn and I are better at other things like climbing and playing hide and seek.

We often hide together and are never found by the others.

The best part about my friends is they treat me just like any other kid.

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No limits. No race limits, just young. I didn't want to get caught up in specific ages. They've put that in on their own.

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14 friends. At times this army of younglings ventures into parts of Magnimar best suited for older folks. Thier number keeps the Creepers and Snatchers away. They've searched all of Magnimar to find adventure and new and amazing shops.

They help newcomers find what they need for coin and tales of lands far away. Careful to stay away from street toughs and thieves. They are rewarded well for their efforts.

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And our heroes.
I don't have all their names yet.
I will put a ? in place of their name. I think I have all their races. There are some really fun back stories coming. Without further adieu.....

Birgun Ulfgaght - Human, Boy

Lugh MaeGethlyn - Human, Boy

Sam Sedou - Human, Boy

Kelyn Morrn - Human, Boy

Macer Dorn - Human, Boy and his pet dragon...

Vexarious - Kobold, Male thinks he's a pet dragon.

Atz Harrigfuss - Halfling, Boy

???? ???????? - Dhampir, Girl

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