Test Your Faith!

Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Illustration by Diana Martinez

Player Companion: Faiths & Philosophies is on its way to store shelves and subscribers' hands, and I couldn't be more excited about this book! When threads pop up on our messageboards with questions like "Is it even possible for a cleric to not be some deity-worshiping fanatic?" and "How much do the deities ‘talk' to their followers?", it warms my heart to see that fans are truly ready for a book like Faiths & Philosophies, which is much unlike any other book we've ever done!

In addition to answering these sorts of questions and more, this Player Companion hosts a bunch of super-cool new ways to practice worship and religion while also allowing characters to try out entirely new ways of finding spiritual enlightenment. In no particular order (just kidding, it's alphabetical), here's a list of the features in this book I'm most excited about:

  • Codes of Honor: Ever wonder how you could get in good with the Knights of Ozem? How about the Red Mantis Assassins? Wonder no more! The new codes of honor in this book tie in perfectly with the rules for honor in Pathfinder RPG Ultimate Campaign, and provide guidelines for gaining prestige within many of Golarion's most fabled organizations.
  • Meditation Feats: Now your monk has a reason to sit and ponder while the wizard prepares her spells and the cleric prays to his deity! By meditating every day, any character with a couple of these feats can unlock powerful new abilities that allow you to channel your insight into perilous situations, shield your body from deadly blows, and even slow down time as you perceive it!
  • Pantheons: This book delves into the unique sets of deities worshiped by groups such as the Hellknights' Order of the Godclaw and Taldor's zealous nationalists and even details some of Vudra's thousands of deities! The pantheons discussed in this book provide a slew of ideas for characters that worship more than one deity, and the new Pantheistic Blessing feat grants believers some impressive divine powers should they uphold the tenets of their diversified faith.

I'd hate to spoil too much more, so I'll just leave you all with a single piece of the awesome art that appears in this book. Polish your holy symbols and get ready to cast some bones, because Faiths & Philosophies ships soon!

Patrick Renie

More Paizo Blog.
Tags: Diana Martinez Pathfinder Player Companion Pathfinder Roleplaying Game

Are meditation feats just for monks, or anyone with a ki pool?

Seems like an interesting way to represent the spiritual side of monks.

These "meditation feats" sound terribly interesting....

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Pantheon Worship! Perfect for oracles!

Liberty's Edge

Wow! I'm so in!


Mechalibur wrote:

Are meditation feats just for monks, or anyone with a ki pool?

Seems like an interesting way to represent the spiritual side of monks.

Actually any character can take meditation feats—it's just slightly easier for monks to do so.

Grand Lodge

Vudran deities! Meditation feats!
Are we finally going to Casmaron?

Perhaps after the Osiron AP?


This looks pretty awesome!

You had me at Meditation Feats.

You had me at meditation feats.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Meditation feats. Could this be a small step towards Psychic Magic?

Shadow Lodge

Ooh, philosophy. Even the athiests get some support!

I've also been hoping for more panthiests in fantasy settings. Why stick to one religion when you can just offer a prayer to the right faith for the right situation?
I'm looking forward to this!

Silver Crusade

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Vudra Vudra Vudra!!!!!

Dark Archive

Meditation feats as a way that a non-cleric / divine caster can get some faith-related flavor? Awesome!

Pantheists? Super-awesome!

Scarab Sages

Pathfinder Maps Subscriber

Meditation feats. I am looking forward to this.

Silver Crusade

Man, this blog post. Knights of Ozen and Red Mantis codes? Yes plz. Monk meditation options? YES. Information on pantheons by culture? Need.


That art.

That art's filename.

Shoanti Totems?! :D

I'm really looking forward to this sourcebook! A character's approach to religion (even if it's to deny it) can be an important part of who he/she really is - particularly in a world where deities are real and active.

And Vudra! :)

... and that wolf totem spirit looks like it has connections to Desna (although I think that I would have preferred the "points of light" version of stars instead of five-pointed ones) ...

Sovereign Court Contributor


Silver Crusade

Yeah, I'm really curious how Vudra will be handled, since there's so much to say. Can't help but think that their pantheon is going to be noted as "the abridged version". ;)

Bellona wrote:
... and that wolf totem spirit looks like it has connections to Desna (although I think that I would have preferred the "points of light" version of stars instead of five-pointed ones) ...

Shelyn and Zon-Kuthon connections may be possible too. :D

Jeff Erwin wrote:



I was really hoping that wolf was a deity we haven't heard about yet (not Thron). He looks awesome. I'd have a character worship him in a heartbeat!

Paizo Employee Developer

There are things beyond deities that you can worship...

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Mark Moreland wrote:
There are things beyond deities that you can worship...

And with strange aeons, even death may die.


1 person marked this as a favorite.

This book sounds like it is going to be a must-have!

Bellona wrote:
... and that wolf totem spirit looks like it has connections to Desna (although I think that I would have preferred the "points of light" version of stars instead of five-pointed ones) ...
Mikaze wrote:
Shelyn and Zon-Kuthon connections may be possible too. :D

That thought did strike me too, but Thron's changed a lot since then (check out The Prince in Chains in AP 11). I don't think that he can grant any spells, etc., seeing as he's (been reduced to) a unique CR 15 creature. Maybe the wolf totem spirit is a former servitor spirit or lesser son of Thron, who went over to Desna after Dou-Bral/Zon-Kuthon came back?

Meditation feats - AWESOME!

Askanipsion wrote:

Meditation feats - AWESOME!


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