Anti grapple feats


Hello, I am considering picking a good antigrapple feat for a pc that has full bab.
What would the forums suggest?
I am basically looking for sth like close quarters fighting of 3.5 5/
Does sth similar exist in pathfinder?

Not really any that work exactly like that that I found.

Some options below that do something against grapples, but not necessarily optimal feat choices.

Getting freedom of movement is generally the best defense against grapples.

The Tatzlwyrm style feats are designed for an anti-grapple build. The second one tatzlwyrm grappler allows you to use an Escape artist roll in place of your CMD. So you'll want anything else that boosts escape artist to maximize that.

Item mastery to use dimension door.

Wanderer's fortune gives Freedom of movement as a swift action 1/ 5 ranks of knowledge (planes).

Felling escape and explosive escape allow extra options when you do break a grapple.

Of course improved grapple plus Combat stamina trick

There are others that give small boosts to CMD or escape artist, but don't think you want a pedantic list of stealthy and skill focus(escape artist).

Magic items are good like slick for armor, along with improved and greater versions or vest of escape, boots of escape, etc.

This is closer to what you're looking for I think: Resisting grappler

I'd recommend looking at the Brawler base class and various archetypes. It is a mix of Fighter and Monk classes focusing on close quarters combat.
Then go to the PF1 class guides on ZG to see what feats the guides review.

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