
Jaylen's page

121 posts. Alias of McFetus.


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I'll lend my bow to the cause.

I created this character for a CC game that didn't get off the ground.
I'm away this weekend but will finish her up when I return, assuming nothing's been decided in the meantime. (I hope that's OK.)

4d6 ⇒ (6, 6, 3, 6) = 21 = 18
4d6 ⇒ (5, 4, 2, 1) = 12 = 11
4d6 ⇒ (2, 6, 5, 6) = 19 = 17
4d6 ⇒ (6, 4, 2, 5) = 17 = 15
4d6 ⇒ (1, 5, 1, 2) = 9 = 8
4d6 ⇒ (5, 1, 1, 4) = 11 = 10

Hmmm, interesting. :)

Tell Marzio to start posting. With him, we should have enough to continue the game at a decent pace. I've messaged Catees' player so, hopefully, he'll be posting regularly, too. I've asked him that, if he's not interested, to let us know, rather than keep us hanging on.

I think we should write Beckett off, and kick him from the game. I do understand people have real-life issues but this has gone beyond that, it's a respect issue. A simple line to let us know what's going on isn't too much to ask.

Wordlessly, Jaylen heads north, following the villagers to the town square, and then east, to find the farm in question.

The anger in her eyes has been replaced by something else. Acceptance, maybe? Bemusement?

Midway through replying to the elf, Kendra interrupts.

"What now?!" the young girl exclaims, with a sigh, having been told the latest news. Heading into her chamber, she returns with her greatsword and strides over to the door. Turning to the group, the look on her face indicates that she isn't happy with all that's going on.

"Coming?" she asks. Without waiting for a response, she turns and leaves, following the sounds of the commotion.

I've just done a test post in the game thread and it was fine. (I deleted it afterwards.)

Turning her attention back to Sajan, Jaylen voices her thoughts.

"I'm not happy that I wasn't warned about any of this at any point. We've just established that Petros knew something is happening here but all he's left us with are some books that *you* - the person here best equipped for such things - are, by your own admission, having trouble understanding. Oh, and the locals really aren't helping, either." The girls voice is firm, and, likely due to Kendra's presence, she's having to temper the anger that is evident.

Closing her eyes, the teen takes a large, slow intake of breath, releasing it just as slowly.

The first person she looks at, upon opening her eyes, is the elf.

"Sit down, Catees. You've caught us at a bad time.", she states, bluntly, whilst indicating an empty seat. "I'll take you up to the plot later.", she adds, a little more affably.

Jaylen looks around at the people in the room through narrowed eyes.

More calmly, and almost resignedly, she continues. "Right, as we're all here...what do we know? Or, rather, what do you know, because I really don't have anything to share."

The girl's gaze shifts to the newly-arrived elf; she remains passive, offering nothing in the way of welcome or acknowledgment.

Returning her attention to the mage, and seemingly ignoring his errant behaviour, her only reaction being a slight narrowing of her eyes. she continues.

"My question is, Sajan, did the professor know something here was amiss, and did he expect us to deal with it? If this is the case, I'm really not happy about the situation.

Once again, the girls gaze shifts, this time to the professor's daughter.

The atmosphere in the parlour is muted. Barely a word is said.

Once breakfast is finished, Jaylen heads into the kitchen to wash and dry the pots, to put them away and to tidy up any mess she may have left. This, she's done each morning she's been here.

She returns and sits, a glass of milk in her hand, as usual.

"What was everyone's dream? I think I dreamt but I can't recall it too well. It certainly didn't stop me from sleeping."

She takes a sip from her glass, peering around the table as she awaits answers.

In a bid to keep the game moving, I'm going to assume that everyone replies, each describing a similar experience.

After everyone has relayed their experience, the room goes quiet, each lost with their own thoughts.

After a while, the teen breaks the silence.

"Think the professor knew something was up?" The comment leaves everyone perplexed. The girl continues. "I don't think everything that's happened since we got here is a coincidence. Nor do I think it coincidence that Petros ask us to remain here for a month to *look after* Kendra. It doesn't take five people - complete strangers - to do such a job."


1d20 + 4 ⇒ (17) + 4 = 21

A smell of cooking breakfast pervades the house. The young girl is already up, cracking some eggs into a pan of hot oil; a trout frying nicely.
Yesterday's trip to the lake has not only provided breakfast but has seemingly lightened her mood and she greets all with a small smile.

Jaylen will be back before dark. She'll meet up with the others in the tavern. I'll post later when I get back in.

All the sheep returned safely and unsullied to their flock!!

An excellent weekend (I'm still buzzin') but very tiringzzzzz!!!

This will be my last post until Monday morning. If you need Jaylen around, that's fine, use her as you will. Otherwise, you can say she spends a few days out by the lake. (I realise not a lot happens over the weekend but...)

Have fun, all.

Armed with wine and fishing gear, and with the blue skies promising a pleasant day ahead, Jaylen is in good spirits, echoing that of the villagers who buzz around, making last minute preparations for today's market. The adolescent takes her time, stopping occasionally to watch the proceedings.

A curious jump-rope game catches her interest and she stops to watch. The accompanying verses are sung in what the girl presumes is the local dialect, one she doesn't understand. Nonetheless, she's intrigued enough with the performance to ask for a translation.

Waiting for a break in the routine, she crosses over to the group of girls, some of them not too much younger than herself.

Hello. Your performance was amazing. Would you tell me what the words of your song mean, please?

The young girls look at the stranger, a mixture of fear and distaste on their faces.

Gi avaae, knurrae. replies one. The other girls laugh and quickly run off, to continue their game further up the road.

Jaylen watches them leave, shrugs and, straightening her pack, continues her journy to the lake.

1d20 ⇒ 6

B*ll*x! I wanted to roll high enough so that I could ask them to teach me the moves. Would it be possible to find another group and try the roll again?

*Go away, smelly.

Not enough pictures in it for you, Ben.?

:P :P :P

Cardiff. (South Wales)

Oh, yeah, lots of sheep down there, too.

(So my love-life's sorted for the weekend!!)


We're waiting for the DM. :)

Whilst I think on, I'll be unavailable next weekend (Fri 13th to Sun 15th)

Student Nationals: a weekend of roleplaying, drinking, roleplaying and drinking. :D

Morning, and Jaylen is up early, preparing the evening meal; a stew made from the ingredients she brought in the night before. A cold breakfast is already laid out on the table, for anyone to help themselves to. It's basic but hearty. A note is nearby.
I wonder what surprises are in store for us today. she says to anyone who'll listen, offering one of her rare smiles along with the comment.
Presently, she finishes, leaving the pot over the fire to simmer. Donning her armour, she picks up her gear and opens the front door.
I'm heading to the lake. I'll be back before dark. she announces as she leaves.

Would someone mind calling in on Gibs Hephelump at some point today? I'd do it myself but, given what happened at the funeral, it's probably wise I keep away. His house is the closest to the monument - find out if he saw or heard anything.

Jaylen is heading north, to the lake. A bit of explorin', a bit of fishin', a bit of relaxing in the sun. :) I'll pick up some fishing gear and a bottle of wine before I go. Oh, at some point, she'd like to find out what weapons are available in the village.

Jaylen offers a wan smile as she crosses the parlour to dump her equipment in her bedchamber. She returns shortly after, garbed in a black vest, black canvas pants that extend to just her knees and a pair of black sandals. She's also had a quick wash.
Holding up a small hessian sack, stained slightly red, she declares it For the pot. and heads into the kitchen, to return empty-handed a short time later.
Silently, she lowers herself into an easy chair, stretches and takes the time to examine her new companions in a little more detail.
The sense of confusion and bewilderment in the room is palpable, no-one really knowing what's going on and no-one quite sure exactly why they're here. Eventually, she speaks Other than the memorial incident, nothin' happened on my shift. Spent a few hours watching the ruins but couldn't see too much. Just normal ruins from what I saw. Caught breakfast whilst I was there but, other than that, nothing to report. She motions to the kitchen with her thumb.

I think the negative trust thing here (with Gibs) is from waking him, rather than simply speaking to him. That's how I read it.

With regards to that post, Gandal; we don't don't know enough about Gibs to make the assumption that he's "very deeply asleep" so would you mind not including such information in the future, please. It may make us think one thing when the opposite is true. (Unless, of course, it was at a time when most people are asleep, but I don't think that was the case here.)

I think the question we should be asking is: has anyone seen him since he ran off yesterday? During the day, I'll try to find out.


Jaylen's actions:
-go back to Kendra's house and collect my travelling gear.
-send letter back home
-do a wide search of the area surrounding the statue for more undead or other disturbance (tracks, etc)
-speak to Father G; see if he can draw me a rough map of where the body of Prof. L was found.
-go and reconnoitre the ruins.(Outside only...staying alert!!)

Huh, wha'? Me, talk to Gibs? Not really sure that's adviseable, given that the first time we met I lamped him one!!

I gave a list of the things I was doing.

I imagine that we'll meet back at Kendra's house when it gets dark.

Jaylen's actions, depending on what the group decides to do after she mentions the statue monster:

-(let others handle the diplomatic stuff with the locals.)
-suggest to someone that they go and interview the people who live in the houses near to the memorial; did they see or hear anything? Maybe try to find out if any of the local 'lovers' have seen anything. Anyone suspicious hanging round lately?
-suggest that someone stays with Kendra for the day.

-go back to Kendra's house and collect my travelling gear.
-send letter back home
-do a wide search of the area surrounding the statue for more undead or other disturbance (tracks, etc)
-go and reconnoitre the ruins.


16 Str +3
16 Dex +3
13 Con +1
12 Int +1
14 Wis +2
10 Cha +0

F +3
R +5
W +2 (+2 vs Fear)

hp 12

Init +5
CMD 17

n - 16
t - 13
ff - 13

9 Perc (+2 if human)
7 Stealth
6 Survival (+2 if human)
7 (Track) (+2 if human)

Aren't you forgetting something? Jaylen's comment stops you in your tracks. When we first got here, that thing... she indicates the statue. ...or whatever it was that came from the statue - said something like '...she must die.' the young girl looks around the group. Who is *she*? Jaylen pauses. Kendra?

I'm still around. Just waiting for others to catch up. :)

Jaylen leans closer to the mage. Keeping her voice low, she responds.The blood is fresh; it's been there no more than a few hours. As to any patterns, I can't really tell, but I don't know much about the occult. If you have any way of copying them, perhaps the professor's books will help.
Addressing the farmers, holds out a placating hand and continues, her voice strong. Everyone calm down. We don't know what happened here but it seems... At this point, she turns to her companions, a dark look on her face that we're going to find out. Turning back. These *things* will need moving, we can do that but, in the meantime, it's probably best that we keep this to ourselves. No point panicking the whole village. Is there? The young girl steps towards the locals, looks each of them in the face and repeats her question. Is there?
After a pause to let the farmers consider the folly of alerting the whole village, she continues. We'll need tarpaulins for these bodies and buckets of water and stiff brushes to clean the sta...tue. Can you get those things?


1d20 + 4 ⇒ (11) + 4 = 15

Sense Motive, to see if the farmers are going to alert the village. The other members of the group should make one, too. They might also make a SM roll to see if they notice the relevance of the pause when she said the word statue??? (I'll be telling them anyway, in due course)

^ Give the locals more reason to dislike you!! :P

DM: any pattern to the blood splatters?

^ In the last game of Dragon Age that I played, my charcter had to beat a monster to death with her bare hands; she hadn't taken any weapons with her as she didn't think she'd need them.

Similarly, Jaylen isn't walking round in her armour nor carrying her 2h-sword and longbow. (I think after the last two encounters, however, she could be forgiven for getting a little paranoid!!)

PS. Sajan...nice roll!! :)

Sorry, peeps. That last lot of questions was supposed to be in this thread, not the game thread. :S

How fresh is the blood? What is the dog doing now? How close are we to the prison? Is the path we're on well-used? Where did the undead come from - the river, nearby bushes, etc?

No-one go near the statue Jaylen cautions, hoping that she can stop any tracks that may be there from being disturbed by the rest of the group. ...and search the area, make sure no more of those things are going to come at us.

She gives the corpse a swift kick and then bends, to examine the ground around the monolith and then the stonework itself. As she searches, she pulls a rag from her belt pouch and thoroughly cleans the blade of her weapon.

If I can, I'll take 20 on both my perception and track skills.

Perception(T20): 29
Track(T20): 27

If not,
Perception(T10): 19
Track: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (12) + 7 = 19

Add 2 to all of the above if humans are involved in any way.



9 Perc =1+ Wis 2+3+3(feat) (+2 human)
6 Survival =1+ Wis 2+3 (+2 human)
7 (Track)

F +3
R +5
W +2 (+2 vs Fear)

hp 12

Init +5 = +3(Dex) +2 (trait)
CMD 17

n - 13
t - 13
ff - 10

Marzio: whilst wearing medium or heavy armour, you move 4 squares a round. Unarmoured or light armour = 6 squares a round.

Incidentally, armour is the British-English way of spelling it. Armor is the American spelling.

Sorry, Beckett. Twas my suggestion. We didn't know how available you were.
Am I right in thinking you're in the military?

What the...? This place gets more messed up by the day.

Yanking both her axe and her dagger out of their respective sheathes, the young girl positions herself to the side of - and slightly behind - the cleric. She crouches low, waiting for her enemy to make its move.

Can these things be hit with normal weapons? she growls at Raven.

Moves to G12 and adopts Full Defense

DM: if you don't mind playing in Beckett's stead, then I imagine Raven would step forward and channel energy. He did say he was being kept away by real life.

How high above the river is the ground we're on and how steep are the banks?

I don't believe this, the dog's doing my job for me.

Looks like it's not in my capable hands, erm, Aemrelara. the girl says, shrugging.

Jaylen sighs then starts to follow the dog. As she passes by Kendra's, she wonders if she should get the rest of her gear. We can come back for it, I suppose.

Relishing the chance to stretch her legs, she breaks into a sprint, to catch the dog up.

Please don't tell me this dog is a cross between Scooby Doo and Lassie. :S

Sounds good. Maybe we could have a code:

TO trained only
AA aid another applies.

Using your example, it would read:


Generic Skill DC-45:

An alternative would be to say what *doesn't* apply in a certain situation.

To be honest, we should all know the basic rules anyway; my question was more about the Take X rule when we know the DC, rather than to make more work for you. :)

"These birds were killed by a knife. Who killed them?" The dog?!!

Jaylen resheathes her blade and looks around at her surroundings, looking for anyone who may be taking more of an interest in the scene than is appropriate.
Show me this fence. she demands.

Question: Gandal, as I stated in an earlier post, I'm quite happy to take 10 on my perception checks. In this latest case, I'd pass (as I get +9, meaning a 19 in total); what happens if, for example, the DC is 20? Are you going to allow me to roll or do I still take the 10? In a tabletop game, we wouldn't neccesarily know the DC so I could choose each time, as I saw fit. Obviously, in a PbP, it works slightly differently.

For reference, round town, Jaylen carries just her dagger, hand-axe and belt-pouches. No armour, she instead wears a black vest, black 3/4-length pants and sandals.

Wary the excited dog, and with a slight nod of acknowledgement towards the farmers, the young girl approaches the birds, to get a better view of their wounds. She slides her blade out of it's scabbard and lifts a few of the feathers, looking for any tell-tale clues that accompany the main areas of trauma.

Both my heal and survival skills are at 16 if I take 10.(I'm not sure which one applies) My favoured enemy: human gives me a +2 to the survival result if you feel it appropriate. (I know these are chickens but if they were killed by humans, it may apply.)

If you require a roll:

Surv:1d20 + 6 ⇒ (2) + 6 = 8 Heal:1d20 + 6 ⇒ (10) + 6 = 16

What breed of dog is it?:
K:Nature1d20 + 4 ⇒ (12) + 4 = 16

I'm having PC issues, too.

Jaylen's up; you can hear her splashing about in the bath. A short time later, she appears, her hair still wet, looking - and feeling - much better than she did last night.
Morning. I don't smell breakfast; if you show me where you keep everything, Kendra, I'll put some on for everyone. Oh, and I'll need pointing in the direction of the messenger office sometime today, don't forget.
As she passes, she gives Kendra a (hopefully) reassuring squeeze on the arm.
Did I hear someone mention 'ruins'?

Jaylen has been quiet for some time. Eventually, she stands, yawning.

Kendra, I'll need to get a message to my village to find out if they need me to return. If I were to stay here, I'd need to let them know anyway. We can sort that out tomorrow but, for now, let me grab my gear and you can point me to somewhere I can get my head down.

With that, the girl disappears through the front door, returning with her equipment soon after.

A dinosaur, huh? Interesting. I hope it's house-trained.

You think it's an attempt at humour but her even tone and lack of accompanying smile keeps you guessing. She studies the creature for a short time and then finds an empty seat. Sitting, she leans back and closes her eyes to await the arrival of the councilman - she's been on the go for the last 16 hours and it shows.

No emotion registers on her face as the will is read.

A month?!!! A frekking month?!!! I can't do it - I need to get back home.

As Kendra searches for the box, Jaylen takes the time to freshen up. She returns from her ablutions as the box is opened. She's removed her armour and now wears black canvas pants and a black vest. Her face clean, tinged pink from her cold-water wash. She sits, once again, and pulls a comb through her ebon hair in a bid to detangle it.

Books! We're to babysit some books. We're to sit on our behinds for a month and then escort some books to a school!!

Beyond a cursory glance, the girl pays little attention to the contents of the box, more interested in sustenance and sleep, rather than scrolls and sigils.

*Several* libraries? The population is only 300!!!

It doesn't specifically mention it in the CRB.

A quick search of the forums show that a lot of the PbP DM's do allow it.

Up to our DM, I suppose, although (fluff-wise) it would require you and the "aider" to both read and discuss the book.

Or maybe, if you spent a few hours in the prof's library, you could 'aid yourself' and get that +1. That's how I'd rule it.

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