Player Companion: Faiths & Philosophies is on its way to store shelves and subscribers' hands, and I couldn't be more excited about this book! When threads pop up on our messageboards with questions like "Is it even possible for a cleric to not be some deity-worshiping fanatic?" and "How much do the deities ‘talk' to their followers?", it warms my heart to see that fans are truly ready for a book like Faiths & Philosophies, which is much unlike any other book we've ever done!
In addition to answering these sorts of questions and more, this Player Companion hosts a bunch of super-cool new ways to practice worship and religion while also allowing characters to try out entirely new ways of finding spiritual enlightenment. In no particular order (just kidding, it's alphabetical), here's a list of the features in this book I'm most excited about:
- Codes of Honor: Ever wonder how you could get in good with the Knights of Ozem? How about the Red Mantis Assassins? Wonder no more! The new codes of honor in this book tie in perfectly with the rules for honor in Pathfinder RPG Ultimate Campaign, and provide guidelines for gaining prestige within many of Golarion's most fabled organizations.
- Meditation Feats: Now your monk has a reason to sit and ponder while the wizard prepares her spells and the cleric prays to his deity! By meditating every day, any character with a couple of these feats can unlock powerful new abilities that allow you to channel your insight into perilous situations, shield your body from deadly blows, and even slow down time as you perceive it!
- Pantheons: This book delves into the unique sets of deities worshiped by groups such as the Hellknights' Order of the Godclaw and Taldor's zealous nationalists and even details some of Vudra's thousands of deities! The pantheons discussed in this book provide a slew of ideas for characters that worship more than one deity, and the new Pantheistic Blessing feat grants believers some impressive divine powers should they uphold the tenets of their diversified faith.
I'd hate to spoil too much more, so I'll just leave you all with a single piece of the awesome art that appears in this book. Polish your holy symbols and get ready to cast some bones, because Faiths & Philosophies ships soon!
Patrick Renie