Seventh Throne

Game Master LoLCthulhu

After six centuries of rule under the bloodthirsty but orderly oni daimyos, the city of Kayusong, orphan of a fallen empire and poised on the edge of barbarian wild lands, struggles as its mortal rulers strive to maintain the thrown they inherited. The weak rule of the Matoyo clan seems on the verge of collapse amidst a growing refugee crisis from neighboring Cheth, and the missing ship of the dragon-blooded princess whose marriage into the clan was to forge valuable alliances and strengthen the city...

Starting post for a PbP campaign that has all the players filled.

(This is my first time running a PbP on Paizo's forums. I couldn't figure out a better way to start a campaign than to post here. If there is and I'm doing it all wrong, someone please let me know!)

Hey, this is the other Danny!

This is Glen!

Alright, my bad, you have to post in the gameplay thread I just created to actually join the campaign. Make sure to have your character alias set up and post under that.

I think this is how this works?

Hi, this is Susan - sorry we're late, can we still play?

Tom here - ditto above...we hope to have characters done tonight

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