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My group just racked up their ninth Anchor success. They're blasting, slicing, and punching through these time storms like there's no tomorrow... Oh wait, there possibly isn't! ;)

GM Woran |
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GM Hmm |
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Time storm roars its way down the street
But there's nowhere for it to go
Ain't no sound but the sound of its feet
Pathfinders ready go
Are you ready,
Are you ready for this
Are you hanging on the edge of your seat
Out of the doorway the arrows rip
To the sound of the beat
Uh, uh, uh, uh
A time storm bites the dust
A time storm bites the dust
And another one gone, and another one gone
A time storm bites the dust
Yeah GM Red's team strikes true
Another one bites the dust!
Way to beat that average! This will be EPIC.

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To Hmm and Beckett, I'm not looking to police every table, but if I notice a GM leaving his table for a long time in the middle of a special that is being run on a tight schedule, I think there is grounds for comment. I would at a live Con, and I think there's reason here to as well. Unless there was some mishap, there are few reasons that can justify not checking in as a GM for 5 and then 8 days in a special scheduled to run in 45 days (not counting other sporadic smaller absences). After the first long absence, he should have asked for a replacement GM or co-GM.
A precedent should not be set for pbp specials being an 'easy GM run' where you can put in minimal effort and still get full credit at the end.
It's unfair to his players who don't get the full experience of the special.
It's unfair to the other players who have to pull alot of extra weight because of he's not running his table, and even more unfair if they lose their secondary success condition or their characters die and have their bodies lost in time as a result.
And it's unfair to GMs who have actually put in the hard work and made sacrifices to keep their tables running at a decent pace.
I don't have a character at stake, but I pride myself on being a GM that runs games my players enjoy. I find myself quite annoyed that my players (and also players at other tables in this special) will despite their incredible efforts get killed because another (or a few other) GMs is (or are) not making an effort.

GM Hmm |

How about we table this discussion for the Post-Mortem Post-Vivem?
Because we're not gonna die today. We're all going to make it. Yeah, this is going to be a bumpy ride, but we're going to pull through!

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I noticed the Success form drop-down doesn't have an entry for "Time Storm."
As a result, I've been submitting most of my additional anchor successes using the Fate's Anchors NPCs from that dropdown, but adding a comment in that it was a Time Storm Anchor Success.
GM Mars, I don't foresee that will be an issue since I've added it in the comment field, but I wanted to let you know again either way.

Gayel Nord |

Ok. It seem that we have forgotten that this place is for the overseer publication and the aid token.
just a reminder.

GM Hmm |

Fair enough. GMs, come to the Discussion Thread for this Special in the GM Forum.

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The green dome overhead ripples and flexes, visibly weakened but still present. The same woman’s voice from earlier booms from everywhere and nowhere at once.
“This… this isn’t what I wanted. I wanted a world with purpose again—with certainty. But I suppose there is no greater way to die than in the same fiery cataclysm that marked Aroden’s first step toward divinity. Join me in martyrdom, Pathfinders, and try to die with some dignity.”
Tables, we no longer need any anchors successes! All that's left is to retake the vault!

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Did every table have an aid token yet? I got passed one but my table had used one already. I cant decently check the thing cos i am on my phone at the game day and i am too fatigued from gming to make a coherent sentence.
Indeed, I checked and it seemed each table have had at least once an aid token. :)

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GM Aram Zey -- are you talking about me? I really feel like I'm nowhere near keeping up the pace necessary for this special. (At the same time, I'm feeling harried, and am posting at a faster rate than the vast majority of PbPs I've played in, either as GM or player.) I apologize to everybody if I have not held up my end as GM. I've tried. But this whole experience has turned into stress, feelings of failure for not keeping up, drudgery that I find myself not wanting to face up to, and general non-fun.
The first time we tried this, it seemed to work. But, for whatever reason, I was able to post way faster than usual for one of my PbPs, and I had an especially OP table that could finish combat encounters fast. However, after this time, I'm coming to the conclusion that these meatgrinder multitable specails are just not viable for PpP. At any rate, I shall certainly not be participating in one again.

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I know the question was asked, but I can't remember if there was an answer. Is there somewhere we can see what successes have been recorded for our tables? I want to makes sure that the successes I've submitted have really been counted. (Just submitted a Vault success.)

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GM Aram Zey -- are you talking about me? I really feel like I'm nowhere near keeping up the pace necessary for this special. (At the same time, I'm feeling harried, and am posting at a faster rate than the vast majority of PbPs I've played in, either as GM or player.) I apologize to everybody if I have not held up my end as GM. I've tried. But this whole experience has turned into stress, feelings of failure for not keeping up, drudgery that I find myself not wanting to face up to, and general non-fun.
The first time we tried this, it seemed to work. But, for whatever reason, I was able to post way faster than usual for one of my PbPs, and I had an especially OP table that could finish combat encounters fast. However, after this time, I'm coming to the conclusion that these meatgrinder multitable specails are just not viable for PpP. At any rate, I shall certainly not be participating in one again.
This sort of thing is exactly the sort of situation we had made an real effort to avoid happening. The expectation on DM's was not to exclude people, but rather to try to find a happy medium for PbP groups in general. That is, that both faster groups and slower groups should be made to make changes in their style to make this a fun experience for everyone, players and GM's, while still capturing the feeling of it being rushed and somewhat stressful, (in game, not out of game). That is to say, DM's and groups that are used to faster play, have established groups already, have players that can post more frequently, etc. . . where expected to slow down their normal rates to account for the Special. At the same time, those that have a slower posting rate, or whose groups didn't post as frequently, or had real life issues come up (which obviously take priority), have groups in different time zones, or whatever other issues that might slow down a game from 1- posts per day needed to likewise up their game a little bit.
This is all still a learning experience for everyone, and I also know that this particular Special is a little bit odd even for Specials. A great deal of running a Special through PbP is unexplored territory, and we do know that a lot of the things that apply in Real Time play, if it be face-to-face play at a table or virtual table tops online, just doesn't apply to playing PbP.
So, while on one hand, this really isn't the proper place for this sort of thing, I do feel that it's also probably the best place to put this. It's more important to form constructive criticism and suggestions on ways to improve, what could have been done better, and ways the we, as DM's could make things better rather than throw out accusations, particularly unfounded ones, that will just drive people away. I'm seeing what seems a high degree of competiveness and "the right way to play" here that really isn't what PFS is all about, and I really think that this sort of attitude, is more likely to assure we do not get any more Specials, or highly restrict who gets to run or play in them than to lead to what you (and I absolutely mean tis in the very general sense, I am not calling anyone out here), than what you might instead want to happen, (like requiring a faster rate, or more or less time to accommodate your style). Time management goes both ways, and I don't think anyone did a perfect job.
Putting other on the defensive, saying that they are doing a poor job, policing them up to your standard, and things like this are not helpful, and probably are outright harmful in the long run. Encouraging them, possibly offering a few tips or some personal experience on how you handled it and how it worked well, and acting like we are all in this together, that sort of thing will help.

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I'm pretty much in agreement with Beckett here. This is supposed to be fun for everyone, players and GMs. Yes it is cooperative as well, but we should be helping each other, not policing them. Some tables for whatever reason will always go faster and others slower. Hopefully overall we will get the balance about right.
One of the things I like about this scenario btw, is that the outcomes depends on the total contribution of all tables, so if you are on a slow table, you are not being penalised, and faster tables can actively contribute to better successes.
That said, I know that I (running a low level tables) was getting a bit worried, as the consequences for the characters at tier 1-2 tables of not completing is a little more significant than for the higher level ones where there is a modest PP buffer.
So I totally get that other GMs are looking for ways to positively help the slower tables out.
By the way, my suggestion for when this is next run as a PbP would be to cut back a day or two on part 2, and add that to part 3. Certainly my table got through a lot of stuff in part 2 (and I was away for a week of that), but has really struggled with part 3. Of course it may be that other tables have found the balance the other way around.

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Rknop, you were not who I had in mind, and I just want to be clear I am not criticizing GM style. I am criticizing running a table at a 45 day special and only posting once or twice a week, or going 5 or 8 days without posting when all your players had already made posts and are waiting for you. The tight schedule was made clear from the start, and GMs needed to commit to it for the special to run.
There's different GM styles, but at some point there's also a failure to actually run your table. There is simply no excuse for a GM being absent for half a game that is set to run on a time limit.
If real life happens, that's fine, ask for a co-GM or replacement GM. It's a game, yes, but you are still taking up responsibilities.

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This is what happens when I step away from the Overseer thread to cover for a moment.
No one is in any danger. If I was seriously worried that tables not performing to a certain level were going to cause a problem at any point during this game I would've said something earlier.
One piece of feedback I'm getting pretty heavily from this event is that the Overseer needs to provide more feedback even if it's not written in the scenario. I'll be addressing how to do that without adding a herding factor.
Everyone needs to relax. Focus on making sure that your tables have a good time. You can't control what happens on other tables, so don't.
If I could lock this thread I would.

GM Hmm |
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How about instead of locking the thread we have a big group hug? Seriously, this has been a long slog. I've loved this scenario -- lots of variety, high stakes, and lots of RP options, but six weeks at an accelerated pace of gameplay is likely to make anyone a little cranky.
I'm going to talk about one of the things that I've loved about this... The fact that we're all working together for a common goal! I've gotten to see other GMs, and gotten to know some of the other tables. I've loved this.
That said, a little more information from the Overseer would be very welcome. When I did Cosmic Captive, the projection unit showed us exactly how short we were of successes on any given goal. Data soothes me. I'm a librarian. I love data. Not having it made me a nervous person.
So... We have two days left. Group hug, and then back to work! We have a vault to clear!
Yours sincerely,
Hilary Moon Murphy

GM Hmm |
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Well, good. So am I!

GM Dinuci |
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Hugs are always good!
To view the other side of the coin. My group and I really enjoyed this scenario. I had a few people I knew join and a few who submitted through recruitment. A bit of a rough and slow start but that soon turned around to a lovely and enjoyable game. One of the players was enjoying it so much he made a game for the gameday himself.
I was worried myself, with a party of subtier 1-2, that it could've ended badly. But in the end, without a bit of excitement or risk there wouldn't be any challenge or fun to these games.

DM Kludde |
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Big blobby hug

GM Hmm |

C'mon, Mars... You know you want a hug.

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As Pathfinders defeat the furious simulacra, they disperse into foul mist that screams in anger before fading away entirely. Nearby, the true Lady Arodeth seems shaken by the destruction of her miasmic doppelgangers, and their deaths seem to sap her of her zealous rage.
Table GMs, this is Code Green. Code Green is in effect.

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The asteroid looms impossibly large overhead, and the air grows stiflingly hot as the world itself begins to rumble. High overhead, the dome of green energy shudders, twists, and finally shatters, and Pathfinders’ bodies begin melting into flowing particles as the world slips away.
Just as quickly, you stumble as Bloodwatered Meadow coalesces beneath your feet, as it does for countless other Society agents. The wildflowers bob lazily in the wind, and nothing but a few still bodies stand as testament to the bloodshed and struggle of the past five hours. Kreighton Shaine, looking several years older, staggers to his feet and gives a nervous chuckle before climbing up a small knoll and waving his arms for the crowd’s attention.
“What we have all witnessed here today has been a remarkably journey that included sights no living soul on Golarion has witnessed. The Sky Key has allowed us to walk among the serpentfolk and Azlanti, gazing upon several of the greatest events to shape Golarion and the region that would one day become the Inner Sea. Let the catastrophe that we witnessed and narrowly escaped humble us and teach us so that we might find value in preserving the messages and wisdom those lost people may have left behind for us to discover. I think we all have some responsibility to remember those who passed so that our modern world can exist.
“You have all observed great things and have notes to share. This much is certain. But for now, let us… let us simply take a few days to reflect. The Society, I imagine, will send agents to collect your notes and interview you about your experiences. Until then, find your families and loved ones, as I know I shall. Failing that, find some passion that ties you to the here and now, and embrace it.
“We survived, Pathfinders. I am proud of your Unrivaled Accomplishment!”
Congrats everyone. The stakes haven't been higher for a PbP Special, but everyone rose to the occasion. I've been watching the successes come in on the Google form and it's been exciting watching you inch closer and closer to the goal! There have certainly been some super tables out there, but it's fairly clear that everyone has been working hard and contributing to the group success. I'm super proud of you guys.
At this point, you have a chance to perform Downtime activity and roll for boons. Because the house earned an Unrivaled Accomplishment, everyone gets their Secondary Success Condition.
I'd like to send a big thank you to all of the players for participating in this event, and a big thank you to all the GMs who ran this. Running and playing in the Play-by-Post specials are a lot of work in a short time, and you rose to the challenge.
If you have any feedback about how this was run at all, please either email me at jmcteague@pathfindersocietyonline.com, or email Jesse at jesse@pathfindersocietyonline.com

GM Hmm |
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A long, long time ago
Pathfinders searchin’ for pieces of that sky key
And we knew if we had our chance
We could move through time in a trance
And travel through empires lost to history
Going to Sesshigoss made me shiver
With every serpent death we delivered
Bad news in the Slave Pens!
Revolution all over again!
I can’t remember if I cried
When all the serpent priests were fried
Secrets from Azlant were pried
The day of our time slide
So bye, bye, let’s let Aroden lie
Time to berate the Anchors of Fate the best we can try
And them murder hobos looking at death in the sky
Singin’ this’ll be the way that we die
This’ll be the way that we die
Did you write the book of fate
And know the prophecies they relate
If Arodeth tells you so?
Now do you believe in destiny
Will one asteroid set us free
And can you take me to the vault beeee-lowwww?
Well, I know you reset fate on a whim
Though your chance of success is slim
You’re bathed in that green glow
Oh babe, you gotta go!
But now I really can’t complain
We’ve got a copy of Kreighton Shaine
But I worry we’re out of luck
The day of our time slide
So bye, bye, let’s let Aroden lie
Time to berate the Anchors of Fate the best we can try
And them murder hobos looking at death in the sky
Singin’ this’ll be the way that we die
This’ll be the way that we die
Now for two hours we’ve been on our own
(Well, us and our Kreighton clone)
So Alrule thinks she’s an Azlanti
And Binui shuffles harrow for the Queen
Calling doom on all he’s seen
Trying to con the likes of you and me
Gad Gemple thinks he’s a god newborn
Omandi Mil was left forlorn
Her hopes like skin were all burned
No one could say what she learned
And then Romnus stole his golden hoard
So he could be a dragon lord
Yeah, he kinda went overboard
The day of our time slide
So bye, bye, let’s let Aroden lie
Time to berate the Anchors of Fate the best we can try
And them murder hobos looking at death in the sky
Singin’ this’ll be the way that we die
This’ll be the way that we die
Helter skelter there’s nowhere to shelter
If you meet the witch can you melt her?
Earthfall’s high and falling fast
Now I don’t mean to be crass
But I don’t want to wind up on my ass
In a crater of molten glass...
Now the vault is open is there room
To convince Arodeth she’s a loon?
And now the simulcra advance
Well, they haven’t got a chance!
'Cause simulcra tried to take the field
The Pathfinders refused to yield
Do you recall what was revealed
The day of our time slide?
We started singing bye, bye, let’s let Aroden lie
Time to berate the Anchors of Fate the best we can try
And them murder hobos looking at death in the sky
Singin’ this’ll be the way that we die
This’ll be the way that we die
Oh, and there we were all in one place
A generation lost in space
With no time left to start again
So come on, Jack be nimble, Jack be quick
Snuff anchors like a candlewick
‘Cause we don’t like where this may end
Oh, and as we came upon them in the vault
We doubled the strength of our assault
We wouldn’t let the cult
Determine our end result
And as we stacked anchors high that night
To light the sacrificial rite
I saw Arodeth shrieking full of fright
The day of our time slide
She was singin’ bye, bye, let’s let Aroden lie
Time to berate the Anchors of Fate the best we can try
And them murder hobos looking at death in the sky
Singin’ this’ll be the way that we die
This’ll be the way that we die
I met a girl who wanted sense
But realized that we’d be past tense
If her followers had their way...
We went down to her secret vault
She told us it was not our fault
And to fix things she would have to stay
And in the streets, Azlanti screamed
The lovers cried and the poets dreamed
But not a word was spoken
The prophecies were broken
And the three men I admire most
Shaine, GM Mars, and Aroden’s ghost
Told us to flee or we’d all be toast
The day of our time slide
And they were singing bye, bye, let’s let Aroden lie
Time to berate the Anchors of Fate the best we can try
And them murder hobos looking at death in the sky
Singin’ this’ll be the way that we die
This’ll be the way that we die
They were singing bye, bye, let’s let Aroden lie
Time to berate the Anchors of Fate the best we can try
And them murder hobos looking at death in the sky
Singin’ this’ll be the way that we die
This’ll be the way that we die
...Except we didn't! Congratulations, all! We worked our butts off and we made it home!
Hmm throws confetti in the air! Huzzah!

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And a big thank-you to GM Mars for actually running this and putting up the reporting structures for us to use.
And wrangling 30+ GMs online. Without killing us or resorting to (too much) strong drink!

Shifty |
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Well run!
I will be stealing a few ideas from you guys for the next Multi PbP in January :)
Rather than have a separate website it looks like you achieved the same effect by just having a couple of extra threads here on the boards, which seems to be a more practical way to do things.
Having to crosspost in 30 threads is a little dull though - it would be good to have a widget or app that allowed posting in several threads simultaneously (and devs out there!?)
Anyhow, good game!

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What is the event number we should list on Chronicle Sheets?
Edit: is it 82317? Found that here.

Magabeus |

NN 959, I just send you a PM with the link to the reporting site.

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It might also be very worth while to open it up for an After Action Report (AAR) about what was done well, what could be done better in the future (with suggestions on how to improve), and things of that nature.

Gayel Nord |

My two cent of thought. I think that we were at a time lost in the interpretation of the end goal. Because of the time-frame The overseer must have a better presence and having a role to support and direct GM.
Second. We as DM should create a common goal that should be more than follow the scenario or having fun. We could aim to have a positive atmosphere in all time between us. In the same, we shouldn't depend in the overseer that much and lean toward each other for help.
The last second were the more stressful but in the same time, it was the moment we had the most activity and we were the most open to each other which gave me motivation to go forward. I think we should be able to emphasise the second aspect and reduce the first aspect next time.

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My two cent of thought. I think that we were at a time lost in the interpretation of the end goal. Because of the time-frame The overseer must have a better presence and having a role to support and direct GM.
This was a learning experience for many of us. :P
Second. We as DM should create a common goal that should be more than follow the scenario or having fun. We could aim to have a positive atmosphere in all time between us. In the same, we shouldn't depend in the overseer that much and lean toward each other for help.
Could you expand upon this? I'm not sure I'm clear on what exactly you mean here.
The last second were the more stressful but in the same time, it was the moment we had the most activity and we were the most open to each other which gave me motivation to go forward. I think we should be able to emphasise the second aspect and reduce the first aspect next time.
How would you suggest we, as a whole, do this?

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1. To have a wait list of dm to fill missing dm.
2. Having at least something like an icebreaker or forum activity before we start the the special to better know each other.
There some more but i feel i am not sure of the efficacity in a forum. Sorry for my absence. Real life matter.
As for the goal we could search and say something like help each other to gives our players the best expérience possible or to survive the scenario. (Like this one was)
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