Nar'shinddah Sugimar

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Is the mention of Quick Vial in the Munitions Machinist feat a typo?

Goblin investigator wielding a Big Boom Gun in one hand and juggling a Dogslicer (or any other one-handed melee weapon) in the other so they can reload. Primarily a melee combatant but when you roll high BOOM. Pairs well with Alchemical Sciences to allow us of Quick Tincture during combat

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Don’t missile launchers and grenade launchers take two actions to fire? So even if all of a Skittermander’s hands were used to hold 3 launchers you could only fire one per turn, though it would allow you to bypass the reload actions

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video on oracle
BadLuckGamer - Changes to Oracle

So the problem is I don't want to give them the archetype feats, I want to give them full bounded spellcasting akin to the Magus or Summoner.

I've been working on an Eldritch Trickster Class archetype as an alternative to the legacy Rogue Racket.

My main concern now is the cost of giving the rogue bounded spellcasting, which I currently have as losing the bonus skill feats also, I'm not sure if it should be spontaneous or prepared spellcasting.

So as far as making INT useful what if Arcane Cascade added half or full INT mod at base and then +1 at Weapon Specialization and +2 at Greater?

Also what if the initial target of Expansive Spellstrike had one degree of success lower?

So a rough draft of a way to maybe handle this as a Class archetype


Class archetype rules
Reduce spells slots by one for each spell rank
Pick two traits
Excluding cantrips all spells prepared must have at least one of your two chosen traits

Dedication feat wrote:

When you level up you may choose one spell from outside your tradition that has at least one chosen trait to add to your spell list.

Level 4 feat wrote:

You may have up to one spell per spell rank (excluding the highest available spell rank) prepared that doesn't possess one of the chosen traits

Level 4 feat wrote:

focus spell, free action

If your next action is to cast a spell that possesses a chosen trait it doesn't consume its spell slot
Level 10? Feat wrote:

one action, spellshape

If your next action is to cast a spell that possesses a chosen trait and is at least two spell ranks below your highest available spell rank, then it doesn’t consume its spell slot

Dangerous Sorcery, Spell Penetration, Overwhelming Energy

Can the concealed condition granted by Clear as Air be used to sneak?

Would grabbing an opponent cause the damage of Crushing Void to change to 1d8? If so that feels counterintuitive to the concept of a combat maneuver hybrid study since you would be penalized for performing the action the hybrid study is supposed to encourage.

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Karmagator wrote:

Well, that went much faster than anticipated. Here is the link for the full Gunslinger Reloaded document.

Have fun :)

Did a quick read through and here are some opinions/questions:

The Spellslinger feat appears to be missing Spellslinger way requirement.

Would the bomb formulas from Munitions crafter be memorized like bullet formula or would you need a book?

I feel like the Durable Silencer should be increased to a 1st level item and maybe should gain the broken condition on a misfire.

Lastly part of me feels like Instant Reload should require the spell to be a non-cantrip, though that would definitely make the cost of Imbued Shot difficult to manage.

A few questions on ghost movement.

1. If you fall/jump off a cliff can you use your fly speed to slow your fall/glide?

2. Pass Through is a three action activity that says if you start your turn inside an object you must use it or a similar ability to leave, but you are slowed 1 and cant use it so how do you leave?

3. Can ghosts climb walls without Ghostly Grasp?

4. Without Ghostly Grasp or Pass Through if you somehow where backed into an unlocked closet and they shut the door, can you escape?

5. The dedication explicitly says you can not pass through objects with the Pass Through feat, and Ghostly Grasp is required to interact with objects. So if you don't have Ghostly Grasp or Pass Through what happens if you try to pass your hand through a cup or table?

The Ghost archetype felt disappointing to me so I chose to make a simple rewrite pulling some abilities from the ghost monster page lowering the damage and adding cooldowns to them. I also tweaked some existing abilities.

The main things I'm not sure about are:
1. Whether I should move poltergeist to being its own level 4 feat
2. If the glide ability even adds any thing (does a height restricted fly speed work if you are in midair due to falling?)

Does your bound site just determine your "respawn point" with the
Rejuvenation feat, or are you actually bound to the location and can't leave?

What if dedicated got increased proficiency with impulses?
Giving up versatility for accuracy and higher DCs.

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So I was reading the class again and found this line.

Nanite Array wrote:
Your nanites are technological in nature and can be detected by spells (such as detect tech), but they aren’t otherwise subject to effects that affect technology.

This is sort of a continuation of a rules question i had on nanocytes using weapon accessories.
This shouldn't let you create hybrid items so if you wanted a silencer you would have to buy it and keep it in you inventory.

Modded Weapons - Nanocyte Knack:

You can Select Weapon Accessories as minor forms. When you create a weapon with a gear array, you may also create a number of weapon accessories equal to half your constitution modifier to be attached or integrated into the weapon. Alternatively you can attach weapon accessories from your inventory when you form a weapon.

Weapon accessories that attach another item can grab an item from your inventory and load them. If you have the item as a major/minor form it could instead create the item, but it will count toward your limit of weapon accessories.

but would swarm strike end?

Can you swap out the skill bonuses you get from sheath array as a move action without ending swarm strike?
Or would you have to spend another nanite surge to reactivate swarm strike?

So I'm fairly certain you can make them but do they lose the analog weapon special property? Do they still have it but can be effected anyway? or do they have it with all of its benefits?

I wanted to make a feat allowing nanocytes to summon a wingboard, then realized the second feat doesn't have any identity tying it to nanocyte so I changed it to a general feat

Wingboard Enthusiast Nanocyte Knack:
You get a wingboard as an extra minor form with the following changes: its AC is equal to your own, its HP changes to 4/level with a break point of 2/level, and for every 5 levels reduce the attack penalty by 1.

Wingboard Specialist General Feat:
Change the collision DC of wingboards to 10 + half your level + your Dexterity modifier, and damage of wingboards that you use to 1d6 at 4th level, 2d6 at 8th level, 3d6 at 12th level, 5d6 at 15th level, and 7d6 at 20th level.
You get the Hit and Run action.
Hit and Run
As a full action, you can pilot a wingboard at up to its speed and run into any creatures during this movement with at least 10ft before each creature. Those creatures take bludgeoning damage equal to the Wingboards’s collision damage, but each can attempt a Reflex save against the vehicle’s collision DC to take half damage.

Should the damage be changed? I just pulled it from the improved unarmed strike feat.
Should I drop some of the bonuses for the Knack?

I don't like the idea of limiting it to just the 1st range increment, since thrown weapons have pretty poor range to begin with (normally 10' or 20').
Maybe increasing the range penalty or decreasing the maximum number of increments?

I feel like the 2 action idea probably works better for giving high Str characters a backup ranged option (which was the original idea behind the feat), and the stance probably would be better for building a character more focused on thrown weapons.

YuriP wrote:

I think that -2 + 2 actions + flourish is TOO penalty. Based in things like Crossbow Ace makes more sense just allow to use str for throws. This may appear too much but you are only allowing the use of another stat (so is stat bonus dependent), weapon type dependent, and no other bonus/extra are added insead it's adds an agile and precision restriction. While the ace improves a dice and add +2 to damage without requiring anything than be a crossbow.

I also think that such feat needs to be a class feat and fits well for barbarian and fighter. Be a level 1 feat is fine too.

I think the idea of changing it to a 2 action flourish was to remove the attack penalty but keep the precision damage restriction.

The only other problem i can think of would be that turning it into its own action means it cant be combined with thrown weapon feats (ex: Oversized Throw)

if it were changed to a 2 action ability, do you think including drawing a weapon would be fine or no?

Wild Throw
You substitute precision with brute force.
Benefits When you make a thrown weapon attack you can substitute Dex with Str and take a -1 on the attack roll.
Special Any strike made using this feat can't benefit from the agile weapon trait, and can't apply precision damage

1. Does this being a 1st or 3rd level general feat sound right?
2. Should the attack penalty be higher?
3. Are the special restrictions fine?
4. ??

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How does Gear array interact with items that can be combined?
Ex: the Comm Unit Personal mentions upgrading it to include the functionality of scanners

How can nanocytes use weapon accessories with gear array weapons?
Things i can think of are:
A. You have to buy them separately and then attach them when ever you create a weapon for combat, and then store them after combat.
B. You still buy them separately but then they combine with your gun as part of the array.
C. You dont buy them and as long as your level is high enough you just create them as part of the array.
D. you select them as minor forms but otherwise functions as C.
Edit E. You buy them separately and when you use gear array your nanites attach them in the same way that they grab a battery or magazine.

i want to play a nanocyte but would like to use weapon accessories.

So the Idea was to take Pistol Phenom at second level as my free archetype and and use four air repeaters via the Gunner's Bandolier to help get around the reload problem.

Assuming I got GM approval to combine the effects of Pistol Twirl and Scoundrel Racket would this be viable?

Pistol Phenom:
You catch an opponent off-guard by spinning your weapon. You gain the Pistol Twirl gunslinger feat, enabling you to Feint against creatures within your weapon's first range increment. This otherwise serves as Pistol Twirl for the purpose of meeting prerequisites, although as normal, it doesn't count as another pistol phenom feat for the purpose of meeting Pistol Phenom Dedication's special entry and taking another archetype. Whenever you Feint with a one-handed firearm, you can choose to attempt a Performance check instead of a Deception check

Gunner's Bandolier:
This incredibly spacious bandolier can hold up to 4 one-handed crossbows or firearms that take no more than 1 action to completely reload (typically meaning that weapons with the capacity or repeating traits won't fit in the bandolier's holsters). A gunner's bandolier can be etched with runes as though it were a ranged weapon. When you invest the gunner's bandolier, you can attune it to each of the 4 weapons holstered in it.

Activate Single Action envision; Effect You empower one of the attuned weapons in the bandolier, granting it the runes etched onto the gunner's bandolier and removing the runes from any previously drawn weapon. Then, you Interact to draw the weapon.

Activate Three Actions envision; Effect All weapons that were attuned to the bandolier when you invested it, not including any weapons you're currently wielding, return to the bandolier, and one of the returned weapons is automatically reloaded.

Pistol Twirl:
Requirements You're wielding a loaded one-handed ranged weapon.
Your quick gestures and flair for performance distract your opponent, leaving it vulnerable to your follow-up attacks. You Feint against an opponent within the required weapon's first range increment, rather than an opponent within melee reach. If you succeed, the foe is flat-footed against your melee and ranged attacks, rather than only your melee attacks. On a critical failure, you're flat-footed against the target's melee and ranged attacks, rather than only its melee attacks.

Scoundrel Racket:
You use fast-talking, flattery, and a silver tongue to avoid danger and escape tricky situations. You might be a grifter or con artist, traveling from place to place with a new story or scheme. Your racket is also ideal for certain reputable professions, like barrister, diplomat, or politician.

When you successfully Feint, the target is flat-footed against melee attacks you attempt against it until the end of your next turn. On a critical success, the target is flat-footed against all melee attacks until the end of your next turn, not just yours.

You’re trained in Deception and Diplomacy. You can choose Charisma as your key ability score.

Note: I finished writing this and then noticed the requirement for the bandolier. So assuming you got GM permission for that too/instead of.

So a third level general feat that gives you something like

Cycle Chamber reaction
trigger: At the start of your turn if you didn't use a reload or cycle action since the beginning of your last turn.

Cycle a firearm to a loaded chamber or barrel.

Special: this reaction does not count towards its own trigger.

Originally i was thinking of this as a thing granted to anyone using a weapon with the capacity trait but what if it was a 3rd level general feat.

You would only be able to keep that full cycle for 3 rounds
round 1 Fire; Cycle; Fire
round 2 Reaction Cycle; Fire; Cycle; Fire
round 3 reaction Cycle; Fire; Reload; Fire
and then your reloading before every shot, so would the burst fire potential be worth the MAP. For gunslingers and fighters i can see it being worth the MAP but for everyone else i wouldn't think so.

personally i normally play characters who are only making one strike per turn so i don't know what is worth the MAP.

also if the trigger was instead:
At the end of your turn if you haven't used a reload action this turn this cycle the chamber.

then you could only fire once per turn.

also i dont think i phrased this well in my original post but the trigger idea was supposed to be two different ideas not one trigger with two sub-triggers

I was thinking about this as a thing for helping non-gunslingers reload (not sure if that was relevant but felt like mentioning it)

and didn't think about how this would allow you to fire twice every turn for 5 rounds.
Though that would be at the cost standing still, with the exception of reload feats
and you still have to fully reload the gun (5ish actions) to do it again.

Would it be balanced to have capacity grant a reaction to cycle the chamber?

trigger being either having made a strike or at the end of your turn if there isnt a shot loaded.

i guess the point in Spectral step is as an escape option?

thanks i missed that

Where does it say that Spectral Step is 1/day?
still expensive to use either way.

Edit: also Arcane Leap

Toxicologists can use a single action to apply injury poisons and use class DC for infused poisons.

does Black Tentacles take damage from aoe spells? specifically would it take damage from its caster's aoe spells?

Hand's Detachment wrote:
Use the statistics for a crawling hand (Pathfinder RPG Bestiary 2 59) to represent the detached hand, save that the hand isn’t undead, doesn’t have the mark quarry ability, and shares your alignment

There are two Crawling hand creatures, the Crawling Hand CR 1/2, and the Giant Crawling Hand CR 5. both are found in Pathfinder RPG Bestiary 2 59 and both have crawling hand in the name, but only the Giant Crawling Hand CR 5 had the mark quarry ability to be removed.

So can you use the Giant Crawling Hand CR 5 with the feat, the idea being that when you remove your hand it grows to medium size.

Hand's Detachment feat

The shadowdancer interested me alot but didn't feel “rogue” enough, so i wrote this. Please tell me what you think.

Requirements To qualify to become a shadowdancer, a character must fulfill all the following criteria.
Skills: Stealth 5 ranks, Perform (dance) 5 ranks.
Feats: Dodge, Mobility, Skill Focus (stealth).
Special: Sneak attack +1d6.
Class Skills
The Shadowdancer's class skills are Acrobatics (Dex), Bluff (Cha), Diplomacy (Cha), Disguise (Cha), Escape Artist (Dex), Perception (Wis), Perform (Cha), Sleight of Hand (Dex), and Stealth (Dex).

Skill Points at each Level: 6 + Int modifier.
Hit Die: d8.
Class Features
Base Attack Bonus ¾
Fort bad
Ref good
Will bad

All of the following are features of the shadowdancer prestige class.

Weapon and Armor Proficiency:
Shadowdancers are proficient with the club, crossbow (hand, light, or heavy), dagger (any type), dart, mace, morningstar, quarterstaff, rapier, sap, shortbow (normal and composite), and short sword. Shadowdancers are proficient with light armor but not with shields.

Hide in Plain Sight (Su):
A shadowdancer can use the Stealth skill even while being observed. As long as she is within 10 feet of an area of at least dim light, a shadowdancer can hide herself from view in the open without anything to actually hide behind. She cannot, however, hide in her own shadow but the shadow of a creature at least one size bigger then the shadowdancer counts as dim light for the purposes of this and every other class feature of the shadowdancer.

Sneak Attack (Ex):
This is exactly like the rogue ability of the same name. The extra damage dealt increases by +1d6 at 1st level and every three levels thereafter (4th, 7th, and 10th). If a shadowdancer gets a sneak attack bonus from another source, the bonuses on damage stack.

Dancing Shadow (Ex):
A shadowdancer make perform (dance) checks in place of acrobatics checks.

Evasion (Ex):
At 2nd level, a shadowdancer gains evasion. If exposed to any effect that normally allows her to attempt a Reflex saving throw for half damage, she takes no damage with a successful saving throw. The evasion ability can only be used if the shadowdancer is wearing light armor or no armor.

Darkvision (Ex):
At 2nd level, a shadowdancer gains darkvision out to a range of 60 feet. If she already has darkvision, the range increases by 30 feet.

Uncanny Dodge (Ex):
At 2nd level, a shadowdancer cannot be caught flat-footed, even if the attacker is invisible. He still loses her Dexterity bonus to AC if immobilized. An shadowdancer with this ability can still lose his Dexterity bonus to AC if an opponent successfully uses the feint action against him.

If a shadowdancer already has uncanny dodge from a different class, he automatically gains improved uncanny dodge instead.

Rogue Talent:
At 3rd level, and every three levels thereafter, a shadowdancer gains a special ability that allows her to confound her foes. This functions as the rogue talent class feature and levels of shadowdancer stack with levels of rogue (or ninja) for determining effects. A shadowdancer cannot select an individual talent more than once.

If the shadowdacer has the Ninja Tricks class feature this is treated as that instead. If the shadowdancer`s combined rogue/ninja and shadow dancer levels equal 10 or more she can take Advanced Talents/Master Ticks.

Living Shadow (Su):
At 3rd level, a shadowdancer`s shadow gains life, treating it like an undead shade and can be detached as a move action. Unlike a normal shadow, this shadow's alignment matches that of the shadowdancer, and the creature cannot create spawn. The shadow has an intelligence of 10. The summoned shadow receives a +4 bonus on Will saves made to halve the damage from positive channeled energy and the shadow cannot be turned or commanded. This shadow serves as a companion to the shadowdancer and can communicate intelligibly through a telepathic link with the shadowdancer. This shadow has a number of hit points equal to half the shadowdancer's total. The shadow uses the shadowdancer's base attack bonus and base save bonuses. The shadow gains a dodge bonus to its AC equal to half of your shadowdancer level. The shadow has a number of ranks in stealth and perception equal to the shadowdancers’. If a shadow companion is destroyed, the shadowdancer must attempt a DC 15 Fortitude save. If the saving throw fails, the shadowdancer gains one permanent negative level. A successful saving throw avoids this negative level. A destroyed shadow companion cannot be replaced for 30 days, during which she continues to not cast a shadow and at the end of which the negative level is removed.

If your shadow wanders more than 50 ft/shadowdancer level from you it fades away for an hour. You and your shadow have a rough idea of direction and distance from each other at all times.

You can reattach it back to your body as a full-round action while next to it. While attached to your body it gains fast healing 5 and can still see its surroundings, but only through its darkvision.

See in Darkness (Su):
At 4th level, a shadowdancer can also see in magical darkness. At 7th level, a shadowdancer gains blindsight out to a range of 60 feet against creatures in a shared spot of dim-light/darkness.

Shadow Jump (Su):
At 4th level, a shadowdancer gains the ability to travel between shadows as if by means of a dimension door spell. The limitation is that the magical transport must begin and end in an area with at least some dim light (or darker). A shadowdancer can jump up to a total of 40 feet each day in this way; this may be a single jump of 50 feet or five jumps of 10 feet each. Every two levels higher than 4th, the distance a shadowdancer can jump each day doubles (100 feet at 6th, 200 feet at 8th, and 400 feet at 10th). This amount can be split among many jumps, but each one, no matter how small, counts as a 5-foot increment. At 5th level a shadowdancer can jump to her shadow as a full-round action regardless of lighting conditions.

Retreat to the shadows (Su):
At 5th level when the shadowdancer would be reduced to 0 or fewer hit points by damage in combat, the shadowdancer can attempt to teleport to her shadow to avoid damage. To use this ability, the shadowdancer must attempt a Reflex saving throw (DC = damage dealt). If she succeeds, the shadowdancer appears in the same square as her shadow and is treated as both incorporeal and invisible for the damaging effect and until the start of her next turn, on your next turn you are staggered; if she fails, she takes full damage and remains where she was. She must be aware of the attack and able to react to it in order to execute her teleport; if she is denied her Dexterity bonus to AC, she can’t use this ability.

Improved Uncanny Dodge (Ex):
At 5th level and higher, shadowdancer can no longer be flanked. This defense denies a rogue the ability to sneak attack the assassin by flanking him, unless the attacker has at least four more rogue levels than the target has assassin levels.

If a character already has uncanny dodge from another class, the levels from the classes that grant uncanny dodge stack to determine the minimum rogue level required to flank the character.

Improved Evasion (Ex):
This ability, gained at 10th level, works like evasion (see above). A shadowdancer takes no damage at all on successful saving throws against attacks that allow a Reflex saving throw for half damage. What's more, she takes only half damage even if she fails her saving throw.

Shadow Master (Su):
At 10th level, whenever a shadowdancer is in an area of at least dim light, she gains DR 10/— and a +2 luck bonus on all saving throws. In addition, whenever she successfully scores a critical hit or deals sneak attack damage against a foe who is in an area of at least dim light, that foe is blinded for 1d6 rounds.

Greater Shadow (Su):
At 10th level your shadow gains the create spawn ability and becomes a greater shadow. Shadows created this way share your alignment and lose the create spawn ability. The additional shadows can hide in your greater shadow when it is connected to you. when hiding in this way they gain fast healing 5.

Your shadows have the same range limit as your greater shadow and you can communicate telepathically to them as well.

You can create and control a number of shadows equal to your Cha modifier, if a new shadow would be made when you are at your limit you can choose to destroy an existing one. You can disable/enable the create spawn ability of your greater shadow whenever you want as a free action.

Some of these ideas i took from other peoples shadowdancer fixes and they can be found here. There might have been more but these are the ones I had made note of while writing this.
Shadowdancer fix.
Shadowdancer rogue variant.
Shadowdancer Revision.

Also i want levels of shadowdancer to stack with ninja for calculating ki pool but im not sure were to fit it since im not sure if it makes since to give the shadowdancer their own ki pool

If you had a +2 Staff of fire greater do you and +2 to attack rolls with spell?

this idea is using the Garuda-Blooded variant of the aasimar and i don't know what would be the best god/blessings/spells

1. Adopted(Tusks), Fate's Favored
6. Witty Repartee, Two World Magic(Prestidigitation)

1. Two-Weapon Fighting, Weapon Focus(Kukri)
3. Combat Expertise, Weapon Focus(Bite)
5. Two-Weapon Feint
6. Extra Traits
7. Angelic Blood
9. Angelic Flesh, Improved Two-Weapon Fighting
11. Angle Wings
12. Metallic Wings
13. Weapon Focus(Wings)
15. Greater Two-Weapon Fighting, Multi-attack
17. Improved Critical(Kukri)
18. Improved Critical(Wings)
19. Improved Critical(Bite)

ok thank you

But other then having the tail blades ratfolk dont have anything saying that they have prehensile tails

Can a Catfolk use a tail blade and if so does it count as a natural or manufactured weapon?

Deadbeat Doom wrote:
Lausth wrote:
hmm still many throw + telekinetic haul seems better though.You will not be immune to a building ı am throwin at your head.
Like I said before, they specifically call out that Telekinetic Haul NEVER modifies the damage you deal with Telekinetic Blast; this was done intentionally to counter the exact thing you are trying to do.

simple solution why don`t you treat 20,000ibs of stuff as a natural disaster, in this case a cave-in or avalanche, but either way who ever is hit by that is still probably dead.

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