Is there a guide to which Teamwork Feats work with Inquisitor Solo Tactics?

Pathfinder First Edition General Discussion

Exactly as the subject says. My search-fu is not strong, Reddit threads are often questionable/worthless, and many of the feats are confusingly worded. Thanks for any help.

The Exchange

Are you looking for a guide to good (strong) Teamwork feats for an inquisitor? There's several of those opinion guides floating around.

Or are you looking for a list of feats that do nothing for the inquisitor unless your ally actually has that feat for real? Don't think I've seen one of those.


You are correct, reasoning through the effects of solo tactics can be confusing. Each feat is different. But I don't know of any that are impossible to figure out if you have time to think it through.

Artillery Team is easy. It does nothing since it actually requires your ally to do things in concert with you. They can't do that unless they have the feat.

Assisted Ascension might be tricky to read but it does do something for you.

Benefit: When you succeed at a Climb check, allies within 20 feet who also have this feat can climb 5 feet along the same surface as an immediate action. You gain a +5 bonus on Climb checks to catch any falling ally who also has this feat.

When an ally within 20 feet of you succeeds at a Climb Check you can climb 5 feet as an immediate action. You gain a +5 bonus to catch any ally. Nothing happens when you succeed on a climb check, and no one gets a bonus to catch you.

Coordinated Blast looks awesome at first glance, then you realize that it actually does very little with solo tactics.

Benefit: Whenever you use a spell or ability with an area (such as fireball or channel energy), you can exclude any number of allies who also have this feat from that area of effect.

That's great, if my ally casts fireball I can exclude myself from the area. No, wait, that doesn't work. It says "when you use, you can exclude allies" So this only works with a spell I cast. OK, so this lets me exclude myself, but that's it.

I haven't seen a comprehensive list of the 'valid' feats either.

General reasoning I've seen/heard is that if the feat is worded in the form, "when an ally with this feat does x, then you get a y bonus (or can do z action)," then you are good to go. If it is worded, "when you do x, allies get bonus y or can do z action," then they actually need the feat for anyone to benefit.

So outflank is good example feat: you get the +4 flanking bonus, but your flanking buddy doesn't without the feat.

I've seen Escape Route as an example where the Inquisitor does not benefit solo tactics because the wording is the "ally doesn't provoke," rather than "you don't provoke when passing allies."

Of course, YMMV, so it's always good idea to have GM/Player conversations when looking at the ability and appropriate teamwork feats.

Solo Tactics (Ex): At 3rd level, all of the inquisitor’s allies are treated as if they possessed the same teamwork feats as the inquisitor for the purpose of determining whether the inquisitor receives a bonus from her teamwork feats. Her allies do not receive any bonuses from these feats unless they actually possess the feats themselves. The allies’ positioning and actions must still meet the prerequisites listed in the teamwork feat for the inquisitor to receive the listed bonus.

Solo Tactics state that all the inquisitor's allies are treated as if they had the teamwork feat for the purpose of determine if the inquisitor receives the bonus. The rules also state that you are considered your own ally, and obviously your allies are considered allies. That means that if your ally meets the requirements of the feat the inquisitor gains the bonus. the feat does not have to use the word you gain the bonus.

Taking Escape Route as an example. When you move through a square your ally is adjacent to you are their ally. That is enough to satisfy the requirement of the feat. Who is “You” and who is the “Ally” is a matter of perception and not written in stone. Each character is considered “You” from their own perspective, and an ally from the perspective their allies.

The thing to keep in mind is that an inquisitor can swap out their latest teamwork feat. That means the inquisitor does not have to decide on the feat until he gains another teamwork feat. So, what you really need is a list of teamwork feats worth keeping.

A lot of it will depend on the rest of the inquisitors build. For a inquisitor that fights in melee there is one combination of feats that are usually good. Start with precise strike, then outflank, then paired opportunist, and then improved outflank. Pick up Combat Reflexes with one of your normal feats. Use a weapon with a high critical threat range and seriously consider either improved critical or the keen enchantment. If your teammates are using a high crit weapon, that is even better.

Since you count as your own ally anytime anyone including you gets a critical it provokes an AoO.

Belafon wrote:

Are you looking for a guide to good (strong) Teamwork feats for an inquisitor? There's several of those opinion guides floating around.

Or are you looking for a list of feats that do nothing for the inquisitor unless your ally actually has that feat for real? Don't think I've seen one of those.

** spoiler omitted **...

The second version. I'm trying to figure out which feats will actually provide ANY benefit to an Inquisitor with Solo Tactics. I'll figure out which ones I want once I know which ones I can ignore. Of particular interest is Bonded Mind.

The Exchange

Yeah, don't think there's any such list.

Bonded Mind would not do anything. Because you and your ally are "trading messages." The basic premise of Solo Tactics is that you benefit but your allies cannot receive any benefits (unless they actually have the feat). If they don't have Bonded Mind they can't send a message to you or receive a message from you.

But - and here's the reason it would be hard to make a list without an explanatory paragraph for each feat - a teamwork feat such as Exceptional Aid, which has Bonded Mind as a prerequisite, DOES have an effect.

Exceptional Aid wrote:
Benefit: When you successfully use the Aid Another action to assist an ally’s skill check, and the ally also has this feat, the bonus is +4 instead of +2.

If your ally Aids you, you get +4. They don't get anything in return, but you can benefit.

Share Spells, another teamwork feat with Bonded Mind as a prerequisite, doesn't do anything.

Benefit: You can cast a spell with a target of “you” on an ally as a touch spell, as per the share spells familiar ability, so long as the ally possesses the Bonded Mind feat.

You can't cast a personal spell on an ally because they can't receive the benefit. And they can't cast it on you because the caster has to have the feat.

Darn! I was hoping with all the guides out there that somebody would have tackled this already. I guess that means I'm not as hopeless at searches as I thought though.

over at the PF Guides on Zenith games is The Inquisitor's Symposium 2022 Teamwork feats start at p208.

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