Samhain, (HALLOWEEN) (Inactive)

Game Master Ren Ashbell

Halloween... what else?

Please post in here with your character if interested. 1 per person!

It'd probably help to repost those character creation rules and setting blurb here.

Also, what's the starting level?

starting level 1, and working on it sorry :P

In the town of Littlebrook a group of weary road ridden travelers make their way to the local inn. Festivities have began making way amoung the locals as they prepare for the Full Harvest. With such, the moon is full and bright overhead cascading across the frost stricken fields. Farmers had already began chopping their crops and celebrations of summer's end are underway in the coming days. Upon walking up to the in, some of the children are gathered around a slightly older young lady whom tells of a tale, entrapping the children in fear, anxiousness and laughter.

"Twas it night or was it eve,
That the hallow began,
Twas a night like no other,
Thy tale o' jack the scarecrow began.."

some of the younger children looked on in a playful fear, as the others applauded for more. Continuing the young woman began again...

"He remained on that post firmly beat into the soil,
Silently watching over the crops of the land,
Caw of the crow left poor old jacks blood to boil,
His sickles both armed one for each hand,
He had a smile both crooked and weary,
Haunted almost socket-less eyes made him eerie,
Less moving at all the wind at his back,
Yet also unleashing a fury"...

At this climax a man walks up and jump scares the children whom let out a loud high pitched scream as they try to run. Soon after they notice and give recognition that they know the man. The storytelling young girl gets up brushing off her dress and goes inside the inn as a brisk breeze of the night air swiftly nibbles at the nape of your necks.

Bout time to head home kids, curfew was a few moments ago, before the boogeymen get ya" The children put up a short lived pout and turn to head towards what you can assume are their respective homes.

Looking up the sign on the Tavern reads, [[WELCOME TO LITTLEBROOK'S OWN, SLEEPY HALLOW]]


starting level 1
HP: Max 1st level. 1/2+1 for the remainder
No scores below 10 or above 18 before racial modifiers
No leadership
No hero point system
No evil
No Chosen Child
No Rich Parents
No Signature moves
Unchained cannot take archetypes
Races strongly preferred to be standard, as this is a Halloween short campaign non standard races might have a harder time with locals. I will be choosing based on how you role play. Play nice ;)
Starting wealth is average or roll and keep whatever you roll based on class.
No Third Party anything.
Traits/Drawbacks: One regular trait no drawbacks

I am looking for four players that are willing to role play together for the spirit of Halloween! Should this be a success I may change it to a longer campaign!

Players do not have any knowledge other than the existence of this town and its peaceful nature. It is only a town like few others to them. Players will be chosen based on interaction for party fluidity as well as mediocre role playing skills.

I'll take a pass then, I've already got enough low level games on my plate.

Good luck with the game though.

Thank you :)

Also for all of you hunters/rangers/favored enemy using ppl out there, (seeings as it didn't save again...) Undead are a thing, mostly humans in this settlement.

Ooooooooo, a halloween-ish horror campaign?

You have piqued my interest~ And I think I have a hilariously good concept for this.

A tall, hooded figure slips through the tavern doors. The man, as he was revealed to be as he pulled back his hood was lean built and skin a darker tone with black hair falling just past his shoulders. Unremarkable features would turn away the eye, but the scythe slung over his back drew enough attention for the both of them.

Paying no mind to the local patrons, he walks up to the bar and calls for an ale. His voice is smooth, but his request terse. "Ale."

The bartender tilts his head at the stranger, waiting for more. "We've several brews available, we've got-"

"Surprise me.." And with a bored look, he began tapping on the bar with a finger, occasionally scratching as if to emphasize what he thought was a simple request.

"Right away then, sir.." Fetching a cup from the shelf, the barkeep promptly poured a truly random ale from his stores and slid it across the bar. "That'd be-"

A gold piece interrupted him as he nearly missed catching it. "Keep 'em coming." Said the stranger before tossing his head back and taking a heavy draw from his cup.

"Aye." Momentary frustration, then the barkeep was off to take care of his other customers.

So is this still a thing?

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