Dread Marshal Stance

Rules Discussion

This feat states:

Putting on a grim face for the battle ahead, you encourage your allies to strike fear into their foes with vicious attacks. When you use this action, attempt an Intimidation check. The DC is usually an easy DC of your level, but the GM can assign a different DC based on the circumstances. The effect depends on the result of your check.

Success Your marshal’s aura grants you and your allies in the aura a +1 status bonus to damage rolls. When you or an ally in the aura critically hit an enemy with a Strike, that enemy is frightened 1. If you’re wielding a weapon that has more than one damage die (typically due to a striking rune), you can have the status bonus equal the weapon’s number of damage dice instead of +1.

My question is, if I have a Greater Weapon Striking Rune or my ally does and he crits while being within my 15ft aura, would the enemy be at Frightened 2?

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Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber

No, the Frightened value doesn't have any kind of scaling based on the number of damage dice.

The only thing that scales with striking runes is your damage bonus. So if you have a base longsword, it becomes 1d8+1+str, but a +3 longsword is 4d8+4+str.

Frightened is pretty powerful, since it debuffs enemy attack, defense, and saves. So sources to upscale to frightened 2 tends to be a bit more restrained.

This ability tends to be nicer on builds with many small attacks. That would give them more chances to crit, and the damage bonus would come up more often.

Also conditions that don't do damage (basically all conditions except persistent damage) don't get bonus of any kind. They just increase or decreases its numbers (the books uses terms like "increases/decreases by" for them when want to improve or diminish them). So when you read in the books that something got a bonus/penalty it's referring to a roll and never to a condition.

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lemeres wrote:

The only thing that scales with striking runes is your damage bonus. So if you have a base longsword, it becomes 1d8+1+str, but a +3 longsword is 4d8+4+str.

Frightened is pretty powerful, since it debuffs enemy attack, defense, and saves. So sources to upscale to frightened 2 tends to be a bit more restrained.

This ability tends to be nicer on builds with many small attacks. That would give them more chances to crit, and the damage bonus would come up more often.

A +3 longsword is still 1d8+Str.

The + is from the Potency rune. That just impacts the to hit, and not damage in any way, and the Potency Rune also tells you how many max Property runes you can have.

The damage bonus is from the Striking Rune. So, a +3 Major Striking Longsword is doing 4d8+Str+Class Bonuses if they apply+property runes. It also looks like in your example above, you are adding the Potency Rune to damage, and it does not add to damage.

Grand Lodge

...plus the damage bonus from the feat that scales with damage dice, which was the subject.

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