What makes a low level Shaman stand out?


Alright, I’m unsure _where_ to realistically begin on this. But in the group I’m playing in, we’re playing through Iron Gods (have nearly tpked twice btw, both times to Kasatha skeletons, first one to the group of 7, and the 2nd to the juju zombie.)

One of my fellow players (there’s only 3 of us, and yes we are doing Iron Gods with a 3 man team) is currently playing a Half-orc Wind Shaman. We JUST levelled up to lv2 (we started in like October, but essentially took the month of Dec off). He has the lowest AC in the party. He at current has the lowest to-hit bonus out of the three of us. He also similarly has been in melee combat frequently. Often times being knocked out of combat first, thus eating into our very sparse funds to get him back on his feet. It’s not like the player is _intentionally_ playing badly, but he has had what I have deemed a ‘lesser Will Wheaton curse’ on him this campaign (it wasn’t this bad in prior games fyi). IE he cannot seem to roll higher than a 12 on the d20 to save his life. Every time he has hit, he has rolled below average dmg etc.

So, my question to you all is this: What can a low-level Shaman do better (lv5 and below) than a different full casting class? I’ve tried to find _any_ redeeming features for a low-level Shaman, and cannot seem to find any. Any insights as to make him more viable, or just if the Shaman feels lackluster as a class would be appreciated.

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