Starfall Reboot IC

Game Master Radavel

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Dark Archive

This is our OOC discussion thread.

Kindly make Astartes as per the Corebook then advance him with an additional 5,000 XP.

Renown starts at 20

Ammo Sniper= 3full+4, Bolter= 3Full+28+ 25 Hellfire, Stalker pistol=2Full +13, 2Full Stalker, 1Full +10 Metal Storm. Space Wolf Wolf Scout 1, Wounds=15/20, Fate=2/3

Reporting in, excited.
Will advance him up after the wedding. Or did you want me to roll up something new?

Dark Archive

Rolling up a new one is your option. I know you have grown attached to Einar :-)

oh and congratulations to the married couple :-)

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Ammo Sniper= 3full+4, Bolter= 3Full+28+ 25 Hellfire, Stalker pistol=2Full +13, 2Full Stalker, 1Full +10 Metal Storm. Space Wolf Wolf Scout 1, Wounds=15/20, Fate=2/3

No problems, I will have a think, something more chatty this time I feel. I would quite like to play a librarian I think, but I will see what comes up from everyone else and fill the appropriate gap as needed, if they get in before next week. I feel Einar had better have died amongst a mountain of chitin and bone, or maybe he is still out there lost behind enemy lines!

Ammo Sniper= 3full+4, Bolter= 3Full+28+ 25 Hellfire, Stalker pistol=2Full +13, 2Full Stalker, 1Full +10 Metal Storm. Space Wolf Wolf Scout 1, Wounds=15/20, Fate=2/3

Oh and thank you. It is about time I made an honest woman of her after 12 and a half years!

Ultramarines Tactical Marine Rank 2 | Wounds: 21/21 | Fate: 3/3 | Kill-Team Cohesion: 13/13 | Current Mag: 28/28 | Oath: Astartes | Squad Advance, Bolter Assault, Tactical Spacing | Active Conditions: None.

Brother Gaius reporting. A xeno life form has kidnapped me. It makes itself be called 'girlfriend'. I think I'll be able to set myself free by tomorrow. Will engage you at the encrypted coordinates. Long and great be the glory of the Emperor.

Combi-Bolter: 150m S/4 1d10+10 Pen 8 Tearing (Clip 28/28) Blood Angel, Assault Marine Rank 2 Wounds: 22/22 Fate: 3/3

Blood Angel
Assault Marine


Ws: 55+
Bs: 49
S: 50+ x2 (70)
T: 42+ x2
Ag: 48+
Int: 35
Per: 43+ (58 Awareness)
Wp: 45
Fel: 41

Wounds: 22
Fate Points: 3
Rank: 2
Renown: 20
Experienece: 17,000


Skills: Acrobatics +10, Awareness, Ciphers (Chapter Runes), Climb, Dodge, Common Lore (Adeptus Astartes, Deathwatch, Imperium, War), Concealment, Drive (Ground), Forbidden Lore (Xenos), Intimidate, Literacy, Navigation (Surface), Pilot (Personal), Scholastic Lore (Codex Astartes), Scrutiny, Silent Move, Speak Language (Low Gothic, High Gothic), Tactics (Assault Doctrines), Tracking


Talents: Ambidextrous, Astartes Weapon Training, Bulging Biceps, Crushing Blow, Deathwatch Training, Double Team, Flesh Render, Heightened Senses (Hearing, Sight), Hunter of Aliens, Killing Strike, Nerves of Steel, Quick Draw, Resistance (Psychic Powers), Swift Attack, True Grit, Two-Weapon Wielder (Melee), Unarmed Master, Unarmed Warrior


Armor: Heresy 8/9 +10 Fel Astartes, -10 Fel Inquisition
A Fury like Lightning: +5 Ag +1 Init
Battered by War: +10 Intimidate, -5 Charm

Blood Drop Pendant: +3 to fate point bonus
Heresy Power Armor: 9 Body, 8 Legs, 8 Head, 8 Arms, +5 awareness,
Bolt Pistol: 30m S/2 1d10+9 pen4 clip 14 full tearing
Frag Grenades (3): 3mxSB 2d10+2 pen 2 blast 4
Krak Grenades (3): 3mxSB 3d10+4 pen 6
Astartes Combat Knife: 1d10+14 pen 2 (Hunter of Aliens)
Repair Cement:
Astartes Chainsword: 1d10+15 pen 3 Tearing, Balanced, (Flesh Render, Hunter of Aliens)
Astartes Jump pack: double move ignoring obstacles, or flyer 12 for 1 min


Solo Mode Abilities:
Feat of Strength: +1 unnatural strength multiplier once per day, duration rank/2
Blood Frenzy: May reroll dice for melee damage, righteous fury 9-10, duration Rank
Burst of Speed: +2 agility modifier, once per session, duration rank

Squad Mode Abilities:
Wrathful Decent: Charges deal additional 1d10 to horde magnitude (FREE)


Advances Purchased:
Rank 1
Flesh Render (500), Acrobatics +10 (800), Assassin Strike (500), Double Team (200), Hunter of Aliens (1000), Ws +5 (200). S +5 (200), Ag +5 (200), Per +5 (200), Ciphers (Xenos Markings)
Rank 2
Crushing Blow (600), Scrutiny (400)


A New Beginning: The Blood Angels have had rocky alliances with their Successor Chapters. However you were there to witness a historic event when the Flesh Tearers (A Blood Angel Successor) sealed a pact of brotherhood ending centuries of strife and discord.
Scornful: Pity has no place in this Marines heart.

What was your homeworld like?
Baal is a world of sand and salt. In it's quiet desolation i find there is peace. I have spent many evenings drilling in the shifting sands, like a crimson cloud surrounding me, reminding me of what the Blood Angels' are. Beautiful when calm, utterly incombatable when moved to action.

What is your personality like?
I am certain in my actions. I am conscious of my flaws. I am zealous in my persecution. I am beauty in my form.

Why were you selected for the Deathwatch?
In my service throughout my time as a Scout in our Tenth Company i was singled out for my intuitive grasp of personal combat and my ease of acclimating to the culture of the Blood Angels.. In service to the Seventh Company i grew to understand the nature of being a Blood Angel. Many of my brother's fell to the Black Rage in that time and i learned the value of eternal vigilance. In the Eighth Company i was nearly as proficient with Multi-Melta as i was with Bolter, my boldness contributing to victory against heavier forces numerous times. In the Fifth squad i saw the price humanity pays for heresy in reverence to the dark gods. My foe was once my brother, my ally, my charge. They are no longer such. In the First Company i have brought all of these aspects together, and i volunteer them freely in service to the Jericho Reach, especially as it pertains to the Acheros Salient, and i eagerly seek Watch Duty in the Orpheus and Canis Salients where i may grow to understand these new enemies in visceral detail.

What does the Deathwatch mean to you?
The Deathwatch is an institution whose oversight through the Ordo Xenos is less than desirable. I believe that the Primarchs would smile upon the Deathwatch, for it fosters a sharing of knowledge and traditions reconnecting the bonds of brotherhood that they may be closer than previously seen. It is a shame that it took the Ordo Xenos to call us together, but the honor of participation is unquestionable. Few honors i hold higher than Deathwatch Secondment, for it speaks of one who has stood by those separated by space and blood, without distance or difference. I am here to serve for the betterment of humanity, but i question the efficiency of such high Inquisitorial Involvement.

What do you desire?
I desire to bring glory my Host and Sanguinius. I desire the lifting of persecution and heresy from humanity across the Jericho Reach with all haste. I desire for myself the constant improvement of my ability to provide the previous two.

What do you Hate?
I abhor weakness.
Weakness is not imperfection.
Weakness is not inaction.
Weakness is not powerlessness.
Weakness is failure when any other option was available.

Dark Archive

^^guys welcome our new member Duskisdarker to our merry band of Astartes.

Just a heads up your mission will require you to rendezvouz with a derelict imperial ship and recover something inside. Expect xenos hostile.

Ammo Sniper= 3full+4, Bolter= 3Full+28+ 25 Hellfire, Stalker pistol=2Full +13, 2Full Stalker, 1Full +10 Metal Storm. Space Wolf Wolf Scout 1, Wounds=15/20, Fate=2/3

Sorry, quick question. Is it ok to use First Foundiquicor the successor chapters in Rites of Battle? I'm possibly thinking White Scar, or even a Mortifactor (could be fun having ultramarine squad patterns, but being looked down on by Gaius) but if you would rather keep it core, that is fine too.

Combi-Bolter: 150m S/4 1d10+10 Pen 8 Tearing (Clip 28/28) Blood Angel, Assault Marine Rank 2 Wounds: 22/22 Fate: 3/3

Ah, i had not realized that i was joining into a well acquainted group. Hello all, i am Duksisdarker, Ducki if you prefer. I don't have a lot of PBP experience, but i do have a lot of gaming experience in general.

What books are allowed for reference? I think the only thing i have non-core is my armor. Also, Are parry and dodge absolute or opposed? To elaborate, If i attack and they can dodge, does my 5 degrees of success matter if they get 1 degree of success?

Ammo Sniper= 3full+4, Bolter= 3Full+28+ 25 Hellfire, Stalker pistol=2Full +13, 2Full Stalker, 1Full +10 Metal Storm. Space Wolf Wolf Scout 1, Wounds=15/20, Fate=2/3

Hi Ducki,welcome I'm from the first attempt, but I'm not sure how many others are making it across (obviously Gaius and Radavel) as there were some posting issues and we didn't make it very far. I understood it that parry and dodge weren't opposed, but happy to play as Radavel sees fit.

Ultramarines Tactical Marine Rank 2 | Wounds: 21/21 | Fate: 3/3 | Kill-Team Cohesion: 13/13 | Current Mag: 28/28 | Oath: Astartes | Squad Advance, Bolter Assault, Tactical Spacing | Active Conditions: None.

May the Emperor's Grace bless you all, Brother Marines. You are all welcome to the Kill-Team.

To answer your question, by RAW Parry and Dodge aren't opposed unless you have a talent that takes DoS into account (none that I can think of, though). Of course, the GM reserves the rights to introduce any house rules on that.

My personal question is: I understand we should have 18,000 XP? Or is it 17,000? Also, for the ones who had a PC already, do we have to roll again or use the point spread? Or do we keep the PCs as they are?

Ammo Sniper= 3full+4, Bolter= 3Full+28+ 25 Hellfire, Stalker pistol=2Full +13, 2Full Stalker, 1Full +10 Metal Storm. Space Wolf Wolf Scout 1, Wounds=15/20, Fate=2/3

If I am rolling up a different character, I will probably need a new spread as it will affect my character so here goes!

WS: 2d10 + 30 ⇒ (6, 5) + 30 = 41
BS: 2d10 + 30 ⇒ (3, 6) + 30 = 39
Str: 2d10 + 30 ⇒ (2, 9) + 30 = 41
T: 2d10 + 30 ⇒ (3, 4) + 30 = 37
AG: 2d10 + 30 ⇒ (8, 8) + 30 = 46
Int: 2d10 + 30 ⇒ (10, 2) + 30 = 42
Per: 2d10 + 30 ⇒ (6, 10) + 30 = 46
WP: 2d10 + 30 ⇒ (10, 1) + 30 = 41
Fel: 2d10 + 30 ⇒ (1, 6) + 30 = 37

Reroll BS: 2d10 + 30 ⇒ (9, 5) + 30 = 44

Hmm fairly average, above average AG, BS and Per. It's asking for another scout!! No seriously I will have a think. Something shooty no doubt.

Dark Archive

All books are allowed. Just don't make a new chapter without running it past me.

Starting total XP: 18K

Gaius, you can go with your present stats and advance them or you can roll.

Ultramarines Tactical Marine Rank 2 | Wounds: 21/21 | Fate: 3/3 | Kill-Team Cohesion: 13/13 | Current Mag: 28/28 | Oath: Astartes | Squad Advance, Bolter Assault, Tactical Spacing | Active Conditions: None.

Honestly, I'm so afraid to roll :P The Emperor sent me these stats, who am I to question them? ;)

Ammo Sniper= 3full+4, Bolter= 3Full+28+ 25 Hellfire, Stalker pistol=2Full +13, 2Full Stalker, 1Full +10 Metal Storm. Space Wolf Wolf Scout 1, Wounds=15/20, Fate=2/3

Marines know no fear surely! But more seriously why give yourself the extra effort and it could drastically change your character , so I wouldn't. Plus it is better for the story basis.

Ultramarines Tactical Marine Rank 2 | Wounds: 21/21 | Fate: 3/3 | Kill-Team Cohesion: 13/13 | Current Mag: 28/28 | Oath: Astartes | Squad Advance, Bolter Assault, Tactical Spacing | Active Conditions: None.

Exactly, I was built around these stats, so basically they're me... And I still want to be me!

Ammo Sniper= 3full+4, Bolter= 3Full+28+ 25 Hellfire, Stalker pistol=2Full +13, 2Full Stalker, 1Full +10 Metal Storm. Space Wolf Wolf Scout 1, Wounds=15/20, Fate=2/3

Ok, so no one steals my idea, I'm going to put together a raven guard librarian. Loving the idea of the first thing the enemy knows of his presence being a force sword through the chest!

Combi-Bolter: 150m S/4 1d10+10 Pen 8 Tearing (Clip 28/28) Blood Angel, Assault Marine Rank 2 Wounds: 22/22 Fate: 3/3

A+ concept. In my local game i had a player who joined after the start who wanted to be a Raven Guard Librarian with a focus on sniping. Sadly there wasn't a way for him to really feel unique in my opinion with a Imperial Fist Librarian, a Black Shield (Read: Grey Knight) Tech Marine, and a indestructible and silent Wolf Scout who does nothing but snipe already.

Ammo Sniper= 3full+4, Bolter= 3Full+28+ 25 Hellfire, Stalker pistol=2Full +13, 2Full Stalker, 1Full +10 Metal Storm. Space Wolf Wolf Scout 1, Wounds=15/20, Fate=2/3

Yeah, that sounds a tough group to stand out in. I think you have to pick your character on what else is being played, at some point an appropriate spot will come available for any character you have. I knew someone playing a raven guard techmarine in a previous game and they were really effective.

Dark Archive

just help each other in the character generation process.

if you have any questions please don't hesitate to ask.

Ammo Sniper= 3full+4, Bolter= 3Full+28+ 25 Hellfire, Stalker pistol=2Full +13, 2Full Stalker, 1Full +10 Metal Storm. Space Wolf Wolf Scout 1, Wounds=15/20, Fate=2/3

How many are we aiming for in the squad Radavel?

Ultramarines Tactical Marine Rank 2 | Wounds: 21/21 | Fate: 3/3 | Kill-Team Cohesion: 13/13 | Current Mag: 28/28 | Oath: Astartes | Squad Advance, Bolter Assault, Tactical Spacing | Active Conditions: None.

I think 5

Dark Archive

Yup. We can use 1-2 more players. u can recruit any friend u think may be interested.

Dark Archive

How goes the character generation process? Remember you can buy deeds with the XP.

Dark Archive

Hello Guys, I managed to recruit another player.

I expect him to post here soon.

Imperial Operator

Seth here

2d10 ⇒ (5, 10) = 15
2d10 ⇒ (4, 10) = 14
2d10 ⇒ (5, 6) = 11
2d10 ⇒ (8, 5) = 13
2d10 ⇒ (9, 1) = 10
2d10 ⇒ (7, 2) = 9
2d10 ⇒ (7, 4) = 11
2d10 ⇒ (5, 10) = 15
2d10 ⇒ (9, 10) = 19

Reroll 9: 2d10 ⇒ (8, 4) = 12

Imperial Operator

Power Armor History: 1d5 ⇒ 1 Received a Vision

Wounds: 1d5 ⇒ 2

Fate: 1d10 ⇒ 4

Ren'Shaw, Tech-Marine of the Black Templars
WS BS S T Ag Int Per WP Fel
59 43 70 50 42 50 41 46 40

Movement: 5/10/15/30
Wounds: 20
Corruption Points:0
Insanity Points: 0
Fate Points: 3

Skills:Awareness +10, Ciphers (Xenos Markings, Chapter Runes), Climb, Common Lore (Adeptus Astartes +10, Imperium +10, Deathwatch +10, War +10), Concealment -40, Dodge, Drive (Ground Vehicle), Forbidden Lore (Xenos), Interrogation +10, Intimidate, Literacy, Navigation (Surface), Pilot (Personal), Scholastic Lore (Codex Astartes), Search, Silent Move -30, Speak Language (High Gothic, Techna-Lingua), Tactics (Assault Doctrine), Tech-Use +10, Tracking

Basic Weapon Training (Primitive, Flame, Las, Launcher, Melta, Plasma, SP, Bolt), Pistol Weapon Training (Primitive, Flame, Las, Launcher, Melta, Plasma, SP, Bolt), Heavy Weapon Training (Primitive, Flame, Las, Launcher, Melta, Plasma, SP, Bolt), Thrown Weapon Training (Primitive, Flame, Chain, Shock, Power), Melee Weapon Training (Primitive, Flame, Chain, Shock, Power), Electro Graft Use, Mechadendrite Use (Servo-Arm), Ambidextrous, Bulging Biceps, Killing Strike, Unarmed Warrior, True Grit, Quick Draw, Nerves of Steel, Unarmed Master, Hulking, Machine (1), Heightened Sense (Sound, Sight), Resistance (Psychic), Fearless, Orthoproxy, Autosanguine, Technical Knock, Luminen Charge

Traits: Improve Cover, Mechanicus Implants, Toe to Toe, Space Marine Implants, Unnatural Strength x 2, Unnatural Toughness x 2

Armour: Astartes Power Armour (Arms 9, Body 11, Head 9, Legs 9)

Astartes Servo-Arm (2d10+14 R; Pen 10; Str 75, Unnatural x 2),
Astartes Servo-Arm (2d10+14 R; Pen 10; Str 75, Unnatural x 2),
Astartes Bolter (100m S/3/- 1d10+11 X Pen 4; Clip 28; Reload Full; Tearing)
Astartes Bolt Pistol (30m; S/2/-; 1d10+9 X; Pen 4; Clip 14; Reload Full; Tearing, Only for additional Bolt Pistols. Starting one is free., Fire Selector)

Gear: Devotion Chain, Astartes Power Armour, Boltgun, Astartes Bolt Pistol, Frag Grenade (3), Astartes Krak Grenade (3), Fire Selector, Astartes Combat Knife, Astartes Servo-Arm, Servo-Harness

Ultramarines Tactical Marine Rank 2 | Wounds: 21/21 | Fate: 3/3 | Kill-Team Cohesion: 13/13 | Current Mag: 28/28 | Oath: Astartes | Squad Advance, Bolter Assault, Tactical Spacing | Active Conditions: None.

And here I thought the rolls were to be assigned in order...

Imperial Operator

If im wrong, my bad'. Just the game Radavel is GM'ing for us he stated we can assign, not like this here?

Male Speciality:Deathwatch Assault Marine| Chapter:Blood Angels | Rank 1 | XP Spent: 16950 | Xp Left:50

Done my character! Sorry about posting late

Combi-Bolter: 150m S/4 1d10+10 Pen 8 Tearing (Clip 28/28) Blood Angel, Assault Marine Rank 2 Wounds: 22/22 Fate: 3/3

@Brother Ren-Shaw: Rules unclear. I have always rolled down the line is W40KRP because it is a bit grittier, and makes that re-roll much more important, it seems that most of us presumed the same. Radavel has said neither one way or another about it to me.

@leonidist: Blood Bros! Blood Bros! Blood Bros!

Imperial Operator

Okay. Np. Will edit it tomorrow. Late here. Unless Radavel says otherwise =^^=

Dark Archive

how goes your character generation? everyone ready to submit?

i notice the dice/stats situation and i am satisfied not to make any contrary ruling.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Imperial Operator

ok, will redo stats in a bit then post build again

WS BS S T Ag Int Per WP Fel
55 44 61 53 40 42 41 50 49

Movement: 5/10/15/30
Wounds: 20
Corruption Points:0
Insanity Points: 0
Fate Points: 3

Skills:Awareness +10, Ciphers (Xenos Markings, Chapter Runes), Climb, Common Lore (Adeptus Astartes +10, Imperium +10, Deathwatch +10, War +10), Concealment -40, Dodge, Drive (Ground Vehicle), Forbidden Lore (Xenos), Interrogation +10, Intimidate, Literacy, Navigation (Surface), Scholastic Lore (Codex Astartes), Search, Silent Move -30, Speak Language (High Gothic, Low Gothic, Techna-Lingua), Tactics (Assault Doctrine), Tech-Use +10, Tracking

Talents: Basic Weapon Training (Primitive, Flame, Las, Launcher, Melta, Plasma, SP, Bolt), Pistol Weapon Training (Primitive, Flame, Las, Launcher, Melta, Plasma, SP, Bolt), Heavy Weapon Training (Primitive, Flame, Las, Launcher, Melta, Plasma, SP, Bolt), Thrown Weapon Training (Primitive, Flame, Chain, Shock, Power), Melee Weapon Training (Primitive, Flame, Chain, Shock, Power), Electro Graft Use, Mechadendrite Use (Servo-Arm), Ambidextrous, Bulging Biceps, Killing Strike, Unarmed Warrior, True Grit, Quick Draw, Nerves of Steel, Unarmed Master, Hulking, Machine (1), Heightened Sense (Sound, Sight), Resistance (Psychic), Fearless, Orthoproxy, Autosanguine, Technical Knock, Luminen Charge

Traits: Improve Cover, Mechanicus Implants, Toe to Toe, Space Marine Implants, Unnatural Strength x 2, Unnatural Toughness x 2

Armour: Astartes Power Armour (Arms 9, Body 11, Head 9, Legs 9)

Astartes Servo-Arm (2d10+14 R; Pen 10; Str 75, Unnatural x 2),
Astartes Servo-Arm (2d10+14 R; Pen 10; Str 75, Unnatural x 2),
Astartes Bolt Pistol (30m; S/2/-; 1d10+9 X; Pen 4; Clip 14; Reload Full; Tearing, Fire Selector),
Astartes Combat Knife (1d10+12 R; Pen 2)

Devotion Chain, Astartes Power Armour, Boltgun, Astartes Bolt Pistol, Frag Grenade (3), Astartes Krak Grenade (3), Fire Selector, Astartes Combat Knife, Astartes Servo-Arm, Servo-Harness

Toughness: Simple, Intermediate
Weapon Skill: Simple

Dark Archive

inspirational music:

Ammo Sniper= 3full+4, Bolter= 3Full+28+ 25 Hellfire, Stalker pistol=2Full +13, 2Full Stalker, 1Full +10 Metal Storm. Space Wolf Wolf Scout 1, Wounds=15/20, Fate=2/3

wounds: 1d5 + 18 ⇒ (3) + 18 = 21

Fate: 1d10 ⇒ 10 =5 nice!

Armour mark: 1d10 ⇒ 3 Mark 6 Corvus (seems fitting!)

History table roll 1: 1d5 ⇒ 5 Choose any

History table roll 1: 1d5 ⇒ 2 Battle scars

Skill of the Artificier: 1d10 ⇒ 7 Gauntlets of Xirion: Mk 4 Gauntlets, AP7, +10WS, +5Fel with anyone loyal to the Imperium.

Battle scars : 1d10 ⇒ 6Blood of those who came before: +10 to pinning tests

Male Speciality:Deathwatch Assault Marine| Chapter:Blood Angels | Rank 1 | XP Spent: 16950 | Xp Left:50
DuksisDarker wrote:

@leonidist: Blood Bros! Blood Bros! Blood Bros!

Yay!!!!!!!!!!!! *Parties*

Ultramarines Tactical Marine Rank 2 | Wounds: 21/21 | Fate: 3/3 | Kill-Team Cohesion: 13/13 | Current Mag: 28/28 | Oath: Astartes | Squad Advance, Bolter Assault, Tactical Spacing | Active Conditions: None.

Sorry, been a bit busy preparing my holidays. Will be off for a week starting next Friday, I hope I can get some wi-fi at the hotel and post some short answers. Sorry about the inconvenience.

Dark Archive

No prob Gaius.

Who's ready????

Imperial Operator

I believe i am

Ultramarines Tactical Marine Rank 2 | Wounds: 21/21 | Fate: 3/3 | Kill-Team Cohesion: 13/13 | Current Mag: 28/28 | Oath: Astartes | Squad Advance, Bolter Assault, Tactical Spacing | Active Conditions: None.

Me (though will be a couple of days only).

Ammo Sniper= 3full+4, Bolter= 3Full+28+ 25 Hellfire, Stalker pistol=2Full +13, 2Full Stalker, 1Full +10 Metal Storm. Space Wolf Wolf Scout 1, Wounds=15/20, Fate=2/3

I should be ready tomorrow, mostly worked out, will type up tonight/ tmrw morn

Combi-Bolter: 150m S/4 1d10+10 Pen 8 Tearing (Clip 28/28) Blood Angel, Assault Marine Rank 2 Wounds: 22/22 Fate: 3/3

I'm ready for Arming and Oath-taking.

Male Speciality:Deathwatch Assault Marine| Chapter:Blood Angels | Rank 1 | XP Spent: 16950 | Xp Left:50

Ready! :)

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Ammo: Bolter = 3x 28, Bolt Pistol = 3x 14 Raven Guard Librarian 2. Wounds 21/21, FP 5/5

Einar/Wilhelm's Raven Guard here. All the spending of XP done and in my profile, just need to tinker with the profile and add psyker bits and history. Hoping to do this tonight.
Ready to start requisitioning gear, oath taking etc.

Dark Archive

for those with facebook: 324987/?type=3&theater

Combi-Bolter: 150m S/4 1d10+10 Pen 8 Tearing (Clip 28/28) Blood Angel, Assault Marine Rank 2 Wounds: 22/22 Fate: 3/3

link seems to be broken

Dark Archive

try this link instead:

check out the pics of the new deathwatch; note the one with the custodes halberd :-)

More important: each player get to requisition 100 points of equipment.

Human Tech Priest

Never done this before, so i hope i am correct in what i want :

Multi-Melta : 35Req, if there is points left, want to upgrade to exceptional : 53Req

The next 2, i am not sure, but i know we have enough renown to do it?

Servo Harness from Common to Exceptional
Servo Arm from Common to Exceptional

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