NetoD20 |
Hi, I need tips and advice for a High Dex Elf Crossblooded Arcane Fey Bloodrager Tank build, level 8;
You can assume Elves don't take a Con penalty in this game and can choose a Cha bonus instead of Int;
You can also assume that the Bloodrage functions similarly to the Unchained Barbarian's rage;
Level 1 stats: STR 10 / DEX 17 / CON 18 / INT 7 / WIS 10 / CHA 16
It would be aesthetically pleasing if he did not need to use armor, but if it's definitely better, I'll take armor;
I was thinking of going Combat Patrol too, any tips for that? I've heard there is a feat that gives you AoOs when enemies try to hit your allies, but I can't find it;
Although Confusing Critical is thematically awesome, it seems kinda bad, Disruptive Bloodrage is cool, but, nonetheless, I'm thinking of trading it for 2 rage powers through Primalist. However, Leaping Charger and Greater Arcane Bloodrage seem perfect for Combat Patrol, my only worry being that Crossblooded might just make my Will saves too low;
Any help is much appreciated.
Liliyashanina |
--You want to take a loot at irrepressible trait or steadfast personality feat, both of them (pick one) may you use CHA instead of wis
--I am not sure if you want combat patrol as a dex character, dex has a fair degree of feat requirements
--Elfen branched spear and long arm spell already gets you 15 feet reach
--Primalist cannot trade out the level 1 rage power, but you cant trade it for a bloodline familiar, and a hedgehog is a +2 will save boost, which is definitly very useful
--how would an unchained bloodrage work for an urban bloodrager? Urban Bloodrage is pretty nice since you can eventually (when you get level 11) cast Bladed dash as a free action whenever you start raging, which is like pounce on steroids since you get a highly accurate extra attack.