Use Cases for Juggler


Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

What are some good ways to utilize the Juggler feat and/or archetype into character builds?

What kind of character would it especially stand out on (in an optimal way)?

A starting possibility:

Thrown Weapon Alchemist with Shield in the other hand. Presumably with a solid focus on bombs and poisons.
Allows you to be juggling multiple alchemicals and poisoned weapons whilst keeping your hand free for Quick Alchemy.
Focused Juggler helps fix some of the action economy in a class that is always drawing things, (prepared Alchemy and poisoned blades from a Bandolier.)

Goblin investigator wielding a Big Boom Gun in one hand and juggling a Dogslicer (or any other one-handed melee weapon) in the other so they can reload. Primarily a melee combatant but when you roll high BOOM. Pairs well with Alchemical Sciences to allow us of Quick Tincture during combat

Handy for getting around the free hand limitations of kineticists.

Because you get to be holding all of them at once, it actually makes Reaction spell scrolls even better than before. You can use any extra free draws to add a Reaction possibility.

There's also plenty of 1A Activate items that are quite good, but you don't want to spend 2A on for the Draw.

Even something as humble as the feather token bush to gain instant cover for 1A is actually amazing a lot of the time.

Grand Archive

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*Watches with Keen intensity*

A few more "great if you can draw-dodge" items a Juggler might want to take a closer look at.

Holy/Unholy Water | proc weakness to holy/unholy (even on miss via splash) | 1A | 3gp
R1 elemental bombs | proc weakness to element (even on miss via splash) | 1A | 3gp
Smoke Ball | make self-included 2x2 concealment cloud | 1A | 3gp
Marvelous Mini, Campfire | create & place a campfire on the ground (occupy space w/ hazard? Deny flanking?) | 1A | 1gp
Fthr Tkn, Tree | create & place a 5ft wide 60ft tall tree (definitely denies/deletes a square) | 1A | 38gp
Water Bomb | (via Strike) provide effective assistance to end acid or fire persistent dmg + invoke extra removal check | 1A | 3gp
Bloodhound Mask | instant 15ft imprecise scent | 1A | 3gp
Darkvision Elixir | instant 10min darkvision | 1A | 6gp
Cat's Eye Elixir | -5 to concealed & hidden check DC | 1A | 7gp
Cauterizing Torch | instant "effective" bleed recovery check for self or adjacent | 1A | 10gp
Bottled Night (uncommon) | 20ft range 15ft burst of 1 min darkness | 1A | 12gp
Revealing Mist | 1min 15ft lingering cone of mist that causes invisible/undetected to be concealed indirectly via mist. (works even vs R8 Disappearance spell) | 1A | 9gp
Spiderfoot Brew | instant 1min, 15ft climb speed | 1A | 12gp
Oxygen Ooze | instant 1hr clean air source | 1A | 15gp
Invisibility Potion | Invisibility spell (auto *undetected*, foes need to check to downgrade to hidden) | 1A | 20gp

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