Pathfinder Battles Preview: The Dog Days of Winter

Friday, December 21, 2012

Kyra and Seoni face off against this week's featured foes!

We're less than a month from the formal release of the Shattered Star set of Pathfinder Battles prepainted miniatures! Here in the Paizo offices, things are very, very quiet, as it seems just about everyone but me remembered to take the day off to have a continuous holiday between Christmas and New Year's Day. Well, my mistake is your reward, as all this silence in the office during the "Winter Break" has given me more than enough time to whip up a brand new Pathfinder Battles Preview Blog!

And since it's been a while since I've been able to hit my regularly scheduled deadlines for these mini reveals (and since we're running out of time before you'll have the figures in your hands yourselves), I want to make today's reveal a doozy.

Four figures this week, five if you include the latest repaint reveal for Goblinworks' Pathfinder Online Kickstarter Campaign, but more on that later.

First up this week, we've got a couple of dogs. Not dogs in terms of bad miniatures, of course, but dogs in terms of canine critters for your Pathfinder RPG enjoyment. Now, I've been collecting prepainted plastic miniatures for years, and if there's one thing I feel like I've got a lot of, it's dogs and wolves and various canines of all types and sizes. I don't really need more dogs, so if we wanted to include them (for whatever reason) in Pathfinder Battles, I knew they needed to be really, really special. I think these two figures ably fit the bill.

First up we have the Shadow Hound, a nasty evil outsider who appears in Bestiary 3 under a slightly more specific name. I'm not sure if the photo does full justice to this guy. He's got a base coat of black with some gray highlights that really pull out a lot of details for such a dark miniature. Gray fingernails and bright red eyes sell the ferociousness of this clever canine, and at the common rarity you'll easily be able to assemble a pack of them to threaten your player characters.

Speaking of hounds, what RPG campaign would be complete without a pack of fire-breathing flame dogs from the pits of Hell? Our Hell Hound (also at the common rarity) is a truly remarkable figure, sculpted in clear plastic and painted in tones of red, orange, and yellow that combine with the clear to give a true burning appearance. I absolutely love this sculpt, which is a requirement when dealing with a figure many players already have in one form or the other. At almost as large (or maybe even a bit larger) than a human, this is one unforgettable puppy.

From the unforgettable to the never-made-before in prepainted miniature form, we turn to the Ravenous Ooze, an uncommon slimy gray pseudopod eager to digest your metal bits (including most of your treasure). I love throwing oozes at my players, but the game has relatively few appropriate for lower-level charcters. At CR 4, the Ravenous Ooze is perfect to teach PCs respect at a relatively young age. Players have been asking for this miniature since we announced the launch of Pathfinder Battles, and I am thrilled to finally deliver.

I may be mistaken, but I believe this skulking murderer has likewise never been produced in prepainted plastic. We call him the Pallid Path Cultist, and he and his brethren play an important role in the opening chapters of the Shattered Star Adventure Path. The grayish clear plastic of the Pallid Path Cultist perfectly suggests his chameleon skin ability, which allows him to blend easily into his surroundings. WizKids did a terrific job capturing the dynamic pose we first presented in Bestiary 2, and again miniatures collectors who have been looking for a guy like this for years have much reason to rejoice.

Lastly, I'd like to remind everyone that we've got a fun Pathfinder Battles miniatures component for the Pathfinder Online Kickstarter Campaign from our friends over at GoblinWorks, who are raising money for their upcoming Pathfinder-inspired MMO. Crowdforger backers will receive several special repaint figures as thanks for their support, including the Bloodbriar Goblin Raider, Lava Lurker, Shadowfire Elemental, and Mudlord! And since the campaign just passed $500,000, we've revealed the next figure to be unlocked, the Moon Spider!

Please drop by the Pathfinder Online Kickstarter Campaign project page and consider joining up! If the campaign hits its ambitious $1 Million goal, you'll receive NINE figures (and a whole bunch of other awesome stuff), and if they manage to exceed that goal, there are even cooler Pathfinder Battles rewards in store!

And that's it for this week. I wish you all a fantastic new year filled with gaming and miniature delights. Next week we'll show off even more amazing figures from the Shattered Star set, and a few weeks after that, you'll have them in your own hands!

(And then we'll start previewing images from the NEXT set, which looks INCREDIBLE!)

Erik Mona

More Paizo Blog.
Tags: Miniatures Pathfinder Adventure Path Pathfinder Battles Shattered Star
Shadow Lodge

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Adventure Path Charter Subscriber; Pathfinder LO Special Edition, PF Special Edition Subscriber

Ha, ha first in. Thank you Erik for the Blog. I know you are awefully busy, but these blogs are a highlight for me. Those are some awesome miniatures. Love both hounds and really can't wait to see the hellhound in hand - looks like my older ones can go. Please tell me we could get a nessian houns in the future - a large version of that mini would be mind blowingly cool.
So glad to see a mini for the palid cultist, he may even double as a doppleganger. That ooze is quite stylish - simple but effective - but why not translucent?
THis set continues to grow better with every reveal. And only 17 reveals to go, 13 withour the elementals....oooh I'm excited

Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories, Starfinder Society Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

Lisa didn't think you would have the time to write one up today.

Finally, I can run UK2/UK3 Sentinel/Gauntlet with an appropriate mini!

Edit: Hmmmm . . . and the Mites would work well as the Xvarts. This is really coming together. I need to go back and check the encounters in those modules again.

RPG Superstar 2010 Top 32

Hooray, Blog!

You're a legend Erik, thanks. I hope work is still fun and you're not there solely to appease we ravenous hordes.

Paizo Employee Publisher, Chief Creative Officer

WampaX wrote:

Lisa didn't think you would have the time to write one up today.

It's a Christmas miracle!

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens Subscriber

Man, the pictures don't do those minis justice if you compare them to the shots you have in the top right.

I'm loving this set. Can't wait :)

Sovereign Court

I like that Skulk figure alot! And that Hell Hound is gonna replace my Harbinger versions. Excellent looking figures!

i kind ofwish the ooze was made of clear plastic but they all look good

Sorry, but I also wish the ooze was colored different. It looks like something you really don't want it associated with.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories, Starfinder Society Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber
Gururamalamaswami wrote:
Sorry, but I also wish the ooze was colored different. It looks like something you really don't want it associated with.

Is that... is that hair gel?

The Exchange

Erik wrote:
Now, I've been collecting prepainted plastic miniatures for years, and if there's one thing I feel like I've got a lot of, it's dogs and wolves and various canines of all types and sizes. I don't really need more dogs

Please remember that this isn't true for all of us when deciding what minis to put in. Personally, I want to stick with the high-quality range that you are putting out, rather than looking to old, second-hand minis to fill in gaps where commonly useful creatures should be.

That said, I love the Hell Hound and the ooze.

Grand Lodge

The Hell Hound is incredible. Another great review. Thanks!

I have wanted a Skulk miniature since the 1st installment of Shackled City.
I am estatic!

And I love the Grey Ooze. And no it should not be clear plastic. Grey Ooze is supposed to look like stone.

I am always a huge fan of the classic D&D monsters being made into minis for the 1st time.

Thank you.

Liberty's Edge

WampaX wrote:

Finally, I can run UK2/UK3 Sentinel/Gauntlet with an appropriate mini!


Wow, now I'll have to dig out my copies of Sentinel/Gauntlet...I think those were two of my favorites.

Shadow Lodge

Adventure Path Charter Subscriber; Pathfinder LO Special Edition, PF Special Edition Subscriber
Jason Grubiak wrote:
And I love the Grey Ooze. And no it should not be clear plastic. Grey Ooze is supposed to look like stone.

I also think it is a great ooze but the bestiary does actualy state in the first few lines of its entry that one of the main problem with a gray ooze is its transparency. Of course Erik doesn't actually say its a gray ooze - its just matches that picture.

Gururamalamaswami wrote:
Sorry, but I also wish the ooze was colored different. It looks like something you really don't want it associated with.

Really? Thats sad :(

I was of course referring to hair gel...

Shadow Hound = Shadow Mastiff, if anyone else didn't find this obvious.

Shadow Lodge

Adventure Path Charter Subscriber; Pathfinder LO Special Edition, PF Special Edition Subscriber
Gururamalamaswami wrote:
I was of course referring to hair gel...

Indeed, and I was expressing how sad it is in this day and age that a persons hair gel should look so lumpy. With our modern technology surely hairgel can be transparent and smooth?

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