Age of dragons (Inactive)


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This is the official starting page for Gambits age of dragons campaign idea, taken over ny me.
hisidea can be found here

gambits age of dragons timeline.

Ok moving my bid to this thread. Same character idea. 8)


Rooo lots of moving i see, are you taken by wanderlust bruhma?

lol Just easier to manage

Heya! Still offering my Minotaur Sorcerer. I'm assuming same character creation rules as Gambit's.

Wondering if I could use the Battle Sorcerer variant for my character?

cleric of paladine.

Human Cleric of Paladine
Qualinesti Elf Bard
Kender Rogue
Minotaur Sorcerer
Gully Dwarf Cleric of Reorx
Tinker Gnome Alchemist
Half Elf Sorcerer (assuming the last two follow over to the new campaign)

Whatever the final party ends up being, it should be intriguing that's for sure. :P

Good luck guys, happy to see my work live on.

Thanks, Gambit! Could you say if you'd accept the Battle Sorcerer variant or not since we're following your creation rules anyway?

I hope we get to play your planned campaign once you've got everything settled--I'll still be interested in the future! Much luck to you and I hope things go great.

Yes, same char creation rules.

The list whose posted so far
Elven bard
Kender handler
Minitaur battle sorcerer
Gully dwarf cleric
Human cleric of paladine

I am certainly still interested in playing. Since the thread has been moved, are you still gauging interest, or is this the official recruitment thread? If so, do you want the stats in the profile updated to reflect character creation guidelines, or should we wait until after selection to finalize them?

Since there isn't any melee character here, I would be interested to play an human paladin. I'll irk him out when I'm home from work.

A paladin would be a nice contribution, Stephan. You can help me to keep people alive. :)

Bruhma, what are you going to do with your character?

not play him

the list of confirmed characters so far:

elven bard
kender handler
minotaur battle sorcerer
gully dwarf cleric (of reorx?)
human cleric of pladine
tinker gnome alchemist

maybe list:
Human paladin
half elf sorcerer

Stephan Neufang here. Build is ready. Background needs to be adapted to krynn.

@Shalafi: No Problem. As an hospitaliter, I'm quite good at healing.

Maybe you can be a Knight of Solamania Torald?

i was just going to ask if torald was planning on becoming a knight of something...

Remember RAW you do not have to take levels in a PRC to be a member of the organization.

Bruhma, do we need to do an alias for our characters? This is the first time I have done this so I am unsure as to what the protocol is.

Aliases are very much recommended! They make it much simpler to get into character and to reference who you're playing with.

For an introduction to PBP gaming, see Doomed Hero's PBP guide! It's a very informative introduction.

And Bruhma, you could play your character still as a GMPC or an NPC.

Some don't like that but I for one wouldn't mind. In any case, maybe your character just be someone we happen to cross paths with every now and then.

Thanks Rash!

Bruhma, when are you looking to start?

I think, that Torald will get a knight. But at the moment, I don't think, that he will take one of the prestige classes.

I will read me in the knightly orders this evening (I'm from germany, it's 22.00 here.)

I think that I have it.

I think that I got it! :)

indeed you have now all you need to do is to do you char mechanics (example: click on my char pict)

After rough reading over the knightly orders, I think that Torald will strife for getting a knight of the sword. If he will take a prestige class, then it would be an clerist of the sword.

One question, Bruma. Should he already be a knight of the crown, squire or an aspirant?

Solinas Astariel wrote:
indeed you have now all you need to do is to do you char mechanics (example: click on my char pict)

I think that I have most of it. When I try to format the info like yours I am not able to do so. :(

How do you do the spoiler stuff that gives you the drop down?

[spoiler=Movie plot spoiler]This is a spoiler, such as revealing who really did frame Roger Rabbit.[spoiler]

just look at the push button at the end of the text window: How to format your text (Show) and click on the button. it will give you easy BBcode in order to format your text

What is BBcode?


Ok. I will try to work on that.

Torald, let's say Squire. Let's say that you were headed to the Plains of Dust, but your Master unexpectedly died on the road. So up to now, you were heading back to a garrison to report his death. There is a garrison in Solace, where the adventure starts, so you can report there.

btw: here is my DM avatar.

Alright, enough delay, i am choosing the group.

Talinthal Uth Mondor: cleric of paladine

Torald Uthric of griffonstone (lets discuss via PM about location): paladin of who?

Trapdodger barefoot: kender handler

Asterius Genlon: minotaur battle sorcerer

Solanis Astariel: elven bard

Rumal: Tinker Gnome

For those chosen; feel free to start gameplay.

for those that were not, If someone drops out, ill PM you to see if you will want to fill the vacancy.

Hooray, I just posted. What I wrote, is that what we are supposed to be doing?

Talinthal, it is possible to make a direct output in BBCode with Hero Labs:

File/Output Hero Statblock/BBCode/Copy. You could simply put this in your about section of your profile.

I thought that is what I did on the other page but I haven't had time to really play with my profile.

Ah that is most unfortunate. Good luck everyone.

Background is ready.

great !

is there anymore room

That's what I was wondering too

Sure, i got one slot that is open. Whomever can come up with a great PC that meets the flavor of Dragonlance will get the slot. Ill leave this open til Thursday, and on thursday i will choose.

I am thinking a Minotaur Cavalier, named Torak, He was rescued as a young lad after the ship him and his family was on by an aging Knight of Solamnia and raised by him. He grew up listening to tales of the Knights and the great heroes such has Huma Dragonbane and Kaz. He sought to join the order but since he is a minotaur he was rejected. The old knight taught him every thing he knew about being a knight.

I would like to dot interest. Either a human monk or an oread sorcerer... whatever the current party is lacking. Let me know!


(and yes before anyone form this group ask i play with this good person on a pbp here. i can say for him that he post regularly)

here are the creation guide line

e campaign would start in 423 AC, 40 years after the Chaos War. The game will be Pathfinder, with the 3.5 Dragonlance material available for use, such as the Knights of Solamnia PrC's, Wizard of High Sorcery PrC, etc (no other 3.5 material is allowed).

Available races: Human (civilized or nomadic), Elf (Qualinesti, Silvanesti, or Kagonesti), Dwarf (hill or mountain), Gnome, Kender, Half-Elf, and Minotaur (will incur distrust and have roleplaying negatives).

Available classes: Barbarian, Bard (no healing spells), Cavalier, Cleric, Druid, Fighter, Mariner, Monk, Mystic (use Oracle class, remove the curse feature), Noble, Paladin, Ranger, Rogue, Sorcerer, Wizard, and Alchemist (gnome only).

Available alignments: Any non-evil

Stats: everyone will use 16, 15, 14, 13, 12, 11 placed however you desire then apply racial adjustments.

as a FYI we are around the Solace area.
its an alternate time table for dragonlance. you can find the proper link to the history on the first post.

Currently crunching a human monk... Missed the part in races ;p will post shortly when e is finished

Unless the party has an idea about what they need/want, I can play that! I really just wanna play and am very open to whatever is most helpful.

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