True Target

Rules Discussion

Can this spell be cast on an enemy when you've casted Freeze Time?


"All other creatures and objects are invulnerable to your attacks, and you can't target or affect them with anything."

Baarogue wrote:


"All other creatures and objects are invulnerable to your attacks, and you can't target or affect them with anything."

I don't think that is quite accurate. But mostly - the spell is a terrible synergy with Freeze Time.

You aren't targeting the enemy. You only designate one. Freeze Time doesn't prevent you from selecting or designating a time-frozen creature. Designation isn't an attack and it doesn't cause any effect on them.

The targets of True Target are the people attacking the designated target.

Since all of your allies are frozen in time as well as your enemies, you could only target yourself with the spell. So you might as well use Sure Strike instead.

Also be aware that the effect only lasts until the start of your next turn. So both spells are almost certainly going to wear off before Freeze Time ends and you can act again. Time still passes for you and your normal start of turn and end of turn events happen during that time.

But you can, if you really want to, cast the 7th Rank spell on only yourself and have its effect expire before you can use it.

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