Nidalese linguistics

Lost Omens Campaign Setting General Discussion

I'm a bit confused by the languages used in Nidal . . . They speak

* Common/Taldane ~ but they were never ruled by Taldor, requiring it only to trade (not a huge focus of theirs for many years) until Cheliax conquered them, which was only a very short time in Nidalese history (which is twice as long as **all of human (written) history in our world**

* Shadowtongue ~ a combination of Infernal (okay ig altho velstracs feel like something else but they are LE and have origins in Hell), Azlanti (okay ig cuz Nidal accepted so many refugees) and . . . Taldane for some reason??? Why not Infernal, Azlanti, and Hallit ~ certainly their ancestral language should still be present in their language somehow?

* Varisian ~ why??? Like, yes, it's a neighbor, but it's also one very much associated in Nidalese culture with Desnan worship, which is a driving force of rebellion. I would imagine speaking Varisian is likely to be met with at least a little suspicion from the Nidalese (and very often, maybe most of the time, not too much more than that, tho when it invites more suspicion, I would imagine it invites a **lot** more)

Why no Hallit? Why those languages?

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