Ancient Evil, New Opportunities

Monday, January 13, 2014

Illustration by Craig J Spearing

Seattle is rather far north by my reckoning, even though its proximity to the ocean keeps the temperature quite reasonable. It's certainly northerly enough to have some gloriously long days in summer as well as some long, dark, sunless nights in the winter. Are you thinking what I'm thinking? That's right. Vampires.

Vampires love winter because they only have to "call it a day" for about eight hours before night falls again. Fortunately, the Pathfinder Society has a proud tradition of training undead-thrashing heroes, and I'm calling on all of you to do your part in culling the glut of shadow-loving ghouls, wraiths, and other such risen monstrosities by playing the Carrion Crown Adventure Path, which is sanctioned for Pathfinder Society Organized Play beginning today! You can find the rules and Chronicle sheets for Carrion Crown on the Additional Resources page and product pages for each respective Adventure Path volume.

Of course, the folks in the southern hemisphere aren't off the hook, either. I understand trouble's brewing in the Mana Wastes of Garund, and the Pathfinder Society will need particularly brave and powerful heroes to send to Alkenstar. Keep an eye out for more sanctioned material later this month.

John Compton

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Tags: Craig J Spearing Pathfinder Adventure Path Pathfinder Society
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4/5 ****

Woo! It's exciting to see the sanctioning of APs continue.

Grand Lodge 4/5

And modules. I'm still split on the new format. LOVe the content. Hate the delays but I'm betting they will shrink as the new process gets some polish.

Shadow Lodge 4/5

Thanks, John. This is one that I've been looking forward to playing. Now I have yet another reason to look forward to it.




Great timing! I'm in a group that's 6 sessions into book one of this Adventure Path. We have yet to enter

the prison,
but we're having a blast roleplaying!

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

A minor erratum (hopefully not distracting from your good work) - Orchid's Drop is in Inner Sea Magic, not the Inner Sea World Guide.

The Exchange 4/5 5/5

I have a couple of errata for you as well (one of which seems quite serious)

For #44 (Trial of the Beast) the first boon does not have the normal "once per scenario" or "when you use this boon, cross it off your Chronicle sheet" language. A reusable boon with those abilities seems out of scale with what we usually see.

Less serious - #47 (Ashes at Dawn). Is the heal option really supposed to be only CL 7? That's well below the normal minimum CL of a heal spell.

Paizo Employee 4/5 Developer

Belafon wrote:

I have a couple of errata for you as well (one of which seems quite serious)

** spoiler omitted **

Spoiler-ed response:

1) Yep, someone else brought this to my attention earlier, and I expect the change to go up soon.

2) It is supposed to be at caster level 7, which balances it against the other two options. Some spell-like abilities and similar effects can occur below minimum caster level, such as some mid-power demons with the ability to cast greater teleport at CL 7th or so.

Dark Archive 2/5

The Haunting of Harrowstone Chronicle:

Haunt Sense wrote:
You may use this boon before attempting a Knowledge (religion) or Perception check to spot a haunt as it manifests to roll the skill check twice and use the higher result. In addition, you gain a +2 insight bonus on saving throws and a +2 insight bonus to AC against the haunt’s effects.

This boon makes no sense. How does the PC know what they are encountering is a Haunt unless they make the appropriate skill roll. The GM has to either tip his hat or its expected for the player to be metagaming.

GM: "The room begins to grow cold and faint moaning can be heard. Everybody make a Knowledge Religion or Perception check."
Player 1 "Is it a Haunt? I have a Boon for Haunts"
GM: "I can't tell you until you make the appropriate roll. Want to use that boon?"
Player 1: "Sounds like a Haunt to me. I better use that boon."

Or worse, its not a haunt and the player blew his boon. (like a 3.5 Paladin smiting evil on a good guy)

Am I missing something?

Scarab Sages 4/5

Glad to finally see these; and perfect timing as our Carrion Crown just wrapped up book one!

Very excited to see the chronicles for Wardens and hopefully the AP chronicles will keep coming! Looking forward to seeing what Serpent's Skull has to offer. And Mummy's Mask! (That one's being sanctioned, right? RIGHT? *puppy dog eyes*)

Remind me again, who was the final villain of the Carrion Crown adventure path?

I believe it was a Lich if I was correct? Can anyone tell me it's CR?

Shadow Lodge 4/5

Spoiler much?

Dark Archive 2/5

Split open the cage and let us fight what it's holding back.

Extra points if anybody catches what that means.

Digital Products Assistant

Added a spoiler tag.

Liberty's Edge 2/5

The Beard wrote:

Split open the cage and let us fight what it's holding back.

Extra points if anybody catches what that means.

Oooh oooh I got that reference!

But bad plan...that dude is like CR 27 or something?

Liberty's Edge 1/5

I'm glad to see more APs being sanctioned for play. How long does it take for the older APs to get this treatment? I ask because I bought Serpent's Skull during the Golem Sale and would love to be able to add some PFS credit for my players, who are all also PFS players.

Paizo Employee 4/5 Developer

Joshua Goudreau wrote:
I'm glad to see more APs being sanctioned for play. How long does it take for the older APs to get this treatment? I ask because I bought Serpent's Skull during the Golem Sale and would love to be able to add some PFS credit for my players, who are all also PFS players.

How quickly Adventure Paths receive the sanctioning treatment depends in large part on how much I have on my plate; developing scenarios and co-managing the campaign's rules take priority. My aim is to sanction another Adventure Path every several months.

Liberty's Edge 1/5

I assumed sanctioning old material was pretty low on the list of priorities. Thanks for the response John and I look forward to what comes next.

Dark Archive

unless I'm misreading it, the second boon on the trial of the beast sheet seems like it should be limited in it's use somehow.

Sovereign Court 3/5

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Trying to create Carrion Crown PFS event... not seeing it as a possible selection... anyone else in the same boat?

Dark Archive 2/5

Zach Williams wrote:
The Beard wrote:

Split open the cage and let us fight what it's holding back.

Extra points if anybody catches what that means.

Oooh oooh I got that reference!

But bad plan...that dude is like CR 27 or something?

If that guy is only a CR 27 then someone slapped Asmodeus and Sarenrae upside the head with a great wyrm sized nerfhammer.

Anywho, I have to say I'm quite happy with Carrion Crown actually having been approved for Society play. It's a fun (and can be challenging) AP that I'm inclined to say everyone should try.

Sovereign Court 3/5

The "Remnants of the Beast" boon from AP #44, Trial of the Beast: is it a one shot boon or something you can use at will, once per day, etc.

(referenced below under spoiler tag for ease of reference)

Remnant of the Beast boon:
Remnants of the Beast: You used the Bondslave Thrall to command the Beast of Lepidstadt, which destroyed the aberrant promethean and freed Caromarc. Although you severed the link to the Beast long ago, a vestige of its ferocity lingers within you. As a move action, you may tap into this power to grant yourself one of the following abilities for 1d3+1 rounds.
•Add half your character level to weapon damage rolls against creatures that are flat-footed or flanked by you.
•You gain a deflection bonus to your Armor Class equal to half your character level.
•You gain fast healing equal to 2 plus half your character level.

Thank you in advance for your help!

4/5 ****

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Once ever. Is clarified elsewhere and the change is incoming.

Liberty's Edge 2/5

So, I've long assumed this AP pits you against:

Tar-Baphon at the end. Is that true? I mean, it would honestly spoil NOTHING for me to know it. It would make the AP that much more badass. But I've seen him statted up in other sources and he seems too powerful for a non-mythic campaign.

Silver Crusade 4/5

Derek Weil wrote:

So, I've long assumed this AP pits you against:

** spoiler omitted **

Tar Baphon is not the BBEG of this AP. At CR 27/MR 10 he was destroy anyone who came up against him that was involved in this AP.
Liberty's Edge 2/5

Kinda what I figured. Even a full party of level 20 PC's would get curbstomped pretty handily. I guess when you have an entire obelisk as your spellbook you're kinda powerful...

Dark Archive 2/5

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Purple Dragon Knight wrote:
Trying to create Carrion Crown PFS event... not seeing it as a possible selection... anyone else in the same boat?

Yes I am, especially as we are going to be playing it right now :(

How do I create an event for this and for the next one next week?


Silver Crusade 4/5

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Any idea when we might be able to create an event for Carrion Crown, since it is not currently listed? I have a group that is going through the AP and just completed book one. I did distribute the PFS sheets for Haunting of Harrowstone but would like to report the event for the group.

The Exchange 5/5

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Big Joe wrote:
Any idea when we might be able to create an event for Carrion Crown, since it is not currently listed? I have a group that is going through the AP and just completed book one. I did distribute the PFS sheets for Haunting of Harrowstone but would like to report the event for the group.

Drat! that makes two of us in this boat. I figured we could register it already - so I'm in the same boat as Big Joe - any idea when this will be listed?

Paizo Employee 4/5 Developer

2 people marked this as a favorite.

I'm back in town from a convention and will alert the proper tech-savvy authorities to see about adding it to the reportable events.

Grand Lodge 5/5

Thank you John!

Sovereign Court 3/5

Pirate Rob wrote:
Once ever. Is clarified elsewhere and the change is incoming.

Thanks a lot! figured as much, because it is so damn good! :)

Dark Archive 4/5

This is great.

I'd like to see Serpent's Skull next. It's a great way to get a field commission.


John Compton wrote:
How quickly Adventure Paths receive the sanctioning treatment depends in large part on how much I have on my plate; developing scenarios and co-managing the campaign's rules take priority. My aim is to sanction another Adventure Path every several months.

Quite a reasonable goal. As is tying the AP chronicles together in various ways. But...

I recommend sanctioning AP #27 What Lies in Dust because the party is

exploring a Pathfinder Lodge - this seems an ideal adventure to run, outside the whole campaign mode process.


John Compton wrote:
I'm back in town from a convention and will alert the proper tech-savvy authorities to see about adding it to the reportable events.

Just noticed that this is a reportable item - I think it's an error:

"Pathfinder Society Scenario - Season 4 PDF Bundle"

Take care!

Sovereign Court 3/5

John Compton wrote:
I'm back in town from a convention and will alert the proper tech-savvy authorities to see about adding it to the reportable events.

So.... what are the tech-savvy authorities saying on the subject? ;)

The Exchange 5/5

still nothing up right? it's no just me....


It's the weekend they're off.

Grand Lodge 5/5

Purple Dragon Knight wrote:
John Compton wrote:
I'm back in town from a convention and will alert the proper tech-savvy authorities to see about adding it to the reportable events.
So.... what are the tech-savvy authorities saying on the subject? ;)

They must be saying... What? When did that happen? I didnt get the memo. That is a code change. Will require a month of testing. :)

Dark Archive 4/5

Likely they are still recovering from that database outage last weekend and its at the back of the queue.

Sovereign Court 3/5

Theme to Friends: "I'llllll be there for you......."

i.e. waiting as long as it takes baby! :)

Scarab Sages 4/5

John Compton wrote:
Joshua Goudreau wrote:
I'm glad to see more APs being sanctioned for play. How long does it take for the older APs to get this treatment? I ask because I bought Serpent's Skull during the Golem Sale and would love to be able to add some PFS credit for my players, who are all also PFS players.
How quickly Adventure Paths receive the sanctioning treatment depends in large part on how much I have on my plate; developing scenarios and co-managing the campaign's rules take priority. My aim is to sanction another Adventure Path every several months.


The real question is, will Mummy's Mask be sanctioned as it comes out a la Reign of Winter sanctioning last year? I surely hope so because I want to start playing it right away and having to wait too long for the PFS sanctioning would be kinda bummer.

Grand Lodge 5/5

Its been a week and it is still not out there to report on... Any update on when it will be available to report?

The Exchange 5/5

If we have run this after the chronicles were released, but before we can post it (like today say...) can we still give out chronicles and go back and put the event code on them when we can register them?

Or are the PCs stuck in limbo till we can register it?

(yeah, I know, my bad, shouldn't have run it - but I thought it was available, seeing as we had the chronicles and all. )

Thanks for all your hard work!

Paizo Employee 4/5 Developer

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Web team's aware of the project, and I'm sure they're addressing it along with other tasks I don't know about.

In the meantime, please do enjoy Carrion Crown and pass out some Chronicle sheets. Don't let a small delay here delay playing a great Adventure Path.

Liberty's Edge 4/5 5/5

1 person marked this as a favorite.
nosig wrote:
If we have run this after the chronicles were released, but before we can post it (like today say...) can we still give out chronicles and go back and put the event code on them when we can register them?

Bear in mind that you can register an event (so you have a code to put on the chronicles when you hand them out), even if you can't do the reporting yet.

Shadow Lodge 4/5

And the event number isn't strictly necessary anyway, as GMs aren't required to create/report events. For the sake of completeness, though, Paz is 100% correct.

Scarab Sages 4/5

Yep, we got our first Carrion Crown chronicle last night. Excited to keep going with it, it's definitely a fun AP although our group has been struggling to stay alive since day 1; it's a tough one!

Mike Tuholski wrote:
The real question is, will Mummy's Mask be sanctioned as it comes out a la Reign of Winter sanctioning last year? I surely hope so because I want to start playing it right away and having to wait too long for the PFS sanctioning would be kinda bummer.

Any word on this? I realize you guys have a lot on your plate with new scenarios, Wardens sanctioning, and Serpent's Skull sanctioning but I really think sanctioning the new APs as they come out should take priority to encourage people to play it as soon as it is released.

The Exchange 5/5

THanks! And yes, it's great!

Silver Crusade 5/5

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Any word on Wardens sanctioning? I'm going to be running some friends through it and would like to find out how PFS sanctioning is going to work, whether it will have a home game mode like the other mega-modules. Hopefully we'll get some news soon.

Paizo Employee 4/5 Developer

1 person marked this as a favorite.

I just received word that Carrion Crown is now in the reporting system.

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