GM Sarainy |

The invitation delivered last night was remarkably simple, especially given the importance of the occasion:
“Start where it all began. Meet us at the Pig’s Paunch one hour before dawn.”
The Pig’s Paunch is a run-down building with a faded sign of a large pig standing on its hind legs, arms folded above a corpulent belly. Inside, the air is thick with the scents of human sweat, stale tobacco, and leftover food. In the center of the room, surrounded by inebriates sleeping off their revelries, a familiar elven man stands high upon top of a large round table.

Kreighton Shaine - GM Sarainy |

“Welcome! Welcome, my students! Please, have a seat!” With that, Kreighton Shaine, the Pathfinder Society’s Master of Scrolls, nimbly drops down to sit cross-legged on the table before looking about the tavern with a sense of reverent wonder.
“Can you believe it? It all started here years ago—well, over four hundred of them at least. Under this very roof the Pathfinder Society was born.”
“But today! Today you will begin your Confirmation! Master Farabellus, Master Zey, and I all agree you each have shown your worth and dedication to the Society, so there’s no better time to see if you can handle becoming full field operatives. Allow me to introduce you to Janira Gavix,” he says as he motions for an excitable halfling woman to approach.
She wears a large backpack and carries all manner of tools, pouches, and scroll cases around her waist.
Shaine continues, saying, “Janira here will be going with you on your Confirmation. She was one of my brightest pupils and will no doubt be an invaluable resource on your journey, for she discovered the caves you are about to explore during her own Confirmation.”

Janira Gavix - GM Sarainy |

Janira speaks up in an enthusiastic and cheerful voice, “Greetings, aspiring Pathfinders!"
"Six months ago, while I was mapping cave entrances in the foothills of the Kortos Mounts, I witnessed a lone gillman entering a concealed cave. I thought little of it at the time, but I saw another one enter the cave again a month later as my Confirmation stretched on."
A few days later, after I completed my assigned task, I entered the cave system, but was unable to find the gillmen.”

Kreighton Shaine - GM Sarainy |

Master Shaine hops to his feet.
“Initiates, for your Confirmation, you will travel to these caves to explore and document its many passages. Additionally, and most importantly, you are to learn what the gillmen are up to in there. Oh, and you need to come back alive as well.”
With these parting words, the Master of Scrolls jumps off the table and strolls out of the building while humming to himself.

GM Sarainy |

Here are Knowledge checks that you can attempt, to remember details about what has been discussed thus far. Please make the relevant rolls (remembering you can't roll on these untrained) and only look at the spoilers if you pass the checks.
Feel free to talk and comment on what's been said thus far, once everyone is assembled Janira will ask everyone to introduce themselves!

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Oktavian tilts his head slightly, scratching at the unkempt bristles of his beard. "That seems as good a place to start as any. What say you, Janira was it? I have encountered a lot of nasties and the like living rough in the forest but never seen a gillman. Haven't been close enough to the Kortos mountains I suppose. Are they aggressive? Sentient?" he says.
"Any weaknesses?"

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listens to the introduction nodding and smiling to the scroll master in rapt attention being so close to another elf who is a master of the arts of magic is nothing if not extraordinary and Corneleus the owl perks a few times on my shoulder and then preens when noticed giving a wink to any especially good looking woman.
"I have studied these topics but seem to not remember,"
will be taking a few new knows each lv

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A male elf speaks up from where he was quietly leaning against the wall.
So just to be clear. We need to map the caves and discover what the Gillmen are up to only. Removing the Gillmen from the caves is not a requirement. Did I hear that correctly?
As for what I know, Gillmen are a little outside my area of expertise. I haven't seen any of them in my travels.

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Vetis hurries through the streets of Absalom towards the Pig's Paunch. Hope the final's more engaging than the name. His leather armor chafes slightly against his skin but there's no time to adjust it. The Kellid had lost track of time meditating under the stars last night, and was now running perilously close to being late for his own Confirmation. And wouldn't THAT be a fitting end to all of this...
Finally reaching the small tavern, Vetis take a chance to collect his breath before opening the door. Unsurprisingly, he looks around to see he's been beaten there by several of his Hmm, I suppose we are officially a 'party' now, aren't we. This should be interesting.
Vetis sidles over the stand by the table near the other human in the group. He gives a quick bow to Master Shane and the halfling woman, and tries to flag down a waiter for a glass of water.
Take 10 on Knowledge: Geography for a 16
As Janira outlines her discovery, Vetis frowns in thought. "Those mountains can be crawling with territorial creatures and monsters. It seems strange that a gillman would risk staking a claim there."

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Oktavian smiles and nods at Narnel, flexing his sword arm slightly. "I suppose you have a point, killing them may not be necessary. Still, I do like to be prepared. After all, if the mountains are as dangerous as our new friend here claims, they must have some kind of ability to deal with the threats. Or are they allied to these other 'creatures'?" he wonders.

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Little Tom enters the Pig's Paunch and glances a look at the other people already inside. This looks like an interesting bunch, he thinks to himself.
He begins to listen to Kreighton welcome him and the other students. As he introduces Janira his ears perk up when she mentions 'mapping cave entrances', a skill close to his own heart.
Upon hearing Oktavian ask Janira of the gillmen weaknesses, Little Tom replies with a chuckle "Everything dies with an arrow through the heart."

Janira Gavix - GM Sarainy |

The nimble halfling turns to Oktavian as he addresses her. "Yes, Janira Gavix. Janira is fine of course though!" she smiles warmly at him.
In response to Oktavian and Jerry's questions on gillmen she ponders for a moment, then talks almost as if reciting from somewhere else.
"Gillmen are intelligent humanoids, no different than a human, or an elf or even a halfling! But they are more like humans save for three piscine gills on both sides of their necks."
She scratches her own neck, searching for the right words. "They're a little secretive but not outright hostile. Most live in or near the water."
Letting out a small laugh to Little Tom's response, Janira grins "Yep! Same weaknesses as us lot! Blades, arrows, spells. They aren't extraordinarily resilient if that's what you are asking."
Janira pulls out a large leather-bound journal and opens it on the table.
"Before we set out, we should all get to know each other and review our plan. After all, the most important factors that determine whether an expedition will be a success are cooperation and preparation! I'll go first!" She leans forward in her chair, her face filled with almost glee at the prospect of the mission at hand. She stands just a little under 3 feet tall and looks more swift than strong.
"I grew up here in Absalom, over at Eastgate. My father and family still lives there - running the family dog cart transport business. We revere Desna as our patron god, but of course respect other religions. Faith is important to everyone, wouldn't you agree?"
She looks around, hoping to have not offended anyone particularly devout.
"Joined the Pathfinders just after my 20th birthday... that was four years ago now. It embarrasses me to say, but I joined for the chance to see the world and eat fine food! But I quickly took to the Scrolls and focus now on learning and preserving knowledge."
"My biggest aspiration is to be published in one of the Pathfinder Chronicles... it would surely land me an opportunity to train as a Pathfinder Chronicler!"
Janira lets out a hearty laugh, "Listen to me, I could go on all day!"
"Why don't you each tell us a little bit about yourselves?"
If we could each post a little backstory of our characters please, to introduce ourselves.
Tell us as much or as little of your backstory as possible. If you haven't got answers to some of the questions about your past now is a great time to make them up!
Feel free to include Janira asking your character questions in your posts. These could include, but are not limited to;
"What made you decide to join the Pathfinder Society?"
"How long were you an initiate (was it the full 3 years, or did you get a field commission)?"
"Where did you grow up? Where have you travelled before coming to the Grand Lodge?"
"Did you have a favourite class, training exercise, or teacher?"
"How do you handle yourself in a fight?"

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"My name is Jerry. There is not much call for a cleric of Iomedae in my little village. So I set off to see what I could find. I got a field commission after a couple of years -- they needed someone to do a couple of jobs -- and so I did them. Now they want me to do this to make my 'commission' real.
I grew up in a small village in south Andoran. Before joining the Society, I haven't travelled very much at all.
Even though I'm big. I don't like fighting all that much. I so much prefer to heal the sick and wounded. But, I can handle myself in a fight, and with my armor I'm pretty hard to hit."

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When it gets to his turn Little Tom rises to his feet with excitement and begins with a strong, confident voice “Greeting all. My name is Little Tom. It is my pleasure to be here with you all today."
'What made you decide to join the Pathfinder Society?'
“My life has been spent under the wide skies of the open forests. I have trained long and hard to become the ranger I am today. I felt that the Pathfinder Society would put my skills to good use and allow me to do right in this world.”
'How long were you an initiate?'
"My mentor raised me from when I was a boy and trained me in the ways of forest. When he felt the time was right I began my official 3 years of initiate training."
'Where did you grow up? Where have you travelled before coming to the Grand Lodge?'
"I have spent my whole life living in the forests of these lands. Never staying in the same spot for more than a few nights. Everyday my mentor and I would track through the woodlands, plotting the area onto paper, hunting animals for food and sleeping in trees."
'Did you have a favourite class, training exercise, or teacher?'
"I owe my entire life to my mentor Tom Brownstone, he raised me from a young lad and has taught me everything I know. My favourite training was learning cartography. Nowadays everywhere I go I carry a pen and paper with me to plot the area I'm in. I also have many fond memories of learning to fire a bow and arrow when I was a child."
'How do you handle yourself in a fight?'
"One would think that a small person such as I would not be much use in a fight. My training and skill with a bow says otherwise. As you will soon see for yourself my aim is true. Many a wild animal, monster or foe has tried to take my life and due to the fact I still stand here before you today, it should be obvious I can handle myself as well as any man."
Little Tom sits back down and looks around to gauge the reactions of the others. He thinks to himself Hopefully now they will respect me more and know I'm not to be messed with.

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The elf who was still leaning against the wall steps a few steps into the brighter sunlight falling from one of the windows in the room and says: I guess it's my turn
Now that you can see him clearly you realize he is much younger then you expected from his voice. For most of you it's hard to place exactly how old an elf is, but this one is clearly a very young adult if even that old.
He wears very warn leather armor with metal studs scattered throughout it and carries no visible weapons except for a single dagger at his belt.
As he beings to speak you realize his voice has a melodic quality that makes you lean forward slightly in your seat.
I am originally from Kyonin, and was raised by a family with a very strong tradition of being Lorekeepers and working with the art of Magic. Lets just say I was an indifferent student of the mystic arts. No offence intended to to those who practice those arts He nods at Alister but those lessons were always soul suckingly lifeless to me.
Instead I found my true love long ago in this.
He reaches into the shadows and pulls out a beautify carved and maintained unstrung Long Bow. In fact that bow seems to be in much better shape then anything else he carries.
When I left Kyonin, I traveled around a bit and picked up some of the same skills as Master Tom there, in my time as a caravan guard and advanced scout. However, most of those skills were learned though hard fought experience, rather then any formal training, so I look forward to working with you Sir and seeing what sort of tricks I can learn from you. He nods at Little Tom.
As for fights, the lesson I have learned repeatedly as a caravan guard is that a fight avoided is far better then a fight won. Yes there are times when fighting makes sense but often times the risk is not worth the reward. The only way you can really make that decision is with good foreknowledge of what you are walking into.
When in a fight, my feeling is you end it as soon as possible, with the least risk to your side. I'm sorry if this offends anyone here, but I feel that you use whatever tactics are on hand and damn "honorable" combat. An arrow in the back of an enemy in a well planned ambush keeps you all far safer then any formal duel ever has.
Finally, I believe you all wanted to know why I joined the Pathfinders 3 years ago.
It's simple, I first joined because life on the road with no constant companions is not for me. I prefer to have some associates that I can depend on and maybe someday develop a friendship with.
That said, in my training, I also discovered a separate reason I was not conscious of when I first joined. I really enjoy discovering the lost secrets that are recorded in many of the Chronicles. I hope to someday have my name recorded there as one who uncovered great secrets just like many of the legends who came before me.

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Alister listens to each of the people speaking in turn and returns the nod to the other elf with a wry smirk saying,
"I was born over a hundred years ago here in Absolam. My parents travelled here from the elven kingdoms as emissaries and merchants moving into the elven district and setting up an alchemist's shop. I grew up studying to take up the practice of alchemy and at an early age showed strong magical talent especially for divination. My parents along with other prominent members of the elven society saved up and sent me to the Academy of Secrets where I studied as an apprentice and then eventually took up the robes of the wizard. I returned here to Absolam until my mother approached and said that as a younger woman she had been a pathfinder and thought I could use the experience instead of always looking at the alchemy shop's walls"
Alister takes a breath and says
"What made you decide to join the Pathfinder Society was my mother. Her assistance helped me gain a field commission based on my study of the planes and knowledge of magical arcana. I was able to assist with cataloging some of the library as well as correcting a few errors by travelling to several local schools of arcana and using my teachers from the Academy to assist as well."
After all this talking the owl Corneleus hoots a bit peering around the group looking at each member and hooting once or twice as if saying his story as well and then relaxing once more on Alister's shoulder.
Finally Allister scratches his chin and says
"in a fight I will try to stay away from physical altercation and attempt to aid the party in time of dire need by steering the battlefield and combat in order to give our group a better chance of success.

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The Kellid man pushes his chair out from behind him and stands. He looks around the room a bit hesitantly, but takes a breath and begins speaking.
”I am Vetis. Vetis Istul. From Oppara.” He says this last bit directly, though his dark hair and shaded hue clearly shows there is more than simply Taldan in his ancestry.
He pauses for a moment, choosing his words carefully. ”Some of my family were once Pathfinder agents. The Society spoke to them and they dedicated themselves to it. It, seemed important to discover why. And these past three years of further training with other initiates have been -- enlightening.”
Vetis’ gaze had slipped down during his remarks, but he jerks his head upwards, a clearer smile on his face. ”Even just journeyman expeditions across Kortos have given me much to explore. I have always had some talent with nature magic, but this exposure to new lands and teachings have aided me greatly in improving my gift. I look forward to being given the opportunity to travel even further afield. With luck, we can chronicle this mysterious gillman without much complication, but should it come to it I can provide some obstructions for any beasts that may try to impede us, as well as a pinch of healing should we run into trouble.”
He gives a curt nod to Janira and the others, then returns to his seat.

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Oktavian looks up as Vetis finishes introducing himself, slowly surveying the party assembled around the table.
"Oktavian." he says. "Oktavian of house Valdemar. You may have heard of them perhaps... though make no mistake. Though their blood runs in my veins, I have not considered them family for a long time."
Oktavian chews his lip thoughtfully for a moment before continuing. "I used to be a pampered nobles son alright, but that changed several years ago. I'm an exile now, disowned and on my own. Not that I mind, I've come to enjoy the independence... You see, they tried to have me killed. Perhaps 'exiled' is the wrong word, more like I escaped. I assume they have long since stopped caring - as long as I was out of the picture they can continue their pointless bickering with the other houses."
Tearing a hunk of bread off of the half-loaf on the table, Oktavian takes a bite before continuing. "I was living rough for... I don't really know, time seemed to lose all meaning I was gone for so long. Several years at least I eked my own living in the wild, savage forests trying to evade my families men. I have only been back among civilization for about a week! A pathfinder band came across me and lured me back with promises of a new life among men. I do hope that the world hasn't changed too much since I have been gone... so far at least it seems fairly familiar."
As he talks he wipes crumbs from his hands down his clothes, which upon close inspection clearly once resembled the garb of a noble. Filthy now, and with many holes roughly patched up with animal hide and the like, it now barely resembles the masterpiece of tailoring it once must have been.
"I must admit, I no longer know the goings on of politics and the dangers many of the settlements face. I look forward to finding out more about how the world has changed."
"As for in a fight... well. I am good at it, perhaps better than I would like to be. Wild some have called me, though perhaps that is unsurprising given my time spent with only nature for company. Rest assured however I am in full control. There won't be any mishaps."
As he finishes his sentence he adjusts the strap across his back holding a giant sword in place.
A smile breaks across his face underneath his ragged hair.
"A pleasure to meet you all. I hope we get along well."

Janira Gavix - GM Sarainy |

"A pleasure indeed. It is a true honour to be helping you all to undertake your Confirmation. The importance of knowing your party cannot be understated - out on field work you depend on each other, remember that."
She suddenly laughs, breaking the seriousness.
"On to the details of the mission at hand," Janira says with an eager grin.
"After reviewing my mission reports personally, Master Shaine believes it is no coincidence that each time the gillmen entered the caves it was during a full moon, so it is also no coincidence that you have been called here now, just a day before the moon is full again. We both believe that tomorrow night is our best chance to find out why these caves are important and what exactly the gillmen are doing in there."
"The caves we'll be travelling to lie under the base of the Kortos Mounts. We’ll need to spend every minute of daylight possible to reach the caves by foot, crossing over the Cairnlands, taking the paths to Diobel, and finally making our way through the wilderness.
She gives a look of resignation, "With any luck we won't run into any of the local inhabitants."
"Once in the caves, we’ll need to work together to explore and determine whether any gillman are present or have been recently. Keep an eye out for any other clues that might hint at the caves' significance, too."

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Little Tom jumps to his feet again. “Well it sounds like we have a long journey ahead of us!” he says with enthusiasm. “We better get started!” he exclaims as he begins to gather his belongings.
“Janira, you said you had observed the gillmen at the Kortos mounts before. Perhaps you could lead the way there?”

Janira Gavix - GM Sarainy |

"My my, eager bunch aren't you! Janira grins broadly, "That's very reassuring, but you need to make sure you are properly prepared."
Taking out a leather bound book, with an embossed scroll on the front of it and a bright purple bookmark, Janira sets it down upon the table. She turns to her latest entry, which is a checklist of items.
"There's a few things you should make sure to have on every mission. Access to food and water, appropriate clothing, the means to get a good nights rest... a method to create light, alchemical weapons to deal with tougher foes or vicious swarms, ropes and healing items. Those sorts of things."
Reaching back into her overstuffed backpack she says, "In addition, I have a gift for each of you..."
She pulls out six leather bound journals, each with a pencil attached via string. Placing them upon the table for you to take she continues, "One of the most important things to carry as a Pathfinder is your journal. Keeping notes and record-keeping is of great help both to you and to the Society once you make your reports. If you could please write down anything that might seem important or be of interest. You can never tell what is going to be of significance!"
Looking incredibly excited Janira blurts, "Maybe your notes might make it into the next Pathfinder Chronicle!"
You can't tell if she's more interested in your notes being published, or the fact that it means her name will be contained within them...
With that Janira hops down off her stall and begins to walk out of the bar. Turning back to you all she says, "Well then, let's get any last remaining supplies and head out. The full moon is tomorrow night, we wouldn't want to miss it!"
Excitement glints in her eyes.
"I'll meet you all outside the Wise Quarter city gates in an hour. After that we have eight hours of travel ahead of us before we stop for the evening. The Cairnlands are wilderness, so I hope you all have a bedroll - unless you like sleeping on rocks!"
With that Janira closes and puts away her own journal and heads out of the Pig's Paunch.
Feel free to still ask her any questions you may have before she leaves, or inject your replies to her.
You should also check your character sheet for field work essentials. I won't call anyone out, but noticed a few of you have none or only some of these things. You also need to make sure you have arrows, bolts or sling bullets if you wish to use a ranged weapon at any point. If it's not on your character sheet, you can't use it! You may of course purchase anything else you may want from the Core Rulebook. When you do purchase something, please tell me exactly what you have purchased and for how much - this will be recorded on your Chronicle Sheet.
Record Keeping
Developed by Robert Brookes for this scenario, we will be using character Journals.
Notes and records are important for a Pathfinder's field report.
At any point during your Confirmation, you may indicate that you are making a journal entry on a topic or object of interest. Doing so takes 1 minute of your characters time. Please use the format below to indicate when you are taking the time to document something:
Journal Entry (#Topic): <#Brief synopsis.>
So an example would be:
Journal Entry (Master Kreighton Shaine): A detailed description of the time I met the famous Master of Scrolls in the Pig's Paunch in Absalom!

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"Tonight eh. Cutting things a bit close..." Vetis mutters quietly to himself as Janira further details the mission.
He accepts the journal proffered by the halfling and flips through it idly. He lifts his head back up to ask the halfling something, but the excitable woman has already left. With a small chortle, he turns towards the hulking man (Oktavian) next to him. "Well, looks like we'll be on the road from day one then. I'm thinking of seeing if there are any stores open at this ungodly hour, pick up some rope. Anything you can think of before we head out?"
Would like to buy 50 feet of silk rope (-10gp)

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Little Tom takes the journal from Janira, opens his bag to put it inside and begin checking he has everything she mentioned he would need.
Food and water, check. Bedroll, check. Torch, check. Arrows for my bow, yes, looks like I have everything. He says to himself as he rummages through his possessions.
Looks like I have an hour to kill, he thinks to himself. I might as well have a good meal and spend this time writing in my new journal.
He walks up to the bar and orders half a pint of ale and something to eat. He takes a seat at the bar and pulls out his Journal.
Journal Entry (Confirmation Mission): We are to head to the Kortos mounts and explore the caves. We are to learn what the gillmen are up to and to report back our findings.
As his food arrives he begins to tuck in. The food is sub-par but makes a nice change from having to cook it for himself. As he gets to the end of his beer he feels a slight buzz from the alcohol.
Better head to the Wise Quarter City gates. He thinks, as he stands up and heads out of the Pig's Paunch.

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Oktavian nods at Vetis, his face relaxing slightly as he hears him chuckle.
"I will be happy to accompany you. I have the basics I need to survive in the wilds but I am certain I could make further preparations. Perhaps a crowbar could come in handy if we come across any stuck doors or similar."
"Maybe a couple of empty vials? Never know what the gillmen are up to in there. Might be useful to take a sample of something to bring back..." he wonders.
Oktavian strides to the door and opens it with surprising grace for such a large figure. He holds open the door for Vetis and nods at the other party members.
"An hour then. Don't be late."
The corners of his mouth turn up in a slight smile.
Would like to purchase a crowbar (2gp) and 2x empty vial (2gp total)

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Narnel heads to the Wise Quarter gate, stopping in the way to pick up an extra quiver of arrows.
When he gets there he sits down in the shadow of a building with a good view of the gates and pulls out his journal.
Journal Entry (Confirmation mission: Initiation)
Met with the Master of scrolls and was asked to explore a Cave that seems to have Gillmen activity every month around the Full Moon. Leading our group is a Halfling Named Janira. he goes on to describe the rest of the group.
Added back one quiver of arrows that I somehow deleted from my character sheet and bought one more quiver of arrows.(-1 Gold)

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Alister decides he requires a bedroll and a tent and stops by along with a hammer to take care of sleeping requirements (10gp and 6 sp) rolling those tightly and packing them into and on the backpack.
Journal Entry: Wizard's log 01
We have successfully met in the Paunch and Pig, not exactly the best name or place but the company was somewhat acceptable being that the Master of Scrolls was there as well as the elf Narnel. Hopefully the rest of the company will show promise and Corneleus tells me I should be patient.

Janira Gavix - GM Sarainy |

Just a quick note that I think the timeline got a bit confused there. I will add more explicit time information from now on to help prevent this, my fault!
You would have met at the Pig's Paunch early, around 10:00 in the morning.
You have one day of travel, sleeping in the wild approximately half way to the caves.
Tomorrow night is the full moon. You plan to arrive around dusk
I'm going to use the year of 4713 AR for this campaign... which if you play other Society games will be wrong. The Season 5 year was 4713, but the current year for Season 7 will be 4715 AR.
Thank you all for embracing the journal system, some great use of it already! Have made a note of your purchases.
<< Cairnlands, Isle of Kortos | Mid-day, cloudy yet warm | 1st Erastus 4713 AR>>
Several hours have passed since you all met just outside Absalom to begin your journey north west. The Pathfinder Janira Gavix guides you through the Cairnlands, talking the entire journey with anyone who will listen. Mostly she talks of the old Pathfinder Durvin Gest - the most famous of all - and points out a number of distant siege castles you pass, now crumbling into ruin.
"These siege castles, of which there are 31 in total in the surrounding area, were one of the great explorations of Durvin Gest - legendary sites such as the Spire of Nex, El Raja Key and the Red Redoubts of Karamoss. That was nearly 400 years ago! The money he made was used to fund the construction of the Grand Lodge of Absalom itself."
No Pathfinder initiate could not know of Durvin Gest. He is one of the most famous adventurers to have ever lived and almost everyone in the Inner Sea Region know his name. The Spire of Nex is a mile high column of smooth grey stone, and visible from almost anywhere within Absalom itself. Being a few hours travel closer, it looks even more imposing in the distance.
"They say it holds many pocket dimensions, full of different realities and the creatures that inhabit them. Nex, the archmage, created it as part of his unsuccessful siege of Absalom all the way back in 166 AR. That's Absalom Reckoning, with the first day of the calendar 1st Abadius 1 AR being the founding of Absalom! With today being the 1st of Erastus 4713 AR that means the siege was just over four and a half thousand years ago!"
"They say some of the monsters have managed to get out of the Spire of Nex," Janira continues "Fortunately however that is not our destination. We travel north-west, and won't get any closer than this."
<< Cairnlands, Isle of Kortos | Dusk, clear sky, warm and breezy | 1st Erastus 4713 AR>>
As dusk begins to fall, Janira leads you towards one of the siege castles. This particular one is nowhere near as mighty as the Spire of Nex, all that remains are rocks in the rough semblance of walls, which mark out the location of the 4,500 year old ruin.
"This seems a good place to rest for the evening, we have a defensible position, cover from the wind and good vantage points."
She looks over to Little Tom and Narnel, "Perhaps the two of you should scout the area, make sure we are alone? Centaurs roam these parts and while not currently at war with us, I'd rather not have them ruin my night’s sleep! The rest of us can set up a fire and make camp."
Please all read my latest Discussion Thread post, on mapping, march order, watch order and prepared spells/abilities.

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As the group heads overland, Vetis grows thoughtful as they pass through the broad expanse of abandoned siege castles dotting their path. He had seen a few from a distance before, most Pathfinders had. But Janira's enthusiastic descriptions made the structures loom even higher in his mind. And these were the weapons of those who FAILED...
Vetis remains somewhat quiet as the hours go by, nervous about saying something wrong or foolish and more than willing to let their guide fill the air with conversation instead. Still, when the group reaches their apparant cmapsite for the night, he does muster a question in response to Janira's suggestions.
"Perhaps I should also help scout the nearby area? Accross the years I've gotten to understand Kortos' environment quite well. Or," he hedges, I could help gather some kindling for a flame."

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Vetis you are welcome to join me. I'm not great at woodscraft so would welcome any pointers you may be willing to give.
Survival: 1d20 - 1 ⇒ (1) - 1 = 0
Perception: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (19) + 6 = 25

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Little Tom hears Narnel invite Vetis scouting and replies. "I'm happy to stay here and help set up the camp."
Little Tom then regrets what he just said and thinks to himself, I really wish I could have gone out scouting, I'll guess I'll try and sneak off for a quick hunt.
"I'll go and find us something to eat" he remarks as he wonders off from the group.
Little Tom has a quick hunt around the area for any animals or birds he could shoot with his bow to bring back for dinner.
Survival, hunting for animals or birds for meat: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (16) + 5 = 21 add +1 to find or follow tracks (track) if necessary

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"It would be a pleasure Narnel."
Survival: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (9) + 10 = 19
Perception: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (5) + 8 = 13
As he and the elf make their way in a circuit around the fortress campsite, Vetis points out to his companion the plants to avoid in the area, how to tell which droppings are fresh, and describes the distinctions between the sound of a centaur's hooves and that of a common horse's. As he grows on he becomes more relaxed and excited to share his knowledge, though occasionally dive into the minutiae of a footprint distracts him from his scanning of their surroundings.

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Oktavian stays silent during Janira's monologue, somewhat uncaring regarding the history lesson. As the group stops for the night he wordlessly dumps his back on the group and sits next to it. He glances up at Vetis and Narnel:
"Don't stray too far from the camp. I am too big to do any sneaking but call me if you need help and I will come."
He turns to Little Tom as the halfling declares his intention to gather food. "Bring us back something good. If you bring down something big, perhaps I can carry it back for you."
Oktavian grimaces slightly at the prospect of eating the dry and bland hardtack contained within his trail rations.
Pulling out his journal, he grasps a quill awkwardly in his huge hand and begins to write a few quick scribbles. He pauses every now and then and frowns. It has been several years since I last had to write. Unfortunate that it takes quite so long to recall the letters now.
Journal Entry 01: Confirmation
First task with the pathfinders has begun in earnest. Was only given short notice before leaving but it seems my companions were prepared. They seem reliable.
Have taken refuge for the night in an old ruin. Janira said it is thousands of years of age. Seems to protect well from the wind - she has a good eye for these things.
The party travels slower than I would like. Hope we will make it to the Gillmen cave tomorrow. Cannot blame them, a couple of my companions are very small. I hope this will not hinder them should we enter combat.

GM Sarainy |

<< Cairnlands, Isle of Kortos | Early morning, overcast and mild | 2nd Erastus 4713 AR >>
Last night's dinner of deer still fills your stomachs, as you break camp and continue to head towards the gillmen cave. It was a quiet evening, with only the sound of night birds and the crack of the fire to disturb the peace and quiet of the wilds.
Throughout the morning Janira continues to tell stories, this time of much more recent events.
"The last dragon to roost in the Kortos Mounts was Maejerex Steeleye, the amethyst scaled tyrant. She lived for nearly 500 years, but as her lust for power grew she tried to unite the minotaurs and harpies. A major expedition slew her in 4592, as she tried to marshal her forces against Absalom."
"Since then only minor blue and red dragons have cropped up to be any real danger, every decade or so."
<< Cairnlands, Isle of Kortos | Afternoon, clear and warm | 2nd Erastus 4713 AR >>
Within a few hours forest has begun to appear to the north of the path. It sits around the base of the Kortos Mounts, like a barrier between the icy peaks and the rest of the isle. It looks abuzz with insects and birds, and well shaded from the high afternoon sun.
"Here we must break from the Diobel road and make our way through the forest. The cave sits at the base of that mountain," Janira points "We can try to follow the trail I used to get there... but perhaps one of you could find a faster path?"
Option: The Forests of Kortos
You as a party need to decide whether you would like to take the slower known path, or a quicker unknown path. Please state your preference (or lack of one) in your post.
Should you decide to use a faster path, I will roll a Survival roll for the highest skilled party member, with an Assist from the next highest. Do not make these rolls yourself.

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Oktavian grunts and turns back to face the party.
"I say we find our own route.
Oktavian gestures toward Vetis and Little Tom.
"I believe we have the skills between us to make it work. If it fails, I am equally confident we can overcome any dangers that might befall us."
He smiles slightly back at the party.
"Plus, what kind of Pathfinders stick to the beaten path that all have trod before them? We were born to explore - so I say let us explore! Perhaps we may even come across a dragon. I have not seen one in the flesh before through all my years in the wild. I admit to being curious."

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Alister wakes and climbs out of the bedroll and tent a sleepy Corneleus dozing on his shoulder (who I could have had hunt rabbit for breakfast but we still had deer) and eats the breakfast and then takes down the tent and rolls up the tent and bedroll attaching them again to his backpack tightly tied, then as they move on Alister listens to Corneleus wake up when the different paths are to be taken and says "Corneleus can scout by air and assist us in finding the best new quickest path so lets try that one!"

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Journal Entry 1: Erast 1 4713 - After three years, it’s come to this. My confirmation began today. It’s a local (ish) expedition: we are heading to the Kortos Mount to investigate sightings of a gillman. Could be interesting, or could be a bust. Still, the journey is most of the point isn’t it?
Found myself wondering what Father and Tamar would think if they saw me doing this.
It’s about as diverse a group as I could have been expecting. There’s only one other human, a hulking man named Oktavian. Spoke of being an exile from somewhere. Sure there’s a longer story there. The rest of the party’s a Halfling, two elves, and a half-orc. We must be quite the sitght. Our guide for this, Janira, is certainly eager enough about the whole thing. Spoke AT LENGTH about the siege castles, the local fauna, and every other fact she could think of as we crossed the Cairnlands. Ended up bedding down in the ruins of one of those forts for the night. One of the elves joined me to scout the surrounding area. Narnel. Not the best at woodcraft (there goes that sterotype), but seemed eager to learn and friendly. Perceptive fellow too.
Tomorrow our journey should reach the cave destination. Hope we won’t end up facing some of the more threatening wildlife. Doubt that hope will be answered though.
Journal Entry 2: Erast 2 - 4713 Slept soundly enough for first night. Ended up taking last watch w/ Little Tom. Understands the wild much like I do. Likeable chap.
Vetis starts at Oktavian’s mention of a dragon. ”I’d hope to stay as far from dragons as possible. Rather be a disappointed Pathfginder than a hot meal for a lizard.”
”Still, the rest of it’s a good point. Finding new trails is literally the name of our fellowship, is it not?”
Vetis is down to attempt Survival

GM Sarainy |

<< Forests of Kortos, Isle of Kortos | Early afternoon, clear and warm | 2nd Erastus 4713 AR >>
Having almost a unanimous decision to take the risk of an unknown path through the oak-brown forest of Kortos, the group sets off from the familiar roadside.
The ancient trees creak, almost as if greeting the newcomers - or perhaps serving as a warning. Their leaves bear acorns, still ripening, in their reaching branches. Each tree sits like a guardian, keeping the dangers of the Kortos Mounts at bay from the rest of the isle.
Yet a sudden start from the east, a lone wolf loping away as it is startled by your presence, reminds you that even the forest has dangers.
Even Janira is quiet now, her guard up. No longer does she tell stories of the past. Instead her hand sits permanently on her whip handle. Her face looks tense and her eyes look from left to right constantly as you progress through the ancient forest.
Corneleus wheels above you, his call helping to lead Vetis and Little Tom. Together they find a path less dense of trees, where instead clumps of bushes grow berries, out from the shade of the expansive oaks.
<< Forests of Kortos, Isle of Kortos | Mid afternoon, clear and warm | 2nd Erastus 4713 AR >>
Janira breaks the hour long silence for the first time, "Those rocks to our right, I saw them on my journey before - we must only be a couple of hours from the cave! We have made fantastic time, we should-"
Her voice trails off as a winged creature lands on a rock ahead, a chimeric beast with the head, wings and talons of a great eagle and yet the powerful body of a horse. Before any of you can even remark, another - presumably a sibling - lands just to the west next to a pair of trees. It too roars, hungry and out for blood.
<< Encounter: A Dangerous Path | Terrain: Forest | Hazards: Massive Trees, Light Undergrowth, Fall Trees | Scale and Facing: 5ft. squares, North is up | Map Link: Forests of Kortos >>
Vetis, Survival check: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (6) + 10 = 16
Little Tom, Survival check assist: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (19) + 5 = 24
Massive Trees: Take up space and provide cover +4AC for anyone behind them. They have AC3, hardness 5 and 600hp. DC15 Climb check to climb them.
Light Undergrowth: Costs 2 squares of movement to move into, and provides 20% concealment. Increases DC of Acrobatics and Stealth checks by 2. Running and charging through is impossible.
Fallen Trees: Costs 2 squares of movement to move through.
Alister, Knowledge (Nature): 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (9) + 8 = 17
Alister, Knowledge (Arcana): 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (1) + 8 = 9
Little Tom, Knowledge (Nature): 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (6) + 4 = 10
Narnel, Knowledge (Nature): 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (1) + 7 = 8
Oktavian, Knowledge (Nature): 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (7) + 3 = 10
Vetis, Knowledge (Arcana): 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (9) + 8 = 17
Janira, Knowledge (Arcana): 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (10) + 8 = 18
Please only read the spoiler tag for your character. If you are not listed your roll was not high enough to garner any information.
This chimeric beast is a hippogriff, boasting the head, wings and claws of a great eagle and the body of a powerful horse. It is a magical beast with darkvision and low-light vision, which has good attacking ability, fortitude and reflexes.
Hippogriffs are distantly related to griffons, but are no more intelligent than common beasts. They are highly territorial and will prey on anything they can catch. When they attack, they lash out with their sharp fore claws and beak. Hippogriffs have a keen sense of smell. They do not have any extraordinary abilities or innate spellcasting.
This chimeric beast is a hippogriff, boasting the head, wings and claws of a great eagle and the body of a powerful horse. It is a magical beast with darkvision and low-light vision, which has good attacking ability, fortitude and reflexes.
Hippogriffs are distantly related to griffons, but are no more intelligent than common beasts. They are highly territorial and will prey on anything they can catch. When they attack, they lash out with their sharp fore claws and beak. Hippogriffs have a keen sense of smell. They do not have any extraordinary abilities or innate spellcasting.
Hippogriffs live as mated pairs and never stray far from their nest. They never leave their eggs or hatchlings unguarded. They have no resistances or immunities of any kind.
This chimeric beast is a hippogriff, boasting the head, wings and claws of a great eagle and the body of a powerful horse. It is a magical beast with darkvision and low-light vision, which has good attacking ability, fortitude and reflexes.
Hippogriffs are distantly related to griffons, but are no more intelligent than common beasts. They are highly territorial and will prey on anything they can catch. When they attack, they lash out with their sharp fore claws and beak. Hippogriffs have a keen sense of smell. They do not have any extraordinary abilities or innate spellcasting.
Hippogriffs live as mated pairs and never stray far from their nest. They never leave their eggs or hatchlings unguarded. They have no resistances or immunities of any kind.
A hippogriff can be trained as a mount with a degree of effort (Not by players in PFS). For this reason, hippogriff eggs have been known to fetch 2,000 gp apiece on the open market, while live hatchlings can garner an additional 1,000 gp (Not in this scenario).
Alister: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (6) + 5 = 11
Jerry: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (7) + 3 = 10
Little Tom: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (1) + 6 = 7
Narnel: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (9) + 4 = 13
Oktavian: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (2) + 2 = 4
Vetis: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (17) + 2 = 19
Janira: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (1) + 6 = 7
Creature #1: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (19) + 4 = 23
Creature #2: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (16) + 4 = 20
Group 1: Janira, Alister, Little Tom and Vetis
Group 2: Creatures
Group 3: Jerry, Narnel and Oktavian
Please feel free to take your turn in any order within the group you are in. You do not need to wait for your exact initiative, once it is your groups turn you may post at any time.
Those of you who can, please make use of Roll20 to move your character.

Janira Gavix - GM Sarainy |

Janira uses her bardic ability to inspire courage within the parties hearts via stories of the past, "Let us remember the sacrifice of the fabled Yasmin bint Faroud, favored of the Ten, who gave her life distracting Zythrustianax, draconic scourge of the Society, so dozens of junior agents could survive. Her act of benevolence is the epitome of cooperation within the Society."
Standard Action: Inspire Courage +1 (+1 morale bonus on attack rolls, damage rolls and saving throws against charm and fear effects.
This applies to all allies within hearing of Janira - remember to add +1 to your attack and damage rolls.
Alister, Little Tom and Vetis please take your turns!

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Dang, we must have wandered into this pairs territory. Let's see if we can drive them off.
Narnel calmly steps up next to the tree, unlimbers his longbows and fires at the creature.
Longbow + Courage: 1d20 + 4 + 1 ⇒ (19) + 4 + 1 = 24
Damage + Courage: 1d8 + 1 ⇒ (1) + 1 = 2
5 foot step, move to draw weapon, standard to fire

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"these are hippogriffs! Beware their claws and beaks" he says
Moving also to draw his bow and fire an arrow at one of the beasts corneleus wings landing in a tree above one out of its reach above it and drops an alchemist fire on its head then hiding in the branches
bow attack: 1d20 + 2 + 1 ⇒ (7) + 2 + 1 = 10
fire from above ranged touch: 1d20 + 3 + 1 ⇒ (14) + 3 + 1 = 18
The arrow goes winging off with an elven curse and a owl chortle
The alchemist fire finds purhase
burn hippogriff burn: 1d6 + 1 ⇒ (6) + 1 = 7
And corneleus hides afterwards
please dont see me: 1d20 + 15 ⇒ (6) + 15 = 21

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Little Tom pulls out an arrow and draws his longbow. He aims high into the air to try and reach the monster to the north. Once he has lined up the shot he pauses for a moment, holds his breath so not to move at all and releases the bow string.
Longbow attack: 1d20 + 6 + 1 ⇒ (17) + 6 + 1 = 24
Longbow damage: 1d6 + 1 ⇒ (2) + 1 = 3

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"I'm all for cooperation Janira, but maybe we should hold off on the topic of martyrdom just yet!" Vetis responds as he slightly shifts forward and draws out his sling. To the rest of the group he calls out.
"Watch the talons. They're not the smartest creatures but they're strong enough. These things can get territorial - if we flee quickly they might not pursue..." Vetis' thoughts trail off as multiple arrows land of the hippogriffs' hides. "Or perhaps not."
Ready action to launch stone at a Hippogriff that approaches withing 50 ft. Attack would be +3 for 1d4 damage (including song)

GM Sarainy |

Narnel you had to wait until after the hippogriffs before your turn. In this situation you will always need to take your turn over again, but feel free to change your actions based on the change in circumstances.
Janira uses her bardic ability to inspire courage within the parties hearts via stories of the past, "Let us remember the sacrifice of the fabled Yasmin bint Faroud, favored of the Ten, who gave her life distracting Zythrustianax, draconic scourge of the Society, so dozens of junior agents could survive. Her act of benevolence is the epitome of cooperation within the Society."
Vetis responds to her, "I'm all for cooperation Janira, but maybe we should hold off on the topic of martyrdom just yet!" as he slightly shifts forward and draws out his sling.
"These are hippogriffs! Beware their claws and beaks," calls Alister. His owl familiar Corneleus soars over the western creature, clutching alchemical fire.
The dropped firebomb is a direct hit, pouring liquid fire across the hippogriffs wings and back. It screeches in pain, flapping and flailing its downy wings. It throws itself across the floor in an attempt to extinguish the flames.
They are put out, but the plumage sits charred and burnt.
Both Little Tom and Alister fire their bows, each at separate targets. The frenzied movements of the western creature cause Alister's shot to go wide - but Little Tom hits the northern hippogriff. The arrow sits buried in the birds proud chest, blood staining its horse like chest.
"Watch the talons. They're not the smartest creatures but they're strong enough. These things can get territorial - if we flee quickly they might not pursue..." Vetis' thoughts trail off as multiple arrows land of the hippogriffs' hides. "Or perhaps not."
The northernmost hippogriff lets out a shriek, charging forwards to tear at Alister. As it does so however, Vetis whirls his sling and unleashes a smooth stone. The shot goes sailing wide of it's mark, as it darts to the side to avoid the blow.
The sudden movement wrecks the beasts charge, as it's talons miss Alister completely.
Hippogriff #2 Full Round Action: Extinguish flames
Hippogriff #2, extinguish flames: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (13) + 9 = 22 DC15 Reflex Save
Vetis, Readied Action: Sling attack at Hippogriff #1
Vetis sling: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (1) + 3 = 4 [ooc](+1 from Inspire Courage +1)
Vetis sling damage: 1d4 - 1 + 1 ⇒ (3) - 1 + 1 = 3 (+1 from Inspire Courage)
Hippogriff #2 Full Round Action: Charge Alister
Hippogriff #1, Claw 1: 1d20 + 3 + 2 ⇒ (2) + 3 + 2 = 7 (+2 from Charging, -2AC until next turn)
Claw 1 Damage: 1d3 ⇒ 1
Hippogriff #1, Claw 2: 1d20 + 3 + 2 ⇒ (4) + 3 + 2 = 9 (+2 from Charging, -2AC until next turn)
Claw 2 Damage: 1d3 ⇒ 1
Hippogriff #1: -2 AC
Hippogriff #2: 7 damage
Jerry, Narnel and Oktavian please take your turns.

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Oktavian roars in anger at seeing the hippogryph tearing at Alister, and a fire seems to ignite behind his eyes.
"Get back!" he shouts. "This one is mine!"
Baring his teeth in fury, Oktavian steps foward and swings his massive falchion in a reckless arc, as if uncaring about his own life.
Oktavian takes a 5 foot step towards the hippogryph attacking Alister. He enters a rage and makes a power attack.
Falchion Power Attack: 1d20 + 5 - 1 + 1 + 2 ⇒ (17) + 5 - 1 + 1 + 2 = 24
-1 for Power Attack, +1 for Bardic Song, +2 for temporary strength from rage
Damage Roll if Hit: 2d4 + 6 + 4 + 1 + 2 ⇒ (3, 2) + 6 + 4 + 1 + 2 = 18
+6 from base strength, +4 from power attack, +1 from bardic song, +2 from rage bonus strength