
Davic The Grey's page

Contributor. RPG Superstar 9 Season Star Voter. Organized Play Member. 149 posts (174 including aliases). 1 review. No lists. No wishlists. 8 Organized Play characters. 2 aliases.


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I am incredibly heartened by the truth and force of this statement. Thank you Maggie, I'm glad to see we are on the same page.


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Put quite simply: Speedy thing goes in, speedy thing comes out.


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keftiu wrote:

Really appreciate this blog.

Has there been any autism representation in Pathfinder?

Hey, Keftiu! Yes, there has been. Erikanesh, the owner of the Historia Reliquary and Chun Hye-Seung, the commander militant of Absalom's First Guard are both autistic. I try to add another autistic character or piece of representation with each assignment I do for Paizo.

The lore on the Changelings in the Lost Omens: Ancestry Guide is also autistic representation, as confirmed by their author, as well. Probably more representation I'm unaware of or forgetting, but if you find any more, let me know!


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Hilary Moon Murphy wrote:

Some thoughts that may not be popular:

I am thinking through a lot of things, and I am troubled by the concept of calling other forumites bigots. I can see calling out their actions or posts as bigoted, but... There has to be a better way. I can understand your stance of not wanting to let a bigoted post go unchallenged, though my personal mode is to flag and move on. I realize though that others feel differently, especially with so much hatred being posted. And hey, you're correct that I may be coming from a privileged enough background where I can see something nasty and just flag it and move on. I'll try to be better about being the advocate I want to be.

But in my mind, shouting back at someone and telling them they are a bigot just makes them shout back and then it's another flame war that makes everyone feel crappy and makes a lot of work for the mods.

So here is what I would suggest, and will try to get better at implementing. "Hey, I'm flagging this post. Paizo forums are for everyone, and this one makes some of our community feel unsafe." And then I would link to Heather's post, and stop.

Once this is posted, the conversation moves on and the troll is deprived of your outrage and passion. Nothing's feeding it, so less work for the mods.

I understand how you reached this conclusion. As someone who once held it myself, I can tell you it is the wrong one. Challenging bigoted and ugly assertations is the only way to stop them. Anything less is silent complicity. We need to be clear that such things are absolutely not acceptable. The reticence to confront prejudice is what has allowed it flourish in recent years, on forums and in the world at large.

When coming from a point of privilege and being taught that being nice is synonymous with being understanding, it can be difficult to realize this. I did not understand it personally until fairly recently in my life, because someone took the time to lay it out the way I am here. Which is why I wanted to take the time to try and do the same. I encourage you to do some further thinking. To quote Into the Woods: "Nice is different than good"


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Still no clear actionable steps that matter. An investigation just for the Leadership Team that we are expected to trust, when broken trust is the problem in the first place? I hope you all can understand why that is not a reasonable response.


18 people marked this as a favorite.
Cori Marie wrote:
If the executive team can live and work in another state, why can't the employees?

A very good question I would also like the answer to.


20 people marked this as a favorite.

I admit, in light of recent events it is a bit concerning that the exec suite is being expanded just in time to effect negotiations with United Paizo Workers. Especially since their titles imply they are responsible for very corporate things. I certainly hope these folks will also negotiate in good faith and support all the staff of the company that makes such great games.


12 people marked this as a favorite.

A fantastic day for Paizo. My thanks to all the freelancers who stood with me during our action, the developers for their work and understanding, and management for doing the right thing. More work ahead, but this is a big win for everyone.


I started a Pathfinder Rulebook subscription on 01/27/2020, order number 10911840, but I do not see the Gamemastery Guide in my side cart or have gotten an order confirmation for it. Please let me know how I can help clear this up.

Thank you.


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I would definitely like to be a part of this. Seems like a fantastic idea.


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Sent my acceptance on Monday. This will be my first published work and it's still sinking in. Congrats to everyone who got in and a tip of the hat to whoever gets to illustrate my twisted creation!


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HO. LY. CRAP. I'm floored.


9 people marked this as a favorite.

One of the best archetypes that I haven't seen people talk about is the Saurian Rider. For when your cavalier mount absolutely must be a T-Rex.


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It's balanced. Stalwart has been in the game for a while without wrecking havoc and the other abilities it gets don't push it past paladin in terms of difficulty to kill. Isa did a great job with the flavor and mechanics, as always. It's my favorite archetype of the book.


Here's a fun one, but requires working with your GM to bend the rules of archetype stacking: Gambit as a card caster, eldritich scion staff magus. You throw cards, use a quarter staff and charisma is one of your main stats. Just requires you to alter your arcane look twice, so not legal as written, but reasonable to stack.


If I haven't hit my limit of three submissions, can I send another, or do they need to all be in the same email? I thought I wouldn't have time to finish an entry but some time cleared up.


Submission is in! Hope I hear from you soon!


3 people marked this as a favorite.

I love it when they do write-ups like these. Great work as always, Crystal.


Got a couple submissions in mind, but need to touch them up for Golarion, as I wrote them as setting neutral at first. Fingers crossed people like them!


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Adam Daigle wrote:
If your character doesn't have a bunch of magic rocks by the end of this campaign, something has gone wrong. :)

So this campaign takes place in the MCU?


Ravener's breath weapon can destroy the Wall. Who knew?


10/10, absolutely recommend.


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I'm backer number 7. Should be a good book.


Dragon78 wrote:

The monk archetype is usable by both versions of the monk. It's not bad, especially if you like to bull rush your enemies and it also gains airwalk at 4th level.

So it wouldn't stack with Scaled Fist. Shame.


It's good. Like really good. Probably gonna be my preferred setting.


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KingOfAnything wrote:

I don't usually decide on a character's sexuality at creation, but it often becomes apparent as I play them. Often other character traits lend themselves to a certain sexual identity. I've had gay, bi, and straight characters.

I'd say my baseline is mostly asexual until it comes up, though.

Occasionally I have a concept that will only work with a certain sexual preference, but for the most part this is more or less how I and my players make their PCs. As was said above, when I GM i write all the NPCs as bi unless I have a reason not to. My CotCT game basically became one big dating sim with some adventuring speckled in between as a result.


I've only been able to skim it since my GF really likes wilderness games and has demanded to run it herself. What I see and what I hear is that it's pretty good though. Haven't really heard anyone have a low opinion of it.


Ill Omen is a must. I also like Inflict Pain. Bestow Curse is a bit of a classic. You'll want to take Evil Eye, Misfortune, Cackle and Slumber as hexes.


Please cancel my Pathfinder Adventure Path subscription.

Thank you.


5 people marked this as a favorite.
Philo Pharynx wrote:


...still not ginger.

This is the real issue. Instead, I've been hearing people whining that "women are being shoehorned into everything" and "you're ruining my childhood". For real, people, the actual crime is that it took this long for a female Doctor and, most importantly, STILL NOT GINGER.


The party I ran through Curse of the Crimson Throne had no full casters in it. Worked out fine for them. Investigator or inquisitor are both really strong choices for what you're looking for.


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Dragon78 wrote:
This is one of the more anticipated books on my list. How about the rest of you guys?

Much as I like kinetecists, it seems like they're getting a ton of love in this companion, which makes me concerned about how much content is left for other classes. Especially since they're putting in a whole prestige class too.

Was hoping for more spells/feats to make a single element build for spellcasters more viable. Guess we'll see.


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Has anyone brought up Inflict Pain, Mass yet? Sure, it allows a save, but that's one full round of the party taking a -4 to very important rolls. Time that with all the great save or suck spells previously mentioned by others and it raises the probability of them landing by quite a bit.

Also Terrible Remorse on the low Will Save melee so they keep hitting themselves, not the enemy. Bonus points for making it Persistent (metamagic).


The second is correct. It is meant to indicate you cannot reduce it past 0. With infusion specialization, gather power, or both at the same time, you can take no burn for your infusions, provided you are reducing it by the needed amount.


Couldn't help but notice that the psychic and mesmerist are not in this set. Does that mean they're coming in set #8 with the vigilante and shifter?


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I know we're looking for spells, but if we're open to making liches with specialties, consider an Overwhelming Soul Void kineticist. Can heal the other liches with it's negative energy, great battlefield control, including reverse gravity AT WILL and lots of hp, as the key stat is also what a lich uses for hp. If you want to make it melee to really mess with the backline, Overwhelming Soul and Kintetic Knight only overlap in the changing of class skills, which as a GM you could handwave in the name of awesomeness. You'd give up a decent portion of the AoE control that Void brings, but could be worth it.


Louise Bishop wrote:

Invoker+winter witch with single level dip crossblooded Dragon/Orc sorcerer..

Goes into winter witch PRC.

Basically +3 damage per dice rolled on cold Spells. +4 on cone of cold with a 40gp liquid ice. Liberal use of Rime spell meta magic.

Cone of cold for 15d6+60 that chews through half immunity and Resistances...and not a single meta magic...those are great numbers.

Invoker and winter witch both change/replace patron and hexes. Unfortunately they don't stack.


I know you said the campaign isn't Reign of Winter, but consider Winter Witch, both archetype and prestige. I'm about to play one soon for RoW and it does what you're asking pretty well.

Winter witch as an archetype gives up very little and provides some fun stuff. It allows access to a hex to add minimal cold damage to a touch spell. What makes this amazing is that it gives the spell the cold descriptor, making Elemental Focus able to increase the DCs of spells like ray of exhaustion and bestow curse. You also get good blast spells like snowball and ice spears.

Winter Witch the prestige class costs you nothing but a couple feats (favored prestige class and favored casting so you don't lose your spell levels). All of your hexes progress the same. Plus you get the ability to bypass and reduce cold resistance/immunity, so being a one trick pony with your blasting doesn't hurt as much. When you can't hurt with cold, falling back on debuffs is easy.


Set wrote:
Dragon78 wrote:

Some elemental themed oracle curses.

Some elemental based witch hexes.

Ooh, like these two in particular.

Hexes that set someone on fire, or made them more susceptible to a particular element (either elemental damage, or even environmental effects like extreme heat or cold), or a living 'lightning rod' that was more easily hit by lightning (so much so that lightning in a certain range of them would arc out and hit them too) could be mean. Hexes that caused someone to be treated as smaller for the effects of strong winds (so that even a Small or Medium sized creature might find themselves checked or blown back by a gust of wind), or more susceptible to drowning(!) or treat all earth and stone as difficult terrain as natural earth turns under their feet, could be cruel.

I'm playing a winter witch in Reign of Winter soon. Really want these.


Knoq Nixoy wrote:
the Animorphs?

See, I was about to say the same thing until I read all of the OP. Yerks did not have robots, just good spaceships. Also were flat tapeworm like creatures, not small mammals.

Tempted to derail the thread with a collaboration to make stats for Hork-Bajir, but will take the high ground.


Dragon78 wrote:
Yeah, wood is getting a full reprint in UW, but we still don't know if there will be any new wild talents.

I'm guessing that due to space, we won't, but that won't stop them from making good wood element material for classes that are not the kineticist.

At any rate, this companion expressly is about the "big four", as per the description. Wouldn't expect much wood, metal or void content in this one.


Ylania Greenbriar wrote:
I hope there will be goodies for wood elemental specialists

Ultimate Wilderness will be where you're likely to get most of that. Mark Seifter confirmed wood is getting a full reprint in that for kineticists. Should be really nice wood based stuff even aside from that. This companion is looking a lot like it's just for the traditional four elements.


Pledged my support already. Hope this gets funded.


Dragon78 wrote:

The ghoran have two weaknesses(delicious and light dependent).

Also being immune to paralysis and stunning is not game breaking a all. Now being immune to mind-affecting effects, ability damage, ability drain, energy drain, death effects, and curses would be.

Well, obviously being immune to two nasty conditions isn't gamebreaking compared to being immune to almost every other nasty condition.


Isabelle Lee wrote:
Davic The Grey wrote:
shaventalz wrote:

One more proficiency question:

If you take a monk weapon and modify it, can classes that get proficiency with all monk weapons use it?
Based on the fact that Isabelle said tengu's sword training wouldn't retain the proficiency, I would say no.
In fairness, I'd forgotten that swordtrained is a category and not a list. Let's set that example aside for the moment. ^_^

It's funky cause it first talks like a category, then gives an exhaustive list, so I could see it both ways.


shaventalz wrote:

One more proficiency question:

If you take a monk weapon and modify it, can classes that get proficiency with all monk weapons use it?

Based on the fact that Isabelle said tengu's sword training wouldn't retain the proficiency, I would say no.


QuidEst wrote:
Davic The Grey wrote:
QuidEst wrote:
Davic The Grey wrote:

I kinda need this for my Reign of Winter witch.

Getting the combo of the basic crafting feat, the make-it-a-familiar feat, and a backup USB drive for spells allows you to have a fairly cheap expendable familiar that's under 200gp to replace.

Also going to mention some cool theme synergy with tatterdemalion witch.

Does the feat to make it a familiar require a familiar to begin with? Without derailing the thread, my witch won't have a familiar. Interesting options though.
Yes, it does.

Ok. Thanks for the info. Definitely picking this one up.


QuidEst wrote:
Davic The Grey wrote:
QuidEst wrote:
Going to put poppets forward as the best thing. They're super-affordable to craft (you can create and fully trick out a tiny poppet with all eleven upgrades taken as many times as possible for under 3k), easy to buy/sell, and make a good carrier for aura type spells, explosives, and other things like that. The feat also lets you qualify for Craft Construct without investing in a bunch of irrelevant crafting feats.
I kinda need this for my Reign of Winter witch.

Getting the combo of the basic crafting feat, the make-it-a-familiar feat, and a backup USB drive for spells allows you to have a fairly cheap expendable familiar that's under 200gp to replace.

Also going to mention some cool theme synergy with tatterdemalion witch.

Does the feat to make it a familiar require a familiar to begin with? Without derailing the thread, my witch won't have a familiar. Interesting options though.


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QuidEst wrote:
Going to put poppets forward as the best thing. They're super-affordable to craft (you can create and fully trick out a tiny poppet with all eleven upgrades taken as many times as possible for under 3k), easy to buy/sell, and make a good carrier for aura type spells, explosives, and other things like that. The feat also lets you qualify for Craft Construct without investing in a bunch of irrelevant crafting feats.

I kinda need this for my Reign of Winter witch.


Rysky wrote:

Hmm, curious, it says that characters proficient with a specific weapon (such as Clerics) aren't auto proficient with Modified versions of that weapon, but what about when characters are proficient with an all encompassing general assortment of weapons, such as the Tengu's with the Swordtrained racial trait?

Swordtrained wrote:
Tengus are trained from birth in swordplay, and as a result are automatically proficient with swordlike weapons (including bastard swords, daggers, elven curve blades, falchions, greatswords, kukris, longswords, punching daggers, rapiers, scimitars, short swords, and two-bladed swords).

Specific trumps general, so no..? Don't have the PDF, would need to see the exact text. Something to think about though.

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