Arcanist - Bloodline Development - Eldritch Heritage - which bloodline works?

Rules Questions

so a question:
I play as an Arcanist, on "Lvl Up" i will get Sorcerer class with bloodline(for example Imperious Bloodline (Human)), & got Eldritch Heritage to get access to (Arcane Bloodline) .

So if on next Lvl As Arcanist I will got feat Bloodline Development, and inherit it to Imperious Bloodline, how will work an Arcana Bloodline + Bond Item?

Do i need to use Arcanist reservoir do use Arcane Bond Item to the fullest or Arcane Bloodline will be depended on Imperious bloodline?

P:S: If i Use Crossblooded archetype of Sorcerer to get those two bloodlines, what's benefit's i will recive?

You've got a bit of a tangled web here. Let's unravel it.

Eldritch Heritage grants you a single bloodline, one that you cannot already possess, and assigns you an effective sorcerer level for that bloodline. It is self-contained and does not interact with other Sorcerer levels or Arcanist levels. The bloodline gains abilities by feats, not levels. *Issue resolved*

Bloodline Development requires you to select one bloodline (one that is not altered by an archetype) when you acquire it. The rules are grey to the extent of how much Crossblooded alters the bloodline itself, rather than just the features you gain from the bloodlines. For clarity's sake, Wildblooded does change the bloodline, so you cannot select one of those. At best, you can select ONE of the bloodlines you took with Crossblooded (and that's with a permissive GM), and progress the abilities. There may be some more wiggle room if you took the BLood Arcanist archetype instead of the exploit, to progress both bloodlines but ... *GM's call*

Now, you COULD choose the same bloodline (Arcane) that you chose with Eldritch Heritage, but you'd be wasting the exploit. Eldritch Heritage is very explicit that "You do not gain any of the other bloodline abilities." within the feat description. At best, you'd get an effective character level increase but no other abilities from the bloodline. *issue resolved*

Arcanist levels will stack with Sorcerer levels for the benefit of the Imperious bloodline you selected, as normal for that exploit. *no issue to resolve here*

Hope that helps.

what i need:
first - bond item(to expand my ability to cast spell)
second - make it work without arcanist reservoir(but it's not neccesary if other's bloodlines wil get more bonuses)
thirst - if there is a way to get more than 1 bloodline(arcane bloodline - I don't really like it, except of course access to the bond item), gather as much as possible bloodline power's.

so i will get some nasty resistances or age cease as in s-from-paizo/imperious-bloodline-sorcerer-human/

i do not need anything more from sorcerer.

so any way to make it happen?

have been thinking of use:
1 lvl as crosblooded sorcerer, to mix variaty of bloodlines
Eldritch heritage toget acces to 1st lvl power - bond item
bloodline development - to rise "lvl"(so character can get acces to advance power's) as exmp in Imperious Bloodline (Human) i need just lvl20 age cease & not much interested in other's powers.

is it possible or, plan is bad?

I think you are going about the issue in an overly complex manner. You seem to be identifying specific mechanics that you want to make use of and trying to weave them together to make them work.

Let's try this another way... Let's find out what your intended goal is. Correct me if I am wrong>

1) You want to play an Arcanist.
2) You want a way to expand you spellcasting ability (ie, more slots).
2a) You don't want this to use your arcane reservoir.
3) You want immortality (no longer aging).

Do you want/need bloodlines to accomplish this or is this just the means in which you've found that fit your desired outcome?

I ask all this because you can certainly get all of the above things I just listed with a simple combination of things. Blade Adept Arcanist will give you a bonded object (its a black blade though). And the Bloodline Development combined with a single level dip of Sorcerer will get you the Imperious bloodline you need for the capstone ability.

I am not sure how well the Blade Adept archetype fits in with your general concept though, so that's why I wanted a sense of what you are looking for, rather than specific abilities you want to cram together.

Blade Adept is a rough archetype. The trades are simultaneously fair, yet undesirable. The biggest problem is that it delays your first exploit till level 5. The next biggest problem is that a low BAB class should almost never be using a melee weapon. It does have some really nice allowances for multiclassing, yet multiclassing a caster is rarely a good idea.

It's like a pile of contradictions.

DeathlessOne wrote:
Do you want/need bloodlines to accomplish this or is this just the means in which you've found?

how do i say it... I'm trying to make a fairy tail caster/mage.

But there's some restrictions on my character:

1. Bond Item - better if it's not use arcane reservoir
2. 20th lvl cap - i do not know, will my party&DM go further to 21+
3. final class ability of 20th lvl - which i want to get to use / But if bloodline mix is better, then i can pass it to next character.

I'm using my Arcane Reservoir to rise CL of my spells, tha's work pretty great for me. but spend's fast
Bond Item is a pretty amaizing item, which allow you to cast any spell you know/you have in your spell book - so i need to get acces to it
Also I can become "Immortal" throug ioun stone's & some artifacts (create ring/Wondrous Items feat's is in the list "to get")

so, i'm just try to get as much as i can from Arcanist Bloodline Development ability & find out is it wort to investigate or just get +3 to ArRes pool on lvl up.

Melkiador wrote:

Blade Adept is a rough archetype. The trades are simultaneously fair, yet undesirable. The biggest problem is that it delays your first exploit till level 5. The next biggest problem is that a low BAB class should almost never be using a melee weapon. It does have some really nice allowances for multiclassing, yet multiclassing a caster is rarely a good idea.

It's like a pile of contradictions.

The archetype is rough... but that is because it requires fairly robust system mastery in order to properly make use of the features it offers, and an understanding that it isn't going to be your typical spellcaster (its not designed to do that). This isn't a jab or me insinuating someone needs to 'git gud' to play this archetype properly. This archetype is merely the only one of the two options for an Arcanist to gain a bonded object without also limiting their spell selection (as the School Savant does).

Marian_Di_Tog wrote:
how do i say it... I'm trying to make a fairy tail caster/mage.

If your intent is to be purely a spell caster, take the School Savant archetype above. That will get you a scaling bonded object, some school powers, and still leaves you free to experiment with Bloodline Development exploit and sorcerer shenanigans. Like wit the Blade Adept, it does cost you three exploits (makes you wait till 5th level before you get your first one).

Though, if you do want a sorcerer bloodline that gives a bonded object and isn't the Arcane bloodline, you can use the Vestige bloodline, instead.

DeathlessOne wrote:


Also a big thanks for Vestige bloodline, missed it.
I'm still thinking about bloodlines, & here's happend some crazy idea: bloodline_powers_ampoule_of/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_ name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button

& Yes, I'm thinking about Shool Unterstanding exploit as well xD
But spend 2 lvl's is a bit too much even for me -_-"
& and maybe for my party too... -.-

Melkiador wrote:
It does have some really nice allowances for multiclassing, yet multiclassing a caster is rarely a good idea.

Yep, same thing. But i have been playing by Wizard around 15 years alredy(mostly PC game's... NwN, BG, pathfinder)...

& Was hoping to try something new, by playing arcanist, but thing's are seems not that good >_>

Oh, the arcanist is pretty great in general. It's just not meant to have easy grabs of the wizard and sorcerer things. The arcanist exploits are so good that the wizard archetype that gives up most wizard abilities to get them is considered a very good archetype.

The real deciding factor is if you like the arcanist form of spellcasting. With quick study, you have easy access to any spell you can get in your spellbook. That's versatility beyond any other arcane caster. While a sorcerer or wizard technically has more spells per day, the arcanist can dynamically tailor their list and get optimal use out of every single spell slot. When I play wizard or sorcerer I always have spell levels that just don't apply to the situation I'm in and so go to waste. That should never happen to an arcanist, unless they are just too poor to fill up that spellbook.

Melkiador wrote:
Oh, the arcanist is pretty great in general.

Yep, I'm think so too & thanks for the feat! I've remembered that i've seen something like this, but didn't found it, when was plannig my char.

With this feat, i'm merelly didn't actually need Bond item(it may be fun/fine later) & any school understanding/bloodline exploits.

Actually, if you could help me again. if i remember correctly, there was a feat what can grant you, what u can remember some of your spell even without magicbook(preparing by standart rules).

or is there some other's method to not lose you spellbook?(call it back to yor hands?)

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Marian_Di_Tog wrote:

... there was a feat what can grant you, what u can remember some of your spell even without magicbook(preparing by standart rules).

or is there some other's method to not lose you spellbook?(call it back to yor hands?)

Spell mastery is what you are looking for to not need the spell book to prepare some spells.

Secluded grimoire is a go to spell for securing a spellbook while keeping it accessible.

I am a personal fan of the Inscribe Magical Tattoo feat. Not only is it an 'item' creation feat, you can create spell tattoos that function as scrolls (which you could prepare spells from if you were so inclined). You could probably even find a local NPC who has the feat or take the Craft (Tattoo) skill yourself, and make non-magical tattoos, turning your skin into a backup spellbook.

Once I can afford it, I like gloves of storing with a blessed book.

I’ve also used a backup spellbook with a bookplate of recall on it.

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