King Ezelgar

CapeCodRPGer's page

Organized Play Member. 2,028 posts (2,029 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 1 alias.


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Liberty's Edge

I'm running a Pathfinder 2e game now. Everyone is just getting used to how the system works. Now Paizo goes and changes stuff. I hate change. I don't see why they need to change it.

Liberty's Edge

My group just lowered the barrier to get
to the first level of this part as well. Can't wait to see how it goes.

Carmen went with them so they could use the sword.

Liberty's Edge

goodkinghadrian wrote:
I know it's a pretty standard convention, but I wish the map numbering did not revert to A with the start of this book. I doubt many people will run book 2 or book 3 on its own, and it would make more sense to have the map numbered sequentially since it's all one big dungeon. So maps A through K instead of A-B-C-D-A-B-C-D-A-B-C.

You don't say?

I totally agree. Very confusing.

Liberty's Edge

I'm getting the maps from the PDFS I got from Paizo. I bought the physical hardcover that Paizo published as well. Those have the levels without repeating letters like the PDFs do. Why couldn't Paizo just update the PDFs with the way they did it in the hardcover?

I'm sorry just going through alot and I just want stuff to go smoothly.

When I bought the AP from Demiplane, I downloaded the 3 separate parts, not the one combined book. But they had the levels like the hardcover. I go to print the levels I need from the official Paizo PDFs but those have the repeating letters. Very confusing.

Liberty's Edge

I bought the Abomination vaults hardcover to run. Each level is isa letter A for level 1, B for level 2, ect..

I bought the adventure path on Demiplane. It has a download of the PDF on Paizo. So I download the PDFs. My group is about to start part 2. I print out the maps for part 2 to make it easier for me and what should start with letter E starts with B. This will make it alot harder for me to run because you are'nt consistent with how you label the maps from the physical book to the PDF. Very upset. I have alot of stress going on in my life and I don't need more. I am not going to run the game anymore because of crap like this. I'm done.

Liberty's Edge

Dalvyn wrote:

Did they meet Otari?

In my game, I had him warn the PCs that he felt the presence of a very powerful entity in this area, and that they should better avoid the place for now. Since his ghost is kind of obsessed with completing his main unfinished task (removing the menace over Absalom) and he sees the PCs as the heroes who will do that, it makes sense that he would do all he can to keep them alive and insist that they do not put themselves in unnecessary danger.

That works, thanks

Liberty's Edge

My PCs are 5th level. The Voidglutton is level 8. How to I tell them that this monster is above them without metagaming? I don't want to do a TPK. I don't fudge roles, but I don't think they have a chance against it.

Liberty's Edge

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TomParker wrote:
CapeCodRPGer wrote:
There's no mist stalker battle card. Looks like they missed one.
It's under Elemental, Water.

I saw that finally. Heaven forbid they put it under M for Mist stalker. You know, the actual name for the monster.

Same thing happened when I was looking for Grothlut. I was looking under G for the name. But it was under F for Fleshwarp. The monster type, not the name.

Why do they have to make it harder? Other monsters are by their name.
Belcorra is under Belcorra. Not ghost, Her monster type. Very inconsistent. Either have they all listed by name, or by type. Don't mix it up.

Liberty's Edge

There's no mist stalker battle card. Looks like they missed one.

Liberty's Edge

We have Abomination Vaults battle cards. How about a pack of all the magic item cards from the Adventure Payh?

Liberty's Edge

Mine shipped where I ordered from. Can't wait.

Liberty's Edge

TomParker wrote:
CapeCodRPGer wrote:
This still good for a December 14 release date?
I don't have any inside Paizo scoop but I did receive my notice today that these are shipping to me. That points to yes, I think.


Liberty's Edge

This still good for a December 14 release date?

Liberty's Edge

Elfteiroh wrote:
Oooh shiny!

Tanglewtop wants the Shiny.

Liberty's Edge

How about this? A set of 5 extra large flip Mats in a boxed set. Each side has a different level of the dungeon so you don't have to draw it out. 5 mats for the 10 levels. Maybe another mar with cemetery and cave area. Charge like 100 bucks. I think it will sell good. I know they'd have to be big Mats.

Liberty's Edge

Aaron Shanks wrote:
Pathfinder Abomination Vaults Battle Cards are being moved from a November to December release due to shipping delays

Bummer but I understand. Shipping is out of your control. Really looking forward to these. Will help my game out big time.

Liberty's Edge

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My group threw torches into the room with the giant flies. Smoked them out. They didn't know what was in there. So they flew out the trap door.

I was thinking of having the flies attack them when the PCs get outside near the ruined boathouse. But would that be tougher for first level since it's out in the open.

Liberty's Edge

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Aberzombie wrote:
You mean you actually sullied your eyes with this abomination?!?

Nope, I seen enough on YouTube and other places to stay away.

Liberty's Edge

So let Me get this straight, Mordor as we know it was created by some guy named Waldreg, and He just turned a key?

Liberty's Edge

If I pre order this through Paizo, will I have it on the street date?

Liberty's Edge

Good point.

Liberty's Edge

This Sunday I start running Abomination Vaults AP. We have a Barbarian, a Cleric, A Ranger, and a Rogue. No arcane caster.

Should I switch out the scrolls, and wands, and other items if they can only be used by a arcane caster? Or should I let them take them and sell them? Will the party be at a disadvantage without a arcane caster?

Liberty's Edge

I wish this was coming out now. I'm just starting to run the AP. Will this have battle Cards for the bosses of the AP, too?

A first day buy for Me.

Liberty's Edge

Planning on running this soon. Just started reading first part.

The drawbridge area A2, and area A9 with the openings in the walls. How high above the water are they? It says in area A2, the water is 4 feet deep. But I can't find anywhere where it says how high above the water they are.

Liberty's Edge

Anyone else playing this? its like Animal Crossing or Stardew Valley, rogue like dungeons. But you have to run a cult to gain enough power to summon Cthulhu to destroy the world. You get to sacrifice cult members, harvest their resources. Good times.

Liberty's Edge

They posted a scene.

That's pretty much what they are going for.

Liberty's Edge

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Are the pre gens with the Beginner Box the "full rules" versions? If Not, is there a PDF of the full rules versions someplace?

Liberty's Edge

Thats what I was looking at. Thanks.

Liberty's Edge

I was wondering is there official errata for this? I was running the adventure last night and room 11, says it has 3 kobolds and the trap master. But on the map, it only shows 2 kobolds. What one is right?

Liberty's Edge

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If Trump was still in office and this happened, would there be a thread about it here?

Liberty's Edge

4 people marked this as a favorite.

Does'nt this thread violate the ban on political threads here?

Or is it only political threads that the staff don't agree with banned?

Liberty's Edge

Will there be a 5E guide for the setting, deities, domains, ect?

Liberty's Edge

Tekken: Bloodline. New Netflix anime.

Why does every character have a 90 degree shadow on their head no matter how the light is or how they are standing?

Liberty's Edge

First trailer

Out may 25 on Disney plus.

Liberty's Edge

One of the promotional pics has an elf holding a lit torch. I thought JRRT said all else have dark vision. So why does He need a torch? Why are they ignoring lore?

Liberty's Edge

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"F++~ you, Barry." I wonder if Aquaman and the lost kingdom will deal with this major reveal.

Liberty's Edge

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Someone on Twitter pointed out that this will come out on the anniversary of JRR Tolkien's death, September 2. Between that and the total disregard for the lore and history of the setting, it tells me all I need to know about how Amazon and the show runners feel about Tolkien's work and legacy.

Liberty's Edge

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Laziness is the reason they made everyone forget who Parker was. Now they can re tell the same stories they have been telling for literary decades with Peter's friends, ect. Finding out He is Spiderman. Now they don't have to think of anything new to do.

So are they going to mind wipe everyone again when they find out again? Like I said before, no point in watching anything, seeing characters grow and develop if they can just take it away at anytime.

What's the point?

Liberty's Edge

3 people marked this as a favorite.

After seeing scenes from the Rogers musical, I want a Spiderman musical.

Wait a minute.

Liberty's Edge

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So falling in love with someone isn't character development then? Feelings becoming stronger for someone doesn't change how that character acts towards that person?

Liberty's Edge


MJ and Ned learned Peter was Spiderman. All three of them grew closer because of it. MJ fell in love with Peter, accepting Peter for who He is. Spiderman and all. That's how they grew. Then they just reset it like none of that happened at all. As far as the necklace, someone else mentioned that for the mind wipes to work, all physical and digital records of Peter would have had to been wiped as well. Since at the end of the movie we see Ned on His phone and He isn't wondering who this strange guy is in pictures or texts, they did that. If I was an actor investing my heart into a character, seeing how the writers had my character grow and change,
only to have it be taken away like that, I'd be pretty upset.

Liberty's Edge

2 people marked this as a favorite.

I'm not talking about Peter/ Spiderman. I'm talking

MJ and Ned getting mind wiped so they can recycle the same old stories they have been doing for almost 50 years. Just throwing away all their character development.


Liberty's Edge

1 person marked this as a favorite.

What they did here makes me not want to invest in ANY more movies, books, comics or TV shows.

What's the point of watching characters grow and change if they will just take away all that development in the blink of an eye?

"We hope you enjoyed watching these characters learn and grow. Just kidding, we are taking all that away."

Thanks Marvel.

Liberty's Edge

I thought it was very lazy what they did. so why should I even care about what happens to the characters now if they can change it at any moment? I feel cheated.

Liberty's Edge

I thought every in the movie did a great job. Was great seeing everyone reprise roles. But the ending did'nt work for me at all.

Liberty's Edge

2 people marked this as a favorite.

Saw it opening night. I HATED what they did. Major spoilers below.

I thought the whole thing was a big giant retcon. Now no one remembers Him, at all. Now they can do the same stories they been doing. Instead of coming up with something original. Have MJ fall back in love with Him, find out he is Spiderman, everything. Three movies worth of character development just flushed down the toilet. So what's the point of investing in character arcs if at any point they can just erase it like nothing happened to them?
I felt it was like a DM at a TTRPG say "ok, the last 3 sessions didn't happen. Restarting the campaign, again."
Also, no one remembers Him. Don't Ned and MJ have pics and texts on their phones? Wouldn't they be asking who that person is? Plus all the physical records of Spidey. Aunt May dies. But Aunt May would have had some kind of insurance or will for Peter. No way he'd be hard up for money and have to go live in a crappy apartment.

Liberty's Edge

So is the Spider Man NWH thread going to get unlocked or is it OK to start a new one? I have some thoughts on it.

Liberty's Edge

The most Nick Cage movie ever. Looks great.

Liberty's Edge

dirtypool wrote:

Nicely done.

His associate similarly confirmed for tomorrow.

Since the other thread is locked for now, I just got back from theater. I can confirm the associate.

Liberty's Edge

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Looks like things like slavery, ransoms, paranoia/xenophobia, and cannibalism are now forbidden traits in monsters. Mind you, not PCs, monsters.

Illithid's literally put a parasite inside you that eats your brain and turns you into a Illithid. So doing that isn't evil now?


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