fern_gulley Venture-Agent, Online—PbP |
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PbP Outpost VIII Event # 4,786,136
When: March 2, 2025 - May 12, 2025
Secondary HQ location: Our channel on the Organized Play Discord at PFSchat.com #pbp_outpost_VIII
Reporting Links
We will be using RPG Chronicles for signup management and reporting. [u]If you have an RPG Chronicles account[/u], you can manage signups and chronicle generation (including emailing chronicles to your players) simply by logging into your existing RPG Chronicles account and using the Outpost VIII event code.
[u]If you do not have an RPG Chronicles account[/u] and don’t wish to create one, no problem. Simply click the link below to report as a “guest GM”.
For more information about using RPG Chronicles for reporting, please check out this link
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Greetings Pathfinder and Starfinder enthusiasts!
We’re all very excited to announce the upcoming PbP Outpost VIII! I will try to keep this as brief as possible so that folks can find all the information quickly. The theme for this will be Won’t You Take Me to Funky Town. When choosing your scenarios to run, try to choose ones set in unusual locations!
Don’t have a scenario in mind that seems to fit the theme? That’s no problem. We can help you “reskin” almost any scenario or adventure to fit the theme with a little creative thought, just ask! We have also included a list of suggested scenarios at the end of this announcement.
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Important dates:
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As of today, GM registration is officially open! In order for your game to count, it must start on or after March 2, 2025 and end on or before May 12, 2025.
If you need scenario support, you must register your game by February 3, 2025.
During this convention, we’ll also be offering the following specials.
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How do I sign up to GM?
Go to our GM Registration form. Fill out the form and choose which scenario you would like to GM. Please fill out the form for each separate scenario you wish to run.
How many games can I sign up to GM?
You may only GM one table of one special. You may sign up to GM as many other games as you choose, though we ask that you consider what you can reasonably handle while still providing a great experience for your players and completing all games within the given timeframe. Remember, life happens to the best of us, so please do not commit to maximum capacity.
If this will be your first time GMing PbP or you are still learning the ropes, we strongly recommend that you only do one game at a time. It’s more work than it looks.
What if I want to sign up to GM a Special?
If you wish to GM one of the Specials above please fill out this form. Deadline for submission is January 20, 2025.
In addition, we require that all those who GM a special have some prior experience with GMing Play-by-Post! GMing PBP is fun, but specials are a time-pressured environment inappropriate for learning the techniques of a new format! Instead, GM something else with us, and then apply for the next set of specials we offer.
What do you mean by scenario support?
Paizo will gift you the scenario that you wish to run — if you sign up by our deadline. Not included: APs, Adventures in hardback books (eg:Dark Archives, King Maker Companions), Emerald Spire, or Thornkeep.
If you need scenario support, you must register your game by February 3, 2025.
What if I want to add a game as a GM after the August 12, 2024 Scenario Support Deadline?
That’s fine, you just need to provide your own copy of the adventure.
May I add a game after March 2, 2025, the official start of PBP Outpost VIII?
Yes, you may add a game after the official start of Gameday.Though you must still register your game through the GM Registration for tracking purposes as well as finish the game by the end of Gameday.The Gameday team reserves the right to rule that it is too late to begin a game for convention credit.
How do I sign up to play?
Once we begin to get some submitted games we will create the spreadsheet with all of the games for General Player sign-up on February 6, 2025.This spreadsheet will be posted shortly.
What are the different PBP Lodges?
Will there be boons for Players and GMs?
We expect to be able to offer boons for PFS1 and PACS, plus increased AcP for PFS2 and SFS.
Can I participate if I am new to Play-by-Post?
Certainly! Just let your GMs and Players know.They’ll be glad to help. We also have plenty of resources available to help you prepare, reach out within the appropriate lodge so we know what you need.
When will you open the seats for signup?
We will open up early signup for GMs on February 3, 2025. This is a courtesy for our GMs. GMS, please limit yourself to 1 table of your choice and 1 Special until February 6.
General player signup will open February 6, 2025. Please only sign up for the number of games you can handle. It’s better to enjoy one or two games than to get overwhelmed. Also, please remember other people are excited to play. Even if you are a player who can handle multiple tables, please be considerate and sign up for only a few to begin and allow others time to sign up before you add more.
Wah! Why do you have so few tables of the Special? I won’t get a seat!
Don’t panic! We will be starting with only so many tables each Special. We’re doing this so that we can better respond to demand, and so that we don’t overschedule tables.
What kind of scenarios fit the theme?
With a theme of Won’t You Take Me to Funky Town, we are focusing on scenarios set in unusual locations. Below you will find a list of suggestions, but feel free to choose something else and re-skin it.
Pathfinder 1e
1-33: Assault on the Kingdom of the Impossible
2-13: Murder on the Throaty Mermaid
2-16: The Flesh Collector
2-25: You Only Die Twice
3-14: Snakes in the Fold
3-19: The Icebound Post
4-16: The Fabric of Reality
5-10: Where Mammoths Dare Not Tread
5-11: Library of the Lion
5-13: Weapon in the Rift
6-21: Tapestry’s Toil
7-12: The Twisted Circle
7-19: The Labyrinth of Hungry Ghosts
7-26: All the Gods Beyond
8-05: Ungrounded but Not Unbroken
8-13: What Sleeps in Stone
8-19: Treacherous Waves
8-23: Graves of Crystalmaw Pass
8-24: Raid on the Cloudborne Keep
8-25: Unleashing the Untouchable
9-14: Down the Verdant Path
10-02: Bones of Biting Ants
10-11: The Hao Jin Hierophant
Pathfinder 2e
Pathfinder Quest (Series 2) #15: In the Footsteps of Horror
Pathfinder Quest (Series 2) #16: The Winter Queen's Dollhouse
Pathfinder Quest (Series 2) #19: The Elsewhere Feast
Season 1
1-13: Devil at the Crossroads
1-16: The Perennial Crown Part 1, Opal of Bhopan
1-17: The Perennial Crown Part 2, The Thorned Monarch
1-21: Mistress of the Maze
1-24: Lightning Strikes, Stars Fall
Season 2
2-06: The Crashing Wave
2-08: A Frosty Mug
2-09: The Seven Secrets of Dacilane Academy
2-17: Lost Maid of Anactoria
2-21: In Pursuit of Water
Season 3
3-14: The Tomb Between Worlds
3-15: Cavern of the Sundered Song
3-17: Dreams of a Dustbound Isle
3-18: Dacilane Academy's Delightful Disaster
3-19: Mean Streets of Shadow Absalom
Season 4
4-07: A Most Wondrous Exchange!
4-11: Prisoners of the Electric Castle
4-16: Dacilane Academy's First Great Prank War
Season 5
5-05: The Island of the Vibrant Dead
5-06: Ukuja, The First Wall
5-12: Mischief in the Maze
5-17: Stranded on Yesterday's Tide
5-18: Equal Exchanges – Tapestry of the Mind
Season 6
6-03: Godsrain in a Godless Land
6-05: Silver Bark, Golden Blades
6-06: Rotten Fruit
Starfinder 1e
The Salvation's End saga:
1-00 Claim to Salvation
1-09: Live Exploration Extreme!
1-20: Duskmire Accord 9
2-04: Future's Fall
3-17: Clone Batch Catastrophe
3-06: Rise of the Vault Lord
5-10: Shadow of the Vault Lord
7-09: Clutches of the Vault Lord
The Morlamaw saga
1-08: Sanctuary of Drowned Delight
2-18: Forbidden Tides
7-07: Submerged Stars
2-03: The Withering World
2-10: Descent into Verdant Shadow
2-13: Storm of the End Times
3-20: Fleeting Truth: Everchanging Revelation
5-14: Ghost Level Delve
7-01: Year of Era's End
7-03: Aucturn Asunder
7-04: Inheritors of Gadrathar
kaervek78 |
There seems to be a copy/paste error in the FAQ for GMs:
What if I want to add a game as a GM after the August 12, 2024 Scenario Support Deadline?
Also, I think the theme Won’t You Take Me to Funky Town sounds great! Looking forward to play! I might even run a PBP game... well, maaaaybe...
Question regarding the scenario support: Is the module Heroes for Highdelve included? I do not know if it is in a hardback book, but I think it fits the theme perfectly - Highdelve is a town in western Brevoy in the Broken Lands.
bigrin42 Venture-Captain, Online—PbP |
There seems to be a copy/paste error in the FAQ for GMs:
Quote:What if I want to add a game as a GM after the August 12, 2024 Scenario Support Deadline?Also, I think the theme Won’t You Take Me to Funky Town sounds great! Looking forward to play! I might even run a PBP game... well, maaaaybe...
Question regarding the scenario support: Is the module Heroes for Highdelve included? I do not know if it is in a hardback book, but I think it fits the theme perfectly - Highdelve is a town in western Brevoy in the Broken Lands.
Sadly, Heroes for Highdelve is not available for Scenario Support
Hilary Moon Murphy Contributor |
bigrin42 Venture-Captain, Online—PbP |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |
The Outpost VIII Event Listing spreadsheet is now live!
You can’t sign up for games now, but you can see all the great tables that are being offered. We’ll update the listing every day or two, so keep an eye out.
HERE is the link for the Event Listing sheet
Remember, general signups don’t start until February 6, 2025!