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I'm not going to quote your prior post this time Sampson, don't have the time for it. But I first off didn't know alignment restrictions only really applied to divine casters for the most part. I appreciate the knowledge.

I was more referring to the weight of heavy armor and whatever his current Strength is. For some reason I thought if your load weight was above a certain ratio that you straight up couldn't move. May be confusing that for one of the 20 other TTRPGs I've played.

And believe my I get he bungled the build. Then again there's very few topics about building a high tier shaman, and most of its archetypes don't give them good niches for what they are trading off. I'll try relaying this to him, see if he'll listen, but he may try to make good characters but once they are made he feels a bit set in his ways about how he envisions them. So here's hoping.

Also I more than get that, Fast Ordnance was already on my radar. However we are in Iron Gods, and remember unless I get something that gives my AO AOE that it only effects 1 target at a time. So I'm not looking at TWF, instead I'm looking at making a Heavy Weapon Harness and making a small X-laser hopefully by lv8-10 ish which the GM has already stated tech weapons CAN use my AO on firing. Which I have to double check but I think that means my AO would hit every enemy in the line of fire.

Tom Sampson wrote:
He shouldn't be prepping CLW at all. That's what wands are for. Your party should be pooling their wealth for that. And honestly, the Magus ought to be the one healing the party, by using a wand of Infernal Healing because that spell heals you 10 hp per casting and doesn't affect alignment.

Maybe I'm missing something, but isn't Infernal Healing alignment restricted due to the [evil] descriptor? Or do wands disregard alignment requirements? Our Magus isn't evil aligned, I'm pretty sure she's either LG or NG.

That and our party until the last section of loot (after the first near tpk) haven't even had enough collateral to even pool for a wand of CLW. That and the Magus I've been letting take the party lead who has been super gung ho about clearing the dungeon of module 1 since one of the APs traits gives you 'local ties' which in her case Khonnir Baine (the NPC that went missing that's one of the focal plot points for module 1 of Iron Gods) is her adopted father. I am getting close to the point where I am wanting to start taking charge cause her single mindedness has had us take far too many risks at times whilst moving at a snails pace.

Tom Sampson wrote:
The Shaman doesn't need Mage Armor. Strictly speaking his Wind spirit has a hex that works as a very superior substitute for Mage Armor (Air Barrier), but that's only useful if you are playing a character with a high dexterity score. Otherwise the Shaman should really be using actual armor and buffing it with Magic Vestment. Honestly, I'd say his Wind spirit just wasn't a good pick. Also, since you clearly have two vastly more capable martials, the Shaman should likely just retreat from combat later on, give up on anything resembling an attack roll, and just use tower shields and heavy armor without proficiency. The Shaman's main prize, really, is being basically a Cleric, Wizard, and Witch in a single class that gets shields and armor and also some good Druid spells (like Wall of Thorns).

Oh boy where do I start on this section. The guy is so MAD that I'm unsure if he could even move in heavy armor. I'm pretty sure IF he even has a stat over 14 it most likely is his wisdom. He's said once or twice if he was unarmored he would be at like 11 or 12 AC, he's wearing I want to say Hide raising it to 15 or 16?

That and I'd hardly call myself a martial. I have a -1 to hit in melee but a +6 to hit for ranged (+8 with my mutagen active). I just have precise shot so no penalty for firing into melee; we're using EitR so Precise shot & Point-blank are swapped prerequisite wise. Bear in mind I only have a haramaki because of the light weight, no dex limit, and I dumped Strength (and Cha) as a primary stat. My Int and Dex are both 18, Con 14, then made Wis as high as I could make it with our given point buy.

Tom Sampson wrote:
At the early levels the Shaman is mostly reliant on his spells, spirit ability, and hexes. But a bad spirit selection has undermined his spirit magic, hex selection, and spirit ability, and I'm wondering if his wis score is below 18 because that would be a problem for his spellcasting alright.

Again don't think his Wis is an 18. We can't see each other's sheets in game btw. He's honestly wanting to take Air Barrier so he can unequip his armor and free up 25 lbs of encumbrance. Which honestly sounds like a completely pointless idea imho. Then again he has systematically forgotten to bring his spirit animal into the dungeon each time (probably because if it dies his PC is essentially unusable for the foreseeable future due to its cost if it dies). Pretty sure he chose a hawk as the spirit familiar btw.

Mysterious Stranger wrote:
Telling him to go hide in a corner is likely going to cause another near TPK. The OP already said they only have 3 players and did not mention what the other two are.

I agree with this sentiment. But also let me alleviate the question as to what me and the other PC are playing. The other PC is playing an Android BB Magus who is managing to pull her weight relatively well.

I'm playing a Ratfolk Gun Chemist Alchemist who has essentially been the party MVP when not being accidentally sabotaged. IE one combat against oozes the Magus cast Color Spray which oozes are _immune_ to mind you, and I was the only person who failed the save thus was knocked out for the combat. Ironically, YES the ranged PC not only has the highest base AC in the party, but the highest potential AC (even at lv1 I can get up to 26 AC).

Mysterious Stranger wrote:
What he needs to do is to make sure he is memorizing appropriate spells. The OP mentioned they were fighting skeletons. Shamans have Magic Stone on their spell list. Each casting of that will give him 3 stones that do 2d6+2 damage vs undead. Entangle is also on the shaman spell list and could be used to pin down the skeletons and allow the party to pick them off with ranged weapons.

Both of these are actually really good suggestions. The rest I have omitted since he has kind of _only_ been prepping CLW due to how this AP has been so far. And he's never been given the chance to use it all things considered.

Mysterious Stranger wrote:

As far as offensive spells the shaman may not be an arcane caster but does have some offensive spells. Sleep is also on the shaman list. Sleep may not work on undead, but vs something else it is very good. It may only be effective at very low level, but that is what the party is at this point. When sleep is no longer effective burning hands becomes fairly decent for a while. Shamans can get the summon natures ally line of spells. Touch of blindness can blind a foe for one round and can be used for 1 round per level.

Honestly these don't really help. This is mainly because this is Iron Gods. Over half of the encounters so far have been Constructs or Undead both of which are immune to Fort save spells. Iron Gods as a module is based around Numeria and the Technic League so there are LOADS of construct enemies within it.

Also I do get what you mean about versatility but for me it was more the following questions:
What can a Shaman do to stand out BEFORE wandering hex is available?
What can a Shaman do in that state of play that a different full caster at the same level cannot do as good if not better?
Primarily what can a Shaman do with his hexes that a Witch could not do in a similar fashion outside of like Heaven/Life/Lore Spirit at low levels?

To give one example Shamans do not get Mage Armor or Shield on their list. However a Witch gets both Mage Armor & CLW (only arcane full caster to get CLW btw). Likewise as-written a Shaman can only swipe 1 hex off the witch list that doesn't overlap. That and Witches get their hexes at odd levels and Shamans at even which is a little bit worse.

Part of the reason I want to keep this a low level discussion is that at 6th a Witch can take Spirit Talker which sure can only be used 1 hr/day but that's still quite synergistic already.

Alright, I’m unsure _where_ to realistically begin on this. But in the group I’m playing in, we’re playing through Iron Gods (have nearly tpked twice btw, both times to Kasatha skeletons, first one to the group of 7, and the 2nd to the juju zombie.)

One of my fellow players (there’s only 3 of us, and yes we are doing Iron Gods with a 3 man team) is currently playing a Half-orc Wind Shaman. We JUST levelled up to lv2 (we started in like October, but essentially took the month of Dec off). He has the lowest AC in the party. He at current has the lowest to-hit bonus out of the three of us. He also similarly has been in melee combat frequently. Often times being knocked out of combat first, thus eating into our very sparse funds to get him back on his feet. It’s not like the player is _intentionally_ playing badly, but he has had what I have deemed a ‘lesser Will Wheaton curse’ on him this campaign (it wasn’t this bad in prior games fyi). IE he cannot seem to roll higher than a 12 on the d20 to save his life. Every time he has hit, he has rolled below average dmg etc.

So, my question to you all is this: What can a low-level Shaman do better (lv5 and below) than a different full casting class? I’ve tried to find _any_ redeeming features for a low-level Shaman, and cannot seem to find any. Any insights as to make him more viable, or just if the Shaman feels lackluster as a class would be appreciated.

Forgot she could swap them out each day. Then again she might not either! Honestly I forget _what_ first level spells she has (we don't have access to each others sheets). She's also a BB magus, though again her blade doesn't 'awaken' until lv3.

The biggest 'YIKES' encounter in this game has been 7 Kasatha skeletons. Problem is that I don't have anything to really AOE damage them (Crafter's Fortune, Heightened Awareness, Shield, Longshot, & CLW). The Shaman's a wind shaman not life, meaning no channeling. And the magus... well she went down before her turn in initiative. 6/7 of the skeletons rolled before any of the 3 of us in initiative, my potential AC was the only thing that really saved us.

Also yeah I'm a gun chemist so I was shooting down those skeletons. So Dex to attack and no str bonus for damage. (My AO adds my int though)

Azothah thanks for the link I'm reading a bit of it right now!

Grok, Infernal healing wouldn't work for her she's LG, or at least think she is, so can't use evil spells due to alignment. (I'm NG btw, unsure on the Shaman). As for the crafting bit, this party kind of is super interested in wanting to do that just aren't a high enough lv to realistically even consider it yet. The group is looking at turning X into Y for my Craft(Alchemy) to let me use it for virtually ALL wondrous items/arms & armor via the Master Craftsman feat. Taking Material Mastery as a discovery on top of that for the spells not on any of our spell lists. To give some idea my base to alchemy at lv1 is a +11, by the time we're lv10 we'll believe be able to get that potentially as high as +35.

As for Diego, yeah I've kind of learned that. Our group has had several session altering Will saves; prior game at lv3 where the 2 front line characters I was playing after my 1st character died, both failed a Will save against an undead's aura and ended up panicked and ran away from the encounter. We've had some Fort saves but not as many, and virtually no Reflex saves. The reason Dex for me is a more concerning stat to me is that this is a RANGED character, meaning it affects my AC, and my to hit. Forgive me if I put too much mental weight on that. Also we haven't come across Shadows yet. Again our DM is running the Iron Gods AP so don't know if those are prevalent in it.

As for cold snap... From what I read Magus get 3 orisons at lv1. And from what I can surmise she didn't take it. In fact I'm not sure if she took any damaging orisons.

Also again I find it ironic how the ranged character has a higher natural and potential AC and saves compared to either of the other PCs. I may have a few hp less but the Magus is at like 15 AC with her backpack on 16 without. The Shaman is at I want to say 14 AC.

… WOAH. I was not expecting so many responses over the weekend. I do appreciate all the input provided above I haven’t received so much direct input to some of my questions in years. Makes me feel like people actually care.

So I want to thank Name Violation for suggesting the Riding dog. Then Taja the barbarian for suggesting the riding rat. Both are the most viable solutions atm. Azothah I already had noted due to Belafon’s post that Ant Haul would be another potential solution. Other than that the best solution would be minor remapping of stats if still going off the point buy calcs dropping my Dex or Int by 1 point would raise my Str by 3 to an 8. Dropping Wis by 1 would raise Str by 2 to a 7. Would be same for Con but I don’t want to drop Con cause my prior character died due to a very unlucky shot against him after earlier that day he attempted to disarm an obviously trapped chest getting hit by a poisoned dart and rolling a max of 6 con damage, bringing his 10 down to 4, losing 9 max hp (we were lv 3). Then again that PC was a wreck since he was built as a support, which he was good at, but he legit could NOT deal damage.

Most of the other solutions are untenable at the current moment. Mainly due to our party’s budget. To give some idea between the 3 of us we have a total of now 300 gp give or take? Part of it is that we keep getting nickel and dimed with stuff we _need_ to complete specific side objectives. One example being the Liquid Ice we had to buy for 40 gp to nullify a large patch of brown mold to recover a cadaver since no one in the party has a way to deal cold damage. (I could when we lv up lol). But it’s also that for example our magus keeps spending the _vast preponderance_ of her funds on pots of CLW, even though a while back I think we had enough money for a wand of CLW if we pooled funds which is 40% cheaper, and yes healing is kind of that much of a concern at this point.

Doesn’t help the Shaman took the wind spirit and is looking at the ‘Air Barrier’ hex which would only increase their AC by 1 atm, bringing them up to only 15 atm? IE he’s super squishy since shamans don’t get mage armor or shield.

Belafon wrote:
JamesWTGames wrote:
Honestly the GM hasn't been bringing this up AT ALL during the game. It's one of the players who keeps bringing it up.

Many game groups ignore weight because it is yet another thing to keep track of. But it is a balancing factor, precisely so that dumping strength has an effect for classes that don't rely on STR for attack and damage.

Back in my PFS1 GM days, I always took a glance at the strength of the PCs when the players sat down. Alchemists, bards, and swashbucklers would quite often be in medium or heavy load without realizing it. I would enforce weight penalties but before the game started I would offer them solutions to their problem.

In your case: buy a Handy Haversack and drink ant haul extracts.

Ant haul is a potential solution, though I'm unsure how long '2 hours' would be for our situation, due to how much time it takes us to get back to where we were in the caves. The Handy Haversack although useful, is FAR outside our group's price range atm. Remember we're lv1.

I think part of the reason the GM is hand waving it atm is that given the AP (Iron Gods) we realistically have a 'base of operations' until the end of module 1. So I could keep an alchemist kit and my formula book with the Baine household (two of us took Local Ties, me as a student of Khonnir Baine, and the Magus as an adopted daughter) until we leave Torch.

It's part of the reason why I asked if a Gun Chemist needs an alchemist kit to use his Alchemical Ordnance. Since nothing in the archetype description feels like it references anything of the sort.

GM is also being a bit weird about the XP since the one time I checked what CR an encounter was (Ghelarn) after the fight, he seemed to be reducing base XP to 3/4 of what's stated due to us being a 3 person group. As in a CR2 is stated to give 600 XP and we were awarded a total of 450, IE 150 each. I am unsure if they did so with any prior encounters (I feel not) but if so it ironically would have mean we would have leveled up off the Ghelarn since we're sitting around 1.5k/2k for lv2. Though he often states he feels confused how we haven't leveled up yet despite him running the system (and the modules) for years, maybe he is messing with us playfully, hard to tell through text.

I apologize for drifting off topic. But I do appreciate the insight. I had no idea wet suits worked like that, nor that manacles made for larger creatures given the same amount of metal could work in the same fashion well.
I thought I remembered years ago handling a mining pick and a sledgehammer and the sledge felt considerably heavier. Maybe it was just a chintzy pickaxe or just a badly weighted sledge. Memories ain’t perfect.
I work white collar in finance IRL and don’t get out often anymore. So forgive me if I often sound daft about certain things on the world at large.
I spent most of my ‘time off’ last year recuperating from surgeries I’ve been delaying due to not desiring my boss to get irritated with me since he thinks ‘you look fine’.
… and there I go greatly off topic again.

I also comically wrote this before Belafon replied to any of my above, just hadn't posted it yet WELP

So I was right the items without denotation do weigh normal for a small character. Find it weird then how that insinuates it weighing the same for a large character. Find it very strange how there's a 3/4 and a 1/4 item weight footnote for items, but no 1/2 item weight footnote.

Honestly the GM hasn't been bringing this up AT ALL during the game. It's one of the players who keeps bringing it up. I think they are more so sore since basically I've been the MVP most encounters. Due to my PCs stat spread my base AC is 17, for 1 hour I can boost that to 21, for 10 mins that hour boost it to 25, and for 1 min in that 10 boost it to 29 at lv1. Not to mention a +5/6 (forget which) ranged to hit, and don't have a penalty for shooting into melee. Meaning I can tank better than anyone else in the party which feels ODD.

Honestly this brings up a lot of questions regarding item weight vs size.
Why does a wet suit always weigh 4 lbs even for a tiny creature?
How does a set of 2 lb manacles manage to hold an ogre as well as a human?
How does a mining pick weigh the same as a sledge?
For a 1/4 weight item how much more would it actually weigh for a large character, since the reverse is 4x more which doesn't feel right?
How does an empty clay jug alone weigh 9 lbs?
Why does a climber, disguise kit and musical instruments all weigh less for small creatures, yet a book cannot be made in smaller sizes?

There's obviously more, just those are a few that stood out to me from what I've seen so far.

Alright, I’ll be honest _this_ topic unlike my prior I haven’t searched up yet. But I mainly wanted to bring this up to hear alternate viewpoints. This is for the game I’m currently a _player_ in. We’re running Iron Gods and are currently lv1.
I’m running a Ratfolk Gun Chemist Alchemist.
Other 2 players are a half-orc Shaman, and an Android BB Magus.
I’m small, and I dumped both Str and Cha. (more important for this discussion is Str)
My Str due to this is 5, and my light load limit 12 lbs.
After well over a half dozen sessions it was brought up about my inventory, and I was unaware of the alchemist kit and formula book which weigh 5 and 3 lbs respectively.
(I knew of the formula book beforehand but at the time was unable to find it on the aonprd lol)
As far as I’m aware unless it’s noted in the item block, an item weighs the same for medium and small characters? (one of my fellow players seems confident on this, but the GM has made no statement of determination one way or the other)
(This is explicitly stated for weapons and armor to weigh half but not items, which makes me confused in the opposite direction of large characters trying to use medium tools)
Unlike a wizard who does need to have his spell book to cast spells, does an alchemist realistically need their formula book on them except when making extracts?
Does a gun chemist need an alchemist kit on him to use his ‘Alchemical Ordnance’? Cause it only states that they imbue it with their innate ‘magical reserves’.
If non-indicated items are NOT half weight for small characters, what’s the best solution you can think of for me being able to carry those 8 extra pounds without being encumbered?

I have, both in and out of character asked my fellow players for assistance with help carrying my gear weight, but most of the time I’m either brushed off, or actively ignored.
I am by far out of the 4 of us the newest to the system, and tend to have a lot of niche rules questions, which seem to have rubbed at least one of the players the wrong way I feel like by being active in the group chat outside of session time.

Oh I do agree with you. Personally if a single Ex and Su size increase stacked with each other imo it’d make sense, since one is being done through sheer skill, the other through arcane arts. Cause then it’d make areas of null magic not be debilitating for such combos.

Also most of the questions I have I’m running through the GM who brought me into PF1e since him and one of the players in that game are both very knowledgeable, though I tend to overwhelm them with questions at times. (We’re in Iron Gods in that group atm, still in module 1 at lv1 just got past the Kasatha skeletons, barely, my ratfolk gun chemist in essence nearly single handedly saved the entire party dodging 82/84 attacks made by them.) FYI the other two players are playing a half-orc shaman, and an android BB magus. Though the party’s luck is totally out of whack. Since the shaman has had maybe only 3 combat rolls that have been over a 12, and the magus _consistently_ ends up getting crit by enemies. Like every other encounter. Being a gun chemist means I can’t craft pots of CLW to heal them at lv1. The magus managing to pull her weight far better than the shaman.

I’m only like well versed in about half of Pf1e’s classes so far, so I definitely don’t consider myself an expert. I’m using Ultimate Campaign’s and Ultimate Rulership (or hope to) for the Kingdom Building yet that won’t be important until far later. They legit only just beat the bandits at Oleg’s like I said. (we meet up on Wednesday at 1600 hours Eastern time)

Thank you for your response on this Tom Sampson! I greatly appreciate it! Also didn't bring it up but basically so long as its not a class where it's bonus feats are tied directly to a class feature (like the BR or sorc bloodlines) when it comes to archetypes that 'alter' bonus feats of a class do not go ahead and mutually exclude archetypes from each other.

Also good idea on Barracuda dash, I wasn't even aware of that. That actually has substantially higher potential then again we legit just started so he's lv1. So it'll take some time before that's even viable, since it still requires lv7 under my ruleset due to the 7 acrobatics and swim ranks.

FYI I'm running Kingmaker and it has taken them 2 sessions to beat the bandits because they spent 2 hours of the first session trying to make a ludicrous plan to use the half barrel of oil to make a fire wall to dissuade the bandits from coming. Hopefully exploration goes better.

As for what you are referring to as the 'rules retcon' I have to ask could you previously stack multiple size increases? Or was there a rule that you could essentially stack a Su size increase (from a spell, or enchantment) and an EX size increase (IE like Brute Vigi)?
Honestly if that was true it might make the downsides of Brute Vigi make slightly more sense, though they are still extremely high. Brute Vigi as-written is pretty painful to play. Having to majorly clear some HB with your DM to make it playable.

Alright so I’m dming my first PF1e game and all my players are new to the system. I asked what kind of character my players wanted to play and helped them build something that would work with what they wanted to play. But as for 1 particular player in my group there’s certain things with his build that I’m not 100% sure how they interact with each other. They’re all at lv1 but this is more so me asking how this all interacts at _LATER_ levels so I’m not misleading him. So as a primer before we start:
I am using “Elephant in the Room” to reduce initial feat taxes.
I am using “Auto advancing feats” IE if you take a style feat chain, when you gain the BAB/skill ranks of the requirements of later feats in the chain you gain them without having to spend a feat on them.
For things like ‘Powerful/Deft Maneuvers’ from EitR the player chooses 1 option from the available which they will acquire the ‘Greater’ version of the CM when they reach the other prereqs for it. If they want multiple they have to spend additional feats as appropriate on them.
I am permitting players to take ‘Major Drawbacks’ from Rogue Genius Games on the d20pfsrd to take additional feats at CC. (3 out of my 5 players did this, this being one of them)
All NPCs also get access to the above, and the players are aware of this.

The player is playing a Large MoMS Sohei Monk. (Assume either Undersized mount, or that he’ll eventually get a Huge or larger mount of some kind, the mount isn’t important for what I’m asking)
If he takes ‘Modified Weapon Proficiency’ (Lances) or ‘weapon Adept’ (Versatile Design) and grabs a Versatile Design (Monk) lance can he use the ‘ascetic style’ feat line with it?
“Ascetic strike’ then would allow him to treat that lance’s damage as if his character lv was 4 levels lower. If the above is correct?
From what I’ve seen due to being a Sohei, “Monks Robes” do nothing to affect Ascetic Style’s feat chain, but would increase his AC bonus by 1? Or can I get some more clarification on this?
(I have a rather good grasp on what the Ascetic Style chain does, but I haven’t found a good concise explanation on how a Monk’s Robes effects it)
In order to use “Ascetic Style” with this lance and say “Hamatulatsu” on it at the same time do you have to take the WF feat twice to get both, or does ‘Ascetic Style’s effect cancel needing WF (unarmed) for Hamatulatsu?
(Hamatulatsu was the only feat I could find that gave alternate damage types that augment US that weren’t ‘style’ feats, and all of the style feats that did didn’t really do what they were looking for, if there is a feat I missed do inform me!)
If the above is possible, this allows the lance to do Bludgeoning damage at no penalty, correct? Which means you could use it with Cudgeler style, correct?
(All this realistically does is save him a +2 bonus on either the lance/AoMF for the Impact enchantment)
Since from a forum post I saw, if this let’s us use a Lance with Ascetic Style, then we can use stuff like an AoMF and Greater Magic Fang on it correct?
Then again the PC will end up having a _crazy_ high UMD later so would a wand of lead blades not be cheaper and more efficient means of gaining a pseudo size increase for his weapon, or is there an even better option?
(he took Dangerously Curious as one of his traits so UMD is a CS, there’s a Halcyon druid in the party who is adamant about wanting to be the party’s crafter)

Also if anyone’s curious about party comp:
Toxicant Alchemist (who nearly killed himself from fumbling a bomb on the first turn of combat rolling dmg equal to his hp that landed on himself.)
Halcyon Druid
Sohei MoMs Monk
Vanilla Hunter w/ Warcat Acom.
Iroran Tempered Champion Paladin

Well my first thing is that there's 2 different PF1e sheets in R20. There's the official one, and then there's the Community one. The official one is pretty good HOWEVER it sucks whenever you are trying to use buffs that are non-standard. Or for certain specific interactions.

One of the best examples I can give (off the top of my head) for this is trying to program a wand that's not on your spell list into the official sheet. Since you need an activation roll for it, and unless you put a trigger that tells it to roll your UMD from the spell menu it requires info in 3 separate places to do so.

In the community version there's sections in the sheet to do that pretty easily. It even has commands that let you use frequent buffs like power attack and combat expertise in a preprogrammed triggerable macro on the top of your sheet.

Ju-Mo. wrote:

You are right, but I highly appreciate the answer :D

That sounds like a nice addition to the rules, maybe I have the time to look it over and implement some of these things in my second group.
The first being in Book 6, in the last Dungeon, don't have any real need for a kingdom anymore, tbh. At sometime its a self running system, which only needs government if you are at war.

I sort of get that. And you art welcome Ju-mo. There's 16 additional buildings provided in the supplement, and alternate rules on Expansion, Holiday, and Taxation Edicts which are mainly to help out in the early stages to prevent potential collapses of expansionistic groups.

To give a description for the Brickyard/Lumberyard these are 16/12 BP cost buildings that take 2 lots each. Gives the same stats as a Foundry minus the Unrest. Brickyards say they reduce the cost of Quarries in the settlement's hex or adjacent hexes to 6 BP (but Quarries normally cost 6 so idk). Lumberyards reduce the cost of Sawmills in the settlement's hex or adjacent hexes to 2 BP (which is a reduction since base cost is 3). BUT the weird part is the last two lines:
In addition, Q/Sm in those hexes generate 1 additional BP for every 2 Q/Sm. If a Q/Sm is adjacent to 2 settlements with BY/LY, only 1 BY/LY may benefit from that Q/Sm each Kingdom turn.

Also another thing I'm questioning is the Trade Edict rules. Since unless you have like heaps of Productivity in a settlement, once your nation's size gets above 25-30 hexes it makes it near impossible to make a trade route because you ADD the 'Length Modifier' (LM) to the DC for trade edicts. And to get the LM you subtract the 'Trade Route Length' (TRL) FROM your Kingdom's Size. Which makes it HARDER to make trade routes the bigger your country is! Which to me honestly makes very little sense.

Also Legendary Games made similar rules expansions to other parts of the rules pretty sure they have a separate one for like Kingdom Warfare. But Rulership was the one that took my interest first.

Ju-Mo. wrote:

I cant really say much to UR, because I dont have it.

Is it a offical origianl Paizo Pathfinder product or a third party?

Ultimate Rulership is a third party supplement, though they do have it in the official Paizo store page. It's made by Legendary games.

Also didn't think that making multiple special edicts a turn really would effect that much. Though for the festival edicts (which is a special edict added to UR) if you have big enough cities they very much are worth doing imho. There were 5 additional special edicts added in UR: Commission, Endowment, Espionage, Festival, & Recruitment.

All 5 of them add to the capabilities of what can be done with the Kingdom building rules.
Commission gives the players some control over potentially specifying specific wondrous items it wants a specific building to make.
Endowment lets you bestow a title to most 2 or 4 tile buildings to increase it's consumption by 1 but also increase loyalty and fame by 1 so long as you pay the consumption. (It also gives an option of letting the Noblesse Oblige event also pay for an ongoing Endowment edict)
Espionage costs a rolled amount of BP for a rolled increase to Economy for a # of months, as well as providing information about the nation you used the Espionage edict on. The information and DC provided is determined by the type of espionage from public -> minor -> major -> vital secret.
Recruitment just gives better rules on how to actually recruit armies.

Festival Edicts are interesting. They are edicts that effect only a specific hex/settlement. Festival edicts require a specific building depending on the size of the settlement, cost a rolled amount of BP to do, and require an Economy, Loyalty, and Stability check to determine the results. FYI how many buildings are in a settlement determine it's classification in UR. A 'village' if <=4 lots filled. A 'town' if 5<=16 lots filled. A 'city' is when a settlement has 17 or more lots filled.

There's 3 types of festivals: a Countryside Festival, a Civic Festival (CvF), and a Religious Festival (RF). A Countryside Festival cannot be held in a settlement, costs 1d2 BP, and must be held at a Landmark to perform and increases the loyalty of the Landmark by 1 for 1 year (These also don't need Kingdom checks). For a 'Village' it costs 1d4 BP and for a CvF you need a Tavern, for a RF you need a Shrine. For a 'Town' it costs 1d8 BP for a CvF you need a Theater, for a RF you need a Temple. For a 'City' it costs 2d6 BP for a CvF you need an Arena, and lastly for a RF you need a Cathedral.

If all 3 Kingdom checks fail on a festival you lost 1 Fame, and gain 1d4-1 points of Unrest. It also causes a 50% Squatters event, a 45% Vandals event, or a 5% chance of both! If 2 checks fails there is a 50% chance of the Building Demand event triggering.
If you pass 2/3 of the checks you sum total the bonuses of all the following buildings in that settlement no matter if you are doing a CvF or RF: Inns, Luxury Shops, Markets, Monuments, Parks, & Shops.
For a CvF you also total the bonuses of the following buildings on top of those above: Arenas, Black Markets, Bordellos, Dance Halls, Gambling Dens, Palaces, & Taverns.
For a RF you also add the total bonuses of the following buildings: Cathedrals, Graveyards, Shrines, & Temples.
When you get the total you multiply the sum bonuses by 50%.
If you roll 3 successes you double the above summed bonuses. Plus you have a 50% chance of Outstanding Success, a 45% chance of Visiting Celebrity or a 5% chance of both!

Probably not the information you expected to receive but I am a high-functioning autistic with ADHD as are a large portion of most TTRPG players.

Hello all, first time actually posting in here and going to be honest this isn’t even the _start_ of my questions, but I was introduced into PF1e a few months ago, and have started running the Kingmaker AP recently. I have Ultimate Campaign (UCP), and Ultimate Rulership (UR) as rules expansions for the Kingdom Building parts of this and I wanted to ask questions pertaining to those first.

First, in UR for the Brickyard it states that it reduces the cost of Quarries to 6 BP. Though in UCP it lists the cost for Quarries at 6 BP. Is this a typo or was it originally more, and later errata’d?

Second for both the Brickyard and the Lumberyard in UR it says that Quarries/Sawmills generate 1 additional BP for every 2 Quarries/Sawmills. Does that mean in only the honeycomb of hexes (6 adjacent) surrounding the settlement with the Brickyard/Lumberyard generates 1 additional BP for their corresponding building from? Or is it saying per every 2 Quarries/Sawmills in your entire kingdom?

Third, if using the rules for UR, would you say the Foundry would similarly work like a Brickyard/Lumberyard for mines?

Fourth, in UCP it says that terrain improvements with a * can share their tile with other improvements. Quarries, Mines, and sawmills lack this (for obvious reasons I feel). So does this mean you actually can’t build a road through a forest tile that ends up with a Sawmill on it?

Fifth, for the purposes of ‘water dependent buildings’ when crafting aqueducts, how as the GM should I determine what is considered a ‘water border’ for a hex that has an aqueduct crossing through it?

Sixth, in a circumstance where you have a party where _none_ of them have good Handle Animal, if they built a menagerie, how as the GM should I determine what the ‘CR of the highest CR creature in the menagerie’ is? (this actually isn’t a problem with my group this is just a genuine question since 3 of my 5 players have decently high Handle Animal scores)

Seventh, for Granaries I take it that for _EACH_ granary you can store up to 5 BP of excess production? I also take it you cannot stack this IE 5 on the first turn, then 10 total on the second, then 15 on the third if you keep having a surplus?

Eighth, in regards to the Waterfront, Cathedral, & Palace their special benefits, these apply universally to your Kingdom? IE by building 1 Waterfront it halves the loyalty penalty on taxation across your entire Kingdom??? (this isn’t as important for the Palace due to how it operates)

Ninth, in regards to the Palace actually, since this building doesn’t have a limit on it, if you build multiple does that allow you to issue more Special Edicts but at a further penalty? IE 2 Palaces give 3 special edicts a turn at -4, 3 Palaces give 4 at -6 etc?

I have more (next I had in mind was about lighthouses) but this is all I can type out for right now.