Illustration by Mattias Fahlberg

Hey, Who Turned Out the Lights?

Thursday, February 18, 2016

It had been a few years since we returned the classic "Revisited" line of Pathfinder Campaign Setting sourcebooks, so we were really excited to delve into the depths beneath the Inner Sea in Darklands Revisited. All we had to do was narrow down what ten monsters we were going to feature in the book—a scary proposition indeed!

In the end, we left out some favorites, in part because they're all our favorites, but also because we love them so much that they might get books of their own someday. What we landed on was a nice mix of classic subterranean foes like drow and duergar; pillars of the science fiction and fantasy genres like morlocks and gugs; icons from the game's history like intellect devourers, neothelids, and vegepygmies; and two monsters introduced to the game in Pathfinder—daemon-worshiping urdefhans and their good-aligned nemeses, the psychic munavri.

It's rare that a single author tackles an entire 64-page Pathfinder Campaign Setting book, but we were lucky to get the veteran Canadian, Thurston Hillman, to put down his poutine and curling broom long enough to breathe life and adventurous inspiration into all ten creatures detailed in Darklands Revisited. The result is one of the most exciting Pathfinder Campaign Setting books I've had the pleasure of working on. I think Game Masters and players alike are going to love this book.

Illustrations by Jon Neimeister, Daniel Lopez, and Dave Allsop

Check out some of the awesome art that brings the Darklands and their deep-dwelling denizens to life! Pathfinder Campaign Setting: Darklands Revisited invades the surface world next Wednesday.

Mark Moreland

More Paizo Blog.
Tags: Daniel Lopez Darklands Dave Allsop Harsk Jon Neimeister Mattias Fahlberg Pathfinder Campaign Setting
Silver Crusade

Gugs 4eva!

Shadow Lodge

I better not see a darkness swarm in there...

Paizo Employee Developer

8 people marked this as a favorite.
TOZ wrote:
I better not see a darkness swarm in there...

That's the thing about darkness...

Grand Lodge

Pathfinder Adventure, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

Darkvision, man. :P


2 people marked this as a favorite.

Seelah just looks like she's had enough of Thursty's BS. XD

Nice work, Thursty!

3 people marked this as a favorite.
Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories, Starfinder Society Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

As a Canadian, I kind of resent that last paragraph... a true Canadian, Thursty could have done this WITHOUT putting down the curling broom!


Contributor, RPG Superstar 2010 Top 4

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Awesome work, buddy!

Shadow Lodge RPG Superstar 2015

It's like there was a plan or something :-) I can't wait to see this, will you sign my copy!?

Only nine monsters were listed in this blog entry: drow, duergar, morlocks, gugs, intellect devourers, neothelids, vegepygmies, urdefhans, and munavris. Going by the title of the rightmost of the three art excerpts, my guess is that the tenth race will be the troglodytes.

<Suddenly remembers that one can check the product page.>

Yep, troglodytes it is.

Hmmm I love Revisited books, but these creatures don't do it for me, none of them spare for Intellect Devourer and Neothelid are anywhere near my favorites.

Hope to find a cool picture of the Neothelid and Duergar in there though, as they are still really lacking in Pathinder.

But I hope the revisited books will continue again, but maybe rename them and also use newer pathfinder monsters in there such as Adlet, Alraune, Aatheriexa and whatever, not only the D&D and Lovecraft classics.

Looks great, Thursty and Mark! Can't wait to see what the gugs look like in Golarion - they're terrifying, but I bet what they do outside of combat will be more terrifying...

Wow, those Morlocks have amazing powers! They turned Seelah into a dwarf!

Paizo Employee Contributor—Canadian Maplecakes

1 person marked this as a favorite.
GM Lamplighter wrote:
Looks great, Thursty and Mark! Can't wait to see what the gugs look like in Golarion - they're terrifying, but I bet what they do outside of combat will be more terrifying...

Gug reproduction is best reproduction.

Grand Lodge

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Pathfinder Adventure Path, Rulebook Subscriber
Feros wrote:

As a Canadian, I kind of resent that last paragraph... a true Canadian, Thursty could have done this WITHOUT putting down the curling broom!


100% agree, all you had to do was shout at him "HURRRY, HURRRY HARD" and broom and all he would have got this out. Putting down the poutine is only because most clubs frown at gravy being spilled on the ice.

Paizo Employee Contributor—Canadian Maplecakes

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Galnörag wrote:
100% agree, all you had to do was shout at him "HURRRY, HURRRY HARD"...

I would never say that this is close to the exchanges Wes and I had at the start of me writing this book.

Shadow Lodge

Seelah's lost her hat again...

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