Building a Gish Animist / Adapting an existing character to PF2


So, I've been toying with the idea of bringing the longest running character I've ever had over to PF2 and PFS. While a hexblade warlock woth a moonblade can't be ported over 1:1 in 5e, the actual core of the character is a Half-elf* orphan with a chip on his shoulder about the father he never knew, suddenly stuck in a mentee relationship with the spirit of one of his paternal Great-Grandmothers. And that sounds like a great fit for an animist.

So now we have the core of the character. Human (Aiuvarian) Animist, with the backgroubd most likely being street urchin, prisoner, or the like. My first few things to determine are;

1) What sort of sword does the character use? It's definitely a sword since I plan to reuse the miniature, but that still leaves a lot of choices and informs a number of other choices. I'm leaning towards a strength based weapon since Animist doesn't have a major damage steroid to fall back on. My main concern is losing proficiency with my weapon because I wasn't able to sustain Embodiment of battle. If anyone has played an animist who uses Embodiment of Battle frequently, has this been a problem for you? Is it worth spending a feat to pick up permanent proficiency with your weapon?
2) I'm not sure what practice to chose. Medium is the simplest choice, but Relinquish Control is very situational. Liturgist is appealing for that early 2nd focus point, and I suppose the dance of battle works for the general theme. Suggestions?

*I feel the character would deeply resent characterising a people by their lifespan and hate the word Aiuvarin.

Silver Crusade

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Squark wrote:

If anyone has played an animist who uses Embodiment of Battle frequently, has this been a problem for you? Is it worth spending a feat to pick up permanent proficiency with your weapon?

Yes, it turned out to be a major problem. I started with a glaive wielder planning on using EoB but I found that I frequently just didn't have the actions to either cast or sustain EoB. Sometimes I just REALLY needed to move and throw a regular spell, I wanted to move and hit twice, etc.

So I ended up switching to a longspear. Slightly worse than a glaive in a white room but much better in practice.

Note, this particular character played below L9. Might have been different with a L9+ Liturgist


2) I'm not sure what practice to chose. Medium is the simplest choice, but Relinquish Control is very situational. Liturgist is appealing for that early 2nd focus point, and I suppose the dance of battle works for the general theme. Suggestions?

Liturgist absolutely rocks at L9+. Before that it is still about on a par with the other practices. For me its close to not being a choice.

*I feel the character would deeply resent characterising a people by their lifespan and hate the word Aiuvarin.

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