Can doubling rings apply to fist?

Rules Discussion

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

My character has deity's favored weapon (fist). Can doubling rings apply the bonuses from my primary weapon to my offhand fist?

If not, is there anything in the game that might allow for that?

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The spirit warrior's 6th level feat allows you to apply the runes on a handwraps of mighty blows to a weapon that can use the archetype's dedication feat (A one-handed melee weapon or a weapon with the agile or finesse trait).

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Unfortunately, I can't really fit another archetype onto the character (They're already an Avenger).

I just had the rotten luck of the deity having "fist" as their favored weapon... :(

Both Doubling Rings and Blazons of Shared Power specify weapons only. Unarmed attack users are left out.

Even a feat that can apply to a weapon with the agile or finesse trait would not apply to 'fist' because unarmed attacks are explicitly not weapons.

There is actually enough of a "problem" with "fist" being a deity's favored "weapon" that I'm sure your GM will accommodate this.

I'd ask them if they would let free-hand weapons like the Gauntlet family to count as a favored weapon, which is rings-compatible, and will imo be more future-proofed for other snags.

If you want the RP of the raw fist, then you can ask for them to be made rune-compatible due to the issue of cleric stuff assuming the deity uses a real "weapon" and not an unarmed attack.

Why not just use [i]Handwraps of Mighty Blows[/b] and fight with fists?

Lia Wynn wrote:
Why not just use Handwraps of Mighty Blows and fight with fists?

That would be the easiest and best way of going about it.

But it is also more expensive to keep both the handwraps and secondary weapon up to date with runes.

Lia Wynn wrote:
Why not just use [i]Handwraps of Mighty Blows[/b] and fight with fists?

Presumably because runeing up 2 different weapons is prohibitively expensive. Unarmed attacks are not "weapons" and are incompatible with many things, including the doubling rings. (though any GM can change that)

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