Anyone know what are the top 5 largest dungeons in 1e?

Pathfinder First Edition General Discussion

Like in which adventure paths can I find them in?

Emerald Spire is the largest one that is completely detailed afaik, from Paizo for PF 1e.

I could be wrong, but I think:
Emerald Spire (entire book is one connected dungeon)

Shattered Star (entire AP is mostly one huge dungeon?)

Scarwall Castle (book 5 of Curse of the Crimson Throne) is a massive castle

Briarstone Asylum (book 1 of Strange Aeons) is a large building

The final book of Mummy's Mask is a series of dungeons in one place, if that counts?

The final book of Kingmaker, but that's a demiplane rather than a dungeon

Shattered star: 90% of each book is a seperate dungeon, so 6 in total.

Book 5 of Rise of the Runelords is 80% one massive dungeon.

If you want to branch away from Paizo products, there's a book out there entitled "World's Largest Dungeon", a huge tome that is one giant dungeon, and IIRC rules neutral.

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