polymorph vs CR

Rules Questions

when u use polymorph to change is there a hit die limit or can u pic anything ??

Polymorph does not change you into the actual creature so there is no HD limit. The spell basically allows you to duplicate Beast Shape II, Elemental Body I or Alter Self. Each of those spells allow you to gain specific powers listed in their description and movement and natural attacks of the form. Beyond that you do not gain anything else. Each of those spells has size limits of the creature that you can assume the form of. Your HD is not affected by the spell.

Shadow Lodge

Be certain to familiarize yourself with the actual Polymorph Subschool rules: They are important.

These abilities tend to be a bit complicated in actual play, so it is generally advisable to pick a small number of useful forms and do all the math for them before your actual game session...

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