[Pathfinder1e] Bloodrager Level 8 Build


Hi, I need tips and advice for a High Dex Elf Crossblooded Arcane Fey Bloodrager Tank build, level 8;
You can assume Elves don't take a Con penalty in this game and can choose a Cha bonus instead of Int;
You can also assume that the Bloodrage functions similarly to the Unchained Barbarian's rage;
Level 1 stats: STR 10 / DEX 17 / CON 18 / INT 7 / WIS 10 / CHA 16
It would be aesthetically pleasing if he did not need to use armor, but if it's definitely better, I'll take armor;
I was thinking of going Combat Patrol too, any tips for that? I've heard there is a feat that gives you AoOs when enemies try to hit your allies, but I can't find it;
Although Confusing Critical is thematically awesome, it seems kinda bad, Disruptive Bloodrage is cool, but, nonetheless, I'm thinking of trading it for 2 rage powers through Primalist. However, Leaping Charger and Greater Arcane Bloodrage seem perfect for Combat Patrol, my only worry being that Crossblooded might just make my Will saves too low;
Any help is much appreciated.

--You want to take a loot at irrepressible trait or steadfast personality feat, both of them (pick one) may you use CHA instead of wis
--I am not sure if you want combat patrol as a dex character, dex has a fair degree of feat requirements
--Elfen branched spear and long arm spell already gets you 15 feet reach
--Primalist cannot trade out the level 1 rage power, but you cant trade it for a bloodline familiar, and a hedgehog is a +2 will save boost, which is definitly very useful
--how would an unchained bloodrage work for an urban bloodrager? Urban Bloodrage is pretty nice since you can eventually (when you get level 11) cast Bladed dash as a free action whenever you start raging, which is like pounce on steroids since you get a highly accurate extra attack.

looks like 25 pb. right now you dont qualify for power attack and too much is invested into CON
id go with STR 14 / DEX 18 / CON 15 / INT 10 / WIS 10 / CHA 15
and bump CON/CHA up with ABI at 4 and 8

elven branched spear twohanded, power attack, 14 STR, and unchained rage gives you enough damage to be a threat. cant tank if enemies ignore you. and now you also get better CMD

crossblooded is very dangerous as a bloodrager. it's a -4 will save on a weak will save class. and it doesnt work with primalist because primalist affects the entire bloodline feature

you can use the mage armor spell instead of armor. if you used normal rage not, not unchained, your DEX would be so high that mage armor would be better. now it is slightly worse but works

if you want to actually tank then you could take the id rager archetype for the kindness focus (https://aonprd.com/PhantomFocusDisplay.aspx?ItemName=Kindness) that gives you lay on hands. the fey foundling feat is very good and would give you the fey theme youre after

1 fey foundling
3 weapon finesse
5 power attack
7 combat reflexes

if you splurge on bracers of the merciful knight (https://aonprd.com/MagicWondrousDisplay.aspx?FinalName=Bracers%20of%20the% 20Merciful%20Knight) youd heal ~33 hp per use as swift action, 9 times per day

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