Vizualizing a Synth Summoner on a character sheet

Rules Questions

So I'm working on a project that involved me making character sheets with full stat blocks like what you would find in one of the Bestiary or NPC books. So far I've had no issues, but coming up soon I'll have a major one in the form of a character that I'm pretty sure I'm going to have to design as a Synthesis Summoner, and I have NO clue how I'm going to be representing that visually on a character sheet.

If anyone has any ideas, or knows of any NPCs that could works as an equivalent that show up in any of the adventure paths that were released, even if they're not a Synth Summoner specifically, that would be great.

I guess the first question is if they will ever be adventuring out of merged form. If they are 99% in merged form, I’d just add a note with their unmerged stats. If they are expected to split their time, then you’d probably want a second stat block, almost like having a pet

Hmm, so maybe have a spot in the Special Abilities section where I list what the stats would be otherwise? Is there an NPC you can think of that I could use for reference?

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